Study Guide - The Way Out Big Book Study Group

  
Study Guide
Printed: January ‘07
Revised: August ‘03
$5.00 Donation
Page xxiii to xxx in the Big Book
Who wrote “The Doctor’s Opinion” and what
were his qualifications? xxiii & xxiv
(…of maximum benefit).
What did he suggest that alcohol did to the
alcoholic that did not happen to the temperate
drinker? xxvi L4 (…difficult to solve).
What must happen if we are to re-create our
lives? xxvi L14-18 (…re-create our lives).
Why do alcoholic men and women drink?
xxvi L30 (…produced by alcohol).
How does the good doctor describe an
alcoholic? xxvi L31
(…taking with impunity).
What change must happen to break the cycle
described on page xxvii L3?
(…is not enough).
What else is needed to bring about the
psychic change? xxvii L22
(…ordinary psychological approach).
Does the doctor feel it is entirely a problem of
mental control? xxvii L29
(…continue to fight).
Are all alcoholics the same? Explain.
xxviii L7-23 (…intelligent, friendly people).
10. What do all classes of alcoholics have in
common? xxviii L24
(…familiar, permanently eradicated).
11. What is the only relief for the alcoholic?
xxviii L30 (…is entire abstinence).
Step 1
Page 17 – 29 in the Big Book
What are the two common bonds that
recovering alcoholics have that transcend
political, economical, social or religious
backgrounds? P17 2nd & 3rd paragraphs
(…suffer from alcoholism).
Do most people feel for the alcoholic as they
feel for, say… the cancer victim?
P18 1st paragraph (…increase the list).
What understanding must be reached before
anything can be accomplished with a suffering
P18 L20 (…can be accomplished).
What is the approach that works?
P18 L25 (…if we did).
Is the elimination of drinking all there is?
P19 L5 (…achieve that ideal).
What attitude do we take that allows us not to
argue about things medical, psychiatric,
social and religious? P19 L31 (…have to do).
If you are convinced that those you see in AA
are recovering from a hopeless condition of
mind and body and you say, “What do I have
to do?” What answer does the book give?
P20 L11 (…different from ours).
According to the book, does the moderate
drinker need AA?
P20 L28 (…leave it alone).
How about the hard drinker?
P20 L31 (…need medical attention).
10. What is the difference between the alcoholic
and the above two types of drinkers?
P21 L8 (…answer the riddle).
11. Why does the book conclude that the main
problem of the alcoholic centers in his mind
rather than in his body? P22 L28–P23 L6 ½
(…in his body).
12. After reading Page 23 Line 7 to 26, do you see
why we alcoholics are great with alibis and
rationalizations? (…for the count).
13. Can you identify with page 24 as the “invisible
line” you crossed over? Do they describe
insane behavior? Are they stark and ugly
facts? P23 L27–P25 L3 (…stops but cannot).
14. What is necessary before we can successfully
consummate a solution to our problem?
P25 L4-15 (…not even dreamed).
15. What do those who are passing on their
experience to us, say happened to them?
P25 L16-24 (…do by ourselves).
16. Do they make a good argument for the fact
that there is “no middle-of-the-road solution?”
P25 L25–P26 L2 (…make the effort).
17. According to the story of the “American
businessman” on page 26, did self-knowledge
relieve him of his alcoholism? P26 L3–P27
L15 (…vital spiritual experiences).
18. What is a “Spiritual Experience?”
P27 L16 (…a free man).
19. Are you seeking escape from your dilemma
with all the desperation of a drowning person?
P28 L5 (…that really works).
20. According to the Big Book, what is necessary
to form a relationship with a living Creator?
P28 L10–P29 L2 (…a spiritual experience).
21. What does the term “clear cut direction” mean
to you? P29 L3 (…have this thing).
Steps 1 & 2
Page 30–43 in the Big Book
What is the great obsession of every abnormal
drinker? P30 L1–10 (…insanity or death).
What is the first step in recovery? P30 L11
(…to be smashed).
Does an alcoholic ever recover control?
P30 L15–21 (…incomprehensible
Based on your own experience without going
into much detail, do you feel your drinking got
progressively worse? P30 L21 (…worse,
never better).
