VOCATIONAL NURSING PROGRAM Level II Focused Nursing Case Study I & II Required Work During this summer you will complete two (2) Focused Case Studies: Med/Surg; or OB/Newborn or Pediatric) on patients you have cared for; the goal of this activity is to assist you to integrate classroom theory and the Nursing Process. Case Study I will be evaluated as follows: 1 points References (Minimum 4) 5 points Punctuality 1 points Neatness, clarity of data 2 points Grammar and spelling 4 points Assessment 5 points Nursing Process (Problem, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation) (4 Nursing Dx plus 1 Knowledge Deficit) 18 points total You are also expected to document any references you used in preparing your paper, using APA format. You will need to get the assistance of the primary RN, Charge Nurse, or Instructor to receive a Nursing Diagnosis. Please use the Assessment Guide and the Focused Nursing Care Plan Form provided. If each Focused Nursing Case Study is not complete or has a grade of less than 13, the student must make corrections before a passing grade for the semester will be given (the original grade will count towards the course grade). v:\word\syllabus\vocation\level ii\clinical\nursing care plan 03/2013 VOCATIONAL NURSING PROGRAM Level II Focused Case Study I & II The goal of this activity is to assist you in integrating classroom theory and nursing process. SHOULD INCLUDE: 1. A list of patient’s medications, action, side effects and nursing implications. 2. Written pathophysiology of disease process or surgical procedures. 3. At least 4 references. 4. Must be submitted in bound folder. WRITE OUT: 5. Background information: What brought patient to hospital, good narrative head-to-toe physical assessment. 6. Data: Must document whether subjective or objective. EXAMPLE: Obj. - T 98.6 R16 Subj. - "I feel dizzy when I get up" 7. One NRSG Dx per page with rest of data taking etc. as many pages as needed. Must do 4 NRSG Dx (by priority) and one Teaching (knowledge deficit) care plans. 8. Goals - must document time frame as well as state whether LTG or STG. STG EX: Patient will void 30cc/hr. this 8 hour shift. One STG & one LTG is sufficient. 9. Interventions - Must include whether these are dependent or independent actions. Must have at least 6 actions per Nursing Diagnosis 10. Rationale - Why, what are you looking for, what will this action help/prevent, etc. References and page numbers go here too. 11. Conclusion or Evaluation Column: Look at goal - was it met or not met? What happened with patient after actions were implemented? This should flow across page to document whether actions were effective. v:word\syllabus\vocation\level ii\clinical\nursing care plan 03/2013 VOCATIONAL NURSING FOCUSED NURSING CASE STUDY I GUIDE SHEET _____ 1 References (Minimum 4) _____ 5 Punctuality _____ 1 Neatness, clarity of data _____ 2 Grammar and spelling _____ 4 Assessment _____ 5 Nursing Process (problem, plan, intervention, evaluation) (4 Nursing Dx + 1 Knowledge deficit) _____ 18 Total points Comments: Student Name Instructor Signature Date v:\word\syllabus\vocation\level ii\clinical\nursing care plan 03/2013 VOCATIONAL NURSING FOCUSED NURSING CASE STUDY II GUIDE SHEET _____ 1 References (Minimum 4) _____ 5 Punctuality _____ 1 Neatness, clarity of data _____ 2 Grammar and spelling _____ 4 Assessment _____ 5 Nursing Process (problem, plan, intervention, evaluation) (4 Nursing Dx + 1 Knowledge deficit) _____ 18 Total points Comments: Student Name Instructor Signature Date v:\word\syllabus\vocation\level ii\clinical\nursing care plan 03/2013