Welcome to Genesee Community College and the New York State Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges Region I Conference. Institutions represented here today include
Genesee Community College, Monroe Community College, Erie Community College,
Corning Community College, Finger Lakes Community College, Jamestown Community
College, SUNY-Geneseo and the University of Rochester. Thanks for coming!
This is a robust gathering, with presentations coming from both our NYSMATYC colleagues and members of the GCC community-at-large. The attached program summarizes each of the eighteen presentations attendees have the opportunity to see. Room numbers for sessions are listed in the program, and the map included in your registration packet has the session areas circled for guests. Please ask any of our student volunteers (in gold GCC Math Club t-shirts) if you need any assistance. Be sure to thank your presenters for the time and effort they have contributed to making this conference a success!
Please enjoy the refreshments provided by Monica Selinsky of Hawkes Publishing during registration and the morning sessions. Morning sessions are being held in the
Technology Building, with visits to one of our science labs and our fitness center.
Lunch is being served in our Student Union. It can be reached by walking through our
Forum and cafeteria. While taking in a beautiful view, please enjoy a special musical performance by the GCC Forum Players, one of our student clubs. We have some door prizes to hand out after lunch… good luck!
The Rosalie “Roz” Steiner Art Gallery is being opened for your private viewing from
11 AM – 2PM. If you would like to see the current exhibit, stop by before or after lunch. It is located off the courtyard at the main entrance to the college.
Afternoon session take place in one of our Emporium computer labs and in several of our smart classrooms, all on the third floor. Stairs and elevators are located in the cafeteria and the Forum.
All work and no play makes math teachers boring. Stick around from 4 PM – 6 PM to play basketball and volleyball in our gymnasium.
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Registration, Conable Technology Building
9:15 AM – 9:25 AM Opening Remarks
9:30 AM – 10:20 AM Opening Session
The GUSTO! team was formed in 1995 to provide professional development and team building opportunities on campus primarily for staff (but all are always welcome). Dr. Andes, Ms. Paisley, and Ms. Costello are members of the
GUSTO! Team. Genesee was fortunate this year to hire Mr. Priester as
Instructor of Transitional Studies. He is a certified StrengthsQuest trainer and is lending his expertise to the GUSTO! Team to further Strengths development on campus.
A Circle of Strengths…
Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
Initiating a
StrengthsQuest program at Genesee has empowered our staff to think about this question. The premise of StrengthsQuest developed by The Gallup
Organization over four decades ago is that a person will be more successful working from their strengths than trying to fix their weaknesses. The GUSTO!
Team (Genesee Unites to Support Team Opportunities), a staff development team at Genesee, introduced StrengthsQuest to staff in the fall of 2010 believing that it would build a road to employee and student engagement – ultimately leading to student retention, completion, and success. Let us tell you about our Strengths journey to date and how we are now moving
StrengthsQuest into the classroom.
Barb Shine: GCC Associate Professor of Business and Entrepreneurship, and co-chair of Teaching and Learning Creativity in the Classroom Initiative at GCC.
Let’s Discuss This … Creativity in the Classroom!!!
Workshop attendees can listen, discuss and learn … What is this “creative” thinking discussion trend? Is there a relationship between creative thinking and learning? How do we engage students in creative thinking while continuing to teach our required curriculums?
10:30 AM -10:55 AM Session II
Michelle Abdella : Associate Professor of Mathematics at GCC and travelling zombie hunter.
Mathematical Knowledge of Students in the Elementary Teacher Program
A discussion of the varied range of mathematical knowledge students have coming into the teacher program and their expectations when taking Math for
Elementary Teachers. Student “solutions” from past exams, how ‘difficult’ concepts are presented to students, and the need for math specialists in elementary school will also be discussed.
Judy Dean : Judy is an assistant professor at Monroe Community College. This is her fourth year teaching full-time at MCC. She has been teaching at MCC and other area colleges since 2005. Prior to 2005, she taught elementary and middle school combined grades in an alternative school and also taught math in high school. She is always interested in strategies and course design that fosters student engagement.