Can you identify with the description of the
alcoholic as appears on page 31?
P30 L25–P31 L29 (…list ad infinitum).
If one is not sure he or she is an alcoholic,
what does the book suggest we do to find out?
P31 L30 (…of your condition).
Does the story on page 32 –33 convince you
that you cannot drink normally even after a
long stretch of being sober?
P32 L5 (…drinking twenty years).
Does the length of time or the quantity we
drank have anything to do with becoming an
alcoholic? P33 L24 (…a few weeks).
Assuming that one wishes to stop drinking,
what determines whether we need spiritual
help or not?
P34 L16 (…found it impossible).
10. What is the baffling feature of alcoholism?
P34 L24 (…or the wish).
11. Do you agree that the “mental state that
proceeds a relapse into drinking” to be the
crux of the problem?
P34 L27 (…is he thinking)?
12. Does the story of Jim on page 35, 36, and 37
give us a good illustration of the insane
thinking that precedes a drink? P35 L11–P37
L27 (…consequences might be).
13. Does the story of the Jaywalker sound like
anybody you know? P37 L28–P38 L21
(…fit us exactly).
14. Do you agree that although we may have been
intelligent in other matters, when it came to
alcohol we have been strangely insane?
P38 L22 (…as ours were).
15. Does your self-knowledge have anything to do
with your ability to quit drinking?
P39 L7–P43 L25 (…no other solution).
16. At certain times, does the alcoholic have an
effective mental defense against the first
drink? P43 L26–L29 ¾ (such a defense).
17. Where does the defense come from? P43 L29
(…a higher power).
Steps 1 & 2
Pages 44 – 57 in the Big Book
If you can’t quit entirely and you’ve lost
control over the amount you drink, what are
you probably? P44 L1–15
(…alternatives to face).
Is an atheist or agnostic a rare thing in AA?
P44 L16–24 (…not be discounted).
What is the alcoholic’s real dilemma?
P44 L25–P45 L12 (…find this Power)?
Where can we find the power that will solve
our problem? P45 L13 (…to all men).
According to the Big Book, when we speak of
God, what do we mean? P47 L1
(…limited it was).
What happens to one who says, “I do believe
or I am willing to believe that there is a Power
greater than myself.” P47 L14
(…plain to him).
Do you see that the acquisition of faith can
begin on very simple terms? P47 L30
(…a simpler level).
Which attitudes are handicaps to obtaining a
belief in a Power greater than ourselves?
P47 L32 (…of us were).
What is another good argument for believing
in a Power greater than one’s self?
P48 L14–P49 L20 (…of us, wasn’t it)?
10. Why should we not even have prejudice
against organized religion? P49 L21
(…settle for himself).
11. What is the one proposition that most
recovering alcoholics seem to agree on?
P50 L16 (…should have faith).
12. Even though the level of intelligence is about
the same, why was ancient man so slow to
make progress compared to the progress man
has made in the last 50 years? P51 L10
(…his astronomical heresies).
13. What is your answer to the question asked in
the Big Book on Page 51, Line 23?
(…course it was).
14. What made us change our mind about the
God idea working and our ideas not working?
P52 L24 (…we don’t know).
15. What do you say to this statement: “When we
became alcoholics, crushed by a self imposed
crises we could not postpone or evade, we had
to fearlessly face the proposition that either
God is everything or else He is nothing. God
either is, or He isn’t. What was our choice to
be?” P53 L15 (…choice to be)?
16. Are we now confronted with the question of
faith? P53 L20 (…lose our support).
17. How have we been practicing faith without
even knowing it? P53 L31 (…it wasn’t true).
18. Where does the fundamental idea of God come
from? P55 L9–P57 L13
(…honestly sought him).
19. When does God disclose Himself to us?
P57 L14 (…himself to us).
Step 3
Page 58–64 in the Big Book
Is your chance of success very good if you
thoroughly follow the path? P58 L1
(…followed our path.)
Who is apt to fail? P58 L2 (…are like now.)
If you decide you want it and are willing to go
to any length it get it; what then?
