DIGITAL DIARY Topic – REDOX REACTION BY –Mrs Nisha Singh, K .V. Chhatarpur ( M.P.) 2. CONTENTS: 1. CLASSICAL IDEA OF REDOX REACTION-OXIDATON AND REDUTION REATIONS 2. REDOX REACTION IN TERMS OF ELECTRON TANSFR REATIONS 3. OXIDATION NUMBER 4. BALANCING OF REDOX REACTION 5. REDOX REACTION AND ELECTRODE PROCESS 1. Classical idea of Redox Reaction-Oxidation and Reduction Reactions Oxidation : it is the process of addition oxygen or any more electronegative element or group or removal of hydrogen or any electropositive element or group. example: Mg + O2 = 2MgO Reduction : It is the process of addition of hydrogen or any electropositive element or group or removal of oxygen or any other electronegative element or group. example : Cl2 + H2 =2HCl OXIDISING AND REDUCING AGENT Reduction agent: It is a substance which brings about reduction. Oxidising agent: It is a substance which brings about oxidation. C + O2 = CO2 Here oxygen will work as oxidising a N2 +3H2 = 2 NH3 Here hydrogen will work as reducing agent. 2.Redox Reaction in Term of Electron Transfer Reactions • Oxidation : the process in which an atom or ion loses one or more electrons. • example : Na Na+ + e- ( increase in positive valency) • S2- S + 2 e- (decrease in negative valency) • Reduction : the process in which an atom or ion gains one or more electrons. • example : Cl + e- Cl- (increase in negative valency) • Fe + e- Fe (decrease in positive valency) * electron losing species is called reducing agent. * electron accepting species is called oxidising agent. 3.Oxidation Number or Oxidation state It is the residual charge which an atom actually have or appear to have when all other atoms or group of atoms are removed as ion from the molecule. CALCULATION OF OXIDATON STATE 1] IN KMnO4 OF Mn LET THE O.S. OF Mn BE (X) K+X+O=0 1 + X + 4(-2) =0 1+X–8=0 [X=7] OXIDATION NO. CNCEPT OF OXIDATION AND REDUCTION OXIDATION : IT IS THE PROCESS IN WHICH O.N. OF AN ATOM OF AN ELEMENT INCREASES. EXAMPLE : 2Zn + O2 2ZnO HERE O.S. OF Zn INCREASE. REDUCTION : IT IS THE PROESS IN WHICH O.N. OF ATOM OF ELEMENT DECREASES. EXAMPLE : 2Zn + O2 2ZnO HERE O.N.OF OXYGEN DECREASES. REDOX REATION : THOSE REACTION IN WHICH OXIDATION AND REDUCTION TAKES PLACE SIMULTANEOUSLY, ARE CALLED AS REDOX REACTION. EXAMPLE : CH4 + 4Cl2 CCl4 +4HCl HERE CARBON GOES OXIDATION WHILE CHLORINE GOES REDUCTION. OXIDISING AGENT : IT IS DEFINED AS THE SPECIES WHOSE OXIDATION NO. DECREASES. REDUCING AGENT : IT ISDEFINED AS THE SPECIES WHOSE OXIDATION NO. INCREASES. TYPES OF REDOX REACTION 1.COMBINATION REACTIONS: A REDOX REACTION IN WHICH TWO OR MORE ELEMENT COMBINE TO FORM A PRODUCT. EXAMPLE: C(g) + O2(g) CO2(g) 2. DECOMPOSITION REACTIONS: IN A DECOMPOSITION REACTION A PRODUT DECOMPOSES IN TWO OR MORE REACTANTS . EXAMPLE : CaCO3 (s) CaO(s) + CO2(g) 3. DISPLACEMENT REACTION IN A DISPLACEMENT REATION, AN ION(OR AN ATOM)IN A COMPOUND IS DISPLACED BY AN ION (OR AN ATOM) OF ANOTHER ELEMENT. IT MAY BE DENOTED BY X + YZ XZ + Y IT IS OF FOLLOWING TYPES [1] METAL DISPLACEMENT: CuSO4 + Zn Cu + ZnSO4 [2] NON-METAL DISPLACEMENT : Fe + 2HCl FeCl2 + H2 4. DISPROPORNATION REACTION –IT REFERS TO A REACTION IN WHICH SAME SPECIES UNDRGOES OXIDATION AS WELL AS REDUCTION. For example : Cl2 + 6NaOH 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O HERE CLORINE UNDERGOES OXIDATION AS WELL AS REDUCTION. BALANCING OF REDOX REACTION 1. ION ELETRON METHOD: 2. OXIDATION NO. METHOD THE BASIC PRINCIPLE OF THIS METHOD IS THAT DURING REDOX REATION TOTAL INCREASE IN OXIDATION NO. MUST BE EQUAL TO THE TOTAL DECREASE IN OXIDATION NO. (1) INDIATE THE O.N. OF ATOM WHICH UNDERGO IN OXIDATION. (2) CALCULATE THE TOTAL INCREASE AND DECEASE IN OXIDATION NO. PER FORMULA UNIT OF REACTANT. (3) EQUATE INCEASE OR DECREASE IN ON BY MULTIPLING WITH SUITABLE INTEGER .BALANCE THE ATOM WHICH UNDERGO CHANGE IN ATOM. (4) BALANCE EQUATION WITH RESPECT TO OTHER ATOM EXCEPT H AND O (5) BALANCE