Lao Cai -

Lao Cai is a provincial mountainous border of the midland and mountainous
north of Vietnam , on the border between the Northwest and Northeast .
Northern Lao Cai province bordering China , on the west province of Lai
Chau , the east by the province of Ha Giang , on the south province of Yen Bai.
1. Places
The word "Lao Kay" was the French used in the text and the seal but in
communication and folk who still referred to as "Lao Cai". After November 1950,
agreed to Lao Cai called to this day.
On the origin of this name has many roots :
Ward lands formerly Coc Leu today, there is a market, they gradually open up
a mall. So the first mall in the local language is called Lao Chew (老街, or Old
Town). Later we opened another mall called a Tan Chew (新 街, New Street today).
"He" or "Laos" is the name of an ethnic group, so that the proper way "He
Chew" is a tribal town of Lao, Laos.
Lao Cai name derived from the name "Lao Kau" appeared in 1872 (name of
the gunboat 's Jeans Dupruis, sound Sino-Vietnamese Pho Toys That is, the Red
River back up to attack Yunnan in January 1873).
According to the late Professor Dao Duy Anh , from "He Chew", the map
makers, the French article "Lao Cai" to "Lao Kay." The word "Lao Kay" has been
used in the French text and also the Vietnamese stamp reading, making music
by Vietnamese and Lao Cai in the communication and folk who still called Lao Cai.
2. Population
The population of Lao Cai province in 2007 was 593,600, of which the
number of working age people: 314,520 people, accounting for about 53% .
According to census date 01/04/2009 provincial population is 613,075 people.
3. History
Lao Cai is an ancient land, the appearance of terrain formed 50-60 million
years ago, during the final paints, twisting his mantle, fault lines. More than ten
thousand years ago, people were present in areas where Indigenous ancestry back to
Lao Cai now resides quite concentrated in the range of hills along the Red River, river
running, the fuse door Mi, sit. The owner of Hoa Binh culture in Lao Cai know in
agriculture In the beginning of tribal sovereignty to determine the boundaries,
the Hung King of Tan Hung , is one of 15 of the State of Van Lang . Length Au Lac ,
the eastern and southern Lao Cai the tribes west Vu , also part of the land east and
north of Lao Cai is now covered by the tribe not less than tame Lac Vietnamese .
Their domination of the North , primarily western territory Vu district, Giao
District . Later under the Tan Hung, land Jiaozhou (the West Tan ), followed by
European land navigation, Chu You belong Giao( the Options ), to change the
Western European, Asian Dehua belonged to Annam ( Tang , 679 .
In the feudal autonomy of the Western direction (林西), or the topography
Vietnam time Dinh , Tien Le and Dai Vietnamese Ly ), European Land Register
(镫州) Ly; followed Vi Thuy district, Hoa Quy village , the Da Giang
(水尾县光化鎭沱江道) at the Tran . In 1397 , Ho Quy Ly made the state side master,
modify administrative regime, the government changed to town and Da Giang into
town Thien Hung (天兴). In particular, the district Vi Thuy District Van Ban (文盘)
was established under the European Quan Hoa. From now Thuy Vi, Van Ban (ancient
land of Lao Cai) has officially become the name of administrative units of the
Vietnamese feudal state University. Change the Le Dynasty and changed the route to
change to European town, then turns into the Highway Code Quang Hoa District Van
Ban , District Water Vi become European Van Ban, the European subsidiary Phu
Quang Thuy Hoa, said excess Xinghua . In Hong Duc No. 31 (1490) declared the
excess land Xinghua Xinghua changed. To the Hong Thuan Le Tuong Duc (15091516) treated the Town Xinghua Xinghua (兴化鎭).
To the Nguyen , Lao Cai region mainly of European land Vy Thuy, European
Van Ban, European part of the sunset and a small part of the European Luc
Yen under the Regulation of Chemistry,Chemical Hung.
4. Establishment of Lao Cai province
After invaded the Lao Cai (March 1886), Empire French territory ruled by the
Lao Cai military regime . January 7, 1899, directing the military IV include State
established military districts of Yen Bai and Lao Cai Xiao Military District . Lao Cai
is the capital, the capital of the IV Infantry. For ease of control and conduct surface
mining, the French had divided the administration area and change the regime. July 12
in 1907 , the Governor of Indochina issued a decree abolished the infantry IV of Lao
Cai, transferred from military control regime to rule the people , the establishment of
Lao Cai. From Lao Cai following sites are identified on the map of Vietnam . July 12,
1907 is defined as the date of establishment of Lao Cai.
Through the ups and downs of the volatile history , geography Lao Cai also
5. Administration
Lao Cai including an eight cities and districts:
Lao Cai City 12 wards and 5 communes
District Bao Thang 3 towns and 12 villages
District Bao Yen 1 town and 17 communes
District Bat Xat 1 town and 22 communes
District, Bac Ha 1 town and 20 communes
District Muong Khuong 1 town and 15 communes
District Sa Pa 1 town and 17 communes
District Si Ma Cai 13 communes
District Office Tables 1 town and 22 communes
Lao Cai province has 164 communal units of 12 wards, 9 towns and 143
6. Economyand society
He Kou border gate of Lao Cai at
Terraced fields in Lao Cai
Lao Cai province is one of continuous vertical top position in the top of
the competitiveness index of the provincial rankings in recent years. In a ranking
of the competitiveness index Provincial of Vietnam in 2011, Lao Cai province ranked
No. 1/63 provinces.
