Event Script - Relay For Life

American Cancer Society Bark For Life 2012
Masters of Ceremony Script
TJ McIntyre & Lisa Teachman
- 9:00 am
Music by DJ – Darron Story
Welcome cancer fighters and four-legged friends! Please make
sure to register you and your pet at the registration table located by
the dog park entrance. We are so glad you’re here!
Survivors – human and dog – please register at the Survivor
registration table located next to the general registration tables
again by the dog park entrance.
Opening ceremony will start at 9 am.
Stop by our awesome vendor tables and purchase some Bark For
Life gear, leashes or get your pets nails trimmed by Jazzy Pet for a
donation to benefit the American Cancer Society Bark For Life!
Be sure to recognize and/or memorialize your loved ones and
purchase in Honor and/or in Memory of Luminaria for a suggested
donation of $5!
A few housekeeping items: portable toilets are available for your
use and there are water bowls in surrounding areas for your pups
to drink out of! Please remember to scoop the poop!
Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.
9:00 am Welcome barkers to the FIRST Annual American Cancer
Society Bark For Life of Kansas City. What a great turn
out. It is so great to see everyone here today.
When you come to Bark For Life, you join our community
in supporting cancer patients and honor the role their furry,
four-legged caregiving friends play in the fight against
When you raise money for Bark For Life, you help us
create a world with less cancer and more birthdays! The
money raised also helps us save more lives faster as we
help others to stay well, get well, find cures and fight back.
The funds we raise today also support patient services
and programs, cutting-edge research, education and
advocacy efforts.
Thank you for joining us today in our fight against cancer
and to help us celebrate cancer survivors and the
caregiving qualities of our canine companions.
And now, I’d like to introduce one of our survivors and dog
lover, Dale Smith.
(Dale, please tell your story here, and of course, let’s
celebrate your 5 years cancer-free anniversary!)
(Back to TJ)
And now, let’s hear a few words from our event chair,
Leslie Scott.
(Back to TJ)
Well, we know putting on an event like this doesn’t happen
overnight! We want to not only thank our steering
committee members for their tireless planning efforts
(please have them wave) and hard work but thank the
following donors for their generosity and support:
We’d like to say “Paws A LOT” to our 2012 event sponsors
for making today PAWSsible:
American Midwest Distribution
Camp Bow Wow
Community Christian Church
The Dog Spot
The Farmhouse
Snow and Company
Q104.5 FM
And MetroPet Magazine
We’d also like to thank our silent auction donors: 3Girls
Cupcakes, Run Devue Leashes, Jazzy Pets, The Animal
Rescue Alliance, Camp Bow Wow, The Dog Spot and
Spin Pizza as well as Central Standard, Paw Prints
Magazine, and the Overland Park Recreation Center!
Cancer Survivors, whether human or canine, you provide
each of us with hope and serve as an inspiration to all.
You remind us why our work is so important and that we
must continue our fight until we find a cure.
Congratulations on being a Survivor! At this time, please
come to the front of the stage to be recognized.
(Pause to recognize Survivors)
Alright so now that we’ve heard numerous reasons as to
why we are here today. Is everyone ready to get this walk
Okay okay, but not before a few housekeeping reminders:
 Portable toilets are available for your use on 29th
street and one is by the entrance of the dog park
 Water stations are set up around the area for the
pups to enjoy!
 Don’t worry, we didn’t forget our human friends.
Please help yourself to the bottled water as well.
 Please keep your dogs on a leash at all times.
 Please remember to scoop the poop.
 And last but certainly not least, enjoy yourself, bid on
the silent auction, check out our fantastic vendors and
remember you’re making a difference in the fight
against cancer!
Okay, Pack Leaders and PAWticipants, let’s get this
Bark started!
This is how the rest of the event will go. We are all going to
walk the route together to celebrate our Survivors,
Remember loved ones lost, and Fight Back Against Cancer!
Following the short walk, please join us right back here for
entertainment and contests you won’t want to miss out on!
Now let’s get walking! Please line up at the start line
(located behind me with the purple and silver star balloons).
Survivors please join the committee as they lead the way
and kick off the walk. All other PAWticipants please follow!
