JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER LAP 3: THE STRUGGLE FOR CHANGE The Help by Kathryn Stockett Rationale: As we move through life, our experiences teach us lessons about the world around us and the people in it. Some of the lessons learned are joyous, and the people we encounter and surround ourselves with uplift us. Other times, we experience adversity, pain, disappointment, fear and injustice instead. In either case, our experiences create a unique individual story that only we can tell about ourselves. So it is in our LAP 3 novel, The Help. Set in Jackson, Mississippi during the heat of the Civil Rights movement, three brave women see the Southern world around them in need of change and set about telling their story to cause it, but not without difficulty or apprehension. The novel helps the reader to understand the themes of prejudice, courage, and independence that are all still quite relevant today. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the motivating reasons for change? Time: About 14 class meetings Materials: The Help by Kathryn Stockett (ISBN 978-0-425-23220)*** Must be brought to class EACH day! Wordly Wise – Level 10 – Units 11 and 12 Class notebook, pens, pencils, looseleaf paper and device, as needed. LAP Objectives: After completing this LAP you will be able to: 1) Identify plot elements such as setting, conflict, point of view and characterization in the novel. 2) Identify/explain themes in the novel. 3) Identify/explain character motivation 4) Have a historical understanding of events relating to the Civil Rights movement and how they tie in to the events in the novel. 5) Become aware of the influence of social customs and expectations on human behavior and thinking. 6) draw connections between two pieces of literature using critical thinking 1 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER This LAP includes: This LAP includes: 1) Daily Homework: See each class meeting on LAP calendar for homework assignments. NOTE:For most homework assignments, you will have a study guide with informative and discussion questions to complete You should use at least two complete sentences to answer each question, re-stating the question in your answer. Please skip lines between each question. Make sure you attempt some reasonable response to the question – a blank answer gathers no points – TRY YOUR BEST!! 2)Announced and unannounced quizzes at the beginning of class. Be prepared!!!! 3) Independent Vocabulary – Complete the exercises for Unit 8 in your Vocabulary Workshop book. Then come to Open Lab to check your answers against my key. Once you have checked your work, show me your corrected answers for credit. Vocabulary Deadlines Unit 11 Exercises – Due C-Day, 3/31 Unit 11 Test in Testing Center C, 3/31 – E, 4/2 Unit 12 Exercises – Due C-Day, 4/16 Unit 12 Test in Testing Center C, 4/16 – E, 4/21 4) LAP 3 Test You will not have a separate LAP 3 test, but HALF of your cumulative final exam will focus on the vocabulary, novel events, themes, character personalities, literary techniques, class discussions, and quotations we study during the novel. Use your Discussion questions and Class Notes and Study Guides from each chapter to study from. More information about the entire final exam will be given. 4) Open Lab Assignment: You will be given an outside reading selection, “The Mask” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar, that pertains to the novel’s theme. This selection is in your American Lit Textbook, so you will need to bring that to Open Lab for the activity. After your careful reading and analysis of the selection, you will have a worksheet to complete. The worksheet must be completed by D-Day, 4/20…..no exceptions. 5)The Help Assessment Activity – Due B-Day, 5/15 This activity will be worth 50 points and you will have 3 choices of projects to complete that will demonstrate your understanding of the characters and themes of the novel. More details to come after Easter break. 2 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER CLASS MEETINGS CALENDAR: (Record the day of the cycle and date for each meeting!) March 31st (C) Briefly go over LAP; Watch Documentary “ for understanding of time period and historical events of Civil Rights movement Homework for DAY 1 (see page 5 of LAP) : Read Chapters 1-3 and complete homework assignment that was given out in class. DAY 1: E-Day, 4/2 Discuss the author’s use of dialect, character development, and foreshadowing. Discussion of Chapters 1-3; share your character details and opinions about characters and situations in class; use of foreshadowing and predictions for things to come. The “Bathroom Initiative” Homework: Read