Name Peter Sorrentino
Class Physics
Date 3/9
Chapter 5: Tension and Power Section
Section 5-4: Power
1. Relate the concepts of energy, time, and power.
2. Calculate power in two different ways.
3. Explain the effect of machines on work and power.
National Science Education Standards Covered
UCP 1: Systems, order, and organization
UCP 2: Evidence, models, and explanation
UCP 3: Change, consistency, and measurements
UCP 5: Form and function
ST 1: Abilities of technological design
ST 2: Understanding about science and technology
Focus 5 minutes
Use item 1 on p. 187 for a classroom discussion.
Motivate 5 minutes
Throw a ball into the air, and catch it as it falls back to its initial height. Ask
students to analyze the mechanical energy of the ball throughout its flight. Point
out that you do work on the ball, which causes it to have kinetic energy. Use this
analysis to lead into a discussion of the work-energy theorem.
Teach 20 minutes
Sample Problem 5F, p. 188, “Power.” This problem demonstrates how to
calculate the power necessary to lift an object using mass, distance, and time.
Classroom Practice, ATE p. 188, “Power.” This section offers problems that can
be used as teamwork exercises or for further demonstration at the chalkboard or
on an overhead projector.
Extend 5 minutes
Conceptual Challenge, p. 187. This feature tests students’ understanding of the
concept of power.
Close 10 minutes
Section Review Worksheet 5-4, “Work, Energy, and Power.” Concept Review
activities reinforce fundamental knowledge from this section.
Homework problems review
Chapter 5 problems: page 193, problem numbers: 8, 9, 10, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 36,
42, 46, 50, 56, 59
Holt Physics
Copyright (c) by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 Lesson Plan p. 1
Chapter 5 Review
Chapter Summary, p. 192. This page summarizes the key concepts and
equations of the chapter.
Teaching Tip, ATE p. 192. This tip suggests that students write an essay that
summarizes the differences between the various forms of energy discussed in this
Performance assessment, p. 199. This section extends students’ understanding of
the implications of the topics of this chapter.
Chapter 5 Assessment
Chapter Tests, Chapter 5 Test.
Semester Project:
Review requirements
Discuss issues
Group work
Holt Physics
Copyright (c) by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 Lesson Plan p. 2