Music – Who Let the Dogs Out
9:30 am (When walkers return) Welcome back Barkers! We hope
you enjoyed getting a little exercise (one of the ways we
can fight back against cancer is to eat right and exercise
regularly). We’ve got a lot of fantastic contests and
demonstrations now for your enjoyment. We are now
going to get started with an informational on one of our
activities that has started (insert location) Skip Daiger with
Daiger Dog Training is going to tell us a little bit about
Canine Good Citizen Testing.
9:45 am Does your dog have talent? Prove it! While we continue
with Good Citizen Canine Testing, the best trick and
doggie/owner look alike contests are about to begin over
on stage!
10:00 am
We told you that morning would be packed with barkarific entertainment! Next up at the stage, Blessing of
the Dogs by Rev. Kimi E. Yokoyama Whipple; for an
offering again to benefit this worthwhile cause and
This is a friendly reminder that our silent auction will
be closing in 15 minutes! Dig deep in those pockets to
bid! We are saving more LIVES and creating a world
with less cancer and more birthdays because of YOU!
10:30 am
Are we all having a woofing good time today or what
(loud cheer because we are awesome)? Around the
park there is Agility Group Showcase presented by
The Dog Spot. Next up at the stage is Dr. John
Rowe, Animal Behavior Expert. Please stick around
after we hear from Dr. John Rowe as we will be
announcing our top fundraising and event totals!
10:50 am
(TJ) Thank you very much to everyone for coming out
to support the Bark For Life of Kansas. We HOPE that
everyone had a WOOFunderal good time as we
fought back against cancer!
Bark For Life gives us the opportunity to
CELEBRATE. We celebrate and honor the cancer
survivors in our lives.
We celebrate caregivers, human and canine, and
thank them for everything they do to be by outside
throughout the cancer journey. We celebrate all the
accomplishments of the American Cancer Society
because of your hard work and generosity and we
celebrate coming together at this fantastic event
called Bark For Life.
(LISA) Bark For Life also gives us the opportunity
to REMEMBER those we have lost. Our loved ones
are never far from our hearts, and it’s here that we
can come together and remember their lives.
Remembering them helps us remember what brings
us all together.
(TJ) It is for all the lives lost, all the people who
continue to survive cancer, and all those who will still
hear those dreaded words “you have cancer” that we
pledge to FIGHT BACK. This event is how we choose
to make a difference against this disease.
Now, we would like to take this opportunity to
recognize a few of our Top Dogs and their owners.
Golden Paw Award Winner – raised over $300Top Individual Fundraiser (will submit to you prior to
And of course Top Three Fundraising Packs (as of
the event)
So do you all what to know what we raised together or what?!
Our grand total for the Bark for Life of Missouri is
awhopping ___________!! You all have done a fantastic
job! WAY TO GO!
Again, we want to say “Paw’s A LOT” to all those that
made today PAWssible:
We would like to recognize the committee again (please
wave) They have worked tirelessly in planning and
organizing this event. Please join me in giving a big round
of applause to our rockin’ steering committee. And our
2012 Man’s Best Friends:
American Midwest Distribution
Camp Bow Wow
Community Christian Church
The Dog Spot
The Farmhouse
Snow and Company
Q104.5 FM
And MetroPet Magazine
We’d also like to thank 3Girls Cupcakes and Spin Pizza
for their generous gift certificates to our silent auction as
well as Central Standard, Paw Prints Magazine, The
Animal Rescue Alliance, and the Overland Park
Recreation Center!
This has been an incredible first event for Bark For Life of
Missouri. We had 15 teams register and fundraise prior to
the event! For 2013, we have a team challenge for you!
We challenge you all to grow your team in some way,
whether it’s increasing your fundraising goals, recruiting
another team for this outstanding event or recruiting more
team members for next year. With your passion and the
help of this community, we can continue to fight back
against cancer and we will find a cure!
Congratulations to all contest winners, and top fundraising
individuals and teams. A BIG thanks to each and every
one of you for joining us for a woofing good time to
celebrate our Survivors and honor the caregiving qualities
of our canine companions. We hope you had as much fun
as we did and we hope to see you back at the Bark For
Life of Missouri next year!
Woof woof!