The Flipped Classroom
The flipped Classroom is a new classroom format where students watch lectures on videos and come to class ready to practice problems (usually in small groups). This will be a presentation & discussion of how this can be implemented in a mathematics classroom. I will share how I have been using this in intermediate and college algebra courses.
11:00 AM – 11:25 AM Session III
Marirose Ethington & Maureen Leupold : Both educators for over 20 years in the biology field.,
Measurement in the Lab
Haven't you ever wondered where students use those arithmetic skills in the sciences? Come in and see first-hand why basic math fluency plays such a critical role in our students success!
We will demonstrate the technique we use in the first course we teach in the science major’s sequence. This technique involves using a ruler, being able read the rule, and setting up a simple proportion and calculating the field of view. The technique also includes estimating the size of an object.
This presentation is being held in a science lab, room C310
Susan Bateman currently teaches for Genesee Community College, The
University of Phoenix Online, and The Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online. She is a PhD candidate in Mathematics Education at the University of Buffalo.
How would you like to teach while still wearing pajamas, or while eating cookies? What is teaching an online algebra course really like? In this presentation, I will explain the requirements of students and facilitators, types of assignments, technology used, grading feedback, etc. Based on my experiences of teaching algebra in a traditional classroom and online, I will highlight the pros and cons of online instruction.
11:30 AM – 12:25 PM Session IV (continues on next page)
Eric Sandler: Eric holds a B.S. in Athletic Training from SUNY Brockport and an M.S. in Exercise Science from the University at Buffalo. He has been a
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist since 2006 and currently serves as the Head Coach for Strength and Conditioning at Genesee Community
“Numbers and Exercise: What is Best for Healthy Living”
Part 1- Classroom Based
This presentation will provide attendees with some factual knowledge about exercise such as the basics of cardiovascular training, weight training, and nutrition.
Part 2- Hands-on (in the college’s fitness center)
This interactive portion will provide attendees an opportunity to learn basic usage of stability balls, medicine balls, some of the latest exercise equipment.
This is a two-part presentation. Attend one or both. Each part runs for 25 minutes.
TECHNOLOGY SESSIONS (all offered in room T121)
Brian Milleville : Associates in science from Niagara County Community
College (NCCC), B.A. in mathematics from SUNY at Buffalo, M.A. in mathematics from Indiana University. Currently in fifth year teaching at ECC, courses typically ranging from Algebra 1 to Calculus 3 and Differential
Using Dropbox to simplify posting handouts and other documents in your course management system.
We use ANGEL at ECC and I've become tired of posting documents or folders one at time. I'll show a simple way to avoid this hassle.
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word's equation editor : The icons do not need to be selected with the mouse each time! Word 2007 and later has subbed-out LaTeX to create it's mathematical symbols, hence most of the notation is the same as LaTeX. This is a big change from the prior versions of
Word's equation editor. I will go through examples, illustrate the difference between 'display mode' vs 'inline mode', and give a handout with a bunch of useful keyboard shortcuts.
Creating a video by combining an Echo Smartpen and a screen capture program . It can be difficult to write, talk, and sound coherent all at the same time. I will show step-by-step how to produce a screen cast where the voice is recorded after the 'live' writing is done with the pen.
Ken Mead : GCC Professor of Mathematics and Computer Information Systems
YouTube Playlists and Sunscreen
OK, so you've located the perfect Khan Academy or YouTube video for a topic in your College Algebra class, or perhaps you've just created a video using your Echo 360 pen or Bamboo Tablet. The question is: how do you share all these videos with your students? You could link or embed each video inside Angel or Blackboard, but that takes a lot of work! One possible solution is to categorize these videos inside YouTube playlists on your own YouTube channel. It's so easy and will save you so much time, you'll be sitting on the beach drinking daiquiris while everyone else is still back in the office.
12:30 PM – 1:20 PM LUNCH
Food is being served in the GCC Student Union.
