cell structure & fun..


__1. Organelles that contain DNA include: a) ribosome d) mitochondria and chloroplasts only b) mitochondria

__2. Contains hydrolytic enzymes. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) e) mitochondrion ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts d) c) chloroplasts

Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__3. Site of cellular respiration. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__4. Detoxifies alcohol in the liver. a) lysosome b) tonoplast

__5. Contains cristae. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion c) mitochondrion

__6. Involved in cell-to-cell communication. a) plasmodesmata b) filaments c) tight junction d) d)

Golgi apparatus

Golgi apparatus e) e) smooth ER peroxisome

__7. An animal secretory cell and a photosynthetic leaf cell are similar in all but one of the following ways EXCEPT: a) They both have Golgi apparatus b) They both have mitochondria e) They both have transport proteins for active transport of ions c) They both have chloroplasts d) They both have a cell membrane

__8. Makes steroid hormones. a) rough endoplasmic reticulum d) rough endoplasmic reticulum b) Golgi complex e) d) desmosomes c) e) gap junctions lysosomes smooth endoplasmic reticulum

__9. Sorts out mixtures of proteins and sends them to their proper destinations. a) mitochondria d) rough endoplasmic reticulum b) Golgi complex e) c) lysosomes smooth endoplasmic reticulum

__10. Place where ribosomal precursors are assembled. a) centriole b) lysome c) nucleolus d) peroxisome e) ribosome

__11. Cycloheximide is a drug that inhibits protein synthesis on eukaryotic ribosomes.

Chloramphenicol is a drug that inhibits protein synthesis on prokaryotic ribosomes. Which of the following cells (or parts of cells) would have protein synthesis inhibited if they were grown a) in the presence of chloramphenicol? bacteria d) bacteria and mitochondria only b) chloroplasts e) c) mitochondria bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria

__12. Which of the following is capable of converting light energy to chemical bond energy? a) chloroplasts b) mitochondria c) leucoplasts d) peroxisomes e) Golgi bodies

__13. Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following molecules? a) lipids b) starches c) proteins d) steroids e) glucose

__14. A biologist ground up some plant cells and then centrifuged the mixture. She obtained some organelles from the sediment in the test tube. The organelles took up CO


and gave off O



The organelles are most likely: a) chloroplasts b) ribosomes c) nuclei d) mitochondria e) Golgi apparatus

__15. Which of the following pairs is mismatched? a) nucleolus : ribosomal RNA b) nucleus : DNA replication c) d) lysosome : protein synthesis cell membrane : lipid bilayer

__16. The Golgi body could be compared to a a) stack of pancakes b) balloon c) fork d) jelly bean e) cytoskeleton : microtubules e) kidney bean

__17. Which of the following relationships between cell structures and their respective functions is not correct? a) cell wall--support, protection b) chloroplasts--chief site of cellular respiration c) chromosomes--genetic control information d) e) ribosomes--site of protein synthesis mitochondria--formation of ATP

__18. Which of the following cell components is not directly involved in synthesis or secretion of proteins? a) ribosomes d) rough endoplasmic reticulum b) lysosome e) c) Golgi bodies smooth endoplasmic reticulum

__19. One of the functions of cholesterol in plasma membranes is to: a) facilitate transport of ions b) store energy c) d) maintain membrane fluidity speed diffusion

__20. White blood cells engulf bacteria through what process? a) exocytosis b) phagocytosis c) pinocytosis e) phosphorylate ADP d) osmosis

__21. All of the following except one are CHARACTERISTIC of the eukaryotic cell's NUCLEAR

MEMBRANE. Select the EXCEPTION. a) contains pores b) nucleus surrounded by a double (inner and outer) membrane c) provides a partial physical barrier between chromosomes and cytoplasm d) membranes bleb off to form vesicles known as lysosomes e) surrounds the nucleolus.

__22. ___________ are sometimes referred to as rough or smooth depending upon its structure. a) Golgi bodies e) endoplasmic reticulum b) ribosomes c) mitochondria d) lysososmes

__23. A primary function of Golgi bodies in eukaryotic cells is to a) make new lipids b) tag lipids and proteins with an address which says where they are to be sent within the cell c) to general ATP for the cell d) serves as the site where photosynthesis occurs e) the place where golgies are made.

__24. All of the following except one are characteristic of MITOCHONDRIA in eukaryotic cells.

Select the EXCEPTION. a) found in great number in cells having high energy demands b) found in plant and animal cells c) their membranes contain photosynthetic pigments d) contains an outer and deeply folded inner membrane e) accomplishes ATP formation from materials such as sugars used as energy sources.