6.1 Resources
Soil: Lao Cai There are 10 major soil groups, land is divided into 30
categories. 10 groups of soil is alluvial, swampy soil, black soil, red soil gold, red
gold humus, humus alit on the mountain, mountain raw humus, red and yellow soil
been altered by rice, soil erosion strength bare rocky slopes and convergence.
Country: dense system of rivers and streams are distributed fairly evenly over
the province with two major rivers flowing through the Red River and Chay
river originates China and thousands of rivers, streams, large and small. These are
favorable conditions for Lao Cai in the development of small and medium
hydropower projects. The province has four sources of mineral water , hot water
temperature about 40 0 C and super-light water in the district ofSa Pa , currently
untapped and use.
Forest: 278,907 hectares, accounting for 43.87% of the total natural area,
229,296.6 ha including 49,604 ha of natural forests and plantations , which are
abundant in both quantity and typical species of plants. Forest animals Lao Cai has
442 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.
Minerals: Lao Cai has discovered 150 mines and mines with over 30 kinds of
minerals, including a number of mines the quality of the largest scale of countries and
regions such as mine apatite Orange Street with reserves of 2, 5 billion tons, Quy Xa
iron ore reserves of 124 million tons, Sin Quyen copper mine 53 million tons of
reserves, O Quy Ho molybdenum mine reserves of 15.4 thousand tons.
6.2 Infrastructure
Lao Cai is one of the few mountainous province has a network of various
transportation, including roads, railways, rivers, and in the period 2010 - 2015 will
implement the airport project in Lao Cai.
Highway project Noi Bai - Lao Cai, 264 km long beginning at the intersection
point of the highway Noi Bai - Ha Long with Highway 2; at the end of the connection
position with highway Kunming - Hekou in Quang Kim Commune, Bat Xat district,
Lao Cai province. Line passing through the region of 5 provinces and cities: Hanoi
and Vinh Phuc, Phu Tho, Yen Bai and Lao Cai
Designed in standard modern highway in Vietnam with the minimum driving
speed of 80 km - 100 km / h, with a total project investment of up to 19,984 billion
(1.249 billion), which is 1.096 billion loan from the Asian Development Bank
(ADB). This project is the first highway in Vietnam was built by investors
(Investment and Development Company Highway Vietnam - VEC) to mobilize
capital, do not use the state budget.
With a total investment of up to 1.24 billion dollars, the project can be seen as
"a stimulus" investment in road sector for the North West province and the Red River
basin. Highway from Hanoi to Lao Cai has important implications not only at national
but also a way to promote economic development of the six countries in the Mekong
sub-region: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand Thailand, China and Vietnam. As
planned, the entire project was completed in 2013, is expected to return after 32 years
of exploitation fee, the price of 1,000 dong / km / vehicle conversion.
Route railway Hanoi - Lao Cai 296 km long, running through the territory of
Lao Cai is 62 km long railway connection with China, the transport capacity of 1
million tons / year and thousands of visitors / day.
7. Tourism
Part of Sapa
With 25 ethnic groups living together, Lao Cai became land rich in cultural,
historical tradition, cultural heritage. In which the Vietnamese majority, there quite
early and in particular the high proportion of the movement in 1960 by colonists and
officials from the provinces of Phu Tho , Hai Phong , Thai Binh ,Ha Nam .. .
up. Among the other nations east of all, The Hmong , Tay , Dao , The Day , ... The
U.S. accounts for a significant proportion. The richness of life of people has created a
separate identity of Lao Cai. The provinces of Phu Tho , Yen Bai , Lao Cai jointly
exploiting the roots of Tourism is promoting this strength and has attracted the
attention of visitors.
As a mountainous province, Lao Cai is developing should also keep the
landscape environment clean and diversity. This will be important to create an ideal
tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists.
Area tourist resort of Sa Pa - is one of 21 national tourist zone of Vietnam . Sa
Pa lies at an altitude of 1,200 m on average - 1,800 m, year-round cool climate, scenic
mountain forests, waterfalls and is a convergence of many cultural traditions of the
people of ethnic as fair uplands , love market in Sa Pa.
Hoang Lien Son mountain range with peaks Fansipan - the roof of Vietnam and the Hoang Lien Nature Reserve attract scientists and tourists.
Lao Cai has many historic sites, natural caves and agro-ecological regions
specialties such as plum Bac Ha , temperate vegetables, precious herbs, salmon,
sturgeon ...
Pair gate of Lao Cai International (Vietnam) - Hekou of Yunnan ( China )
separated by Nam Thi River is also an interesting tourist destination.
Sa Pa tourist attractions of Lao Cai province
Sa Pa
Town / City
Lao Cai
District / County / Town
Sa Pa
km ²
The population density
people / km ²
Code of administrative units
Postal Code
Sa Pa town center.
Sa Pa is a town in the highlands, is a resort popular district of Sa Pa ,
province of Lao Cai , Vietnam . It contains many hidden wonders of nature, natural
landscape with the terrain of the mountains, green forests, creating a picture layout
harmony, with the romantic scenery and attractive landscape land area northwest sky.
1. Geography
1.1 Placement
Sa Pa is on a plane at an altitude of 1650 meters in 1500 to Suay Lo Tong
slopes. The top of this mountain can be seen in the southeast of Sa Pa, elevation 2228
meters. The town is looking down the valley to the east and Ngoi Dum Muong Hoa
valley to the southwest. [1]
1.2 Topography - Climate
Pictures of snow in Sapa 16 March 2011
Located in northwest Vietnam, Sapa town at an altitude of 1600 meters
above sea level , the Lao Cai city 38 km and 376 km from Hanoi . In addition to the
main road from Lao Cai City, Sa Pa for a route to other traffic, national highway
4D remote Binh Lu , Lai Chau . Although most residents of Sa Pa district are
minorities, but the town again focused the Kinh people live by agriculture and
services tourism .
