George Washington's Presidency

President George Washington (1789-1797)
"I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct
which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent."
List Three Important Background facts
(Where from, Status Class, Age, Political Party)
Mount Vernon Virginia
Wealthy Land Owner, Richest person in America at the time
Commanding General in Revolutionary War
None aligned with the Federalist Views
60 years old
Significant Events during His Presidency
Elected to first term with a unanimous electoral vote (1789)
First United States census (1790)
District of Columbia established (1791)
Bill of Rights ratified (1791)
Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)
New States that Entered the Union
Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792), Tennessee (1796)
What were the precedents that George Washington set?
• What lasting effect did it have on America?
As the First President of the newly created United States of America, much of what
George Washington did, would set the stage for future presidents. Here are some of
the precedents set by George Washington during his time in office:
o Established the Cabinet within the Executive Branch by appointing Thomas
Jefferson Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury, a
body that was not outlined within the Constitution.
o Supported innovative fiscal concepts such as the Bank of America and a
national debt , which would be later adopted
o Introduced a policy of neutrality pertaining to foreign wars that was followed up
until WWI
o Set the precedent for a two term limit of Presidents that was followed until
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and then turned into the 22nd Amendment to the
o Established relations with Great Britain with Jay’s Treaty. To this day England
remains one of our closest and strongest allies
o Established the tradition of a Presidential farewell address
Summarize in your own words National Debt.
• What effect did it have on America at the time?
It was the money owed to other countries from the American Revolution. America had
very little capital (money) and had no way of making money fast. Hamilton suggested a
National bank and a nationally recognized currency that the government could back. The
growing debts lead to the development of the Nation’s first federal bank.
Summarize in your own words the Bank of America.
 What effect did it have on America at the time?
The First Bank of the United States was needed because the government had a debt from
the Revolutionary War, and each state had a different form of currency. It was built while
Philadelphia was still the nation's capital. Alexander Hamilton conceived of the bank to
handle the colossal war debt and to create a standard form of currency. It established the
nation’s uniform currency.
Summarize in your own words The French Revolution.
 What effect did it have on America at the time?
It was a rebellion similar to America’s, where the French people rebelled against the
French Monarchy at the time. The people over threw the king and tried to established a
republic in Europe. Americans turned to support the revolution at the time, but many
worried about the violence that came after it. It also caused Great Brittan to engage in
war with France. This led Washington to develop a policy of neutrality.
Summarize in your own words Neutrality Policy.
 What effect did they have on America at the time?
George Washington established a neutrality policy which meant that America would not
take sides on any European war affairs including the one between Great Britain and
France at the time. Many openly opposed this policy in America and favored the French
because of the aid they had given to America during the Revolution. The French recruited
American privateers to fight alongside them, which upset England deeply. They felt they
were violating the treaty between the US and the U
Summarize in your own words Jays Treaty.
 What effect did it have on America at the time?
It settled disputes between Great Britain and the U.S. at the time. The agreement was for
the English to stop seizing American ships and the US would pay back war debts. It was
very unpopular in the United States because Britain did not pay back the slaves owed that
they freed during the revolutionary war. However this treaty kept America out of war
with Great Britain that neither side wanted.
Summarize in your own words the Whiskey Rebellion.
 What effect did they have on America at the time?
Pennsylvania farmers lashed out against the tax on whiskey in 1794. They refused to pay
the tax. Washington could no longer sit by and watch this rebellion take place. He
personally took command of the army and put down the rebellion. It showed America
that new government could enforce taxes on its people to make the country function.
How did his presidency impact America Socially?
 (People, Culture, Climate, Human Interaction)
George Washington was able to hold the young country together during its time of
formation. He was able to handle small rebellions with overwhelming forces showing
America that the Central government had power to enforce its laws and taxes. The
establishment of the bank allowed Americans to become involved in business instead of
agriculture. His presidency paved the way for people to move to an urban environment
instead of rural life. Even though it was difficult he was able to conduct foreign policy
and establish peaceful relationships with European powers, this would lead to a booming
trade commerce nationally.
How did his presidency impact America Politically?
 (Ideologies, significant “shifts” formation of positions, relative “diplomacy”,
Positions in the WORLD)
George Washington established a policy of neutrality that would be followed leaning up
to World War I. This policy was able to secure America’s foreign policy and establish a
secure military and economic position globally. America was able to prosper from this
policy because it allowed the country to trade freely with other countries even if they
were at war with each other. Other countries could rely on America’s stability and it set
up how future presidents would handle their foreign policy. Even though he warned
against political parties, Washington lead to the formation of them because of the
positions he held in office of a stronger central government, this lead to opposition in
future politics as well as the rise of an opposing party. This established a bipartisan
political system.
How did his presidency impact America Economically?
 (Goods, policies, prosperity, classes, etc.) Local, National & World
Under his presidency, a National Bank was established to resolve the currency and debt
problem. America was able to have a financial backing of their own, instead of relying on
other countries to back their currency.