Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University Health Assessment NUR 211 FALL 2005 Course Coordinators Kelli Shugart RN, MN Deonna Storey RN, MSN GEORGIA BAPTIST COLLEGE OF NURSING OF MERCER UNIVERSITY NUR 211 Course Syllabus Fall 2005 Course Website: Course Title: Health Assessment (NUR 211) Course Credit: 2 semester hours (1.5 lecture, 5 lab, 2 credit hours) Total course hours: Course placement: Prerequisites: Total weeks: 10 Total classroom hours: 24 Total laboratory hours: 24 Level 2 first semester, second year All level one courses Course description: Health assessment is a vital part of data gathering in the nursing process and thus is a foundation for the clinical practice of nursing. Building on the introductory courses, which focus on Nursing Concepts, Processes, and Skills, the Health Assessment course offers the student theoretical content and laboratory practice for the learning and development of specialized assessment skills. Utilizing a holistic approach, the student learns to assess the health status of clients of diverse cultures and to relate the significance of this assessment data to health needs. Course Coordinator: Kelli Shugart, RN, MS Deonna Storey, RN MSN Office 270 254 Phone 678-547-6759 678-547-6731 Course Faculty: Catherine Horat, RN, CS, MSN, CFNP Kathleen Hancock, RN, MN, IBCLC Curlissa Mapp, RN, MN Ginger Mize RN, MN Sandra Rayburn RN, PhD Mary Sharpe, RN, MSN, FNP John Summerville, RN, MN Jill Ray, RN, MSN 231 256 272 257 267 253 268 230 678-547-6781 678-547-6744 678-547-6776 678-547-6766 678-547-6769 678-547-6738 678-547-6745 678-547-6768 Guest Lecturers: Sara Mitchell, RN, PhD, CPNP 214 678-547-6765 Course Objectives: At the completion of NUR 211 the student will: 1. Explain the relationship of holistic health assessment to the overall nursing process. 2. Utilize effective communication techniques when gathering data during client interviews and physical exams. 3. Recall concepts and theories from the natural and behavioral sciences as these apply to health assessment findings. 4. Demonstrate appropriate expertise in techniques and use of equipment in a systematic health assessment. 5. Recognize individual variations of normal assessment findings in relation to age, sex, and race. Alter the approach to data gathering as necessary in response to characteristics or needs of the client. 6. 7. Conduct health assessment sessions with a gentleness and respect for the dignity of the client. 8. Compare the results of assessment data to expected normal findings. 9. Communicate health assessment findings accurately and appropriately to other health team members and to the client. 10. Demonstrate self-direction in the learning and practicing of required skills. Content Outline: 1. Unit I Assessment of the whole person 1.1 Concept of health 1.1.1 Transcultural considerations 1.2 Developmental assessment 1.3 Interviewing skills 1.4 Complete health history 1.5 Nutritional assessment 2. Unit II Physical Examination 2.1 Assessment techniques 2.2 General assessment, measurement, & measuring vital signs 2.3 Systematic assessment 2.3.1 Cardiovascular assessment 2.3.2 Thorax/respiratory assessment 2.3.3 Integumentary assessment 2.3.4 Breast assessment 2.3.5 Abdominal assessment 2.3.6 Neurologic/mental assessment 2.3.7 Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat assessment 2.3.8 Cranial nerve assessment 2.3.9 Musculoskelatal assessment 2.3.10 Genitalia, rectum, and anus assessment 3. Unit III Integration of the Health Assessment 3.1 The complete health assessment 3.2 The focused health assessment Clinical component: 1. Assessment labs – each student will participate in weekly laboratory sessions to practice the skills taught in class. 2. Documentation – documentation of the review of physiological system and the physical examination performed in the skills laboratory is required for each lab. 3. Final performance examination – the learner will perform and document a final physical examination in the laboratory to demonstrate physical assessment and documentation skills (see attached guidelines). Evaluation of student learning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Written examinations. Written comprehensive final examination. Written health history. Performance of lab physical assessment exam and a comprehensive performance exam. Written documentation of health data and physical assessment performed in lab. Course evaluation methods: 1. Comprehensive course evaluation tool 2. Evaluation of clinical faculty Requirements for successful completion of course: 1. 2. Minimum average of test scores 75%. To receive a satisfactory grade in the clinical component of the course the student must: a) receive a satisfactory on professional performance evaluation. b) receive a minimum of 75% on final physical assessment performance. c) receive a minimum of 75% on final physical assessment documentation. Students who fail to achieve 75% on the final physical assessment performance or documentation of the final physical assessment performance will be allowed one additional attempt to achieve a satisfactory score. The maximum possible grade on a repeat final physical assessment performance or a repeat documentation of the final physical assessment performance will be 75%. *Failure to achieve either of these will result in failure in the course, necessitating retaking the entire course. Course grading system: Theory grade: Clinical grade: 1. 