O guide 9

SCENE: In the palace of Alcinous in the land of the Phaeacians where Odysseus tells of the Lands of the
Cocones and the Lotus Eaters as well as of the Island of the Cyclops.
IMPORTANT CHARACTERS: Odysseus and Polyphemus: a son of Poseidon and a Cyclops.
Odysseus identifies himself to his hosts and agrees to tell the take of his adventures. He describes his pillage
of the Cicones where his men become greedy, and the "honey sweet fruit" of the Lotus Eaters that entrances
his men. He then tells the story of his experience with Polyphemus, the Cyclops who traps him and his men
and whom he escapes through guile. The exhilaration of his triumph leads him to commiting the biggest error
of his life – boasting who he is to his victim – a creature who just happens to be a son of Poseidon.
Odysseus' failure to control his men in the land of the Cicones.
His rescuing them in the land of the Lotus-eaters, and saving them in the land of the Cyclops.
Odysseus' adventurous attitude as he lands on the Cyclops' land.
The reverse of the hospitality found in Phaeacia.
The "farm" culture of the Cyclops.
Odysseus' cleverness in calling himself "Nobody."
Odysseus' flattery of the Cyclops.
The vividness of Odysseus' "attack." The similes used to describe this.
The cleverness of his escape.
The curse of Polyphemus.
Odysseus' leadership qualities; his adventurous spirit; his courage and cleverness; his lapse
into pride (hubris).
EPITHETS: Who is...
"teller of tales?" ________________________ line _______
"god of the sea blue mane who rocks the earth?" ____________________ line _______
1. Where do Odysseus and his men go first after they leave Troy? Lines: ______________
2. Who are the Cicones? What are they like? Lines: ______________
3. Who are the lotus eaters? What do they do all day, and why? Lines: ______________
4. How does Polyphemus prevent Odysseus and his men from leaving his cave? Lines: _______
5. What mistake does Odysseus makes as he sails away? Lines: ______________
Why do you think he does this? Try to come up with a logical rationale for his actions.
SCENE: In the palace of Alcinous in the land of the Phaeacians where Odysseus tells of the Aeolia land of the
Laestrygonians, and of Aeaea, the island of Circe
IMPORTANT CHARACTERS: Odysseus, Aeolus, King of Aeolia and master of the winds, Antiphates, King
of the Laestrygonians, Eurylochus, Circe, Hermes, and Elpenor.
Odysseus and his crew are treated hospitably by Aeolus, King of Aeolia, who sends off the Ithacans with a
gift of wind in a bag which is to ensure a swift voyage. Just before the Ithacans reach home, Odysseus' crew,
thinking their captain had been rewarded by Aeolus with riches, open the "gift" while Odysseus sleeps. The
escaping wind blows the ships back to Aeolus where an irritated King refuses to help the ill-favored Greeks.
They then make a disastrous journey to the land of the Laestrygonians, a race of giants who destroy all of
Odysseus' ships but his which he had had cautiously anchored outside the small harbor. The despondent
survivors travels to Aeaea where only one of an exploratory "platoon" escapes the bewitching Circe and
returns to Odysseus to describe how the men he had led had all been turned into swine. Odysseus goes to
attempt to deal with this situation. On the way to Circe's palace he is visited by Hermes who tells him what he
needs to do to resist the beautiful witch's spells. Forewarned, Odysseus succeeds in winning his men's
freedom and the bed of "the nymph with the lovely braids." All spend a relaxing and somewhat licentious year
before Odysseus is told by Circe that he will need to go to the land of the dead to learn his fate.
King Aeolus' gift to Odysseus
Odysseus's letting his guard down
Aeolus' belief that Odysseus is not favored by the Gods,
Aeolus' attitude toward second chances
Odysseus' caution when he reaches the land of the Laestrygonians,
Odysseus' caution when he reaches Aeaea,
Circe's initial reception of Odysseus' men, her witchcraft.
The role of Hermes
Odysseus as seducer and seduced.
The importance of Circe's “word”,
the luxury of the palace, good times,
Circe's ultimate support and hospitality,
the need to visit Hades and hear from Tiresias.
EPITHETS: Who is...the nymph with the lovely braids? Lines: ______________
After the attack from the Laestrygonians, how many ships are left out of the original twelve?
Lines: ______________
What sort of character is Circe? What craft does she practice that Penelope also practices?
Lines: ______________Why (aside from her magic) is she able to turn Odysseus' men into
swine? How do they offend her? Lines: ______________
What does Hermes give to Odysseus? Lines: ______________
What makes Odysseus give in to Circe's enticements? Lines: ______________
Is this typical of his behavior? Explain.
For how long does Odysseus stay in Circe's palace? Lines: __________
Why does he want to leave? Lines: _________
Where must Odysseus go to learn his way home? Lines: ________