School of Business MGMT101 Principles of Supervision 3 Credit Hours 8 Week Course Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 Instructor Information (Biography) Instructor: Email: Office Hours: By appointment, (please e-mail me to set up a date/time) Course Description (Catalog) This course provides a basic overview of supervision in the workplace including the supervisor’s role in management. The course explores goal setting, problem solving, staffing and the training and development of employees. Other topics covered include the Human Resource Professional’s role in leading the workforce, effective communications and stimulating improved quality management within the organization. The course is designed as a practical guide for the supervisor or manager and provides key leadership concepts and skills to improve quality standards and achieve established goals within the organization, ultimately improving working relationships, and spurring the organization on to greater productivity and success. Course Scope The relationship between employees and management within many organizations is often difficult and misunderstood. In today’s fast-paced working environment, supervisors and managers must harbor more than just the basic concepts of supervision. The needs of today’s employees are as varied as the organizations in which they serve. Supervisors must be able to recognize those needs and motivate employees to achieve results that are in keeping with the mission of the organization and consistent with organizational goals and objectives. Today’s supervisors must be able to identify and manage the resources and the various inputs required to achieve positive results in quality, quantity, costs and budgeting, and the effective use of human resources. 1 Course Objectives The successful student will fulfill the following learning objectives: 1. Identify the key elements of positive and proactive communication skills for supervisors. 2. Recognize possible solutions to a variety of conflict scenarios (i.e. employee, customer, supervisor to employee, supervisor to supervisor) that a supervisor is likely to encounter. 3. Recall the difference between leaders and managers. 4. Compare and contrast , through case studies and scenarios, situations where both leadership and managerial skills are required to be an effective supervisor Course Delivery Method This MGMT101 Principles of Supervision course delivered via distance learning will enable students to complete academic work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online learning management system will be made available to each student. Online assignments are due by Sunday evening of the week as noted and include Discussion Forum questions (accomplished in groups through a discussion forum), examination, and individual assignments submitted for review by the Faculty Member). Assigned faculty will support the students throughout this eight-week course. Course Materials Required Course Textbook: Book Number MGMT101 Authors Conlow, R. Book Title Excellence in Supervision (e-Text) Publication Info Crisp Publications, Inc., 2001 ISBN e-Text Textbook in APA format: Conlow, R. (2001). Excellence in supervision: Essential skills for the new supervisor. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications. Link to Online Book: Required Readings: See Course Outline Additional Resources: 2 In the Resources folder, there are additional course materials, leadership articles, and up-to-date APA handouts. Websites In addition to the required course texts, the following public domain Websites are useful. Please abide by the university’s academic honesty policy when using Internet sources as well. Note web site addresses are subject to change. Site Name The OWL at Purdue APA Style Homepage Website URL/Address Evaluation Procedures Graded Assignment Week 1 - Introduction Percent of Final Grade 1 - Week 1 Forum 4 - Quiz APA Principles 1 Week 2 - Forum 4 Week 3 - Forum 4 - Quiz APA Citation Week 4 - Forum - Midpoint Quiz Week 5 - Forum -Research Paper Assignment 1 4 10 4 20 Week 6 - Forum 4 Week 7 - Forum 4 - Leadership Paper Assignment Week 8 - Forum - Wrap-up Quiz Total 25 4 10 100 3 Course Outline Week 1 Topic(s) Role, responsibility and general duties of a supervisor 2 Supervisor’s role in goal setting, planning, and achieving positive results. 3 Effective communication and conflict resolution. 4 Weeks 1-3 5 Transformation into a supervisory role. 6 Coaching 7 Leading and Managing Change 8 Weeks 1-7 Learning Objective(s) Reading(s) Assignment(s) LO-1 Part I “Getting Started” of the text. Intro, Week 1 Forum APA Quiz LO-2 Part II “Managing for High Performance” of the text. Week 2 Forum LO-3, 4 Part III “Communicating with Others Proactively” of the text. LO-1, 2, 3, Parts I, II and III of text. LO-4 Part I “Getting Started” of the text. Week 3 Forum APA Quiz Mid-point quiz, Week 4 Forum Research Paper, Week 5 Forum Part IV “Coaching for Excellence” of the text. Week 6 Forum LO-4 Part V “Dealing with Change Positively” of the text. Leadership Paper, Week 7 Forum LO 1-4 Part I - V of text. Wrap-up Quiz Week 8 Forum LO-3,4 Please see the student handbook to reference the University’s grading scale. Library Guide Currently, there is not an APUS Course Guide for this course. Students have access to 10 free hours of tutoring service per year. is an awardwinning online homework help and learning service that connects students to a certified tutor for 4 one-on-one help Get help with homework, studying, projects, essay writing, and test prep in every subject, including algebra, statistics, chemistry, physics, social studies, and English. There are thousands of academic and career services resources—worksheets, practice problems, videos in every subject, as well as financial literacy tips. They are available 24/7 so you can access them whenever you need extra help. can be accessed through the Online Library Tutorial Center link. 5