P58 L16 (…take certain steps.)
Is there an easier, softer way?
P58 L19 (…find him now!)
What if I go at it half-heartedly?
P59 L4 (…than spiritual perfection.)
After we review the description of the
alcoholic, and review the chapter to the
agnostic, and we reflect on our relationship
with alcohol; what is the conclusion or
pertinent ideas?
P60 L13 (…He were sought.)
If we are convinced of the pertinent ideas what
do we do then? P60 L21 (…do we do?)
Why is life run on self-will a failure?
P60 L25–P62 L5 (…or our self-pity.)
What is the root of our trouble? P62 L6
(…of this selfishness.)
10. Who makes it possible for us to rid ourselves
of this selfishness?
P62 L18 (…have God’s help.)
11. How does this work?
P62 L26 (…passed to freedom.)
12. What happens when we take this vital step?
P63 L1-12 (…we were reborn?)
13. Read the third step prayer so we can all see
the simplicity of the step.
P63 L13 (…utterly to Him.)
14. Should we take this step with someone or
alone? Explain.
P63 L23-31 (…felt at once.)
— 10 —
Page 64-71 in the Big Book
After we make our 3rd step decision, when do
we begin our effort to face, and be rid of, those
things that were blocking us? P64 L1
(…causes and conditions).
Do you understand why an inventory is
necessary? P64 L8-22
(…its common manifestations).
What is the #1 offender? P64 L23
(…mentally and physically).
According to the Big Book, in dealing with
resentments, where do we set them?
P64 L28-29 (…them on paper).
Describe the first list we make in our personal
P64 L29–P66 L9 (…were short-lived).
Why is it that a life that includes deep
resentments leads only to futility and
P66 L10-15 (…is infinitely grave).
Why do we have to be free of anger?
P66 L16 (…to actually kill).
With respect to resentments, what is our
P66 L29 to P67 L13 (…and every one).
When we analyze our resentment list and
conclude that we may be at fault, what do we
do then? P67 L14-20 (…we to blame)?
10. Seeing our faults, what did we do?
P67 L20-24 (…these matters straight).
— 11 —
11. What is the next list we put on paper?
P67 L25–P68 L10 (…it was worse).
12. What attitude do we take that allows us to
begin to outgrow fear?
P68 L11-27 (…to outgrow fear).
13. What does our book say about sex?
P68 L28–P69 L8 (…straight pepper diet).
14. Does AA say what is right or what is wrong
about sex? P69 L8-L11 (…do about them)?
15. With respect to our sexual conduct over the
past years, what questions do we ask in our
inventory? P69 L12-17 (…looked at it).
16. What is the test we subject each situation to?
P69 L18 (…we want it).
17. Who is the final judge of our sex situations?
P69 L33 (…a half-truth).
18. If we are not sorry for harm done others and
our sexual conduct continues to harm others,
what will the result be?
P70 L8 (…of our experience).
19. If sex is troublesome, what do we do?
P70 L15 (…would mean heartache).
20. If we have been thorough about our 4th step
inventory, what have we written down?
P70 L23-32 (…if we can).
21. According to the book, what are the four
categories we write about in our 4th step
inventory? (Last paragraph)
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
— 12 —
Page 72-75 in the Big Book
How is the personal inventory summarized in
the first paragraph on page 72?
(…the preceding chapter).
What is the best reason for taking Step 5
according to the book?
P72 L14-23 (…not overcome drinking).
When do we learn enough of humility,
fearlessness and honesty to stay sober?
P72 L23–P73 L10 (…their life story).
Is the description of the active alcoholic given
on page 73, paragraphs 2 & 3 a good example
of how we can be dishonest?
P73 L11-23 (…for more drinking).
According to the book, what is the reason
many in the medical profession have a low
opinion of alcoholics and their chance for
recovery? P73 L24 (…chance for recovery)!
If we are to live long and happy in this world,
what must we do?
P73 L33 (…in this world).
How do we go about choosing the person we
want to take our 5th Step?
P74 L2 (…excuse to postpone).
Once we decide who is to hear our story, what
do we do? P75 L3 (…of the past).