Chapters 4-6 and complete the Discussion Questions for the Chapters (pg.5 ) DAY 2____________ Quiz Discussion of Chapters 4-6 Homework: Read Chapters 7-9 and Complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 3____________ Discussion of Chapters 7-9 Project choices Homework: Read Chapters 10-12 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 4 __________ Discussion of Chapters 10-12 Homework: Read Chapters 13-15 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 5 ___________ Discussion of Chapters 13-15 Homework: Read Chapters 16-18 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters 3 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER DAY 6___________ Discussion of Chapters 16-18 Homework: Read Chapters 19-21 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 7 __________ Discussion of Chapters 19-21 Homework: Read Chapters 22-23 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 8 _________ Discussion of Chapters 22-23 Homework: Read Chapters 24-25 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 9 _________ Discussion of Chapters 24-25 Homework: Read Chapters 26-28 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 10 _________ Discussion of Chapters 26-28 Homework: Read Chapters 29-30 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 11 _________ Discussion of Chapters 29-30 Homework: Read Chapters 31-32 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 12_________ Discussion of Chapters 31-32 Homework: Read Chapters 33-34 and complete Discussion Questions for the Chapters DAY 13 _________ Discussion of Chapters 33-34;Ending of novel discussion – lessons learned? Predictions? Questions and parallels DAY 14 ____________ Test Prep; Work on Projects 4 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER The Help Discussion Questions Abileen Miss Leefolt Mae Mobley Leefolt Miss Skeeter Miss Hilly Holbrook Miss Walters Minny Celia Rae Foote Homework for Day 1 class: Read Chapters 1-3 (pp. 1-54) On looseleaf, complete the following: 1)write down the characters that get presented in Chapters 1- 3. Give the following details for each character: 4 adjectives that describe the character Your attitude or feeling toward the character based on his or her words or actions (25 words for each main character) 2) Predict what you think will happen so far at the end of Chapter 3 5 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Discussion Questions for Chapters 4-6 IMPORTANT THEMES IN THE NOVEL: RACIAL PREJUDICE SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS Please be sure to answer questions on looseleaf paper, and skip lines between each question. For each question, make sure your response is detailed and consists of at least two full sentences. Chapter 4 1. Why does Miss Celia not want her husband to know that Minny is working for them? 2. What does Minny worry about? 3. What does Miss Celia do a great deal that Minny finds odd? Chapter 5 1. How long have Hilly , Skeeter and Elizabeth been friends? 2. What does Hilly threaten to do to Skeeter at the beginning of Ch. 5 and why? 3. What does Skeeter’s mother nag her about constantly? 4. How would you describe Skeeter’s mother? 5. Who is Constantine? Why was she so special to Skeeter? What does Skeeter think happened to her? 6 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Chapter 6 1. What letter does Skeeter receive in this Chapter? How does it inspire her? 2. What job does Skeeter wind up getting? 3. How do others view Skeeter’s job? 4. Why does Skeeter begin visiting Abileen at Ms. Leefolt’s house? talk to Abileen about? What does Skeeter 5. What is an example of foreshadowing at the end of this chapter? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTERS 7-9 Chapter 7 1. Why does Abileen begin telling Mae Mobley she is a smart, kind girl? 2. Why does Mae Mobley get in trouble with her mother, and how does it make Abileen feel? 3. Explain the metaphor of the “bitter seed” that Abileen keeps mentioning inside of her. What is it? Why is it growing? 4. Why does Miss Skeeter come to visit Abileen at her house? How does Abileen feel about this whole situation and why? 7 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Chapter 8 1. Explain the details of the writing idea that Skeeter has proposed to write for Ms. Stein at Harper and Row. How does Ms. Stein react to the idea? 2. Why does Skeeter try to pay money to Abileen? How does Abileen react? 3. Who is trying to get Skeeter set up for a date? Who is the person she is supposed to go out with and why is the date so important? 4. What physical feature is a difficulty for Miss Skeeter, and how does her mother find a solution for it? Chapter 9 1. How does Skeeter feel about her date at the beginning of the Chapter? 