Sa Pa's climate is temperate nuances and subtropical, cool air all year
round. Weather in town one day have the four seasons: the morning weather is spring,
the weather is like at noon down , usually mild sunny, balmy climate, the afternoon
clouds and mist falling feeling cold such as the sun collected and is the cold night
of winter . Average air temperature in the Sa Pa is 15 ° C. In summer, the town
suffered no harsh sun as the coastal plain, about 13 ° C - 15 ° C at night and 20 ° C 25 ° C during the day. Winters are usually cold cloud cover and the temperature is
below 0 ° C when down, sometimes with snow. Average annual rainfall here is about
1,800 to 2,200 mm , concentrated on the period from May to August.
Sapa is one of the rare places in Vietnam with snow. In the period
from 1971 to 2011 , 15 times the snow in Sapa. Last snow fall sharply on February
13, 1968, continuously from 3 am to 14 o'clock on the same day, to 20 cm thick.
2. History
Sa Pa 1916
Sa Pa markets early 20th century
In 1897 , French colonial authorities decided to open an investigation of ethnic
minorities in upland areas. The first investigation team to Lao Cai in 1898 .
The winter of 1903 , while conducting surveying mapping expedition of
the Department of Indo-geographical landscape discovered ground Lo Tung Stream
and Sa Pa village. This event marked the birth of Sapa.
In 1905 , the French had collected the first information on geography, climate,
vegetation ... Sa Pa is known to start with fresh air, fresh and beautiful
scenery.In 1909 , a built sanatoria. In 1917 , an office tour was established in Sa Pa
and a year later, the French began to build villas. In 1920 , online railway Hanoi - Lao
Cai completed, Sa Pa is considered the summer capital of the Northern States . Total,
the French built Sapa nearly 300 villas.
Sa Pa was devastated by the war policy of scorched earth in 1947 and in the
border war with Vietnam - China 1979. [2] Thousands of hectares of pine forest
covering the town burned, many old mansion built by the French also
destroyed. In the 1990s , Sapa was built, rebuilt again. Many hotel opened, newly
built villas. 40 rooms in 1990, up to 300 in 1995. In 2003 , Sa Pa has about 60 hotels
with 1,500 rooms, large and small. The number of tourists to Sa Pa increased from
2,000 in 1991 to 60,000 in 2002.
2.1 Origin of name
The name is derived from the Sa Pa Mandarin .In Mandarin pronounced Sapa
Sapa news or "sand" the day before the town of Sa Pa where only a sandy beach that
people local residents often marketplace.
From the word "Sa Pa," the unsigned western pronunciation, the Sa Pa and
they were written in French the two words into "Cha Pa" and a very long time then it
uses "Cha Pa" as one from the Vietnamese . Later, from this article agreed that Sa Pa.
Sapa is a former circuit module to the red muddy water, so the locals call
"aggressive", ie"redstream".
3. Population
Ethnic Hmong children, Sa Pa.
This is a residential home to 06 ethnic Kinh , H'mong , Red Dao , Tay , Giay , Social
Vice .
The people in Sapa are the cultural festivals featuring:
The net poc of Giay people into lunar month.
The fluke span (mountain bike) of the Hmong people .
Dance ceremonies of the Dao festival held annually in
The fair day in the bustling Sa Pa on Saturday night to Sunday last week. Sapa
market is particularly attractive to visitors from afar to come. People also call it " Sa
Pa love market "for young men and women in this ethnic Hmong, Red Dao can get
the sound of praise , flute , termite , trumpet leaves or by word or song to find sexual
The major tourist attractions of sa pa
1. Ancient Stone SAPA
Sapa ancient carved rock spread out on the
territory of three Ta Van commune, Hau and Use
Pan Thao, located in Muong Hoa valley area about 8
km2. Located on the steep winding mountain road,
ancient rock carving consisted of 159 small and
large boulders in trees, near the right side of the road
or water in rice paddies ... not initially
impressed. But off the bus, guided walking tour to
introduce and hear firsthand, examine the rocks, visitors can see period was amazed at
how the artificial life that do not have any satisfactory answers worth.
The Sa Pa is not the only place found carved stones in the world because there
are dozens of similar but for Vietnam, this is still a miracle, indicating ancient human
its head was sticking firmly on the ground, tame nature to survive and grow. If only in
terms of large concentrations of rock, the rock carving Ta Van deserve first rate. 159
Weather-stone oil ranges still impassive, was clearly etched graphics, feature writing
in the form of primitive and advanced to complete, is such as 159 ancient stone stele
in Vietnam. A careful look at the inscription, we can recognize the shapes such as
square, rectangle, the line features single, double lines, parallel lines and cross lines,
the human figures, birds pictures, scenes activities ... There are ways we can predict
and explain which is the graphic, is the wealth of records, the weather, is the concept
of ancient life ... free soul that is comfortable to imagine.
understanding the living scene carved on the
rocks. In particular, the sex scenes between men and
women to maintain and develop the breed is
described by the familiar motifs, which features
close to the paintings on bronze artefacts dating back
2500-2600 years ago was found in Vietnam. It is the
express image to church "of the gas" to represent the
traditional beliefs of a natural, pure-minded of the ancient Vietnamese. Thus, we can
estimate the age of the carvings, drawing on rock in Sa Pa is around 2500
years. Thereby, one can see the hand, the Vietnamese mind when he was quite
developed, strengthened review of the scientific community that Vietnam is one of the
cradles of human civilization.
