COLORADO COLLEGE HISTORY DEPARTMENT Robert McJimsey and Cosgrove Student Research Funds Summer and Regular Academic Year RESEARCH FUNDING APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Carefully read the application instructions and regulations outlined below. Please contact the History Department (719-389-6523) or Anne Hyde ( if you have further questions about applying for funding. PROPOSAL: Write a description (no more than 2 typewritten pages) of the proposed research project, where and when it will be conducted and what specific kinds of research material you will find there. In other words, why do you need to travel to this place and how will you spend your time there? Include a brief bibliography around your topic. Explain how the research will support your study in history and your senior project, if appropriate. BUDGET: Include a detailed budget showing how you will use the requested funds, including travel costs, housing, research materials, copying costs, etc. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: If appropriate, students should also seek Institutional Review Board approval for their research. (See CC website for details about this.) Please collate the application materials into a single PDF with the application as the first page followed by the proposal, budget, and IRB approval (if required) and send it to Anne Hyde and your History Department sponsor. STUDENT RESEARCH FUND RULES The History Department can provide a maximum of $1,500.00 for any one student project, but you should request the amount that makes sense for your project. You must have faculty sponsor in the History Department. The Department will fund round-trip transportation for students engaged in research either during the summer or during the regular academic year. If a student drives a private car, we can pay travel costs at 55.5 cents per mile. For Robert D. McJimsey Summer Research Funds, requests are due May 1, and for academic year, the block before you want to travel. A committee of the History Department will review applications. Once you have received funding, you can request a check for the full amount from the History Department Assistant, but this takes at least a week, so think ahead. You must acknowledge that you have received and used McJimsey or Cosgrove Funds from the History Department in your written work and in oral presentations. HISTORY RESEARCH APPLICATION DATE SUBMITTED _______________________ NAME ID # CLASS WORNER BOX Phone. ________ HOMETOWN (Not Address)____________________________ PROJECT TITLE ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF INTENDED USE OF FUNDS ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED DATES/BLOCK OF USE ____________________________________________ NAME OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT SPONSOR _____________________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT OF COSGROVE FUNDS NOW REQUESTED _____________________ ARE YOU SEEKING OTHER FUNDING FOR THIS PROPOSAL? Yes No IF YES, WHAT IS THE SOURCE?_______________________________________ I understand that all funds are to be used according to the proposal as submitted and approved by the History Department. Any changes to an approved project must be submitted to the Department. SIGNATURE_____________________________ DATE___________________________ IRB APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR RESEARCH INVOLVING SURVEYS, INTERVIEWS AND PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION Students carrying out research under the “Student Research” or the “Faculty/Student Collaborative Research” categories that involve surveys, interviews, or participant observation must receive approval from the Colorado College Institutional Review Board before their venture grants will be funded. (Venture Grants involving investigative journalism projects must similarly receive approval to be funded.) Venture Grant proposals involving any of these types of research without prior IRB approval will be tabled by the Dean’s Advisory Committee, and the student will be directed to Amanda Udis-Kessler (, IRB Chair. Please note that the IRB is instituting a new policy about the timing of Venture Grantrelated IRB proposals. The IRB must receive IRB proposals tied to Venture Grant applications by the final Wednesday of the block before the Venture Grant will be turned in. In the past, it was acceptable to turn in an IRB proposal and a Venture Grant proposal simultaneously. Now students must complete the IRB process first. If the Dean's Advisory Committee does not have evidence of a student's approved IRB proposal when they review the Venture Grant application, the Venture Grant application will be tabled until the following month. It is faster and more efficient for students to complete an IRB proposal form and send it to Amanda for review before sending a Venture Grant proposal to the Dean’s Advisory Committee. Please note that there is one exception to this rule: if you are only interviewing public, professional or expert figures and you are only asking them for their professional opinions about matters in which they have expertise (no personal or private information), you do not need to fill out an IRB proposal. Instead, email Amanda with a paragraph-length description of your project and she will let the Dean’s Advisory Committee know that you are exempt from requiring IRB approval. Please bear in mind that you cannot receive an exemption without writing this description and sending it to Amanda. Links to proposal forms, consent form templates, and application processes can be found at: Please read the IRB homepage carefully for detailed information about the IRB process. Please contact Amanda Udis-Kessler ( with questions and concerns.