2. Who comes to visit the Phelans and why? 3. How does the date turn out and how does it make Skeeter feel? 4. What positive event occurs at the end of this Chapter? How has it been brought about? Questions for Chapters 10-12 Chapter 10 - Minny 1. When will Johnny Foote learn that Minny is working for them? What worries Minny about that day? 2. How does Minny react when Abileen tells her about Miss Skeeter’s writing project? 3. In this chapter, Celia locks herself in the bathroom when she comes to change the bedsheets. What does this and other odd behavior say about Celia? 4. How does Johnny Foote finally find out about Minny, and how does he react? Chapter 11 - Skeeter 1. Where does the first interview between Skeeter and Abileen take place? What does it mean for Skeeter to say about Abileen’s appearance that she “stands a little taller in her own house”? (pg. 168 [or 233] ) 2. Why would Skeeter and Abileen be arrested if they were caught meeting like this? 3. How does the first interview between Skeeter and Abileen go? What does Skeeter think will happen next? 4. How does Abileen let Skeeter know she is ready to be interviewed again? What does Abileen do to make the second interview go better than the first? 8 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Chapter 12 - Skeeter 1. 2. 3. 4. What does Skeeter do for Abileen and why? After reading Hilly’s Home Health Sanitation Initiative, how does it make you feel? What is the good news and the bad news Skeeter receives from Ms. Stein? How many other maids has Abileen asked for Skeeter to interview? What seems to be the main reason they won’t agree to it? 5. Describe Minny’s mood the first time Miss Skeeter meets with her to discuss the project and interview her. 6. What real event in history does Minny mention that shows how dangerous what they are doing is? The Help Discussion Questions for Chapters 13-15 Chapter 13 1. 2. 3. 4. Who shows up at Skeeter’s door and surprises her in this chapter and why? Who is Patricia van Devender? What does Skeeter find at the library and what does she do with it? What does Skeeter leave at the League meeting, and why is this a concern? Chapter 14 1. What does Skeeter show to Aibileen and why does Aibileen then show this same thing to Minny? 2. What is the one thing Aibileen admits that she admires about Hilly Holbrook in this chapter? 3. Why does Hilly claim that blacks and whites should never attend the same school together? 4. What act of violence occurs at the end of this chapter, and what is the aftermath of the event? Chapter 15 1. In this chapter, who accuses Aibileen of not teaching Mae Mobley manners? How would you describe this character? 2. Where does Hilly invite Ms. Leefolt and Mae Mobley to go and why is this special? 3. What do you see happening between Hilly and Elizabeth in their interaction with Skeeter? 4. What position is Hilly’s husband running for, and how is it affecting her? 9 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Chapter 16 1. How does Aibileen feel about trying to get other maids recruited for Skeeter’s writing project? (244) 2. Who is Yule May? What does she want to speak to Aibileen about at the church meeting? (246-47) Chapter 17 1. What is Minny’s new fear at the Foote household? (250 – 252) 2. Why does Minny feel that Celia doesn’t understand the line between blacks and whites? (253) 3. What does Minny not want Aibileen to know about her meetings with Ms. Skeeter? 4. What does Leroy think about voicing discontent about racial integration? 5. What is the mystery about Miss Celia that Minny is trying to figure out in this chapter? What conclusion does Minny make and what happens when she confronts Celia about it? Chapter 18 In this chapter, Minny finds Celia in the bathroom of her bedroom. What has happened to Celia? How does this explain her odd behavior since Minny came to work for her? The Help Discussion Questions Questions for Chapters 19-21 Ch. 19 1. How is the relationship progressing between Skeeter and Stuart now? 2. What does Skeeter learn about Yule May in this Chapter? What does the letter from Yule May to Skeeter say? What is the result of this situation? 3. How many more maids does Skeeter get for interviews by the end of this chapter? Why have they decided to join the project? Ch. 20 1. Describe the dinner at the Whitworth’s house and how it goes. What happens between Skeeter and Stuart during this evening? 10 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Ch. 21 1. Why does Skeeter feel it is important to change the location and names in the book she writing? 