__25. Each is composed of two parts or subunits made of proteins and RNA. a) Golgi bodies e) endoplasmic reticulum b) ribosomes c) mitochondria d) lysososmes

__26. ___________ are the primary sites for the production of proteins. a) Golgi bodies b) e) smooth endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes c) mitochondria

__27. The first cell that was seen under a microscope was a _________ cell. a) cork b) blood c) sperm d) skin

__28. Which of the following is not present in all cells a) cell wall b) plasma membrane c) ribosomes d) DNA molecules d) e) lysososmes e) root tip

None of the above

__29. All of the following except one are terms and concepts that are associated with

CHLOROPLASTS. Select the EXCEPTION. a) Grana b) Lysosomes c) Stroma d) Photosynthesis e) Chlorophyll.

__30. The primary function of a plant CHLOROPLAST is to: a) b) store food materials and cellular wastes accumulate starch c) help the cell maintain its structural rigidity d) form rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum e) to accomplish photosynthesis.

__31. __________ contain enzymes for digestion of bacteria and viruses. a) Golgi bodies b) ribosomes c) d) mitochondria lysosomes e) endoplasmic reticulum

__32. The cell theory states state a) all cells have a nucleus b) all cells divide by mitosis c) all living organisms are made up of cells d) e) cells arise through spontaneous generation. growth is solely the result of cell division

__33. The cell was first seen by a) b)

Robert Brown

Robert Hooke c) Theodor Schwann d) Virchow e) Leeuwenhoek

__34. All cells, regardless of type, have which three of the following features in common?

A. DNA a) A, B, C

B. golgi C. cytoplasm b) C, D, E

D. endoplasmic reticulum E. plasma membrane c) A, B, D d) B, C, E e) B, D, E

__35. Prokaryotic cells: a) have a well defined nucleus b) have organelles with membranes that separate them from the cytoplasm c) usually have a rigid cell wall d) are multicellular e) both A and B, but not C or D

__36. Which of the following statements about bacteria, plant, and animal cell structure is correct? a) Bacteria and plants are prokaryotic, but animal cells are eukaryotic b) Plant and animal cells are prokaryotic, but bacteria are eukaryotic c) Animal cells and bacteria are eukaryotic, but plant cells are prokaryotic d) Bacteria are prokaryotic, but animal and plant cells are eukaryotic e) Bacteria lack cell structure, but plants and animals have cell structure

__37. The diameter of a typical PROKARYOTIC cells is about: a) 1 millimeter b) 1 meter c) d)

1 micrometer

1 nanometer e) 1 megameter

__38. The typical BACTERIAL cell is about the same size as the eukaryotic: a) Golgi complex b) mitochondrion c) d) nucleus ribosome e) endoplasmic reticulum

__39. All of the following except one are CHARACTERISTIC of the eukaryotic cell's NUCLEAR

MEMBRANE. Select the EXCEPTION. a) contains pores b) nucleus surrounded by a double (inner and outer) membrane c) provides a partial physical barrier between chromosomes and cytoplasm d) membranes bleb off to form vesicles known as lysosomes e) surrounds the nucleolus

__40. Each is composed of two parts or subunits made of proteins and RNA. a) Golgi bodies b) ribosomes c) mitochondria d) lysososmes

__41. ___________ are the primary sites for the production of proteins. a) Golgi bodies b) ribosomes c) mitochondria d) lysososmes e) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

__42. __________ contain enzymes for digestion of bacteria and viruses. a) Golgi bodies b) ribosomes c) mitochondria d) lysosomes e) endoplasmic reticulum

__43. Starch in plant cell may be stored in: a) vacuoles b) vesicle c) endoplasmic reticula d) microtubules e) all of the above

__44. All of the following except one are terms and concepts that are associated with

CHLOROPLASTS. Select the EXCEPTION. a) Grana b) Lysosomes c) Stroma d) Photosynthesis e) Chlorophyll

__45. The primary function of a plant CHLOROPLAST is to: a) store food materials and cellular wastes; b) accumulate starch; c) help the cell maintain its structural rigidity; d) form rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum; e) to accomplish photosynthesis.

