Mitosis Webquest Internet sites

Cell Cycle/Mitosis Internet Activity
Directions: Go to the following sites to find the answers to these questions. I would
suggest that you answer directly into this document using the copy/paste functions.
You will have to format on your own to make the spacing work out. And above all
ENJOY! Isn’t learning fun? (“Yes” is the answer to this question in case you weren’t
sure!) Right clicking on a hyperlink, going to” hyperlink” and “open in a new
window” will keep this project document handy.
Overview click “Cell biology” in the left frame; and then click
“The Cell Cycle” link to get an overview.
Click your back button and then click the “Mitosis” link to get an overview. and then scroll down and click the
link: “What is mitosis/meiosis” to open the tutorial and get another overview of
Cell Cycle
Biology Textbook On-line:
1. What happens to the level of ATP during G1 phase?
2. G1 & G2 = What could the “G” stand for? (not Gap)
3. What is Cancer?
4. Give an example of a cell that normally doesn’t divide but can when it needs
Dr. Harvey
5. Draw the artists interpretation of a sister chromatid with the kinetochore and
centromere. Don’t forget to label!
6. By looking at the diagram of the spindle fibers, chromatids, and centrioles,
what do you think the difference is between polar microtubule and the
kinetochore microtubule? Why do you think both are needed?
7. What happens during Prometaphase?
8. What is an equatorial plate?
9. Will the two daughter cells necessarily “grow up” to be the same type of cell?
The Virtual Lab - Exploring Genetics
10. What is this site’s definition of sister chromatids?
Cell Division - Cell Consequences
Go to the links with photographs of the onion root tip and whitefish as a review.
Take the 6-mitosis question quiz. And record your answers below:
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Dr. Harvey
Question 5:
Question 6:
Misc. Department
List here interesting information that you found. Maybe provide some extra or
different information. Let me know here! Also, let me know of new URL’s of
mitosis information that you know I would love to visit.
Visit the “Cell Cycle and Mitosis Tutorial” website at
READ thru the tutorial and then take the test just to check on how much you
have learned lately. Yes, do something just for the sake of learning.
Okay, now that you know all about the cell cycle and
visit the “Online Onion Root Tips” activity at
to figure out how long all this cell cycle stuff takes. Follow the instructions and
then copy/paste the results below.
Determine the time spent in the different phases of the cell cycle. Paste your
data here:
Dr. Harvey
Whew, what a relief! You’re finished; try to contain
your disappointment. But go on – admit it, what you
just did sure beats learning about the cell cycle and
mitosis the old fashion way. Not to worry, meiosis is
just around the corner and…
I’ll be baack!
Dr. Harvey