Pat Fowler AP ® Physics C Mechanics Course Description Class Size and Scheduling The AP Physics C Mechanics course currently has an enrollment of 28 students. The class meets five times a week with 4 periods of 41 minutes and one laboratory period of 82 minutes devoted to hands-on laboratory experiments. The class meets for the entire academic year with two semesters of approximately 15 weeks each. Course Prerequisites and Requirements The course requires and employs a basic understanding of calculus (differentiation and integration). The prerequisites for AP Physics C Mechanics are grades of A and above in Accelerated Physics as well as concurrent enrollment in Calculus. Course Overview The course is aligned with the curricular requirement of AP Physics C Mechanics. It is designed to provide students with a learning experience equivalent to a one semester, calculus-based college Physics course in Mechanics that includes a laboratory component. Introductory differential and integral calculus is used throughout the course. Although Calculus is a math corequisite, an introduction to the required calculus operations is provided during the first few weeks of the course. This brief introduction develops a non-rigorous conceptual framework for derivation and integration and is followed by practice differentiating and integrating simple functions. Throughout the course, problem solving and critical thinking about physical systems are emphasized. The course utilizes guided inquiry and student-centered learning in hands-on laboratories to foster the development of critical thinking skills. Students participate in group discussions and collaborative problem solving to construct meaning and understanding for themselves. Students who are enrolled in AP Physics C Mechanics are required to attend class regularly, complete assigned tasks and projects, take periodic quizzes and major tests, participate actively during class discussions, conduct laboratory experiments adhering to safety rules and submit the required laboratory reports in a timely manner. In order to demonstrate a laboratory experience comparable to a college’s physics course offering, each student must maintain a well organized portfolio of laboratory reports both formal and informal. Videos, internet clips, and computer simulations that are relevant to the AP Physics C mechanics concepts are also used during class to enrich the curriculum. Students take a formal examination at the end of each marking period. Students coming out of the courses should have a strong conceptual understanding of physics and well-developed skills in performing and analyzing laboratory experiments. They should also be able to apply their understanding to approach and solve problems that are essentially new to them. Textbooks Young & Freedman. Sears and Zemansky University Physics with Modern Physics 11th edition. Kelley, Michael (2006) The Complete Idiot's Guide to Calculus, 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Penguin Group (to introduce differential and integral calculus) Modeling Activities are introduced by teacher’s notes. Laboratory Laboratory experiences include experiments from lab manuals, data sets, internet sources, and student-designed experiments. Students work in collaborative small groups to conduct hands-on laboratory experiments. When possible, labs begin as a problem for which the students must propose and develop their own procedure. They then conduct an experiment to test their ideas, make observations, collect data, analyze the data and form conclusions based on their observations and results. They may also apply lab concepts to new problem situations. Each student is required to maintain a well organized AP Physics C: Mechanics portfolio of laboratory experiments of sufficient quality and quantity to present to a college for academic credit. Each student must write an individual lab report which is graded and kept in the portfolio. Laboratory experiments are listed in the Labs and Activities section below. Course Outline First Semester Math Review and Introduction to Differential & Integral Calculus Conceptual Framework for derivatives (slope) and integrals (area) Followed by practice with simple functions 2 weeks Chapter 1 : Units, Physical Quantities and Vectors 1 week Units and Measurements; Unit Conversion, Significant Figures, Uncertainty, Estimates, Dimensional Analysis, and Vector basics. Chapter 2: Motion Along a Straight Line Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration; 1-D Motion with Constant Acceleration; Freely Falling Objects; and Kinematic Equations derived from Calculus. Changing acceleration (requires calculus) 2 weeks Chapter 3: Kinematics : Motion in Two or Three Dimensions Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration Vectors; 2-D Motion with Constant Acceleration; 2 weeks Projectile Motion; Motion in a Circle, and Relative Velocity Chapter 4: Newton’s Laws of Motion Force and Interactions; Newton’s Three Laws of Motion; Mass and Weight; Free-Body Diagrams 2 weeks Chapter 5: Applying Newton’s Laws N1L Particles in Equilibrium; Newton’s Second Law Dynamics of Particles; Dynamics of Circular Motion; Frictional Forces. 2 weeks Chapter 6: Work and Kinetic Energy Work; the Work-Energy Theorem; Work Done by a Varying Force; Power 2 weeks Chapter 7: Potential Energy and Energy Conservation Gravitational Potential Energy; Elastic Potential Energy; Conservative & Non-Conservative Forces; Forces & Potential Energy; Energy Diagrams 2 weeks Second Semester Chapter 8: Momentum, Impulse and Collisions Impulse and Momentum; Conservation of Linear Momentum; Collisions: Elastic and Inelastic; Center of Mass; Motion of a System of Particles; Rocket Propulsion 2 weeks Chapter 9: Rotational Kinematics Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration; Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration; Angular and Linear Kinematics; Energy in Rotational Motion; Parallel Axis Theorem; Moment of Inertia 2 weeks Chapter 10: Dynamics of Rotational Motion Torque; Torque and Angular Acceleration for a Rigid Body; Moment of Inertia and Torque; Rigid Body Rotation about a Moving Axis; Work and Power in Rotational Motion; Angular Momentum; Conservation of Angular Momentum; Gyroscopes and Precession 2 weeks Chapter 11: Equilibrium and Elasticity Translational & Rotational The Conditions for Equilibrium; Center of Gravity; Solving