How exciting is that ancient rock carving
Sa Pa was only discovered in 1923 by the
Indochina's famous French-Russia named Vichto
Golubep (Victor Goloubev). After that, many Western researchers have come here to
find out and introduced widely in the media. For foreign tourists, especially the
French, once to Sa Pa, they often spend time hourly, meeting stayed to watch,
compared with the carved stone monuments Sereda Capivara (Brazil) , at the Boyne
(Ireland).Matopo (Zimbabwe) or at some point in the vast Sahara desert sand. For
Vietnam, to visit Sapa ancient carved grounds for further facilitate comparison with
figures carved in stone, on animal horn or metal objects on the cell has been
Location: Rock rock husband and wife are
in the ancient stone ruins Bai Sa Pa, valley of
Muong Hoa, Hau Thao, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai
FEATURES: Husband and wife rock rock
rock a pair of positions are toward each other,
looking to each other. Two rock legends related to
the faithful love of the couple overcoming hardships and challenges, seek to live
together and be happy, but when about to meet, they were all of rock.
The first ancient carved rocks beside the main
road inter-communal (old) there was a rock under the
swamp. Shaped stones lying prostrate, head
down to the lower districts. At the end of that
how about 2km, a large rock formation also
prostrate, head back up, two rocks have the
Ethnic Hmong in the region around almost Thao - Ta Van is telling: From
long ago, in the northern outback always happen destructive war between two
tribes. The winner was a cruel patriarch, he also has a very powerful sorcerer advisor
time. Advisor name appropriate time manh assembled to sole daughter of the
She was a beautiful lady - the patriarch daughter fell in love with the patriarch
boys defeat in wars past. These days there are two tribes living love peace, How
beautiful couple. Listening to contact the mastermind of the name Siam, war between
tribes occurred. Still, the couple is determined to preserve the welfare and together
they fled to the south expect to find happiness in a strange.
Be private, patriarchal mobilized troops chase. Advisor wizard frustrations
vowed that "If the two children to escape into streams Jinhua night that he will choose
the tenth failure. If the date is November through spring without the young couple will
Jinhua petrified. "
Night the tenth couple to stream upstream Jinhua (now the land Ta Van Almost Thao), the girl may not even fall down muddy beach boys overcame muddy
yard, not that girl, the boy immediately back to look, run a distance, so tired, he fell
down. Morning, he was petrified head back north - where the wife is there. The girl
had turned to stone head south as trying to run with him.Thus, larger rock rock
husband and wife and they have the same shape.
Elderly people in the area said two rocks seem to find one another once. At the
right and left of the two rocks still exist two small forests, forests are both old trees
and there are two shrines, one of the newspaper, a church of love fellow Hmong
general glass of boys and girls.
3. Phan Si Pang Mountain
Location: Phan Si Pang is located in the
Hoang Lien Son mountain range, south-west of
Sapa, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai province.
FEATURES: Phan Si Pang is the highest
mountain in the Hoang Lien Son mountain range
with a height of 3.143m. This is a museum of
natural wonders, hidden a vegetation with many
endemic species.
With a length of 280km from the Hoa Binh Phong Tho, the largest horizontal foot of
the mountain about 75km, 45km narrow, three blocks, Moc Bai Tu Luong, blocks and
blocks Phan Si Pang Pu Luong. Both the massive roof hides many strange things, but
the most exotic and mysterious, is the apex of Phan Si Pang ...
Foothills is the rice plant, jackfruit trees, trees with relatively dense form
places Coc Leu (cup rice), San Coc (Coc Mit) ... From here to a height of 700m is the
tropical belt that ties dense primary forest, brushwood. From 700 meters above the
floor Pomu gymnosperms such as trees, plants have three or four people who hold no
Xue, about 50-60m high, several hundred years old. Pomu (jade am) was named a
gold mine of Lao Cai. Pomu addition, many other rare woods such as territorial sam,
set sam, willow sam, kim sam, red pine, jaundice ... The ken coniferous filled with
small trees bare, because the body always soggy gear up high, more or rain, with rain
in the Phan Si Pang throughout the months. Mixed with coniferous forest, is the
azalea flowers, orchids, brilliant orioles.Almost four seasons, the Sa Pa are steeped in
the colors of flowers like: gladiolus, dahlia, bgonha, estcola ... are under contract with
rare flowers. Particularly azalea have four limbs with two dozen different
species. There are places scattered rhododendron, mountain forest brilliant. In our
country spent 111 orchids and 643 species, Phan Si Pang own up to 330 species.
2.400m high, the wind sweeping clouds mixed with trees, sometimes spread thought
grasped hands cloud. From the height of 2,800 m, clouds suddenly disappear, clear
sky, so blue. Only the wind makes its vegetation must be affixed to the stone. The
ground is covered with dwarf structure, the low bamboo about 25-30cm, the bare
stem, leaf tip and waved a little stream, so-called species of this structure waving
ceiling structure. Interspersed are some trees of their rush, they rose, they interimperial ... the original Land bony inert, constant wind, cold climate ...
On the high point is a milestone marking 2.963m in 1905 the French to
conquer the peak. Up again is a huge stone blocks, are listed on the title by a small
stone table. Phan Si Pang peaks here!Local language called "Hua-si-pan", meaning
that large stones are huge protruding. Phan Si Pang peaks towering clouds of heaven
is structured by such rocks.
