Assignment Sheet







Mrs. Ortiz

Chapter 3: Perpendicular and Parallel Lines

Assignment Sheet

_____ Section 3.1………………………….………HW: p. 132-133 #10-17, 20-26; p. 146 #8-13

_____ Section 3.3……………………….…………HW: 3.3 Practice B Worksheet

_____ Section 3.2……………………….…………HW: 3.2 Practice B Worksheet

_____ Proofs Activity (3.2-3.3)…………HW: Proof Activity Worksheet

_____ Section 3.6 …..…..…………….…………HW: p. 168-169 # 12, 14, 22, 28, 33

p. 175-177 # 9, 15, 21, 26

_____ Review for Quiz 3.1 – 3.3….……..HW: p. 808 #14-16; Review Sheet 3.1-3.3

_____ Section 3.7………..………….……………HW: p. 168-169 # 20, 24, 31, 34, 40, 44

p. 175-177 #10, 22, 27, 30, 32, 33, 38, 42, 43

_____ Quiz on 3.1 – 3.3………………………. Periods 3/7

Period 6

Tuesday, 10/29

Wednesday, 10/30

_____ Section 3.4…….…………………………..HW: p. 154-155 # 12-32 even, 35

_____ Section 3.5…………………….…..………HW: p. 160-161 # 10-14 all, 16, 18, 22, 24

_____ Chapter 3 Review ………….……….…HW: Chapter 3 Review Sheet

_____ Chapter 3 Review Sheet attached to reverse side

_____ Chapter 3 Test………………………… Periods 3/7

Period 6

Tuesday, 11/12

Wednesday, 11/13

Name: ____________________________

Chapter 3 Test Review Sheet

Terms covered in Chapter 3:

Section 3.1

 parallel lines

 skew lines

 parallel planes

 transversal

 corresponding angles

 alternate exterior angles

 alternate interior angles

 same side interior angles

 parallel postulate

 perpendicular postulate

Section 3.2

 perpendicular theorems (3 thms)

Section 3.3

 corresponding angles postulate

 alternate exterior angles theorem

 alternate interior angles theorem

 same side interior angles theorem

 perpendicular transversal theorem

Date: ______________

Section 3.4

Section 3.5

 corresponding angles converse alternate exterior angles converse alternate interior angles converse same side interior angles converse parallel theorem perpendicular theorem

Section 3.6

 slope and its formula

 slopes of parallel lines

 slope-intercept form

Section 3.7

 slopes of perpendicular lines

Important Things to Remember:

 Identify relationships between lines.

 Identify angles formed by coplanar lines cut by transversals.**

 Prove and use results about perpendicular lines.

 Prove and use results about parallel lines and transversals.

 Prove that lines are parallel.



 Use properties of parallel lines.

 Use slope to decide whether lines in a coordinate plane are parallel or perpendicular.**

 Write the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line in a coordinate plane.**

(** means really important)