What are the results of this step?
P75 L12 (…of the universe).
10. What do we do when we have completed
Step 5? P75 L22 (…at Step Six).
— 13 —
STEPS 6 & 7
Page 76 in the Big Book
What is indispensable for doing Step 6?
P 76 L2 (…as being indispensable).
Are we now ready to let God remove from us
all the things that we have admitted are
P76 L3 (…admitted are objectionable).
Can He now take them all—every one?
P76 L5 (…all—everyone)?
If we still cling to something we will not let go
of, will we ask God to help us to be willing?
L76 L6 (…us be willing).
How do we know when we have completed
Step 7?
P76 L8 (…completed Step Seven).
— 14 —
STEPS 8 & 9
Pages 76-84 in the Big Book
What does the statement, “Faith without
works is dead” mean to you?
P76 L15-L16 (…works is dead).
From where do we begin to get the list of
people we have harmed?
P76 L17 (…we took inventory).
What should our attitude be as we approach
Step 8? P76 L19-27 (…end in itself).
What is our real purpose at this time?
P77 L3 (…people about us).
Is it wise to declare, “We have gone religious”
when approaching those whom we have
harmed? Explain.
P77 L4 (…of spiritual discoveries).
How do we make our approach?
P77 L15 (…with the result).
How often do we fail to make satisfactory
progress? P78 L5-13 (…over the dam).
What about money owed?
P78 L14 (…to face them).
What about criminal offenses?
P78 L26 (…happened years ago).
10. What about domestic trouble?
P80 L32 (…perhaps be dead).
— 15 —
11. Why does the book say, “We feel a man is
unthinking when he says that sobriety is
P82 L24 (…wind stopped blowing).
12. How do we take the lead in the long period of
reconstruction that lies ahead?
P83 L1 (…kindliness and love).
13. Is the spiritual life just a theory? Explain.
P83 L11-18 (…out of anyone).
14. What about certain wrongs that we can never
fully right? P83 L19 (…can be avoided).
15. Do we now act servile or crawl before anyone?
P83 L25 (…crawl before anyone).
16. What happens if we are painstaking about
this phase of our development?
P83 L29 (…to baffle us).
17. What do we finally realize?
P84 L10 (…do for ourselves).
18. Are the promises extravagant?
P84 L12 (…quickly, sometimes slowly).
19. What do we have to do to make them
materialize? P84 L14 (…work for them).
— 16 —
Pages 84-85 in the Big Book
When did we start to set right any new
mistakes as we go along?
P84 L16 (…up the past).
If we have entered the world of the Spirit,
what is our next function? P84 L20
(…understanding and effectiveness).
How long does it take to grow in
understanding and effectiveness?
P84 L22 (…for our lifetime).
How do we now handle selfishness,
dishonesty, resentment and fear?
P84 L23 (…we can help).
What is the code of AA?
P84 L29 (…is our code).
Are we still tempted by alcohol? Why not?
P84 L30 (…It just comes)!
What is the real miracle of AA?
P85 L4 (…is our experience).
What is soundness of mind (sanity) based on
as it related to alcohol?
P85 L11 (…fit spiritual condition).
What happens if we try to rest on our laurels?
P85 L13 (… a subtle foe).
— 17 —
10. Are we now cured of our alcoholism?
P85 L15 (…our spiritual condition).
11. What vision do we carry into all of our
P85 L18 (…knowledge and power).
12. What happens if we have carefully followed
directions to this point?
P85 L26-31 (…means more action).
13. What does Step 11 suggest? P85 L32–P86 L4
(…and valuable suggestions).
14. What should we do when we retire at night?
P86 L5 (…should be taken).
— 18 —
Pages 85-88 in the Big Book
What should we do when we awake each
morning? P86 L19 (…of wrong motives).
What about indecisions that occur during the
day? P86 L28 (…of the mind).
Are we going to always be inspired?
P87 L3 (…rely upon it).
How do we conclude this period of
meditation? P87 L10 (…easily see why).
Can family and friends join us?
P87 L20 (…to that also).
What about prayers and helpful books?
P87 L23 (…minister or rabbi).