Phan Si Pang was considered the roof of Vietnam and Indochina to conquer
the horns is the desire of tourists climbing adventure.
4. Ham Rong Mountain
Location: Ham Rong Mountain is located in the majestic Hoang Lien Son
range, Sa Pa district, Lao Cai Province, 33km from the city of Lao Cai.
Characteristics: Ham Rong Mountain is a cliff rising headrest dragon.
According to legend, wild roses, there are two dragons are absorbed tangerine
wrap together while rushing attack Deluge are still not or surges. When wake up,
panic apart, then back yourself up, but not timely. Instant leave each a place. By now
she though petrified dragons, but also survival instinct is strong guy trying to look up
the dragon the west side of Hoang Lien.
Ham Rong Mountain is allocated to oil and gas companies Lao Cai stock
replenishment and management. Visitors to your hands or knees against the stepped
rod climbing structures, is one moment only to orchid hundred thousand sharp
image. Row, first and foremost a plateau miniature cherry glowing color, the more
spring flowers. Take the stone forest is again feeling lost in the first scene where
Penglai, which the ancients were smart it is to imagine the claws, feathers, fins of the
dragon. In the other hole where the rock is hiding something as mysterious, suddenly
appeared over the idea of each person. Following the path up the cliff is an air port
and two, you will stand on a stone in the sense of ecstasy, but agreed to fly eyes on the
entire city in mist. Here heaven and earth meet, there is not hardly hide her dream to
stone, under dim light flickering. Here not only enjoy the sights of heaven and earth,
but also enjoy the fresh air of Sa Pa air. So how anxious, depressed in the heart
suddenly vanish. Looking up, will see the dragon as she also regrets not completed by
a fit. Visitors wishing to mutual curiosity please whisper to climb up that small with
stone dragons.
Who to Sa Pa, can not climb Ham Rong mountain which chat with stones,
with grass, trees and wild winds and clouds to increase the energy for tomorrow to
continue the journey exciting new.
4. Ta Phin Cave
Location: Ta Phin Cave is located in Ta Phin commune, Sa Pa district, Lao
Cai province.
Characteristics: Ta Phin Cave is home to many valuable studies, archeology,
and tourist attractions
The Ta Phin 12km to Sapa, angling to the north, where the two ethnic Dao and
Hmong residents.
The CPC offices of Ta Phin have nearly 1km north of limestone mountains, is
a tributary of the Hoang Lien Son. In this mountain there is a small mountain,
foothills crack a store, a height of about 5m, 3m wide, open up a path through the
ground. Go over 30m in the dark, rugged'll see a cave. From here the split is much
wish fallen just below ground who get a fall, many cling to the cliff to the ears of
stone, who swings up and down. Take the small cliffs is more spread out many ways,
even to make the rounds the corner, commonplace Iraq and eventually return to its
original position.
Follow the wall of the large, we can cross up feeling like a cliff, winding road,
when he was down, similar bulge to place the young woman was cradling me, where
varieties of fairy taking a bath, where the same giant raspberry patches of white felt
rough lava, coral patches just roll around, there are places like the fine white
colonnade let go from the top down ... Especially the widest spot on the roof of our
high about 8m, the drooping stalactites, woven into the range "lace" winding,
undulating, sparkling pink sapphire, the moisture from the mountain gradually
absorbed and then deposited the holy stone where the tip of the drip flasks, as point in
space rhythmic illusion.
I see deep into a large rock lying slightly tilted, on rock footprints in the
chicken, just the tip of the right stone is soldered onto the small hollow nails just like
horses. A cliff face, the French inscription etched with hard objects, to this day
although the time to dust was still readable.
Ta Phin cave there are many mysteries to us, in need of protection and
5. Hoang Lien National Garden
Location: Hoang Lien National Park belongs to Sa Pa town, the town: San
Kingfisher Ho, Lao Chai, Ta Van, Ban Ho, Sa Pa district, part of Van Ban district of
Lao Cai province and two Muong Khoa, reliability, Than Uyen district, Lai Chau
Characteristics: This is an ideal eco-tourism and in accordance with scientific
From the town of Sa Pa, tourists go through a winding ramp about 20, visitors
will come to pass, O Quy Ho - Hoang Lien mountain pass, where the National Park
territory. Continue along the trail winding through mountains at elevations above
1,000 m compared to sea level, visitors will cover all the mountains where the
landscape - a vast forest with trees covered by the sunny yellow strip intertwined
... that is looming in each flap azalea, forest orchids, plum ... as are blooming together;
the distance, the villages of ethnic fill holes through each thin mist ...
Hoang Lien National Park - one of the important special-use forests in
Vietnam has a total area of 29,845 ha core area, including a high mountain system of
Hoang Lien Son range, including 3.143m high Fansipan peak and buffer area is
38,724 ha, including the town of Sa Pa, some communes in Sapa district, a Van Ban
District, Lao Cai province and two communes in Than Uyen district, Lai Chau
Hoang Lien National Park mainly primary forest with a forest vegetation
evergreen subtropical mountain forest and a rich fauna diversity.