2. Theory grading system: Two exams (20% each) Comprehensive Final Exam 70% 30% 40% 30% Clinical grading system Final written health history Final physical assessment performance Final physical assessment documentation 7.5% 15% 7.5% Required textbook: Jarvis, C. (2004). Physical examination and health assessment. (4th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders Suggested resource books: Jarvis, Carolyn. (2004). Student laboratory manual for physical examination and health assessment. (4th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders. GEORGIA BAPTIST COLLEGE OF NURSING OF MERCER UNIVERSITY INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSING ACTION PLAN In cooperation with the overall inclement weather plan of Mercer’s Cecil B. Day Campus/Atlanta and the off-campus centers in Griffin, Douglas County, and Covington, the COLLEGE OF NURSING will follow a predetermined plan to disseminate information to students, faculty and staff: 1. The decision to close any one (or all) of the multiple Atlanta area campuses will be made by Dr. Bartling (School of Pharmacy) in consultation with Dr. Dattilo (College of Nursing). Dr. Bartling will consult with designated administrative individual(s) to determine how each school will respond to the weather crisis. For example, morning clinical experiences for nursing may be affected differently from evening business or education classes. 2. Dr. Bartling will notify the University Relations and Marketing Office and a staff member in this office will do the following: A message for each school will be recorded on the University Weather Hot-line telephone number (see below). An e-mail broadcast message will be sent to faculty, staff and students A scrolling red message bar will appear on the home page of Mercer’s web site at A general message will be given to WSB TV (channel 2) and WSB radio (AM 750) to put on the air. IMPORTANT: Faculty, staff, and students should rely on the phone hot-line message, the web page or their email to get the most accurate information about the specific plan for our college. MERCER UNIVERSITY WEATHER HOT-LINE: (678) 547-6111 Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Required Annual Update Tuberculosis Screening & Healt h Insurance Verification Student Name:______________________________________ SSN:_________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Work Phone: __________________ Emergency Contact: ________________________ Phone: _______________________ Health Insurance Attach a copy of your insurance card and complete this section: Insurance company: Name and Address Policy Holder: ____________________________ SS# of Policy Holder: _________________ Tuberculosis Screening Circle all that apply: Positive reaction for TB* Medication for TB (INH) Known Exposure to TB Family member with TB History of BCG Vaccine PPD Test Administration Information: Date given: ________________ Site of test: Right Forearm None of these Left Forearm Administered by: Date Read: ___________________________ Name of Reader: ________________________ Address of Reader: _________________________________________________________________ Results: NEGATIVE _____________________ POSITIVE mm of induration Previous history of positive? NO YES *If previously positive, you are required to have a copy of a negative chest x-ray on file with Campus Health. Comments: _________________________________________________________________________ H.I.P.A.A. Statement It is the policy of Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University to adhere to all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (H.I.P.A.A.) guidelines. All discussions and/or documents related to confidential patient/client health information shall be held in strict confidence. Information will only be written or electronically transmitted using the client/patient initials. Further, this information will only be shared with faculty involved in the student’s education process. Client/patient discussions will only be held in designated areas of the university or clinical facility. I hereby authorize Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University permission to release this and all immunization information to clinical faculty and clinical sites that are directly related to my educational process. I herby specify that this authorization extend to cover release of information to and from Campus Health to the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing Administrative Staff for filing purposes. Student Signature ________________________________ Date: _________________ GEORGIA BAPTIST COLLEGE OF NURSING OF MERCER UNIVERSITY STUDENT NAME: COURSE: DATE: HONOR SYSTEM CREED As a member of the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing community, I am bound by honor to uphold standards of honesty and integrity; to pursue full intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and moral development; and to accept my personal, academic, professional responsibilities in the community. To attain these ideals, I embrace this Honor System as my way of life. H.I.P.A.A. Statement It is the policy of Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University to adhere to all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (H.I.P.A.A.) guidelines. All discussions and/or documents related to confidential patient/client health information shall be held in strict confidence. Information will only be written or electronically transmitted using the client/patient initials. Further, this information will only be shared with faculty involved in the student’s education process. Client/patient discussions will only be held in designated areas of the university or clinical facility. Permission for Posting Grades In accordance with the Buckley Amendment