__46. You are shown one picture taken with a transmission electron microscope that shows a thinsection of a eukaryotic cell. Of the following, which structure will allow you to say that this is most likely a mature PLANT cell? a) huge central vacuole b) mitochondria c) membrane-bound nucleus d) endoplasmic reticulum e) Golgi complex

__47. Which of the following substances passes most easily into a cell? a) ions b) large molecules c) charged molecules d) non-polar e) polar molecules

__48. Movement of a molecule against a concentrations difference is characteristic of: a) simple diffusion b) facilitated diffusion

c) osmosis d) active transport e) bulk flow

__49. The phospholipid molecules of most membranes have: a) a hydrophobic head and a hydrophilic tail b) a hydrophobic head and a hydrophobic tail c) a hydrophobic head and two hydrophobic tails d) a hydrophobic head and two hydrophilic tails e) none of the above

__50. Unsaturated tails of lipids: a) are hydrophilic b) are unstable and tend to break apart c) tend to make the membrane more fluid d) will create phosphate e) all of the above

__51. The relative impermeability of membranes to water-soluble molecules is a result of a) the nonpolar nature of water molecules b) the presence of large proteins that extend through both sides of membranes c) the presence of inorganic salt crystals scattered through some membranes d) the presence of cellulose and chemicals such as lignin and prectin in the membranes e) none of the above

__52. Which of the following statements is not true? a) Membranes are often perforated by proteins that extend through both sides of the membrane. b) Some membranes have proteins with channels or pores that allow for the passage of hydrophilic substances c) Hydrophilic substances have an easier time passing through membranes than hydrophobic substances. d) The current concept of a membrane can be best summarized by the fluid mosaic model. e) The lipid bilayer serves as a hydrophobic barrier between two fluid regions.

__53. Membrane carbohydrates: a) extend into the cytoplasm b) serve as surface markers for cells c) function as pumps to move material through the membranes d) are the basic structural units in all membranes e) render the membrane hydrophobic

__54. Which of the following statements is true? a) Plasma membranes have molecules on their surfaces that identify them. b) Plasma membranes are essentially sacs that keep materials inside them. c) Plasma membranes are basically static, non-changing structures. d) Plasma membranes function primarily through the activity of their carbohydrates. e) Plasma membranes are hydrophilic barriers between cells.

__55. All of the following except one is a CHEMICAL PART of BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES. Which

ONE is the EXCEPTION? a) phospholipids b) globular proteins c) enzymes d) nucleic acids e) nonpolar [hydrophobic; hydrocarbon] side chains

__56. Which one of the following is an important FUNCTION of the LIPIDS in a cell's plasma membrane?

a) accomplishes electron transport b) provides a hydrophobic barrier c) accomplishes active transport d) identifies adjacent cells as similar or different e) opens and closes to regulate flow of ions across membrane

__57. All of the following except one are characteristic of the STRUCTURE, CHEMISTRY, or

FUNCTION of the cell's PLASMA MEMBRANE. Select the EXCEPTION a) contain lipid bilayers b) part of the membrane is a solid sheet (layer) of protein c) contain functional proteins and phospholipids d) serves as boundary between outside of cell and cytoplasm e) have hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions

__58. Consider the CHEMICAL STRUCTURE of a typical PHOSPHOLIPID. Which of the following contributes most to the plasma membrane acting (in part) as a HYDROPHOBIC BARRIER? a) phosphate group b) the hydrocarbon part of the fatty acids c) bound receptor proteins d) glycerol backbone e) electron transport proteins.

__59. Which of the following PROTEINS are imbedded in the cell's plasma membrane and are directly involved in FORMING a PROTON GRADIENT across that membrane? a) receptor proteins b) electron-transport proteins c) carrier proteins d) channel proteins e) binding proteins

__60. WHICH TWO of the following things PASSIVELY DIFFUSE across the cell's plasma membrane? (A) GLUCOSE, B. PROTEINS, C. OXYGEN, D. AMINO ACIDS, E. CARBON

DIOXIDE. a) A, D b) C, D c) A, E d) C, E e) A, B

__61. One important CHARACTERISTIC of LIVING CELLS is that: a) most solutes go across the plasma membrane by exo- or endocytosis b) solute concentration outside is greater than inside c) most solutes passively diffuse across the plasma membrane; d) solute concentration inside is much grater than on outside e) no one of these answers is correct

__62. Which of the following imbedded PROTEINS is most involved in ACTIVELY TRANSPORTING solutes across the cell's plasma membrane? a) channel proteins b) recognition proteins c) soluble proteins d) electron transport proteins e) receptor proteins

__63. Which one of the following is believe to PROVIDE THE ENERGY that drives ACTIVE

TRANSPORT of solutes across the plasma membrane?

a) hydrophobic barrier b) diffusion c) endocytosis d) proton gradient e) channel proteins

__64. The method of movement that requires the expenditure of ATP molecules is a) simple diffusion b) facilitated diffusion c) osmosis d) active transport e) bulk flow

__65. The sodium / potassium pump is an example of a) simple diffusion b) facilitated diffusion c) osmosis d) active transport e) bulk flow

__66. The carrier molecules used in active transport are a) calcium ins in the calcium pump. b) proteins. c) ATP molecules. d) carbohydrates. e) lipids.