On forest vegetation, where there are over 2,000 species of plants with typical
wood: Overview:, Enlightenment, azaleas, po-mu, plum forest ..., of which about 66
species recorded in Vietnam's Red Book such as blue cypress, set sam, through
bamboo, red pine, nail accessories, cloth accessories ..., 32 rare species such as blue
cypress species distribution in karst social Ban Ho (Sa Pa) , red pine species found in
Sa Pa (Sapa), species Sam Van Hoang Lien - Sam cold) distribution in the core area
of national parks (three species are the main materials used to extract a variety rare
medicines) and hundreds of herbs such as rules, independent, major parks, inter-foot
royal birds, rhododendrons, the needle ... In addition, here we also found ancient
mushroom Ganoderma, cork Sa Pa - distributed mainly in the high mountains of
China and Vietnam.
Besides a rich forest flora, fauna and diverse forest with 66 species of
mammals, the popular black gibbon, royal red, diagonal cross, silver langurs cheeks
..., of which 16 species are in Vietnam's Red Book; 347 species of birds such as eagles
to spot, red-crested pheasants, thrush gold mine ...; 41 amphibian and 61 reptile
species, which, with rare spikes frogs in Vietnam has newly discovered.
With forest ecosystems so rich, Hoang Lien National Park is considered one of
the biodiversity center most of our country. In particular, this place is also protected,
preserved many traditional cultural beauty of the community of people living in the
core area and buffer zone of National Park; it is the activity of the Mongolian song
and dance, Dao, seconds with instruments such as praise, flute, trumpet, model forum;
the residential architecture of the nation such as Mongolia is high, usually lower
floors and airtight, the main raw materials for wood , home of the Tay in the low to
the floor is that architecture, the roof thatched with grass or straw r o m, CSR is today
replaced by tile. core area and buffer zone of National Park; it is the activity of the
Mongolian song and dance, Dao, seconds with instruments such as praise, flute,
trumpet, model forum; the residential architecture of the nation such as Mongolia is
high, usually lower floors and airtight, the main raw materials for wood , home of the
Tay in the low to the floor is that architecture, the roof thatched with grass or straw
r o m, CSR is today replaced by tile.
Coming to Hoang Lien National Park, as visitors to ecotourism environment
attractive. Here; visitors will feel the moment of delivery spring - lower - income frozen within 1 hour; to see the sunlight through the dense foliage of each, through the
fog projection down the lush grass carpet; be watching the swaying clump dwarf
structure whenever the wind swept through ... all of which left a deep impression in
the tourists, but perhaps most impressive was the sense of sleeping overnight on the
back mountain to enjoy yourself in the natural grandeur of the Hoang Lien Son, hear
the streams murmuring, the sound of rushing waterfall flowing ... and in the immense
space, this large, visitors feel so small. In addition, visitors can also participate
in the Program tourist village: come and stay always at the home of ethnic, guests will
host jobs in the family, gathered in the evening cultural community to
communicate u u l culture - art. Guests may also people here play the same sports
tradition URL as: push rod, archery, tug, walking on stilts ... or to visit the villages,
rice mortars, terraced areas, the indigo copyrighted TV n ... Ethnic. In particular, there
will also perform the climbing "Conquering Phan Si Pang" with the national scale for
the athletes and abroad. The organization of the award aims to introduce to your
friends in the country on the Hoang Lien Son mountain range with peaks Phan Si
Pang - the roof of Indochina, Introduction to Sa Pa resort and Hoang Lien National
Park - Garden ASEAN Heritage.
Location: Falls Love in the territory of San Kingfisher Ho commune, Sa Pa
district, Lao Cai Province, Sa Pa town about 4km southwest.
Characteristics: This is a place of rest, nursing, and to this ideal, visitors will have the
opportunity to learn about a legendary romantic love story.
The path to the waterfall visitors Love is a red dirt road running through the
lush bamboo forest, vast that flickers somewhere, lighting up gentle beauty of
rhododendron flowers with shades of red, white, yellow quite fresh; beautiful
harmony in this place, visitors will find time to time his ears the sound of trees
rustling in the wind is rocking ... When this came all the way, visitors will encounter a
stream, continuing along the stream to catch the tourists will love.
Love Falls has a height of nearly 100m. Falls from the top of Phan Si Pang
and bring cold air flowing through the jungle of high topography, steep; pour haze,
streams rushing down the Yellow white foam. From a distance, visitors will see a
cascade-like hats; looming after each thin layer of water flowing on either side edge
of the waterfall is a lush jungle vegetation; the foot of the waterfall, the stream bowed
bending iridescent gold glide with both sides is the smooth green lawn stretches the
foot of the bamboo spikes ...
Called Love operators because legend has it that: the past, the Sun Fairy
frequented the bath cool down here. Every time down the bath, these are very
passionate about her, fascinated at the beauty and space here. Once, Saturday Fairy
found out there was a woodcutter guy cooking the gold stream, in the meantime rice is
cooked, he took out trees blown flute. The guy at the bass flute, at Fellowship;
echoing the mountains.Once, too absorbed in listening to the flute of the guy, she
forgot to heaven, then do not tolerate cold night where mountains, she went to the fire
due to heating of the guy. That night, the flickering firelight, he used his woodcutter
blowing his flute for her to hear the ravishing love songs, or that guy that blew the
deer, tigers, leopards and wild birds ... with dances and concerts by the melodious
flute, ... Vibrant space that lasts until the sun through the trees fill holes, new she
hurried flight to heaven. Then the day too, until she discovered was a God and not for
her to catch her in the shower Love again. She remembered him woodcutter to skin, in
the evening, she looked down all the air port operators would love to hear your flute,
but he did not see him woodcutter where; her so depressed and eventually turn into a
bird gold hair flying around the mountain top and cry constantly for 3 hours O Qui Ho
da kill inconsolable.