to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, we cannot post any exam or course grades without the express permission of the student. Therefore, we would like to ask each of you to indicate whether or not you desire to have your grades posted in a public place. I would like to have grades for the above course posted by an identification number on a designated bulletin board. YES__________ NO___________ Signature:__________________ Code Number:______________ (Choose a four digit number; which will be followed by three (3) zeros.) Disability Statement Any student with a documented disability who desires to be considered for special accommodations should read the information in the student handbook which begins on page 33. A request for accommodations is initiated with Richard Stilley in the Office of Student Life. In order to receive accommodations, a student needs to provide the completed papers from Richard Stilley to the course coordinator for signature each semester. This process can be initiated at any time in a semester; however for accommodations to be provided for an examination, this paperwork must be completed at least 7 days prior to the examination date. Statement of Understanding I have read the Course Outline for the above stated course. I understand the objectives and requirements of this course and have no questions regarding them. I also have read the Honor System Creed, the H.I.P.A.A. Statement, Disability Statement, and the Permission for Posting Grades Statement. I understand the purposes and requirements of the above statements. Signature:____________________________________ GEORGIA BAPTIST COLLEGE OF NURSING OF MERCER UNIVERSITY H.I.P.A.A. Background Information In 1996, Congress enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or H.I.P.A.A. The primary purpose was continuity of health insurance coverage if you change jobs, but it also provided standards for health information transactions and confidentiality and security of patient data. This confidentiality portion affects the day-to-day education process of nursing students. Permission must be received from the patient prior to ANY disclosure. H.I.P.A.A. Enforcement The Privacy Rule was published in April 2001 and will be enforceable in April 2003. The Office of Civil Rights will enforce it. There are civil penalties of $100/violation up to $25,000/year. Criminal penalties are also possible including $50,000 and/or 1 year in prison for wrongful disclosure or $250,000 and/or 10 years in prison for the intent to sell information. As health care providers, we all have a responsibility to uphold confidentiality for patients. In a busy education or hospital setting it can be difficult. Classroom discussions and clinical conferences and assignments lead to discussions of client's confidential health information. While these oral and written discussions are acceptable in the educational setting, they are not acceptable in common areas such as the cafeteria, or in the written form without preventing the disclosure of the patient's name. The person next to you in line could be a patient's friend, relative, or media member that is not entitled to this privileged information. If clinical/classroom papers are lost or transmitted electronically without safeguards, the general public would have access to confidential patient information. Confidentiality is the basis of the nurse-patient relationship. If the patient is uneasy about disclosing pertinent and privileged information, the ability of the nurse to provide holistic adequate care is severely compromised. It should be made clear to the patient that this information will not be disclosed unless required by law. The medical record is to be kept private with certain exceptions including: - Treatment of minors - Transportation Safety - HIV+ Patients - Abuse of a Child or Adult - Duty to report harm/wound Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University NUR 211 Health Assessment IMPORTANT INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW * Lab is mandatory! Missed lab make-up is arranged between lab faculty and student. Lab includes the practice lab with your individual instructor as well as videos shown during class time. Anyone not viewing videos prior to practice lab will be considered not prepared for lab. That student will be asked to go the library to view the video before starting lab practice. * In order to pass NUR 211 a student must accomplish two things.: (1) A grade of 75 or better on the average of your exam grades and final. Once you meet the criteria of passing exams all other grades will be added to determine your final course grade. (2) The second thing a student must pass is the lab practice section of the course with a 75%. Both lab and classroom must be passed in order to pass this course. If any of this is not clear please see your individual lab instructor for clarification. Exam Blueprint Fall 2005 Exam I: Faculty: Topic September 19 # of Questions Assessment Tech Interviewing Tech Health History Nutritional Assess/Ht & Wt Musculoskeletal Genitalia TOTAL Exam II: Faculty: Topic Due to Secretary: September 2 5 10 12 5 12 7 Faculty Final Mitchell Mapp Horat Horat Shugart Shugart 2 4 5 2 5 3 51 21 October 24 Due to Secretary: October 3 # of Questions Integumentary Breast Assessment Respiratory/ Cardiovascular Abdomen Neurological Assessment HEENT/ Cranial Nerves TOTAL Faculty Final 5 5 20 Mize Hancock Ray 2 2 10 10 7 17 Mize Sharpe Sharpe 4 3 7 64 28 New Material on Final Putting it all together COMPRHENSIVE FINAL EXAM: Due to Secretary October 10 Faculty: Hancock October 31 Total # of question on the final exam =59 10