__67. White blood cells use ___________ to devour disease agents invading your body. a) diffusion b) exocytosis c) pinnocytosis d) active transport e) phagocytosis

__68. Vesicles are developed from the membranes of the ____________ and move to the cell membrane where they fuse during exocytosis. a) mitochondria b) Golgi bodies c) ribosomes d) plastids e) nucleoli

__69. COLLOID-SIZE PARTICLES may pass across an animal cell's membrane by a PROCESS known as: a) coloidocytosis b) active transport c) passive diffusion d) osmosis e) endocytosis or exocytosis

__70. What do both mitochondria and chloroplasts have in common?

1. ATP is produced. 2. DNA is present. 3. Ribosomes are present. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

d) Only 2 and 3 are correct. e) 1, 2, and 3 are correct.

__71. A cellular diameter of 40 micrometers is equivalent to: a) 0.4 millimeter b) 0.04 millimeter c) 40,000 nanometers d) 4,000 nanometers e) Both 0.04 millimeter and 40,000 nanometers are correct

__72. Lamellae, grana, thylakoids and CF1 particles are all structural components found in: a) cilia and flagella b) chloroplasts c) mitochondria d) lysosomes e) nuclei.

__73. Organelles that contain DNA include: a) ribosome b) mitochondria c) chloroplasts d) mitochondria and chloroplasts only e) ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts

__74. Which of the following would be found in an animal cell, but not in a bacterial cell? a) DNA b) cell wall c) plasma membrane d) ribosomes e) endoplasmic reticulum

__75. Eukaryotic cells can be larger than prokaryotic cells because: a) their plasma membrane has more control over the movement of materials into the cell. b) their internal membrane system allows compartmentalization of functions and extra surface area for nutrient exchange and placement of enzymes. c) their DNA is localized in the nucleus whereas protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, separating these competing functions. d) they have more chromosomes and a mitotic process of cell division. e) they have a cytoskeleton composed of microtubules and microfilaments.

__76. What is the innermost portion of some mature plant cell walls called? a) primary cell wall b) secondary cell wall c) middle lamella d) glycocalyx e) tonoplast

__77. Plasmodesmata in plant cells are similar in function to which structure in animal cells? a) peroxisomes b) desmosomes c) gap junctions d) glycocalyx e) tight junctions f) A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, and mitochondri a. It could be a cell from:

g) a bacterium h) an animal, but not a plant i) a plant, but not an animal j) a plant or an animal k) any kind of organism

__78. Cells can be described as having a "cytoskeleton" of internal structures that contribute to the shape, organization, and movement of the cell. All of the following are part of the

"cytoskeleton" EXCEPT: a) cell wall b) microtubules c) microfilaments d) intermediate filaments e) microtrabecular lattice

__79. Secretes many polysaccharides. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__80. Contains hydrolytic enzymes. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__81. Helps to recycle the cell's organic material. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__82. Site of cellular respiration. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__83. Involved in storage diseases such as Tay-Sach's. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__84. Contains its own DNA and ribosomes. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus

e) peroxisome

__85. Detoxifies alcohol in the liver. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__86. Contains enzymes that convert fats to sugar. a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__87. Contains cristae: a) lysosome b) tonoplast c) mitochondrion d) Golgi apparatus e) peroxisome

__88. Ions can travel directly from the cytoplasm of one animal cell to the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell through: a) plasmodesmata b) intermediate filaments c) tight junction d) desmosomes e) gap junctions

__89. Microfilaments participate in the formation of: a) cilia b) cell cleavage furrows c) flagella d) mitotic spindles e) basal bodies

__90. An animal secretory cell and a photosynthetic leaf cell are similar in all but one of the following ways EXCEPT: a) They both have Golgi apparatus b) They both have mitochondria c) They both have transport proteins for active transport of ions d) They both have chloroplasts e) They both have a cell membrane