In the vast space and beautiful here, love is indeed catch the great tourist
travelers. Come to the extraction site, as visitors find the source of a romantic love
Location: ATI tourist neighborhood of 1, the Muong Hoa, Sapa, an area about
22 ha, located in the valley created by two mountain ranges and Ham Rong Fansipan.
Characteristics: This is an ideal eco-tourism and in accordance with scientific
Over decades, Sa Pa tourists in Europe seek to love and enjoy, enjoy the
pristine beauty but equally as beautiful Fansipan peak year round cloud, Ham Rong
mountain, beach Ancient Stone, Silver Falls - Sky Gate is the hidden wonders of the
value of cultural quintessence of humanity. Besides eco-tourism zone ATI was
dubbed "Rose Valley" is becoming an exciting destination of domestic and foreign
ATI tourist neighborhood of 1, the Muong Hoa, Sapa, an area about 22 ha,
located in the valley created by two mountain ranges and Ham Rong Fansipan. This is
an eco-tourism zone is invested for 3 years, the ecological landscape design, with
nearly million root rose, peach, plum, red brittle United States, Taiwan and almonds
... Both areas have 11 houses Pomu flooring, natural stone roofing, interior decoration
harmoniously, is interspersed among the beautiful French rose garden, all overlooking
the valley floor Lao Chai with terraced rice fields, all make up a full picture of
magical. According to many experts, resorts ATI eligible for inclusion in customer
service. Go to Rose Valley from March to November in the year, you will be ecstatic
to enjoy the scent of blooming roses millions every morning. But in winter the garden
cherry, plum garden will give you the feeling of traveling in Japan on the occasion of
To visit and stay overnight at the resort ATI - Sa Pa outside enjoying the fresh
air of nature, was walking on the winding road into the hillside, among fragrant rose
garden, rest, relaxation in a bar overlooking the rice terraces located on the stream,
visitors can admire the grandeur of the "roof of Indochina 'and enjoy the fruit
characteristics of the resort. With a convenient location at the crossroads leading to
the village people, from here, you will go to visit Cat Cat and Sin Chai, Ta Phin, O
Quy Ho, Ta Van, Lao Chai, Thanh Phu to learn life cultural life as well as its
excellent ethnic Hmong, the Dao and Xa Pho, Tay ... visit the natural beauty spots
such as Ham Rong Mountain, Ancient Stone, Silver Falls - Sky Gate.
According to Nguyen Van Toan - Branch Manager of ATI Sa Pa, in 2004, the
company will invest in various types of entertainment such as heated swimming pool,
reading room, billiard room, meeting room workshop, the ethnic music performances,
bath medicine service people, the system restaurants, unique bars ... and the perfect
service to serve tourists. Right after New Body Armor, resorts will add many types of
organizations such as climbing tours, conquering Fansipan, walk to explore the
cultural village. Model development of cultural tourism, combined with growing fruit
trees are professionals appreciate. As Mr. Bui Quoc Vinh, president of Lao Cai said:
"This is a beautiful flower garden tourism in Sa Pa".
Location: The City is a highland district, Bac Ha, Lao Cai province.
Characteristics: Here, visitors enjoy the beauty has been the high mountains have
been enjoying The City specialty, particularly copies of corn liquor.
From the town of Bac Ha, traveling on a winding road, winding stick to the
Hoang Lien Son mountain about 4km, the bottom is colored green valleys of young
corn and rice ...; on either side are the wings Tam plum flowers untouched forests eye
is laden season, visitors to The City commune.
From a distance, The Street is like a beautiful and vivid picture: Dissolve the
immense blue of the mountains the same message, is the home of the Mongolian folds
like the nests clinging to the mountainside.
The City is the oldest colony sites of Mongolia, there are over 500 families
with over 3,000 people. Under Fire Mandarin - common language of some people
living on the northern border strip, from "Street" refers to the concentration of
population and have restaurants.
Mongolia The City Ground live at home with cold structure by way of origin:
They do home at high altitudes, clinging to cliffs or slopes, floors were usually lower
and wind, the raw materials mainly by wood in your home have a fireplace, a dried
meat to eat year round, with dishes "men men", item "winning try" unique.
Mongolia prefer to use a variety of instruments, the most characteristic is the
praise and Environmental Forum. At the festival or fair day, the male usually nun
blowing praise Mongol call you and strike up the question love singing.
Costumes of the Mongolian in The Street is quite unique. They may selfwoven linen. Women tend to flare skirt, shirt with chest cut flowers vivid vignettes,
front and rear aprons, leggings leg wrap. South wear clothes mostly black.
Living on the Mongolian nomadic career as soup, rice cultivation on terraced
cells, plant fiber flax weaving and taking medicinal plants. In addition, Mongolia The
City also owns a unique craft products, is now famous throughout the country and
attracts many tourists, it is The City of corn liquor products.
Step into the house of the Mongolian The Street, visitors will immediately see
a kitchen located in the gable; this is where wine. Corn flavor, wine flavor throughout
space thoang highlands, especially on the occasion of Bac Ha market, cranes and the
Tet days.
Regarding methods, wine making The City does not need sophisticated,
complex, however, to bring its own unique flavor of the area The Street, this wine
should have traditional secret formula that if offers arrive do not create other flavors
like here
According to The Street people said, to get corn alcohol The Street; first, corn
must be grown and developed thanks to the climate here. When the wine-making
stage, one has to take water from the cave to the stream, to soak the corn in cold fog
where The Red Street and had to use my grain - grain shape like a scented millet and
in particular, is alternate planting corn on the upland, used to make wine.
