College of Arts and Sciences


Strategic Goals of the University


Enhance Financial Capacity


Increase SCH by 25%


Increase Sponsored program funding by 25%


Strengthen Core Academic Mission Areas


Improve Racial Climate and Campus Diversity

College of Arts and Sciences Goals: 2007-2012


The College will improve the quality of our core undergraduate and graduate academic programs by 25% by 2012.


The College will create a diverse faculty, staff and student body by 2012.


The College will increase undergraduate student credit hour production by 25% by 2012.


The College will increase sponsored program research funding by 25% by 2012. l. The College will improve the quality of our core undergraduate and graduate academic programs by 25% by 2012 .

In order to achieve this goal, the College will: i.

Re-visit our general education requirements ii.

Implement new/enhanced programs that will attract new students iii.

Improve our PACE offerings and provide incentives for regular faculty to participate. iv.

Strengthen existing collaborations and encourage new collaborations between departments. v.

Continue to contribute to the Institute for Urban Education (IUE). vi.

Grow our life and health sciences courses/programs and develop new courses/programs in this field. vii.

Grow our visual and performing arts courses/programs and develop new courses/programs in this field. viii.

Grow our urban emphasis courses/programs and develop new courses/programs in this field. ix.

Provide more internship possibilities. x.

Evaluate, revise and strengthen the BLA/MALS degrees. xi.

The College will attract and retain faculty, staff and graduate students.


For faculty, we will: a.

Implement a compensation program for existing regular faculty that allows for competitive salaries with our comparator institutions. b.

Recruit new faculty at competitive salaries. c.

Seek funding through the Provost’s office for new faculty start-up funds.


Improve the use of and accounting for the contribution of our non-regular and part-time faculty (including an analysis of the capacities they bring to the College. e.

Develop a fair compensation program for all nonregular and part-time faculty.


For staff, we will: a.

Implement a compensation program for existing staff that is competitive. b.

Seek an internal review of the salary categories through the system office in order to update them given increases in the cost of living.


For graduate students, we will: a.

Improve the use of and accounting for the contribution of graduate students (including an analysis of the capacities they bring the College). b.

Seek a fair system of compensation for graduate students through fee remissions/waivers and increased stipends. c.

Seek endowed graduate assistantships and other scholarships/sponsors for graduate students


The College will create a diverse faculty, staff and student body by 2012.

We will: a.

Continue our efforts to recruit and retain students, staff and faculty of color. i.

We will study other institutions’ successes in these areas. ii.

We will work closely with the Provost’s office and with the new

Deputy Chancellor for Diversity, Access and Equity to develop recruitment and retention strategies and incentives. b.

Establish a pool of student mentors/tutors among minority students c.

Increase our scholarships for minorities. d.

Create a Black Studies/African American studies major. e.

Improve student interaction/sense of community, through Collegesponsored activities. f.

Establish a pool of matching funds to provide support for departments sponsoring lectures, programs or other activities that emphasize diversity. g.

Participate in community programs such as the Ivanhoe Project and other programs that connect the College and UMKC to diverse communities. h.

Have more student involvement in the community through internships, academic service learning and volunteer opportunities.


The College will increase undergraduate student credit hour production by

25% by 2012.

We will: a.

Work with college-wide and university-wide committees on recruitment and retention. These committees have already been formed and we will work to implement their suggestions. i.

These undoubtedly will need faculty input and participation. We need to be prepared to contribute our talents and implement innovative methods of recruitment and retention. b.

Improve our Advising office and the service to students. i.

We will get advice from an outside consultant ii.

We will put an incentive program together for faculty advisors c.

Increase the number of scholarships. The College’s Advancement director is working on this but could use our assistance. d.

Look at the budget for ways to fund incentives for existing students (e.g., tuition break for seniors, parking paid for, etc.) e.

Increase the number of students through an expanded HSCP. f.

Improve programs that promote student success: i.

Work with the Provost’s office to ensure an improved First-Year experience. ii.

Improve our A&S 100 courses and evaluate their success. iii.

Work with Student Affairs to insure that the Advanced Preparation

Program is fully operational. g.

Improve the marketing of our programs. h.

Increase international student enrollment.


The College will increase sponsored program research funding by 25% by


We will: a.

Create an A&S Research Board (CARB) b.

Provide travel funds to faculty c.

Increase our support of graduate students (see above)
