Chapter 3- Pg. 49-57- Note Taking Chart- KEY

Note Taking Chart—KEY
Topic: The Great Gatsby
chapter 3
Summarize 4
Pages: 39-49
Take Notes 3
Summarize in 1-2 sentences pages 39-44.
p.39 Setting: Gatsby’s mansion/parties
p.39 Simile: “…men and girls came and went like moths among
the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.”
p. 41 Gatsby doesn't know/care about people who attend his
p.45 Characterization: Indirect characterization of Gatsby
through “Owl Eyes” (drunk man Nick and Jordan meet in
Gatsby’s library): Owl Eyes is amazed that the books in Gatsby’s
library are real—shows that others think Gatsby is concerned
with appearances and that he may be a fake/phony.
Summarize in 1-2 sentences pages 45-49
p.46 Theme evident here: carelessness and recklessness of the
rich during the Jazz Age (Owl Eyes says, “I’ve been drunk for
about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a
library.”)—Gatsby’s parties support this idea: over indulgence
and excess
p.48 Nick meets: Gatsby for the first time, not knowing at first
that it’s him
p.48 Characterization: Direct physical characterization of
Gatsby— a little over thirty; has a warm, welcoming,
understanding, friendly smile; something a little “off” about the
way he speaks—Nick gets the impression that he’s “picking his
words with care” and feels that his “elaborate formality of
speech just missed being absurd.”
Doodle 1
Questions/Predictions 2
Write a question about something you want to know more
Note Taking II Chart
Topic: The Great Gatsby
chapter 3
Pages: 50-59
Summarize 4
In 1-2 sentences summarize pages 50-54.
Take Notes 3
p.50 Characterization: Indirect Characterization of Gatsby: he is a
spectator at his parties—not a participant. This shows that he is
slightly standoffish—rather mysterious and somewhat of a loner.
p. 51 Explain shift in mood/atmosphere: the night started with
fun, laughter, dancing, etc. but has ended with fighting and
crying (due to the effects of alcohol)
p.54 Theme evident here: the rich/elite not taking responsibility
for their own actions or caring about the consequences of their
actions; when Owl Eyes is asked what happened to make their
car crash, his response is, “Don’t ask me” (washing his hands of
the whole matter)
In 1-2 sentences summarize pages 55-59.
p.55 Imagery: “A wafer of a moon was shining over Gatsby’s
house…a sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the
windows and great doors, endowing with complete isolation the
figure of the host..”
p.57 Jordan is a: liar/cheater (In a golf tournament, she moved
her ball from a bad lie, then paid off the caddy and another
witness to say they hadn’t see her do it. Also, she left the top
down on a borrowed convertible, and when it rain, she claimed
it wasn’t her who’d left the top down.)
p.58 Nick's statement about dishonesty in women:
p.59 Nick's "cardinal virtue" =
Doodle 1
Questions/Predictions 2
Make a prediction about the story after today's reading.