The device used in wine is a cast-iron
pan large, surrounded by a wooden box strapping is
sealed, placed on the oven embankment width about
3m ² and the fire must burn continuously, so new to
ensure the quality of the wine . For every 3 kg of corn
is to be approximately 40-45 º 1 liter of spirits, there
are wine makers carefully 60 º, each home every fair
usually cook about 20 liters
The point especially to the city, guests of the Mongolian steps into the kitchen
while they're cooking wine, guests will find in the kitchen ceiling hanging many kinds
of skewers: cattle, goats, pigs .. . This is the first bacon flavored wine extremely
special that where there is probably no. Moreover, the landlord was very kind to invite
visitors to enjoy a glass of wine has just finished taking still slightly warm to the disk
map wine bacon.
Together with Tam Hoa plums, pears, peaches, corn alcohol The City has
followed the travelers all over the country, even taking a really memorable.
Dinh Hoang A Tuong districts located in the center of
Bac Ha, Lao Cai province. Dinh Hoang A Tuong
architectural style Asia - Europe combined, create
harmony, a rectangular layout continuous closed.
Dinh Hoang A Tuong was built in 1914 and
completed in 1921, the employer is Hoang Yen Chao
Tay, father of Hoang A Tuong.For over 80 years of
existence the same time, how the ancient moss layer remained outstanding between a
majestic place crowded, bustling streets.
Before 1945, social Bac Ha is semi-feudal
colony, with the ruling and the ruled, exploited and
people who are exploited, in that class exploitation is
the groundbreaking television, but typical father
Huang Yen Chao - Hoang A Tuong
During his reign, the French are supportive,
father and daughter Hoang Yen Chao - Hoang A
Tuong have tried to exploit the people, occupied the fertile land, forcing people to pay
a recovery service to serve the artifacts valuable, exclusive rights to sell salt and,
consumer products, forest products exploitation, drugs and food, food for the rumored
French soldiers and their henchmen. Based on economic potential, Aboriginal TV
Hoang Yen Chao built a mansion and see the surface world geography land selection,
the user home with the French architect and China to design and direct construction.
Location chosen by feng shui theory on a large hill south east, behind the left
and right are two mountain streams and mountain front "cradling her child." The
overall terrain is so "charming" good in the Asian landscape and tropical climate.
In the middle is deep into the main house. Both sides left, right is the side,
before the picture front, between the courtyards. At the palace to step up a few stairs
from the two sides, then the waiting room, then stepped into the large yard to spread
the feast and dance. Two-story main house has an area of 420m ². The arched
doors. The doors are not high and low, but balanced, with balcony corridor. Before
the doors were covered floats. Both the main floor will have three. The four sides
have time left on both floors is where family activities. Between the two floors used
as meeting place. Facade decorated with elaborate textures. Both right and left have
sculpted two sentences for the content they wish glorious family line ...
Both sides described property is two blocks horizontal layout and the same
architecture. Each array also two lower floors, but the main house, each floor has
three times the total area of 300m ² each one has its own function to use. Adjacent to
two blocks there are two two-story buildings are also included but the architecture is
simple and used as a warehouse, for the soldier and his wife in the total area of 160m ²
Brick building materials produced in situ by invited Chinese experts, iron,
steel and cement were purchased from the flown down.
Surrounded by walls consist of three gongs (one main, two women) bear many
mai-holes and the number two guard platoon. The total area of all buildings up to
4.000m ². The villas are being kept, preserved and
renovated to visitors can learn about the social
history a mountainous ethnic past.
11. Sapa rice terraces
Sapa rice terraces: "Top 7" vy terraces the world
(AP) - Travel Magazine Travel and Leisure (USA) has announced seven beautiful
terraced rice fields, most public vy Asia and the world by readers of this magazine
poll, in which the name of Sa Pa Lao Cai (Vietnam)
Seven most beautiful terraces in the world,
including: Banaue (Philippines); Yuangyang (Yunnan
Province, China), Ubud (Bali, Indonesia), Annapurna
(Nepal), Mae Rim (Chiang Mai, Thailand); Sa Pa (Lao
Cai Province, Vietnam) and Long ji (Guilin, China).
About the rice terraces and the famous Sa Pa tourism in Vietnam, Travel and
Leisure wrote: "With the wonderful landscape that looks like a ladder to climb into
the sky of the terraced fields, Sa Pa has become one of the attractions of Vietnam.
Guests journeys by train from Hanoi to Lao Cai city and by car to visit Sa Pa
tourism, sightseeing before the rice season and admire the girls Mongol, Dao ... with
site colorful and welcoming. "
Is sub-tropical climate and monsoon rain poured down to wait (here called the
people pour water season), upland Lao Cai province as well as some Northwest 5-6
months every year to service new rice cultivation. This is the time appeared the most
beautiful summer in the fields terraces circling the mountains of Sapa, Bac Ha, Bat
Xat, Si Ma Cai.
Terraced fields in Lao Cai from hundreds of years and come from the talented
hands of the Dao, Mong, Ha Nhi, Giay, Tay, Xa Vice ... this life serial created other
life. The terraced fields is not only a masterpiece but also put rice is the same mobile
mountain tribesmen. This is a farming method effectively contribute to the unique
tourism products to Lao Cai for many years.
Terraced fields in Lao Cai is also an attractive destination of tourists and
travelers of every province to the south of The Northwestern quoc.Nhung lines, nontarget colors of the "artist" farm Sa Pa People attracted many tourists.