2. What does Hilly talk to Skeeter about at the end of the League meeting? How would you describe her attitude and behavior towards Skeeter? Questions for Chapters 22-23 Ch. 22 1. In this Chapter, Mae Mobley has a birthday. Describe her mother’s actions on this special day and what it shows about her. 2. What happens at Hilly Holbrook’s house and who is responsible? 3. What is the irony of Hilly’s and Elizabeth’s discussion of racists in Jackson on page 343[?]? 4. What information does Aibileen tell Skeeter about at the end of this chapter? Ch. 23 1. What are the secret stories that Aibileen tells Mae Mobley? Why does Aibileen tell these stories? 2. Who shows up at the Leefolt’s door to buy tickets for the League’s Benefit? Why is this potentially a disaster for Minny and Aibileen? Questions for Chapters 24-25 Ch 24 1. What are Minny’s concerns at the beginning of this Chapter? 2. What does Miss Celia notice about Minny when she comes to work early one morning? 3. What does Celia do that surprises Minny, and what does it allow Minny to see about Celia? 4. On Page 367 Aibileen and Minny talk about lines and crossing them. What kinds of lines are they discussing and how does it make them feel? 11 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER 5. Why does Celia think that she shouldn’t associate with Skeeter like Minny suggests, and what does Celia suddenly realize? Ch 25 1. Why does Minny think the Benefit is going to be a disaster for Miss Celia and should stay home? 2. Hilly wins Minny’s chocolate pie in the silent auction. Who bids on the pie for Hilly? Who does she think bid on it for her? Chapters 26-28 Ch 26 1. What is the Terrible Awful? Why does Minny tell it to Celia? 2. Why does Celia threaten to leave her husband? How does Minny talk her out of it? Ch 27 1. What does Ms. Stein tells Skeeter about the manuscript deadline? What does she tell Skeeter to add to the book? How is this a problem for Skeeter, and who does she go to for help? 2. How have Skeeter’s actions affected her life? 3. Who comes to pay a visit to Skeeter at her house, and what is the result of the visit? 4. What is the truth about what happened to Constantine, and how does Skeeter’s mother explain the situation to Skeeter when confronted about it? 5. Why is it necessary to include The Terrible Awful in the book? Ch 28 1. What is wrong with Skeeter’s mother and how is it affecting her? 2. In this chapter Skeeter goes shopping and finds her own sense of style. What style is it, and what do you think has inspired it? 3. What happens between Skeeter and Stuart? Why? 4. What is the news from Harper and Row at the end of this chapter, and how do the ladies feel about it? Chapters 29-30 12 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Ch29 1. What question does Mae Mobley want an answer to from Aibileen, and what does it show? 2. What television show discusses Skeeter’s book and what is the result? 3. What happens when Aibileen goes to church? Ch 30 1. What begins to happen throughout town as people begin to read Skeeter’s book? 2. What does Celia tell Johnny in this chapter that prompts him to tell Minny that she will have a job for life? Chapters 31- 32 Ch 31 1. How does Ms. Leefolt react after reading the chapter that Aibileen provided? 2. What trouble does Mae Mobley begin to have with her preschool teacher? 3. What makes Aibileen wish Hilly Holbrook would read Skeeter’s book a little faster? Ch 32 1. What does Minny learn in this chapter is some of the results of Skeeter’s book on the maids? 2. What did Leroy once tell Minny was the reason why he often beats her? Why does Minny fear that Leroy will kill her if he finds out about her participation in Skeeter’s book? 3. What does Minny believe she hears at the end of this chapter, and what does it mean? Chapters 33-34 Ch. 33 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are some of Skeeter’s fears now that the book has been published? Why does Skeeter feel she needs to get out of Mississippi? What does Lou Anne tell Skeeter in the drugstore? Who shows up at Skeeter’s at the end of this chapter? What is this person’s intention? What is the letter from Harper and Row about? 13 JAMES AMER. LIT B SPRING 2015 SEMESTER Ch 34 1. How does the tide against the maids change in the aftermath of Hilly finishing the book? 2. How has Minny changed? 3. Why does Mr. Leefolt instruct his wife to have his daughter’s preschool teacher changed? 4. What is ironic about Miss Hester and her maid, Flora Lou? 5. What job has Skeeter arranged for Aibileen to take? 6. How many more copies does Skeeter tell Aibileen that Ms. Stein ordered for their book? 7. Why does Minny leave her husband? 8. How does Aibileen lose her job? 9. How does Aibileen feel as she leaves the Leefolt house, and why? 14