
Date______________________ Period_______
Conversions Using the Mole
1. How many moles of atoms are in 45.0g of gold?
2. How many grams are in 1.53 mole of carbon?
3. In photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun to combine carbon dioxide and water, forming glucose and oxygen.
How many moles of glucose are 90.0g of glucose?
4. Milk of magnesia, Mg(OH)2, is used to neutralize stomach acid. How many moles are in 26.89g of magnesium
hydroxide, Mg(OH)2?
5. How many carbon atoms are in 1.53 mol of carbon?
6. Liquid hydrogen is the fuel used in the space shuttle’s main engines. 1st: How many molecules of hydrogen are in 7.75
moles of hydrogen gas molecules (H2)? 2nd: How many total atoms would that be?
7. How many grams would 8.76 x 1024 molecules of O2 weigh?
8. Sodium fluoride is used in some toothpastes to help prevent cavities. How many grams of NaF are in
1.25 x 1025 formula units of NaF?
9. Ibuprofen, the active ingredient in many nonprescription pain relievers, has the molecular formula C13H18O2. The molar
mass of ibuprofen is 206.2860 g/mol. If a bottle contains a total of 33g of ibuprofen, how many molecules of ibuprofen are
in the bottle?
10. Strychnine, C21H22N2O2, is a powerful poison and has been used to eradicate rats. If a can of rat poison contains 0.75g
of strychnine, how many nitrogen atoms are present?
11. What is the mass of one iron atom, in grams?
12. One of the events of a track and field meet is the shot put. If the shot is made of iron and it contains 7.83 x 1025 atoms
of Fe, could you lift it easily? (1 lb = 454g)