DETAILED SYLLABUS Microeconomics 1. Information about the

Facultatea de Științe Economice și Gestiunea Afacerilor
Str. Teodor Mihali nr. 58-60
Cluj-Napoca, RO-400951
Tel.: 0264-41.86.52-5
Fax: 0264-41.25.70
1. Information about the study program
1.1 University
1.2 Faculty
1.3 Department
1.4 Field of study
1.5 Program level (bachelor or master)
Babes Bolyai University
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
1.6 Study program / Qualification
Finance and Banking
2. Information about the subject
2.1 Subject title
2.2 Course activities professor
Senior lecturer Octavian Jula, PhD
2.3 Seminar activities professor
Senior lecturer Octavian Jula, PhD
2.4 Year of study
2.5 Semester
2.6 Type of assessment E
2.7 Subject regime
3. Total estimated time (teaching hours per semester)
3.1 Number of hours per week
4 out of which: 3.2 course
3.3 seminar/laboratory
3.4 Total number of hours in the
56 out of which: 3.5 course
3.6 seminar/laboratory
Time distribution
Study based on textbook, course support, references and notes
Additional documentation in the library, through specialized databases and field activities
Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports
Assessment (examinations)
Others activities ...................................
3.7 Total hours for individual study
3.8 Total hours per semester
3.9 Number of credits
4. Preconditions (if necessary)
4.1 Curriculum
4.2 Skills
Not necessary
Not necessary
5. Conditions (if necessary)
5.1. For course
5.2. For seminar /
laboratory development
Students will have the mobile phones switched off
Delay is not acceptable
Students will have the mobile phones switched off
Delay is not acceptable
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.
6. Acquired specific competences
Adequate usage of fundamental concepts of economic theory and methods specific to the
Acquiring, analisys and usage of economic datas in companies and other types of
Fundamentals and solution proposals for economic problems
Economic material and monetary flows operationalizations and evaluating economic
Identifying and specifying the risk types and their implications in initializing and solving
economic activities
Operationalizing the elements of analisys of public sector budgets
The adequate usage of concepts, methods and financial instruments in private and public
Acquiring, analisys and interpreting economic datas and informations regarding financialeconomic problems
Acquiring, analisys and interpreting economic and environmental datas regarding concepts,
theories and specific methods
Providing economic, financial and accounting studies in organizations
Identifying, analisys and gestions of elements that are defining of internal and external
environment by usig SWOT analisys
Providing strategies and policies of organizations
Using data bases, informations and knowledge in applying methods, techniques and
managerial procedures
Realizing activity in trade, tourism and services
Selling products/services
Managing relations with customers and suppliers
Managing and allocation of material and financial resources
Assuring quality in trade, tourism and services
Assistance in management of human resources
Statistic date analisys, interpretation and modifying
Statistic research knowledge
Usage of statistical and econometric sofware for economic and social research
Statistical analisys of socio-economic phenomenon
Forecasting socio-economic phenomenon
Econometric and statistical modelling of socio-economic phenomenon
Providing financial statements, sintetic documents, reporting towards different institutions
together with analisys, sintesys, forecast and economic valuations
Management assistance in decisional process
Acquiring, understanding, analisys and usage of concepts, theories, principles and
fundamental methods of investigations of market economy
Applying principles, norms and professional ethic value within riguros work strategy,
efficient and responsible
Identyfing roles and responsibilities within multispecialized team and applying relational
techniques and work efficiency
Knowledge, understanding, analisys and usage of concepts, theories, principles and
fundamental methods of investigations of specific market economy
Identyfing long life learning opportunities and efficient valuating of learning techniques and
resources for selfdevelopment(ECTS)
Supplimentary competence regarding knowledge and applying principles and general
theories of market economy (SPE)
Knowledge, explaining and interpreting ideas, processes, phenomenon and tendencies
specifico f economic activities and value argumentative of micro and macroeconomics
The ability of teaching to individuals from highschools linked with economics
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.
