Newsletter January 2010 GREENVILLE COMMUNITY CHURCH (Reformed Church in America) 270 Ardsley Road, Scarsdale, NY, 10583 MINISTER Reverend Dr. Edward H. Schreur MINISTER OF MUSIC Dr. Corazon Bisda CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR Elizabeth Follen Telephone: (914) 723-1266 Fax: (914) 723-1268 Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK I know you have little strength, I am coming soon. Yet you have kept my word … Hold on to what you have, 1 Newsletter January 2010 Revelation 3:8, 11 So that no one will take your crown. Let’s Hold On To What We Have! The first few chapters of Revelation, the final book of the Bible feature seven letters to churches. Christ is the author of the letters, each of which are critical of churches except one --- the letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13). They wanted to close the door on grace. The Church in Philadelphia was praised for holding on to faith even though they were small in numbers. Not only were they a small church, they were also persecuted by the “Synagogue of Satan,” which probably represented those who claimed that Christians must keep all the laws of the Old Testament. The Synagogue of Satan tried to take away the freedom that comes from faith in Christ. Perhaps we are like the Philadelphia Church. We are small in number. We struggle with what it means to follow Christ. In such circumstances, it is natural to rely on our own strength, even though that would be a spiritual mistake. Maybe that is why so many New Year’s resolutions fail --- we rely on our own strength. Christ spoke warmly and sympathetically through his letter to the struggling Christians in Philadelphia, assuring them that he would be their strength. Christ promised to come to the Philadelphia Church and be their strength. Our prosperity as a church depends on how accurately we imitate the Church in Philadelphia. Our weakness becomes a huge asset when we depend not on ourselves but hold fast to Christ, who promises, “I am coming soon.” Edward ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NOTEWORTHY The Epiphany of Our Lord The Epiphany of Our Lord is January 6. Epiphany is the day when we remember that the Magi arrived at Jesus’ home and gave him precious gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We count the Sundays after the Epiphany until the start of Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday on February 17. During the Sundays after the Epiphany, we remember the light of Christ that dispels darkness in our lives. On the last Sunday after the Epiphany, we observe the transfiguration of Jesus and remember the mountaintop experience Jesus had with Peter, James and John. 2 Newsletter January 2010 NOTEWORTHY Our Shoe Project was a success! We were able to provide $5,000 through Payless Shoes to give $25 gift cards to 200 children and youth at Coachman Family Services. Coachman is part of Westhab, a not-for-profit corporation that provides housing and services to Westchester County families in need. Thank you to everyone who contributed. The Consistory will meet on Saturday, January 16, beginning at 9:30 A.M. The meeting will be held in the church lounge. A Broadway Sing-Along will be held on January 10, at 4:30 p.m. The event is part of the musical recital series at Greenville Community Church. burial was held at Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla. Precious to God is the death of his saints. We have a Church Book Discussion Group, which meets once a month. New members are welcome! This month the group is reading The Help by Kathyrn Stockett and will meet on January 12 at 7:30 p.m. For more information call or email the church office. The Book Group is also planning an outing on February 5 to the Jane Austen exhibit at the Morgan Museum in New York City. Stay tuned for more logistical information on that trip. Continued… We remember Oscar Campbell. Oscar, who was active in the life of Greenville Community Church, passed into the nearer presence of God on December 20. A private committal service and 3 Newsletter January 2010 (Continued) The Classis of Rockland/Westchester will meet on January 19. Greenville Community Church is a member of the Classis, which is an assembly of 17 local congregations of the Reformed Church in America. The Classis congregations reported a total of over $7,800,000 income last year for local, national and international ministries. Joanne Fernandez-McDermott and Edward Schreur represent Greenville Community Church at the Classis. David Shenton’s Recital on violin will be held on January 24 at 4:30 p.m. Watch for additional announcements on David’s selection of music. Committee Meetings will be held on Sunday, January 31, at 11:15. The meetings will be held in Hessler Hall. The Confirmation Class, year 2, is in session. Students are at work to learn more of the foundations of Christian faith. The class meets approximately two times per month and will conclude with a celebration of accomplishment on Pentecost Sunday, May 23. church email address is Please feel free to contact Pastor Edward with your news and concerns. The Growth Committee has recommended, and Consistory has approved, a reorganization of our Sunday ushering function. The new structure is now being organized and will consist of five usher teams, each with a leader (captain). There will be 7 or 8 persons on each team, including the captain, assuming that most eligible usher candidates agree to serve. This structure will provide for better training, a broader spreading of assignments so that no one will usher more than once every 6 or 7 weeks, a readily available list of substitutes when needed, a more effective shepherding function for visitors, and removal of the need for the church office to embark on a recruiting mission every week. CHRISTMAS GREEN A word of gratitude and thanks to the Krautter family of Sprainbrook Nursery who generously donate yearly the tree for our sanctuary, the wreath on the balcony and the outdoor wreaths. How very blessed we are! The Office Hours at Greenville Community Church are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You may contact Elizabeth Follen, our church administrator, during that time for church business. The church telephone number is 723-1266. The FAX number is 723-1268. The 4 Newsletter January 2010 SPIRITUAL LIFE COMMITTEE An Invitation to join the Spiritual Life Committee from the chairperson, Muriel Rose “First, I wish you a Peaceful and Healthy New Year. Our Committee invites anyone who wishes to offer his/her time and talent to join the Spiritual Life Committee (SLC). As you might be aware, committees meet on the last Sunday of each month. So please join us at our first meeting in January." church family (during our “pastoral transition” period) initiated several programs listed below. A Bible and Music Workshop in April International Coffee Hour Concerts (in cooperation with our Music Director) as an outreach service to the community Helped with our Newsletter We wish to express a big thank you to all for their input and attendance at various events. In the past year, the SLC, with the help and support of our 5