During lunch enjoy a musical performance by the GCC Forum Players
Before the next session, feel free to make the short walk to the Roz Steiner Art
Gallery, which will be open for your private viewing of the current exhibit
1:30 PM – 2:25 PM Session V
Meredith Altman has taught developmental math at GCC for 25 years. Since
2009 she has had a leading role in developing GCC’s new format for Basic
Math and Algebra 1, based on the Emporium Model of course redesign promoted by the National Center for Academic Transformation.
A Developmental Math Emporium – Experiences with Course Redesign at
Genesee Community College
The presenter will describe the Developmental Math Emporium course format used at Genesee Community College since Spring 2011, discuss outcomes, and share insights gained from the course redesign process.
Jake Amidon has been at FLCC for 10 years and has been Department Chair for the last 4 years. He first taught FLCC’s liberal arts mathematics class titled
“College Mathematics” his first semester, and almost every one since. For the last six years all sections of the class at FLCC have used a book that he wrote for the class.
In Graph Theory (almost) everyone has heard of the Traveling Salesman
Problem. Here we will talk through a lesser known problem called the Route
Inspection Problem. The presenter will share the background he has learned about the problem, how to solve it and how he has taught the topic in a liberal arts mathematics class.
2:30 PM – 2:55 PM Session VI
Aimee Calhoun & Linda Carson : Aimee is an associate professor of mathematics at Monroe Community College (MCC). Linda is an instructor of mathematics at MCC. Aimee and Linda cochair MCC’s Mathematics
Appreciation Month Committee.,
Monroe Community College’s Math Department celebrated Mathematics
Awareness Month for the first time in April 2012. Join this session as we share our experiences in celebrating the power of math with our students.
Corey Placito graduated Summa Cum Laude from SUNY Brockport with a
Masters in Pure Math. He has taught at GCC, Brockport, and in New York City at John Jay college of criminal justice, Marymount Manhattan College, and The
New York City College of Technology. He currently teaches for the University at
A presentation on complete K Graphs in Beginning Graph Theory, certain subgraphs and their practical applications, as well as a brief explanation of using different levels of the Torus to graph non-planar graphs without crossing edges.
Yusuf K. Bilgic has a BA in Mathematics, Marmara University, Turkey (1998),
MS in Mathematics, National University of Mongolia (2004), MA in Teaching
Mathematics, Western Michigan University (2008),and a PhD in Statistics,
Western Michigan University (2012). Current job: Visiting Assistant Professor at
To achieve the desired learning goals in introductory statistics courses, the
American Statistical Association endorsed a set of innovative guidelines in
2005. I will discuss these recommendations (10 min). Then, I will present an innovative model lesson aligned with these guidelines to teaching hypothesis testing and, ultimately, p -value (15 min).
Note : I highly recommend attendees to look over the Guidelines for the
Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) found at
3:00 PM – 3:55 PM Session VII
Mary Knappen is a professor of mathematics at Genesee Community College.
She has made use of SMART Board technology for both face-to-face classes as well as online and hybrid classes.
SMART Boards can be used to record a professor’s voice explaining the solution to a problem while (s)he is writing on the SMART Board. This can then be saved as a .wmv file that can be made available to students via YouTube.
Viddler, Ensemble, etc.. In this session you will actually witness how this is accomplished.
Dr. Margaret Heater/ Elizabeth Geuss : Dr. Heater is the Associate Dean for
Student Development at Genesee. Dr. Heater has supervised academic support services through the Center for Academic Progress for Genesee for 15 years.
Elizabeth Geuss is the Assisted Learning Lab/Tutorial Coordinator for the
College. Ms. Geuss has experience as an academic advisor and has supervised tutorial services for 25 years.,
Decentralizing Tutorial Support
In an era of shrinking budgets and increasing student need for mathematics tutoring, the challenge of providing adequate tutorial support is evident. This session will discuss Genesee Community College’s decentralized mathematics tutoring model. GCC provides tutoring for students enrolled in Basic Math through Calculus using a variety of strategies.
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Fun!
Bring your sneakers and your Agame! The college’s gymnasium will be open to us. There is no better place to loosen up tired muscles than under a volleyball net or a basketball net. We’ll have both!