__91. Makes steroid hormones. a) mitochondria b) Golgi complex c) rough endoplasmic reticulum d) lysosomes e) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

__92. Digests worn out organelles. a) mitochondria b) Golgi complex

c) rough endoplasmic reticulum d) lysosomes e) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

__93. Sorts out mixtures of substances and sends them to their proper destinations. a) mitochondria b) Golgi complex c) rough endoplasmic reticulum d) lysosomes e) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

__94. Found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. a) centriole b) lysosome c) nucleolus d) peroxisome e) ribosome

__95. Possesses a microtubular structure similar in form to a basal body. a) centriole b) lysosome c) nucleolus d) peroxisome e) ribosome

__96. Assembles ribosomal precursors. a) centriole b) lysosome c) nucleolus d) peroxisome e) ribosome

__97. Plasma membrane. a) structure or process is a feature of all cells b) structure or process is found in prokaryotic cells only c) structure or process is found in eukaryotic cells only d) structure or process is found in plant cells only e) structure or process is found in animal cells only

__98. Cytoskeleton. a) structure or process is a feature of all cells b) structure or process is found in prokaryotic cells only c) structure or process is found in eukaryotic cells only d) structure or process is found in plant cells only e) structure or process is found in animal cells only

__99. Ribosomes. a) structure or process is a feature of all cells b) structure or process is found in prokaryotic cells only c) structure or process is found in eukaryotic cells only d) structure or process is found in plant cells only e) structure or process is found in animal cells only

__100. Plasmodesmata. a) structure or process is a feature of all cells b) structure or process is found in prokaryotic cells only

c) structure or process is found in eukaryotic cells only d) structure or process is found in plant cells only e) structure or process is found in animal cells only

__101. Tight junctions. a) structure or process is a feature of all cells b) structure or process is found in prokaryotic cells only c) structure or process is found in eukaryotic cells only d) structure or process is found in plant cells only e) structure or process is found in animal cells only

__102. Golgi bodies. a) structure or process is a feature of all cells b) structure or process is found in prokaryotic cells only c) structure or process is found in eukaryotic cells only d) structure or process is found in plant cells only e) structure or process is found in animal cells only

__103. Cycloheximide is a drug that inhibits protein synthesis on eukaryotic ribosomes.

Chloramphenicol is a drug that inhibits protein synthesis on prokaryotic ribosomes. Which of the following cells (or parts of cells) would have protein synthesis inhibited if they were grown in the presence of chloramphenicol? a) bacteria b) chloroplasts c) mitochondria d) bacteria and mitochondria only e) bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria

__104. Cells would be unable to form cilia or flagella if they did not have which cell structures? a) ribosomes b) chloroplasts c) centrioles d) plastids e) microfilaments

__105. Which of the following is capable of converting light energy to chemical bond energy? a) chloroplasts b) mitochondria c) leucoplasts d) peroxisomes e) Golgi bodies

__106. Which of the following contains the 9+2 arrangement of microtubules? a) cilia b) centrioles c) basal bodies d) microfilaments e) macrotrabecular lattice

__107. Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following molecules? a) lipids b) starches c) proteins d) steroids

e) glucose

__108. A biologist ground up some plant cells and then centrifuged the mixture. She obtained some organelles from the sediment in the test tube. The organelles took up CO


and gave off



. The organelles are most likely: a) chloroplasts b) ribosomes c) nuclei d) mitochondria e) Golgi apparatus

__109. Which of the following pairs is mismatched? a) nucleolus : ribosomal RNA b) nucleus : DNA replication c) lysosome : protein synthesis d) cell membrane : lipid bilayer e) cytoskeleton : microtubules

__110. Which of the following relationships between cell structures and their respective functions is not correct? a) cell wall--support, protection b) chloroplasts--chief site of cellular respiration c) chromosomes--genetic control information d) ribosomes--site of protein synthesis e) mitochondria--formation of ATP

__111. Which of the following cell components is not directly involved in synthesis or secretion? a) ribosomes b) rough endoplasmic reticulum c) Golgi bodies d) smooth endoplasmic reticulum e) lysosome

__112. All of the structures listed below are associated with movement in cells EXCEPT: a) cilia b) centrioles c) microtubules d) flagella e) microbodies

__113. Which organelle is involved in the synthesis of lipids? a) ribosomes b) lysosomes c) smooth endoplasmic reticulum d) mitochondria e) contractile vacuoles