What attitudes are we told to take with regard
to religious people?
P87 L28 (…what they offer).
What do we do when we are doubtful or
agitated? P87 L31 (…it really does).
We are told we alcoholics are undisciplined—
so what should we do?
P88 L9 (…to Step 12).
— 19 —
Pages 89-103 In the Big Book
What does practical experience show will
grant us immunity us from drinking?
P89 L1-L20 (…you arouse it).
What is our only aim?
P89 L21-25 (…our only aim).
What if you get a prospect who does not want
to quit drinking?
P90 L1-6 (… a sick person).
Should you try to get some background
information on a new prospect?
P90 L7-23 (…who has recovered).
How can the family cooperate?
P90 L23–P91 L17 (…when depressed).
After reading on Page 91, Line 18, how to
make a 12 Step call, do you think it is the
kind of example we should follow?
P91 L18–P93 L3 (…happened to you).
Should you stress the spiritual feature freely?
P93 L4. (…sense to him).
What is the main thing your new prospect
may be willing to believe?
P93 L8 (…by spiritual principles).
How do you discuss things of a spiritual
nature? P93 L11 (…own convictions are).
— 20 —
10. How do you handle one whose religious
training and education seems to be superior
to yours?
P93 L18 (…to most denominations).
11. Should your prospect understand that helping
him or her is helping you?
P94 L3-4 (…to the good).
12. Why do you think the book says: “The more
hopeless he feels, the better?”
P94 L22-31 (…not taken action).
13. Should the prospect be encouraged to read
the Big Book right away?
P94 L31–P95 L15 (…anything to help).
14. What if your prospect wants you to be his
banker or a nursemaid for his sprees?
P95 L16-24 (…to go on).
15. Should there be pressure put on a new person
to sober up?
P95 L24–P96 L14 (…of their chance).
16. Describe a typical second visit?
P96 L15 (…consult someone else).
17. What if you feel your prospect is looking for
money, connections or shelter?
P96 L23 (…while isn’t enough).
18. If helping others is the foundation stone of our
own recovery, what is the price we sometimes
have to pay for being a Good Samaritan?
P97 L7 (…in a family).
— 21 —
19. If the prospect does not respond, what about
his or her family?
P97 L25 (…dependence on God).
20. What is the idea that must be burned into the
consciousness of every prospective man or
woman alcoholic?
P98 L20 (…and clean house).
21. What if there is a divorce, separation, or just
strained relations involved?
P98 L23 (…to both parties).
22. What about the one who says he cannot
recover unless he has his family back? P99
L30–P100 L4 (…back too soon).
23. Describe the results you and your prospect
get by walking day by day in the path of
spiritual progress.
P100 L5 (…your present circumstances)!
24. How do you participate in family quarrels?
P100 L14 (…amount of criticism).
25. If we are spiritually fit, what kind of things
can we do that we are not supposed to do?
P100 L31–P101 L6 (…not necessarily so).
26. If we cannot do the things referred to in
question 25, what are we told is our problem?
P101 L7 (…the alcohol problem).
27. Should we protect the sick man or woman
from temptation?
P101 L16 (…friends drink liquor).
— 22 —
28. What should our attitude be about going
anywhere or anyplace to help an alcoholic?
P102 L23–P103 L2
(…decide for themselves).
29. How should we feel about drinking as an
P103 L3 (…stand for it).
30. Do you agree with the last paragraph on page
103? (…we have to)!
If you will now read the next four chapters of
the Big Book which are: To Wives, The Family
Afterwards, To Employers and A Vision For You, you
will begin to understand how you can practice the
principles you have learned in all of your affairs.
— 23 —
Open Meeting: Moment of silence followed by the
Serenity Prayer.
Alcoholics Anonymous Preamble
Purpose of Meeting
Introduce yourselves
Have some member start reading from the book,
Alcoholics Anonymous according to the questions to
be discussed. Each member read a paragraph.
After reading, ask a member to start answering
questions. After the member is through, open the
question to anyone who wishes to discuss it further.
Hand out Chips
7th Tradition Basket
Closing Prayer
— 24 —