Rigid-Body Equilibrium Problems; Stress, Strain and Elastic Moduli; Elasticity and Plasticity 2 weeks Chapter 12: Gravitation and Newton’s Synthesis Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation; Weight; Gravitational Potential Energy; Satellites; Kepler’s Laws 1 week Chapter 13: Periodic Motion Describing Oscillation; Simple Harmonic Motion; Energy in the Simple Harmonic Motion; Applications of Simple Harmonic Motion; The Simple Pendulum; The Physical Pendulum; Damped Oscillations; Forced Oscillations and Resonance 2 weeks AP PHYSICS C MECHANICS EXAM REVIEW 2 weeks Labs and Activities Physics Laboratory Policy; Laboratory Safety Rules. Analysis of an Experiment: Introduction to graphing techniques to derive an equation relating experimental quantities. Prediction and reproduction of kinematics graphs with motion detector. Constant Speed: Measure distance and time of moving object, and graphically analyze its motion. Motion with Uniform Acceleration: Data gathered to produce a v versus t graph. This covers slope-differential and area-integral concepts. Acceleration due to gravity (g) is found using dot timers: Displacement, velocity, and acceleration are manually graphed and correlated to differentiation and integration concepts. Data is then graphed in Excel with an introduction to least squares fit (Trend-line). Reaction Time: To derive and use a uniform linear acceleration equation to measure human reaction time. Determination of Acceleration Due to Gravity with motion detector Projectile Motion: Calculate muzzle velocity of horizontal dart gun; Predict, then measure range when changing vertical height. Predict, and then measure range at zero height and varying angles Projectile Motion: Predict the landing spot of a projectile launched horizontally from an elevated platform. Plot a graph of horizontal range versus launch velocity Friction: To determine the coefficients of friction µs and µk acting between two bodies (blocks on ramp). Newton’s Second Law of Motion: To determine experimentally the relationship between force, acceleration and mass. The Atwood Machine: To study Newton’s 2nd Law by the use of the Atwood’s Machine. Centripetal Force: To determine the relationship between the centripetal force and the frequency of rotation. Power Run: To calculate the power generated by people running up stairs. Changes in Potential Energy: Energy exchanges in a spring-mass system: A relationship is determined between the area of an F versus x graph and potential energy integral. Static Torque Balance Lab: Place weights at various places on a balanced meter stick; Place a weight to return to static equilibrium; Derive center of mass using calculus Torque: To measure the acceleration caused by an unbalanced torque. Center of Mass: To Locate the Center of Mass of flat discs of various sizes. Rotational Inertia: The Relationship between Torque, Angular Acceleration and Moment of Inertia. Forces in Two Dimensions: To determine how to balance three forces so they are in equilibrium, calculate & combine components forces. Statics Lab: Build various stable simple structures with rods and strings. Measure forces and confirm by calculation Hooke’s Law Lab: Extension of steel springs and elastic bungees Series and Parallel Springs Vibrational Motion of a Spring: To verify the law of simple harmonic motion for the spring. The Simple Pendulum: To explore the factors that determine the period of the pendulum and to determine the acceleration due to gravity, g. Teaching Strategies Critical thinking is a major component of this course. During class discussions, students are encouraged to construct meanings and understandings for themselves. Students become active participants and engage in critical discourse. Together, they collaboratively brainstorm solutions to free response problems. Open discussions enable me to know what is going on in the minds of my students and encourages them to think critically and evaluate one another’s responses. For most labs, students themselves decide on the relevant parameters to measure and control. To the extent possible, they plan and carry out the experiments themselves. The self-structured laboratories encourage students to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, interpret, apply, and review data, issues or problems as it relates to their learning. Numerous discussions about the labs and class work provide students the opportunity to develop the critical thinking, communication, and mathematical skills required for successful problem solving. Furthermore, our decision to devote a full year to AP Physics C: Mechanics allows time for the students to develop an in-depth exploration of Mechanics and a laboratory experience that is comparable to a college course. The large number and variety of labs create a portfolio that they can present to the college as evidence of a thorough understanding of the skills and concepts of Mechanics. Course Evaluation Students’ final grades depend on the scores they earn from their class work, labs, portfolio, homework, quizzes and tests. Class work includes short quizzes given once a week. In addition, students are assigned free-response type problems regularly to solve in class. Tests are given after every chapter. The construction of the tests resemble the AP Physics C Mechanics Exam. Each consists of 10 multiple-choice questions and a multipart free-response question. A sheet consisting of equations and formulas is provided on all quizzes. Emphasis in the course is placed on developing concepts and problem-solving strategies, not on memorization. The multiple-choice questions are derived from many sources, such as the text question bank, AP Released Exams, The Princeton Review Cracking the AP Physics book, NJ Science League questions and teacher’s questions. The free-response questions are generally modified AP Exam questions and are evaluated using a rubric similar to those used to score the free-response questions on the AP Exam. Students’ final grade will be based on the following: Quizzes 18% Homework 18% Project (Lab) 18% Tests 36% Mid Term 10% Supplementary Textbooks and On-Line Resources Giancoli, Douglas C. (2005). Physics: 6th edition. Pearson/Prentice Hall. Boyle, Joseph. Student Study Guide and Selected Solutions Sixth Edition PHYSICS GIANCOLI. Pearson/Prentice Hall. Fundamentals of Physics I by Yale-University on-line support Khan Academy,