Evening Telegraph

Evening Telegraph,
United Kingdom.
H.L.J Boekhoud
Libran (Pty) Ltd.
P.O Box 31,
Northwest Province.
2nd August 05.
Dear Sirs,
You wrote several articles in your newspaper immediately after my unlawful arrest at
Johannesburg International Airport, on the 15th October 05. I wish to point out the
information reported in your articles are false and a complete distortion of the truth. I
will point out the facts as they are and then I will instruct my attorney’s to sue your
company for slander and false representation.
The Evening Telegraph is my local newspaper and you of all the media, have reported
these lies on my doorstep. This is defamation of the highest order! Your company is a
disgrace! You allege I was involved with the theft of GBP20million of precious
metals. This is a blatant lie. Each and every parcel received at my refinery, Just
Refiners and Technology Ltd, passed through South African customs and then British
customs, twice through customs and a full set of shipping documents! Each and every
parcel was evaluated for the customer and each customer was paid in full less the
agreed refining charges! Records of each and every lot received were kept in
customer files as legitimate company records. If any of these lots were stolen, I had
no previous knowledge of this. Had I known the materials were stolen records would
not have been kept as they have been.
You refer to the theft and hijacking of platinum group metals from mines and
refineries in South Africa. How dare you associate me with these criminal activities? I
trust you have evidence of this! I never had anything to do with any operation of
procuring precious metal or shipping precious metal within or from South Africa! I
ran a legitimate refining operation in Ramsey, United Kingdom and offered customers
independent analysis for the settlement of their materials. All the JRT records will be
proof of this.
You allege the proceeds of these materials were laundered into offshore accounts. I
paid proceeds of these materials into nominated customer accounts. JRT’s terms and
conditions are no different to any other refiners throughout the world. You further
allege these proceeds were eventually used to fund criminal activities in South Africa,
including further thefts, other types of serious crime, and funding their criminal
lifestyle! You have absolutely no evidence of this and as I was never part of any
syndicate or gang, your claim is a complete lie. It surprises me that a small newspaper
like yourselves will venture into the unknown and make these slanderous comments
with reference to a subject you know very little about! I have not lived in South Africa
for 18 years. I don’t have friends in South Africa anymore. I don’t have a ‘life’ in
South Africa anymore. I’m a Dutch citizen, domiciled in the United Kingdom and I’m
under arrest against my will in a foreign country.
Det Inspector Paul Fullwood, claims, “It’s a big, big job. This is the biggest operation
ever undertaken in South Africa and the Scorpions are the police out there.”
Peter Bishop is the senior investigating officer for the Scorpions. Bishop was lying
under oath at my bail hearing and he was named as a non-credible witness by the
magistrate. Gerhard Nel, the Senior State Prosecutor, was lying under oath at my bail
hearing. Both public servants were lying under oath. The very people we expect to
protect us are telling lies under oath, colluding with each other, to further their own
end! These same public servants, Bishop and Nel, were paid privately, by the
applicant Lonman! Is this what you call justice? A private company, a competitor of
JRT, financing a government organisation.
This will go down in history as the biggest lie ever undertaken by the Scorpions in
South Africa. The point I’m trying to make is simple. Bishop and Nel have created
this hype, this lie. Bishop and Nel created this 500page court order which is no less
than 500 pages of fictional nonsense and Paul Fullwood, like the UK court, believe
the nonsense reported in these official documents. Det Inspector Fullwood, it is you
who informed my co-director Steve Stride, I was depositing large quantities of cash
into my offshore account. Ten months on and you have not yet found this offshore
account. Will you now inform the Evening Telegraph that you got it wrong and there
is no offshore account! The cash you refer to, was legitimately withdrawn from the
company bank account and LEGITIMATELY paid to JRT customers in accordance
I quote Det Insp Fullwood. “It’s worth millions and millions of pounds. It’s
transnational, serious organised crime.”
Detective Inspector Paul Fullwood, has got it so wrong. The only millions and
millions worth of transnational pounds will make their appearance when I instigate
my civil claim against all those who assisted with this slander, defamation and witchhunt!
The saddest of all reading your article, is how quickly our local friends in Folksworth
distanced themselves from me. Not surprising after reading all the rubbish and lies
printed in your newspaper.
I will see you in court soon enough and not only will you apologise to my wife and I,
you will also pay me a lot of money. My attorneys will determine what my lifetime
damages will amount to. The demise of my businesses here and in the United
Kingdom, was primarily attributed to, by the news media. Your company was one of
Hendrik Lourens Jacob Boekhoud.
Also known as Bobby Boekhoud.