7. Subject objectives (arising from the acquired specific competences)
7.1 Subject’s general objective
The students should acquire knowledge regarding fundamentals of
microeconomics. Presenting the market economy system of functioning
7.2 Specific objectives
To acquire corectly the concepts and fundamental cathegories of
To identify the main links between economic phenomenon and processes, the
aim and their nature
To develop analitique abilities
To develop argumentative abilities
8. Contents
8.1 Course
The object and the method of Economics
Economic Activity
Merchandise Economics
Economic Utility
Rational consumers choice
Theory of demand
Producers behaviour
Theory of costs
Supply theory
Perfect competition market
Monopoly market
Imperfect competition market
The company
Teaching methods
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
Participatory lecture
1. Paul Krugman, Microeconomics, ISBN-10: 1429283424, 2012
2. Robert Pindyck and Daniel Rubinfeld, Microeconomics with NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -Access Card Package (8th Edition), ISBN-10: 0132951509, 2012
3. N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics, ISBN-10: 0538453044, 2011
4. Jeffrey M. Perloff, Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus, 2nd Edition, ISBN10: 0138008477, 2010
5. R. Glenn Hubbard and Anthony P. O'Brien, Microeconomics (4th Edition) (The Pearson Series in
Economics), ISBN-10: 0132911981, 2012
6. Stockman, Alan C., Economics, The Dryden Press, Rochester, 1996;
7. Paul Cocioc (coord.), Microeconomie, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2013;
8. Colander, David C., Economics, Fifth Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill Inc., Boston, 2006;
9. Colander, David C., Microeconomics, Eight Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill Inc., Boston, 2009;
10. Campbell, R., Connell, Mc., Brue, Stanley L., Economics, Thirteen Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1996;
1. Albert, Michel, Capitalism contra capitalism, Bucureşti, Humanias, 1996.
2. Angelescu Coralia (coord.), Economie, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 2000.
3. Braudel, Fernand, Jocurile schimbului, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1995.
4. Galbraith, J.K., Ştiinţa economică şi interesul public, Ed. Politică, Bucureşti, 1982, pag.110-114;
5. Lipsey R., Chrystal, K Alec, Economia pozitivă, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti, 1999.
6. Nicholson, Walter, Microeconomic Theory, Ed. A VI-a, Dryaden Press, 1995.
7. Popescu, Gheorghe, Evoluţia gândirii economice, Ed.George Bariţiu, Cluj – Napoca, 2000.
8. Samuelson, P.; Nordhaus, W.D., Economie politică, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, 2000.
9. Smith, Adam, Avuţianaţiunilor, vol.1, EdituraAcademiei RPR, Bucureşti, 1962.
8.2 Seminar/laboratory
Teaching methods
The object and the method of the economics. History of economic
Exercise, demonstration, sample
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.
The law character of the economics
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Resources and rationality. Production posibilities frontier function
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Economic systems. The market economy
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Theories of utility. Theories of value
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Consumer behaviour
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Income and substition effect. The elasticity of the demand
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Production functions. Productivity of inputs
Exercise, demonstration, sample
The producer optimum. The elasticity of the supply
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Cost of production. Profit
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Perfect competition market. Monopoly market. Maximizing profit.
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Inadequate allocation of resources. Natural monopoly rule of law.
Exercise, demonstration, sample
Monopsonic competition and bilateral monopoly.
Imperfect competition markets. Duopoly.
Exercise, demonstration, sample
1. Cocioc Paul (coord.), Microeconomie, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2013;
2. Cocioc, P., Jula, O., Microeconomie. Abordări teoretice şi practice, Ed. Risoprint, ClujNapoca, 2012.
9. Corroboration / validation of the subject’s content in relation to the expectations coming from
representatives of the epistemic community, of the professional associations and of the representative
employers in the program’s field.
 This subject is included in the certification offered by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
10. Assessment (examination)
Type of activity
10.1 Assessment criteria
10.2 Assessment methods
10.4 Course
Full and correct acquire of tought theories;
Logic coherence
The degree of specific language acquired
The adequate usage of concepts, methods
and procedures
The atittude aspects: seriozity, interest for
individual study
Final written exam in the exam
Semestrial test
(partial exam taken into account
if the grade is above 5)
The degree of acquiring speciality language;
Seminar/laboratory The capacity of correct usage of concepts,
method and procedures
The ability of delivering theory in practice
The atittude aspects: seriozity, interest for
individual study
Final written exam in the exam
Semestrial test
(partial exam taken into account
if the grade is above 5)
Written test (min 2)
Active seminars, themes, projects
10.3 Weight in
the final grade
10.6 Minimum performance standard
• It is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5 (five) in order to pass this subject;
• The grades being granted are between 1 (one) and 10 (ten);
• Students must approach each element (question, problem) within the exam sheet;
• The exam is written and takes approximately 120 minutes;
• Correct learning of basic theoretical knowledge and solving simple cases.
Date of completion
Signature of the course holder
Senior lecturer Octavian Jula, PhD
Approval date by department
Signature of seminar holder
Senior lecturer Octavian Jula, PhD
Signature of the Head of the Department
Senior lecturer Elena-Dana BAKO, PhD
NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.