Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Risk Reduction Program Response Action Plan Purpose The purpose of this form is to provide a standard format for the Response Action Plan (RAP). Objectives These instructions provide information on the following: To whom does the RAP form apply? When is the RAP submitted? How is the RAP submitted? How do I obtain more information? How do I complete the RAP? Regulatory Citation 30 TAC §350.94 Abbreviations and Acronyms APAR – Affected Property Assessment Report COC - chemical of concern DOQQ – Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads EPA – Environmental Protection Agency ESA - ecological services analysis GPS – global positioning system GW – groundwater ID No. – Identification number assigned by the program area to the facility/site. Appropriate case/ tracking numbers include Solid Waste Registration (SWR) ID Number, VCP ID Number, etc. LNAPL – light non-aqueous phase liquids MC - mail code used by TCEQ for routing mail within the agency MQL – method quantitation limit NAPL – non-aqueous phase liquids O&M - operation and maintenance PCL – protective concentration level PCLE – protective concentration level exceedance PMZ – plume management zone PRAC – post-response action care PRP – potential responsible party RACR – Response Action Completion Report RAER– Response Action Effectiveness Report RAP - Response Action Plan RBEL – risk-based exposure limit SWR - solid waste registration TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 1 TAC - Texas Administrative Code TCEQ – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TI – technical impracticability TRRP – Texas Risk Reduction Program VCP – Voluntary Cleanup Program WCU – waste control unit General Instructions Read these instructions carefully because the form itself does not contain all the instructions. You cannot adequately complete the RAP without following these instructions. The RAP is not a guidance document. You must consult the TRRP rule and associated guidance documents to develop your RAP. To whom does the RAP form apply? The RAP is submitted by persons who will be conducting response actions under the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rule to attain Remedy Standard B or for those persons who choose not to self-implement response actions to attain Remedy Standard A. When is the RAP submitted? Submit the RAP to the TCEQ for review and approval prior to commencing response actions to attain Remedy Standard B or non-self-implementing Remedy Standard A. This does not preclude the person from taking interim measures. Submit the APAR with the RAP unless the APAR was submitted previously. If the APAR was previously submitted and additional data has been collected since that time, include an amended APAR with the RAP if the APAR worksheets are needed to convey the information, or include the data in the RAP. How is the RAP submitted? Submit a copy of this form to both the applicable TCEQ program area in the Austin Central Office and to the appropriate TCEQ Region Office. The mailing address and phone number for each of the Regional Offices may be found at http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/AC/about/directory/region/reglist.html. The address for the Central Office is: TCEQ [specify program area], MCP.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 How do I obtain more information? The TRRP rule and guidance are available at http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/permitting/trrp.htm. You will have to use the rule and associated guidance to complete your RAP. Questions regarding your affected property should be addressed to the program area that is handling your case. Phone numbers for the TCEQ programs are listed below. Voluntary Cleanup Section Superfund Cleanup Section RPR Section 512/239-2478 512/239-2486 512/239-2200 TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 Corrective Action Section 512/239-2276 Municipal Solid Waste Permits 512/239-6784 2 How do I complete the RAP? Carefully review these instructions and all instructions on the worksheets themselves. Failure to complete the report as indicated may result in return of your report or a notice of deficiencies. Note that except for expanding the narrative boxes with text, the form must not be modified in any way. Do not change the numbering or the order of submittal of the worksheets, attachments, and appendices even when portions are not included. When possible, please print the report on both sides of the pages. Be sure to always include appropriate units of measurement in your answers. All data must be supported with references and documentation. Unsubstantiated information may be considered invalid. The form is designed so that only the relevant worksheets are submitted depending on the site-specific conditions and the components of the response action. Complete only the portions applicable to your RAP. Complete the Checklist for Report Completeness to determine which sections are applicable for your report. Arrange the worksheets, attachments, and appendices as specified in the RAP Contents list below. Note that the form does not include many of the attachments and appendices because they do not have prescribed formats (for example, laboratory reports). Place tabs in your bound report to clearly identify each major section of the report as noted in the RAP Contents list on page 5. If the on-site property is covered under a permit, any permit requirements that conflict with the information in this document supercede this guidance. Worksheets, Attachments, and Appendices The following instructions are listed in order of the worksheets, attachments, and appendices as specified in the RAP Contents list. All pages should include the regulatory ID number assigned to the on-site property, the date of the report, and page numbers. Cover Page - Specify the regulatory ID number assigned by the program area to the on-site property. Appropriate ID numbers include Solid Waste Registration (SWR) ID Number, VCP ID number, or other assigned number. If you do not know your regulatory ID number, contact the appropriate program area to obtain that number before submitting this report. Specify the report date and indicate if this report is the initial RAP for this affected property or if it is a subsequent submittal. Identify the TCEQ Region in which the affected property is located. The list of region numbers is located at the end of the instructions. Check the appropriate box to indicate the specific TCEQ program to which the report is submitted. The TCEQ mailing address should include the appropriate TCEQ program and the corresponding mail code (MC). If the report is being submitted to more than one program area, mail the reports separately and address copies to each program with that program indicated on the cover page. On-Site Property Information Indicate the address of the on-site property (the area at which the assessment took place). Note that the physical address is not a P.O. Box or a rural route. Include the following information for the on-site property; example: 814 North 35th Street West street number (example: 814) Leave blank if none. street predirectional - compass direction of the street address that occurs before the street name (example: North). Leave blank if none. street name (example: 35th) Leave blank if none. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 3 street type (example: Street) Leave blank if none. street postdirectional - compass direction of the street address that occurs after the street name (example: West). Leave blank if none. city county county code (see list at end of instructions) zip code Specify the nearest street intersection or location description. For example, a location description may be: “On FM 1055, 1 mile south of the intersection of FM 1055 and US Highway 57” or “On Main Street at the intersection of Main Street and Broad Street.” Specify the latitude and longitude near the center of the on-site property, either in terms of degrees, minutes, seconds or decimal degrees. Indicate the units used. Refer to the definition of on-site property in §350.4(a)(1). Horizontal positions collected using certified GPS units or by interpretation from 1meter Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads (DOQQs) must maintain a minimum level of accuracy of at least 25 meters. Use of GPS equipment is strongly encouraged in the acquisition of coordinates for all locations tracked by the TCEQ. Refer to the TCEQ document Attribute Standards for TCEQ Geographic Locational Data and the TCEQ policies 8.11 and 8.12, available on the agency’s web page at http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/gis/gisplcy.html. Affected Off-Site Property Information Include the address information in the format specified above for any affected off-site property(ies). If there is more than one affected off-site property, attach additional pages to list the same information for all affected off-site properties. Contact Person for On-Site Property Information and Acknowledgement Provide the identity and address of the person undertaking the response action (not the consultant). Please refer to the definition of “person” in §350.4. The person should review the acknowledgement carefully and must sign and date this form. The consultant is not allowed to sign this form. Executive Summary – Use this section to summarize the major points of the report and provide background information about the affected property. Chronology – Attach a chronology, listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent activity, of events associated with the assessment, all previous abatement and assessment activities, and all other corrective actions conducted at the affected property. Include the date of actions taken and a brief description of all release abatement activities, assessment activities, and response actions conducted. Illustrate and label all locations of relevant information on the Affected Property map in Attachment 1A. List all references, including the date, title, and preparer of previously submitted reports, in the reference list in Appendix 1. Checklist for Report Completeness - Use this checklist to identify the applicable worksheets for your RAP and indicate which components are included in your report. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 4 RAP Contents Worksheet 1.0 Attachment 1A* Attachment 1B* Worksheet 2.0 Attachment 2A* Attachment 2B* Attachment 2C* Worksheet 2.1 Attachment 2D* Attachment 2E* Worksheet 2.2 Attachment 2F* Worksheet 2.3 Attachment 2G* Worksheet 2.4 Worksheet 3.0 Worksheet 3.1 Attachment 3A* Worksheet 3.2 Worksheet 4.0 Attachment 4A* Worksheet 5.0 Attachment 5A* Attachment 5B* Attachment 5C* Worksheet 6.0 Appendix 1* Appendix 2* Appendix 3* Appendix 4* Appendix 5* Appendix 6* Appendix 7* Appendix 8* Cover Page Executive Summary Chronology Checklist for Report Completeness Section 1 Response Action Objectives Response Action Objectives Maps and Cross Sections Graphs of Concentrations versus Time Section 2 Response Action Design Response Action Design Response Action Diagrams and Component/Equipment Descriptions Proposed Well Design ESA and Compensatory Restoration Plan Plume Management Zone Plume Management Zone Map Attenuation Action Levels Determination Waste Control Unit Map of Waste Control Unit Technical Impracticability Map of Technical Impracticability Area Institutional Controls Section 3 Response Action Performance Performance Measures and Potential Problems Monitoring and Sampling Map of Monitoring and Sampling Points Operation and Maintenance Section 4 Confirmation Sampling Confirmation Sampling Plan Map of Confirmation Sampling Points Section 5 Post-Response Action Care Post-Response Action Care Map of Post-Response Action Care Monitoring and Sampling Points Post-Response Action Care Costs Small Business Affidavit Section 6 Implementation Schedule Implementation Schedule Appendices References Data Tables and Boring Logs Studies/tests documentation Proposed Institutional Controls Landowner Concurrence Sampling Procedures Statistical Methodology Split Media Approval *These items are not included in the form and are provided by the person. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 5 SECTION 1 – Response Action Objectives Worksheet 1.0 Response Action Objectives – Use this worksheet to describe the objectives of the response action. For each environmental media (surface soil, subsurface soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, or air) containing a PCLE zone, state the response objectives for the PCLE zone(s) and how the response action will meet the remedy standard objectives in the proposed reasonable time. Refer to Soil and Groundwater Response Objectives (RG-366/TRRP-29) for more information on response action objectives. Attachment 1A Maps and Cross Sections – Unless the most recent and current data was included in the APAR, provide the following to document the most current and recent data: Affected Property Map – Include a large-scale map that illustrates all aspects of the affected property. Indicate the affected property boundary (this is not the legal property boundary) as defined by the assessment levels and the overall PCLE zone as defined by the critical PCLs. Include legal property boundaries, buildings and other structures, adjacent roads, all potential source areas and known release areas, land uses, type of surface cover, subsurface utilities, surface drainage, surface water bodies, boring and monitor well locations, other sampling locations, cross-section lines, water supply wells, and any other potential receptors. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. COC Concentration Maps - Provide affected property map(s) to visually present analytical data. The maps, typically one map per significant COC per media, drawn to scale, should illustrate all sampling points, COC concentrations, isoconcentration contours including a contour of the critical PCL to delineate the PCLE zone, sample depth intervals, and relevant surface and subsurface features. When there is sufficient time series data, also construct maps for significant COCs using previous sampling dates to illustrate PCLE zone changes over time. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, and identification of all symbols used on the map. Parameters Maps - Provide maps as necessary to effectively illustrate the distribution of geochemical and geotechnical parameters (such as fraction organic carbon and bulk density) when such information is collected. Illustrate on maps drawn to scale all sampling points, geochemical and geotechnical concentrations and values, isoconcentration contours as appropriate to accurately depict the data in each media, sample depth intervals, and relevant surface and subsurface features. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, and identification of all symbols used on the map. Groundwater Gradient Map - Provide a groundwater gradient map, drawn to scale, illustrating all monitoring wells, groundwater surface elevation in feet AMSL or BMSL, labeled groundwater elevation contours, and groundwater flow direction. If groundwater elevation data was collected at several times and the groundwater flow magnitude or direction has changed over time, submit a sufficient number of maps to illustrate these changes. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, and identification of all symbols used on the map. Cross Sections - If new data results in modification of data from that provided in the APAR, provide a minimum of two cross-sections perpendicular to each other through the source area and affected property. For sites with monitor wells, construct one cross section approximately parallel to the groundwater flow direction and one approximately perpendicular to flow direction. Illustrate site stratigraphy using the boring logs through the total depth of the borings/monitor wells or water well if used in the cross section. Indicate all groundwater-bearing units, lithologies, designated surface and subsurface soils, areas exceeding the assessment level and critical PCL (PCLE zones) for each media, including the location, depth, and extent of NAPL, static groundwater level, monitor well screened intervals, aquitards, migration TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 6 pathways, subsurface conduits and the compass directions of the cross sections. Required legend items: horizontal and vertical scales and identification of all symbols used in the cross section. Indicate the cross section lines on the affected property map. Additional cross sections may be submitted as needed to effectively portray subsurface conditions. Attachment 1B Graphs of Concentration versus Time – Provide graphs of concentration versus time for significant COCs in critical monitor wells or other media sampling points. The most recent and current data must be used in the graphs. If the most recent and current data was used to construct these graphs in the APAR, this attachment does not need to be repeated in the RAP. SECTION 2 – Response Action Design Worksheet 2.0 Response Action Design – Provide a detailed description of the response action design for each media. Complete a separate worksheet for each different response action. Attachment 2A Response Action Diagrams and Component/Equipment Descriptions – Illustrate in maps, drawings, and diagrams the design and layout of equipment and components. The plan should clearly show: the location of all key equipment; the location and coverage of any proposed physical control; the area in which the response action will occur; recovery, monitoring, or injection wells; buildings; surface cover types; and surface drainage. Include equipment manufacturers' documentation that identifies equipment construction and performance measurements. Required legend information for maps: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. Attachment 2B Proposed Well Design – Illustrate the proposed design and placement of any proposed monitor wells, recovery wells, or injection wells using construction diagrams and a map of proposed locations. Required legend information for maps: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. Attachment 2C Ecological Services Analysis and Compensatory Restoration Plan – Use this attachment to provide an ecological services analysis (ESA) and compensatory restoration plan if proposed as part of the response action. Guidance discussing ESAs and compensatory restoration is provided in Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments in Texas, available on the TCEQ web page. Worksheet 2.1 Plume Management Zone – Complete this worksheet when a plume management zone is proposed as part of the response action. Refer to Soil and Groundwater Response Objectives (RG366/TRRP-29) for more information on plume management zones. Attachment 2D PMZ Map - Provide a map that illustrates the area of the plume management zone, the attenuation monitoring points, alternate groundwater POEs, and the groundwater PCLE zone. Note all receptors within the PMZ and any potentially threatened receptors outside the PMZ. Illustrate major buildings, structures, roads, and other major site features. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. Attachment 2E Attenuation Action Levels Determination – Provide in this attachment all equations, calculations, and other methods of determining the attenuation action levels for each attenuation monitoring point. Provide supporting documentation for the justification that the PMZ is appropriate in accordance with §350.33(f)(4). TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 7 Worksheet 2.2 Waste Control Unit – Use this worksheet to provide information on the waste control unit if proposed as part of the response action. Do not submit this worksheet if a waste control unit is not part of the response action plan. Refer to Soil and Groundwater Response Objectives (RG-366/TRRP-29) for more information on response action objectives. Attachment 2F Waste Control Unit Map – Include a map that illustrates the waste control unit, the groundwater flow direction, the groundwater PCLE zone, and all major site features. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. Worksheet 2.3 Technical Impracticability – Use this worksheet to provide information on a technical impracticability demonstration. If a technical impracticability demonstrate is not proposed, do not submit this worksheet or Attachment 2G. Refer to Soil and Groundwater Response Objectives (RG-366/TRRP29) for more information on response action objectives. Attachment 2G Technical Impracticability Map – Provide a map that illustrates the area of technical impracticability, the groundwater flow direction, the groundwater PCLE zone, and all major site features. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. Worksheet 2.4 Institutional Controls – Complete this worksheet if an institutional control will be used as part of the response action. Repeat this worksheet for each property that requires an institutional control. Refer to Institutional Controls (RG-366/TRRP-16) for further information on institutional controls. Section 3 Response Action Performance Worksheet 3.0 Performance Measures and Potential Problems – Describe the performance measures that will be used to determine if reasonable progress is being made by the response action. The performance measures must clearly demonstrate that the response actions addressing each media are being accomplished in a reasonable time. If statistical or geostatistical methods will be used as part of the effectiveness measures, discuss the assumptions and provide the equations for statistical or geostatistical methodology(ies) in Appendix 7. The results of the measures of effectiveness will be reported in the RAER and RACR to document that the response action is proceeding in a timely manner. Describe any potential problems that may occur with, or during, the response action. The description should demonstrate that potential problems have been anticipated and that contingency measures are in place. List potential problem that might be reasonably anticipated for a response action of this type, and that might result in response action failure and/or downtime. Describe the impact of the problem on the response action, and describe how the risk of each scenario will be minimized through duplicate systems, inspection and maintenance, preventive maintenance/parts replacements, and operational guidelines. Also describe the training, equipment, and assets that will be utilized in a timely manner for each response to a problem. Worksheet 3.1 Monitoring and Sampling – Specify the monitoring and sampling that will be conducted to assess the effectiveness and progression of the response action. Discuss the sampling methods in Appendix 6 unless the planned monitoring or sampling procedure is the same as the media sampling procedures described in the APAR. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 8 Attachment 3A Map of Monitoring and Sampling Points – Provide maps showing the monitoring and sampling points in each media, the PCLE zone, and all major features of the site. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. Worksheet 3.2 Operation and Maintenance –Provide a brief overview of the operation and maintenance activities. List the key operating parameters considered important to the proper operation of the response action and critical to its effectiveness. Provide the detail necessary to explain how the person will know the response action is functioning properly. List routine tasks required to operate and maintain the response action, including scheduled inspections, maintenance, and component replacement. SECTION 4 – Confirmation Sampling Worksheet 4.0 Confirmation Sampling Plan – Specify the COC or other parameter sampling that will be conducted in each media requiring a response action to confirm completion of the response action. Discuss the sampling methods in Appendix 6 unless the methods are the same as the media sampling procedures described in the APAR. Illustrate the sampling locations in Attachment 4A. Attachment 4A Map of Confirmation Sampling Points – Provide maps, drawn to scale, to illustrate the confirmation sample points in each media requiring a response action and all major site features. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. SECTION 5 – Post Response Action Care Worksheet 5.0 Post-Response Action Care – Complete this worksheet for Remedy Standard B response actions. Describe the proposed post-response action care (PRAC) activities, including the type of monitoring and/or inspection to be performed for each environmental media requiring a response action. Attachment 5A Map of Post-Response Action Care Monitoring and Sampling Points – Provide map(s) illustrating the affected property, limits of proposed physical controls, all proposed PRAC monitoring, sampling, and inspection points. Required legend information: north arrow, fractional and bar scales, map source and identification of all symbols used on the map. Attachment 5BA Post Response Action Care Costs – Provide a detailed cost estimate for a third party to operate and maintain the physical control during the post response action care period. Attachment 5C Small Business Affidavit – When the person is a small business who desires to pursue the reduced amount of financial assurance, include the small business affidavit to meet the requirements of 30 TAC §350.33(n)(2). An example affidavit is included on page 12. SECTION 6 – Implementation Schedule Worksheet 6.0 Implementation Schedule – Provide a detailed project schedule of proposed response action activities. Include the proposed duration, start/finish dates, and the proposed date of submittal of the applicable reports or notifications following approval of the RAP. You may list start and finish dates as actual (approximate) dates or as time from RAP approval. The RAER must be submitted a minimum of every three years following from the date of approval of the RAP. The RACR must be submitted TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 9 within 90 days of completion of a response action, and the PRACR is due each anniversary of the date of TCEQ approval of the RACR, unless an alternate reporting schedule is approved by the TCEQ. Appendices Appendix 1 Reference List – In order to document the sources of information included in this report, provide a complete list of references, including personal communications, reports, books, published and unpublished documents, databases, maps, and any other sources of information used in this report. Each reference should specify, as applicable, the author, date, title of article, title of book, periodical, or report, publisher, date of publication, issue information (edition, volume, issue number, date); page reference, and URL. Database references should include the source of the database, the name of the database, and the date the information was acquired. Personal communication references should include the name of the person contacted, the date of contact, and the method of contact (phone, letter, etc). Clearly identify each item in the report that has a reference in this appendix using either superscript numbers or authordate citation (for example, Adams 1999). List references in the order in which they appear in each worksheet and attachment, clearly identifying on which worksheet or attachment the item appears. Please note that unsubstantiated information may be considered invalid. Appendix 2 Data Tables and Boring Logs – Use this attachment to provide boring logs and tables of data collected since submittal of the APAR (unless previously submitted). COC Data Tables - Provide summary tables of all media sample screening and analytical results obtained since the submittal of the APAR. Include the following: COC, the critical PCL for each COC, method quantitation limit, sample ID no., sample date, sample depth, and concentration in mg/kg, mg/L, or other appropriate measure. Highlight the individual results that exceed the critical PCL. If the result was not quantifiable, specify that the concentration was less than the SQL for that sample (for example, <0.01 mg/kg). Results of field screening of soil samples should be specified in a separate table in this attachment. The SQL may be used in place of the MQL if it is satisfactorily demonstrated that all reasonably available analytical technology has been used to show that the COC cannot be measured to the MQL due to sample specific interferences. If such a demonstration is made, include all supporting information in this appendix. Parameters Data Table - Provide summary tables of the results of any geochemical or geotechnical analyses. The tables should include the parameter analyzed, sample date, method quantitation limit (MQL), analytical method, type of media, sample ID no., sample depth, and result. If the result was nondetect, specify the SQL for that parameter (do not only write “ND”). Groundwater Measurements Table - Include in this attachment a summary table of all monitor well and water well gauging data. The table should include: depth to groundwater, NAPL thickness, groundwater elevation in relation to mean sea level, top of casing and/or ground surface elevations (specify measuring point), corrected water level and well screen interval. The table should be organized with all results for each monitor well or water well listed in date order (oldest first). If measurable LNAPL is present, provide the specific gravity of the LNAPL and the equation used to calculate the corrected groundwater elevation. Boring Logs and Monitor Well Completions- If any borings or monitor wells were installed since submittal of the APAR, provide soil boring logs which include lithology, identification of groundwaterbearing units, field-screening results, sample locations, sample type (discrete, composite), total depth, sampling tool, boring diameter, depth at which groundwater was encountered while drilling, drilling method, and, if applicable, monitor well completion details including screened interval, diameter, and slot size, casing interval and diameter, cement and grout intervals. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 10 Appendix 3 Studies and Tests Documentation – Provide complete details on any studies or tests already conducted or proposed as part of this response action. Include test methods, purpose of the test, results (if already conducted), and how the results will be, or have been, used to choose the response action, design the response action or modify the response action. If modeling was used, provide documentation of the software and model used, all input data assumptions, and all results. Appendix 4 Proposed Institutional Controls – Provide a draft of the proposed institutional controls identified in Worksheet 2.4. Appendix 5 Landowner Concurrence – Provide a map of the properties and a list of landowners from whom concurrence will be requested to execute an institutional control. Include documentation of any landowner concurrence already received. Appendix 6 Sampling Procedures - Attach a written description of sample collection and handling procedures if the procedures are different from the procedures previously provided in the APAR (if so, specify the report name and submittal date in which the sample collection and handling procedures are described). Identify and describe the proposed field screening and/or sampling method(s) to be used, the method of sample collection and preservation, and sample handling procedures. Discuss the site-specific reasons for choosing the sample collection and handling method(s). Include a discussion of the data quality objectives for the project. Appendix 7 Statistical Methodology – Define the statistical or geostatistical methodology(ies) that will be applied in the data collection or data evaluation process. Discuss the basis for assumptions and provide all equations that will be used. Appendix 8 Split Media Approval – Use this appendix to provide a copy of the TCEQ-issued approval to apply the procedures on managing media under different plans of action. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 11 County Codes and TCEQ Region Numbers County Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer Armstrong Atascosa Austin Bailey Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexar Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks Brown Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron Camp Carson Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin Collingsworth Colorado County Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Region No. 5 7 10 14 3 1 13 12 2 13 11 3 14 9 13 11 7 9 5 12 9 6 1 15 3 9 11 11 14 3 15 5 1 5 1 12 5 1 3 2 8 3 4 1 12 County Code Comal Comanche Concho Cooke Coryell Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas Dawson Deaf Smith Delta Denton DeWitt Dickens Dimmit Donley Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Erath Falls Fannin Fayette Fisher Floyd Foard Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio Gaines Galveston Garza Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 Reg No. 13 3 8 4 9 3 7 8 2 6 1 4 7 1 5 4 14 2 16 1 16 3 7 13 4 6 4 9 4 11 3 2 3 12 5 9 13 7 12 2 13 7 14 14 1 County Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman Hardin Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irion Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble King Code Reg No. 91 4 92 5 93 9 94 13 95 2 96 1 97 9 98 1 99 3 100 10 101 12 102 5 103 1 104 3 105 11 106 1 107 5 108 15 109 9 110 2 111 4 112 5 113 10 114 7 115 6 116 4 117 1 118 8 119 3 120 14 121 10 122 6 123 10 124 15 125 14 126 4 127 3 128 13 129 4 130 13 131 15 132 3 133 13 134 8 135 2 County Code Kinney Kleberg Knox Lamar Lamb Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch McLennan McMullen Madison Marion Martin Mason Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley Nacogdoches Navarro Newton Nolan Nueces Ochiltree Oldham 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 12 Reg No. 16 14 3 5 2 9 16 14 11 9 12 9 1 14 11 7 2 2 8 9 16 9 5 7 8 12 16 13 8 7 9 9 3 3 12 1 5 2 10 4 10 3 14 1 1 County Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos Polk Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith Somervell Starr Stephens Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terrell Terry Throckmorton Titus Code Reg. No. 181 10 182 4 183 5 184 4 185 1 186 7 187 10 188 1 189 6 190 5 191 1 192 8 193 13 194 5 195 7 196 14 197 1 198 9 199 4 200 3 201 5 202 10 203 10 204 10 205 14 206 9 207 8 208 3 209 3 210 10 211 1 212 5 213 4 214 15 215 3 216 8 217 3 218 8 219 1 220 4 221 3 222 7 223 2 224 3 225 5 County Code Reg No. Tom Green 226 8 Travis 227 11 Trinity 228 10 Tyler 229 10 Upshur 230 5 Upton 231 7 Uvalde 232 13 Val Verde 233 16 Van Zandt 234 5 Victoria 235 14 Walker 236 12 Waller 237 12 Ward 238 7 Washington 239 9 Webb 240 16 Wharton 241 12 Wheeler 242 1 Wichita 243 3 Wilbarger 244 3 Willacy 245 15 Williamson 246 11 Wilson 247 13 Winkler 248 7 Wise 249 4 Wood 250 5 Yoakum 251 2 Young 252 3 Zapata 253 16 Zavala 254 16 EXAMPLE To be used as RAP Attachment 5C SMALL BUSINESS AFFIDAVIT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH 30 TAC §350.33(n)(1) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF {___________________} AFFIDAVIT OF {NAME OF AFFIANT} Before me, the undersigned notary, on this day personally appeared {name of affiant}, a person whose identity is known to me. After I administered an oath to {him/her}, upon {his/her} oath, {he/she} said: My name is {name of affiant}. I am capable of making this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. I am the owner or an authorized officer of {name of business} which is a small business as defined by 30 TAC §350.33(n)(2). {Name of business} employs, by direct payroll and/or through contract, fewer than one hundred full time employees, has net annual receipts (as defined by 30 TAC §350.33(n)(2)(A)) of less than $3,000,000, and is not a wholly-owned subsidiary of a corporation which has one hundred or more full time employees and net annual receipts (as defined by 30 TAC §350.33(n)(2)(A)) of $3,000,000 or more. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by {name of affiant} on _____________________, (year). ___________________________ Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My commission expires: {date} TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 13 TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Response Action Plan Cover Page Regulatory ID number (Solid waste registration number, VCP ID number, etc) check one: Initial submittal for this on-site property Subsequent submittal for this on-site property Report date: TCEQ Region No.: TCEQ Program (check one) Corrective Action (Mail Code 127) Superfund PRP Lead (Mail Code 143) Voluntary Cleanup Program (Mail Code 221) Municipal Solid Waste Permits (Mail Code 124) RPR Section (Mail Code 137) On-Site Property Information On-Site Property Name: Street no. Pre dir: Street name City: Street type: County: Post dir: County Code: Zip: Nearest street intersection or location description: Latitude: Degrees, Minutes, Seconds OR Decimal Degrees (circle one) North Longitude: Degrees, Minutes, Seconds OR Decimal Degrees (circle one) West Off-Site Affected Property Information Off-Site Affected Property Name: Physical Address: Street no. City: Pre dir: Street name Street type: County: Post dir: County Code: Zip: Check if no off-site properties affected Contact Person Information and Acknowledgement Person (or company) Name: Title: Contact Person: Mailing Address: City: Phone: State: Zip: E-mail address Fax: By my signature below, I acknowledge the requirement of §350.2(a) that no person shall submit information to the executive director or to parties who are required to be provided information under this chapter which they know or reasonably should have known to be false or intentionally misleading, or fail to submit available information which is critical to the understanding of the matter at hand or to the basis of critical decisions which reasonably would have been influenced by that information. Violation of this rule may subject a person to the imposition of civil, criminal, or administrative penalties. Signature of Person TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 Name, print: Date: 14 RAP Executive Summary ID No.: Report Date: Use this worksheet to summarize the report. Be sure to complete and submit the Checklist for Report Completeness. Attach a chronology of activities associated with the affected property. Briefly describe the affected property and PCLE zones, the conclusions from the assessment activities, identify any affected or threatened receptors, and describe any other major considerations taken into account when developing this response action plan. If any portion of the response action is necessitated due to an aesthetic or nuisance condition, identify the nature of that condition and identify that portion of the response action proposed to address it. If any media that contains a PCLE zone is not addressed in this RAP, provide justification. What is the selected remedy standard for this affected property? A B List all media that contains a PCLE zone and specify the proposed response action for each media. Indicate the type of removal, decontamination, physical control and/or institutional control action that is proposed. Media COCs1 Removal Decontamination Physical Control Control Modified Groundwater Response Objective2 PMZ WCU TI Is there a media that contains a PCLE zone that is not addressed in this RAP? If yes, provide justification for not addressing the PCLE zone in this RAP. On-site land use: Off-site land use: Residential Residential Commercial/Industrial Commercial/Industrial Is this a re-submittal or revision of a previous RAP? Yes If yes, explain why the RAP is being revised or resubmitted. yes no (check all that apply) No Were all the appropriate notifications made in accordance with §350.55? If no, explain why notifications were not made: Yes No 1 Specify either a specific COC or, if the response action is the same for all COCs in one type, specify the type of COC (for example, VOCs, SVOCs, metals). 2 If a modified groundwater response objective is proposed, check the type(s) of proposed modifications. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 15 Checklist for Report Completeness ID No.: Report Date: Use this checklist to determine the portions of the form that must be submitted for this report. Answer all questions by checking Yes or No. If the answer is Yes include that portion of the report. If the answer is No, do not complete or submit that portion of the report. All form contents that are marked "Required" must be submitted. Form contents marked with an asterisk (*) are not included in the blank form and are to be provided by the person. Report Contents No Have new data been collected that was not previously submitted? Required Cover Page Required Executive Summary Required Checklist for Report Completeness Required Worksheet 1.0 Response Action Objectives Yes Attachment 1A* Maps and Cross Sections Attachment 1B* Graphs of Concentration versus Time Required Worksheet 2.0 Response Action Design Required Attachment 2A* Response Action Diagrams and Component/Equipment Descriptions Required Attachment 2B* Proposed Well Design No Is an ecological services analysis or compensatory restoration plan part of the proposed response action? Yes Attachment 2C* ESA and Compensatory Restoration Plan No Is a plume management zone proposed as part of the response action? Yes Worksheet 2.1 Plume Management Zone Attachment 2D* Plume Management Zone Map Attachment 2E* Attenuation Action Levels Determination No Is a waste control unit proposed as part of the response action? Yes Worksheet 2.2 Waste Control Unit Attachment 2F* Map of Waste Control Unit No Is a technical impracticability area proposed as part of the response action? Yes Worksheet 2.3 Technical Impracticability Attachment 2G* Map of Technical Impracticability Area TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 16 Checklist for Report Completeness ID No.: Report Date: Report Contents No No Is the response action a remedy standard B? Is the response action a Remedy Standard B? Yes Worksheet 2.4 Institutional Controls Required Worksheet 3.0 Performance Measures and Potential Problems Required Worksheet 3.1 Monitoring and Sampling Required Attachment 3A* Map of Monitoring and Sampling Points Required Worksheet 3.2 Operation and Maintenance Required Worksheet 4.0 Confirmation Sampling Plan Required Attachment 4A* Map of Confirmation Sampling Points Yes Worksheet 5.0 Post Response Action Care Attachment 5A* Map of PRAC Monitoring and Sampling Points Attachment 5B* PRAC Costs No Does the person, who is a small business, desire to modify the financial assurance requirement? Yes Attachment 5C* Small Business Affidavit Required Worksheet 6.0 Implementation Schedule Required Appendix 1* References No Was any data collected that was not previously reported? Yes Appendix 2* Data Tables and Boring Logs No Were any studies or tests conducted? Yes Appendix 3* Studies and Tests Documentation No Is the response action a Remedy Standard B? Yes Appendix 4* Proposed Institutional Controls No Are any institutional controls proposed/required on property not owned by the person? Yes Appendix 5* Landowner Concurrence No Are any of the sample collection or handling procedures different from those reporting in the APAR or other previously submitted report? Yes Appendix 6* Sampling Procedures No Are statistics or geostatistics proposed to be used as part of the response action? Yes Appendix 7* Statistical Methodology No Was approval received from the TCEQ regarding the use of different rules to address a media? Yes Appendix 8* Split Media Approval Form contents marked with an asterisk (*) are not included in the blank form. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 17 Response Action Objectives Associated Information: Attachment 1A, 1B RAP Worksheet 1.0 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Use this worksheet to describe the objectives for the response action in each media. Response Action Objectives List the environmental media to which this applies Repeat this section for each medium that has a different response action objective. State the property-specific response objectives for the PCLE zone in each media in the context of the response objectives set forth in §350.32 or §350.33 as applicable. Explain how the response action is appropriate based on the hydrogeologic characteristics, COC characteristics, and potential unprotective conditions that could continue or result during the remedial period. Explain how the COCs will be handled, treated, disposed, or transferred to another media and document that the response action will not result in any additional potential exposure conditions due to response action activities. State the proposed “reasonable time frame” and provide the justification for that time frame in the context of any potential for unprotective exposures to exist or develop, COC characteristics, hydrogeologic and affected property characteristics. If the reasonable time frame is different for the different affected media or for particular tracts of land, be sure to discuss that. Provide how the proposed response action will meet the objectives in a reasonable timeframe. Soil Response Action Objectives When using removal and/or decontamination with controls or controls only, demonstrate how that physical control or combination of measures will reliably contain COCs within and/or derived from the surface soil and subsurface soil PCLE zone materials over time. Explain how the removal or decontamination action will reduce the concentration of COCs to the critical surface soil and subsurface soil PCL throughout the soil PCLE zone and prevent COC concentrations above the critical soil PCLs from migrating beyond the existing boundary of the soil PCLE zone. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 18 Response Action Objectives Associated Information: Attachment 1A, 1B RAP Worksheet 1.0 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Groundwater Response Action Objectives Name of groundwater-bearing unit to which this information applies Repeat this section for each groundwater-bearing unit for which a different response action is proposed. Groundwater classification 1 2 3 Is a modified groundwater response action being proposed for any part of the groundwater PCLE zone (§350.33(f)(2), (3), or (4))? If yes, does the affected property meet the qualifying criteria for a modified groundwater response action using a waste control unit, plume management zone, or technical impracticability? If yes, complete the appropriate portions of this report. If no to either question, complete the following: Yes Yes No No Explain how the removal or decontamination action will reduce the concentration of COCs to the critical groundwater PCL throughout the groundwater PCLE zone and prevent COC concentrations above the critical groundwater PCL from migrating beyond the existing boundary of the groundwater PCLE zone. Explain how the response action will prevent COCs from migrating to air at concentrations above the PCLs for air if the groundwater-to-air PCLs (AirGW Inh-V) is exceeded. Explain how the response action will prevent COCs from migrating to surface water at concentrations above the PCLs for groundwater discharges to surface water if surface water is a factor. Explain how the response action will prevent human and ecological receptor exposure to the groundwater PCLE zone. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 19 Response Action Design Associated Information: Attachment 2A, 2B, 2C RAP Worksheet 2.0 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Response Action Design Use this worksheet to provide detailed descriptions of the response action. Attach design and layout drawings and equipment specifications in Attachment 2A. Media: List all media to which this information applies. If the response action is different for another media, complete a separate worksheet. Provide a detailed description of the response action. Describe the removal action, decontamination, treatment system(s), and/or physical or institutional control actions that are proposed for each media and discuss the reasons for choosing the response action(s). Identify and describe any ecological services analysis and compensatory restoration plan that will be utilized (if so, include the complete ESA and compensatory restoration plan in Attachment 2C). Describe all major treatment system components and equipment of the response action. Illustrate the response action design and provide equipment specifications in Attachment 2A. List permits or registrations needed to construct or implement the response action, including permits or registrations needed to conduct studies or tests. For VCP sites, list the permits that would be required if the site was not in the VCP (required by the VCP). Permitting/Registration Type of permit/registration Permit or registration Anticipated Authority number if already application date issued Identify and discuss the results of any studies or tests, such as pilot studies, feasibility studies, technical impracticability studies, treatability studies, and/or toxicity studies conducted or proposed to be conducted at the affected property. Discuss the reason for the study or test and how it verifies the effectiveness and appropriateness of the chosen response action or documents that a particular response action is not appropriate for the affected property. Describe how the results of completed studies or tests determined the design or choice of response action. Attach any separate reports and supporting documentation in Appendix 3. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 20 Plume Management Zone Associated Information: Attachments 2D, 2E RAP Worksheet 2.1 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Complete this worksheet when a PMZ is proposed as part of the response action. Include in Attachment 2D a map of the proposed PMZ with alternate POE(s) and attenuation monitoring points identified and the current groundwater PCLE zone. If a PMZ is not proposed, do not submit this worksheet. Groundwater-bearing unit Repeat this worksheet for each groundwater-bearing unit for which a PMZ is proposed. Groundwater classification 2 3 Provide justification as to why the PMZ is appropriate in accordance with §350.33(f)(4)(A). Include supporting documentation in Attachment 2E. Is the alternate POE proposed to be beyond the current limits of the PCLE zone? Yes No If yes, how far? (§350.37(l) or (m) as applicable) Is it to be off-site? Yes No On an off-site property that currently does not contain a residential-based groundwater PCLE zone? Yes No If yes and this is a Class 2 groundwater, provide the basis for concluding that this groundwater does not have a reasonably anticipated future beneficial use (§350.37(l)(3)). Is NAPL present? Yes No If so, describe how the response action will achieve the performance criteria in §350.33(f)(4)(E). If this is a Class 2 groundwater, explain how the response action will ensure that leachate from the surface soil and subsurface soil PCLE zones will not increase concentration of COCs greater than the current measured concentrations (at time of RAP submittal). (§350.33(a)(2)) Provide the basis that the COCs will not migrate beyond the downgradient boundary of the PMZ at concentrations above the critical PCL. Include supporting documentation in Attachment 2E. Describe the methods used to determine that there are no artificial penetrations which can allow COCs to migrate from the groundwater PCLE zone to currently unaffected groundwater-bearing units. Include supporting documentation in Attachment 2E. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 21 Plume Management Zone Associated Information: Attachments 2D, 2E RAP Worksheet 2.1 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: List the attenuation action level determined for each attenuation monitoring point. Illustrate the proposed attenuation monitoring points and the groundwater PCLE zone on the map in Attachment 2D. Include all calculations and other methods of determining the attenuation action levels in Attachment 2E. COC Attenuation Monitoring Attenuation Action Attenuation Action Point (well number) Level Level limited by AirGW (mg/L) Inh-V or existing COC concentration? Y/N TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 22 Waste Control Unit Associated Information: Attachment 2F RAP Worksheet 2.2 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Use this worksheet to document the use of a waste control unit to modify the groundwater response actions (§350.33(f)(2)). Provide a map in Attachment 2F of the waste control unit overlying the PCLE zone. Include proposed institutional controls in Appendix 4. If this modification does not apply, do not submit this worksheet. Is the waste control unit an existing unit? If yes, provide: the permit number description status active Yes No closed Describe how the existing or proposed WCU meets the definition set forth in §350.4(a)(91). If the WCU is proposed, identify any applicable permitting process that must be completed prior to operation of the WCU. Has the applicable permit been pursued yet? If not, when will this be initiated? TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 Yes No 23 Technical Impracticability Associated Information: Attachment 2G RAP Worksheet 2.3 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Use this worksheet to justify the use of technical impracticability (TI) to modify the groundwater response objectives. Also complete Worksheet 2.2 to propose a plume management zone for the TI area. Include a map of the groundwater PCLE zone and area of technical impracticability in Attachment 2G. Include in the attachment any other documentation needed to make the justification. If technical impracticability is not proposed as part of the response action, do not submit this worksheet. Describe the groundwater PCLE zone and demonstrate in accordance with Guidance for Evaluating the Technical Impracticability of Ground-Water Restoration (EPA OSWER Directive 9234.2-25), unless otherwise approved by TCEQ, why it is technically impractical to reduce the COC concentrations to the critical PCLs, taking into account all currently available remediation technologies, and hydrogeologic and chemical-specific factors. Identify the specific COCs and list the PCLs that cannot be achieved. Are there groundwater COCs in excess of the critical PCLs beyond the TI area? Yes If yes, make sure removal/decontamination actions are documented in Worksheet 1.0. No Will actions be required or already completed to prevent COC migration outside the area of technical impracticability and/or outside the existing boundary of the groundwater PCLE zone? Yes No If yes, make sure removal/decontamination actions are documented in Worksheet 1.0. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 24 RAP Worksheet 2.4 Institutional Control ID No.: Associated Information: Appendices 4, 5 Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Complete this worksheet if an institutional control will be used as part of the response action. Include a draft of the proposed institutional controls in Appendix 4. Provide a list of landowners from whom landowner concurrence will be requested, as necessary, in Appendix 5. Specify the property for which this applies. Repeat this worksheet for each different property for which an institutional control will be used. Type of Institutional Control1 Property Ownership Institutional Control Deed Notice Restrictive VCP Equivalent Check if Check if the Covenant Certificate of zoning or Completion governmental pertinent tract pertinent tract of of land is land is owned by ordinance owned by the an innocent person owner or operator Document use of commercial/industrial land use (§350.31(g)) Document use of physical or institutional control under Remedy Standard B §350.31(g)) Document notice of on-going long term response action (§350.31(h)) Document use of occupational inhalation criteria as RBELs (§350.74(b)(1)) Document variance from the default exposure factors (§350.74(j)(2)(L)) Document the use of a non-default soil exposure area (§350.51(l)(3)&(4)) Document WCU exclusion area (§350.33(f)(2)) Document establishing a PMZ (§350.33(f)(4)(C)(I)) Document the demonstration of technical impracticability (§350.33(f)(3)(F)) Relocation of soils containing COCs for reuse (§350.36(b)(4) and (c)(4)) 1 2 Check the appropriate box(es) to indicate the type of institutional control required for the proposed response action. Specify date or amount of time after RAP approval. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 25 Anticipated Filing Date2 Performance Measures and Potential Problems RAP Worksheet 3.0 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Performance Measures List and describe the performance measures for each environmental medium containing a PCLE zone that will be used to determine if reasonable progress is being made by the response action in a timely manner. Use these measures to document effectiveness of the response action in the RAER. Potential Problems Complete the table for the response action. When the response action consists of several components or multiple actions, complete one table for each major component or action. Response Action Name/Designation: List the potential problems that might be reasonably anticipated for the response action, describe the impact of each problem, and the response to the problem. Description of the Potential Impact Will this Corrective Response Problem cause a response action failure? Yes No TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 26 Monitoring and Sampling Associated Information: Attachment 3A RAP Worksheet 3.1 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: List the monitoring and sampling of COC concentrations or other parameters that will be conducted during the response action. Illustrate the monitoring or sampling locations in Attachment 3A. If statistics or geostatistics will be used, provide details in Appendix 7. If monitoring or observation wells will be constructed for the response action, provide well construction details in Attachment 2B if not previously provided. Monitored Media COC1 Other Sampling Sampling Depth/Height4 Analytical or Field Sampling or parameter Method2 points or (ft.) Screening Monitoring (specify) locations3 Method Frequency5 Surface Soil Subsurface Soil Groundwater Surface water Sediment Air Other Media (specify) Explain the reasons for the above-listed monitoring and sampling plan. 1 Specify the COCs to be monitored in this media. List either type of COC (such as VOCs, metals) if all the COCs of that type will be monitored the same way. Describe the sampling or monitoring methods and QC procedures in Appendix 1 unless the proposed sampling or monitoring procedure is the same as the sampling or monitoring procedure described in the APAR. 3 Specify the sampling or monitoring point, such as the specific monitor well or general sampling or monitoring location. 4 Specify the depth or height of the sampling or monitoring points. 5 Specify the frequency at which this monitoring or sampling will occur. 2 TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 27 Operation and Maintenance RAP Worksheet 3.2 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Use this worksheet to describe the operation and maintenance (O&M) activities for each response action. In situations where the response action consists of more than one major component, for clarity one worksheet can be completed for each major component. Response Action Name/Designation: List all portions of the response action to which this information applies. Describe the O&M and inspection activities that will be required to operate and maintain response action components. List and discuss the key operating parameters for a properly functioning response action. Address how changes in these parameters will result in operating changes, providing sufficient detail to explain how the operator will know the component is functioning properly. List the routine tasks required to operate the response action. List the routine tasks required to maintain the response action, including scheduled inspections, maintenance, and component replacement. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 28 Confirmation Sampling Plan Associated Information: Attachment 4A RAP Worksheet 4.0 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: List the COCs and other parameters that will be sampled to confirm completion of the response action. Illustrate the monitoring or sampling locations in Attachment 4A. If monitoring or observation wells will be constructed for the response action, provide well construction details in Attachment 2B if not previously provided. If needed, describe the sample collection and handling methods, if not previously provided, in Appendix 6. Media COC1 Other Sampling Sampling Depth/height Analytical Sampling Frequency parameter Method points2 Method (ft.) (specify) Surface Soil Subsurface Soil Groundwater Surface water Sediment Air Other media (specify) Explain the reasons for the above-listed sampling plan. Discuss statistical or geostatistical methodology(ies) which will be applied, if any, in the data collection process. Discuss any assumptions made in the statistical/geostatistical assessment, and how they will be met. 1 2 Specify either a specific COC or type of COC (such as VOCs, metals). Specify the sampling point to the degree it is known, (for example, MW-1, or near former boring #2). TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 29 Post-Response Action Care Associated Information: Attachments 5A-5C RAP Worksheet 5.0 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report date: Complete this worksheet only if Remedy Standard B will be used. What is the proposed initial post-response action care period? (default 30 yr.) years If the proposed initial post-response action care period is less than 30 years, provide a technical justification in accordance with §350.33(h). What is the foreseeable land use during the post-response action care period? Describe how the future use of the property will not compromise the integrity of the physical controls, will not interfere with the function of the monitoring systems, will not pose a threat to human health or the environment, and will be in accordance with any institutional controls. Briefly describe the proposed post-response action care activities. Describe the type of monitoring and/or inspections to be performed. Discuss the rationale for not including COC(s) analyzed during the response action, monitoring or sampling point location, frequency of monitoring and/or inspections, and the duration of the monitoring program. Will PRAC sampling procedures be the same as those as previously documented for monitoring and/ or confirmation sampling? Yes No If no, provide in Appendix 6 a description of the monitoring or sampling collection procedures to be conducted during the post-response action care period. Cost Estimate Complete this portion of the form only if a physical control is proposed (installed hydraulic control system, slurry wall, cap, etc.). Provide in Attachment 5B a detailed cost estimate for a third party to operate and maintain the physical control during the PRAC period, based on current dollar amount. Specify the physical control to which this information applies Complete this worksheet for each physical control that will be used as part of the response action. What is the total estimated annual cost of O&M for the PRAC period? $ What is the total estimated cost for a third party to perform PRAC activities? $ Identify the type of financial assurance mechanism to be used, and the contact person managing fiduciary responsibility, if known. Does the person meet the criteria and definition of a small business? (see §350.33(n)) Yes No If yes and the person desires to pursue the reduced amount of financial assurance, provide a legally binding affidavit as Attachment 5C. Include in the affidavit the information requested in 30 TAC §350.33(l), (m), and (n). An example affidavit is attached in the instructions. TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 30 Implementation Schedule RAP Worksheet 6.0 ID No.: Page ___ of ____ Report Date: Document the proposed schedule for implementing the response action. Include all major response action activities through the life of the project, including all removal, decontamination, and control actions, component installations, O&M, monitoring, and post-response action care activities. Implementation of Response Action Start Finish Duration (specify component or action) List the proposed schedule for report submittals. Add additional lines if more reports than listed will be needed to complete the response action. Reports Submittal date Response Action Effectiveness Report (RAER) RAER submittal number 1 RAER submittal number 2 RAER submittal number 3 Response Action Completion Report (RACR) Post-Response Action Care Report (PRACR) PRACR submittal number 1 PRACR submittal number 2 PRACR submittal number 3 TCEQ-10326/RAP February 2005 31