OXYGEN ATOM BY ADDING WATER MOLECULE TO THE SIDE DEFFICIENT IN OXYGEN ATOM. 4.REDOX REACTION AND ELECTRODE PROCESSRedox reaction: those reaction which involve change in oxidation no. of interacting species. Types of redox reaction. Direct redox reaction: those reaction in which oxidation and reduction occur in same vessel. Indirect redox reaction: those reaction in which oxidation and reduction occur in different vessel. Electro chemical cell: a device in which a redox reaction is carried in directly and the decrease in energy appear as the electrical energy. Representation of electrochemical cell: ANODE; ANODE ELECTROLYTE CATHODE ELECTROLYTE, OXIDATION HALF CELL REDUCTION HALF CELL ELETRODE POTENTIAL: IT MAY BE DEFINED AS THE POTENTIAL DIFFERENE BETWEEN THE ELECTRODE AND ITS ION IN THE SOLUTION. STANDARD ELETRODE POTENTIAL: ELECTRODE POTENTIAL AT STANDARD CONDITION OF TEMP(273K) AND COCENTRATION(`1M) ,IS CALLED AS STANDARD ELECTRODE POTENTIAL. TYPES OF ELECTRODE POTENTIAL. OXIDATION POTENTIAL: LOSS OF ELECTRON REDUCTION POTENTIAL: GAIN OF ELECTRON STANDARD HYDROGEN ELECTODE: IT IS THE REVERSIBLE ELECTRODE WHICH CAN ACT BOTH AS CATHODE AND ANODE. EMF(ELECTRO MOTIVE FORCE): IT IS THE DIFFERENCE OF ELECTODE OF TWO HALF CELL. EMF = E*CATHODE – E*ANODE #SRP : IT MEASURES THE TENDENCY TO ACCEPT ELECTRON. #SOP : IT MEASURES THE TENDENCY TO LOSE ELECTRON. ELETRO CHEMICAL SERIES: THE STANDARD ELECTRODE POTENTIAL (E*) OF A LARGE NO.OF ELECTRODES ARE DETERMINED WITH RESPET TO THE STANDARD HYDROGEN ELECTRODE ACTING AS REFERENCE ELECTRODE. THESE ARE ARRANGED IN THEIR INCREASING ORDER OF REDUCING STRENGTH TO FORM A SERIES KNOWN AS ELECTROCHEMICAL SERIES. APPLICATION OF ELECTOCHEMICAL SERIES: [1] COMPARISION OF RELATIVE REDUCING OR OXIDISING POWER. [2] PREDICTING THE FEASIBILITY OF REDOX REACTION. [3] PREDICTING WHETHER A METAL CAN EVOLVE HYDROGEN FROM AN ACID OR NOT. [4] DETERMINING THE EMF OF A CELL. EVALUATION TOOL – CONCEPT - CLASSICAL IDEA OF REDOX REACTION-OXIDATON AND REDUCTION REACTION HOME WORK –a) Identify the species undergoing oxidation and reduction 1. H2S + Cl22HCl +S 2. 3Fe3O4+ 8Al 9Fe + 4Al2O3 b) Justify that the following rections are redox reactions : 1. CuO +H2 Cu +H2O 2.2K +F2 2KF .REMEDIAL MEASURES – a) Assignment – 1.level -1For slow learnersIdentify the species undergoing oxidation and reduction; 1.2Na +H22NaH 2ZnO +CZn +CO Level -2 For averageIdetify the species undergoing oxidation and reduction. 1.Fe2O3+3CO2Fe+3CO2 2.MnO2+4HCl MnCl2+Cl2 +2H2O Level-3 For bright Justify that the following reaction are redox reaction . 1.4BCl3+3LiAlH42B2H6+3LiCl +3AlCl3 2.4NH3 +5O2 4NO +6H2O EVALUATION TOOLCONCEPT- OXIDATION NUMBER AND REDOX REACTION HOME WORK 1.Assign oxidation number to the given element . a) P in NaH2PO4 b)Mn in K2MnO4 c)Cr in K2Cr2O7 d)N in HNO3 2.Identify the substance oxidized ,reduced ,oxidizing agent , reducing agent . a)2AgBr +C6H6O2 2Ag + 2HBr +C6H4O2 b)N2H4 +2H2O2N2 +4H2O REMEDIAL MEASURESAssignment – Level-1 1.Assign oxidation number to the given element. a)S in H2S b)Cr in K2CrO4 c)B in NaBH4 d)S in H2S2O7 Level-2 1.Assign the oxidation number to the given element. I in KI3 , Fe in Fe3O4 , S in H2SO5 , Cr in CrO5 ,Ca in CaOCl2 2.Suggest a list of substances where carbon can exhibit oxidation states from -4 to +4 and -3 to +5 . Level – 3 1.The compound AgF2 is unstable compound . However , if formed,the compound acts as a very strong oxidizing agent . Why ? 2.HNO3 act as only an oxidizing agent ,whereas HNO2 can act as both. Why? EVALUATION TOOLCONCEPT- BALANCING OF REDOX REACTIONHOME WORK1.Balance the following equation by ion electron method in acidic medium. 1)Fe 2+ +Cr2O72- Fe3+ + Cr3+ 2) Cr2O72- + SO32- Cr3+ +SO422.Balance the following equation by oxidation number method . a)K2 Cr2O7 +FeSO4 +H2SO4 K2SO4 +Fe2(SO4)3 +Cr2(SO4)3 +H2O b)P4 +NaOH +H2O PH3 +NaH2PO2 REMEDIAL MEASURES – AssignmentLevel -1 1.Baiance the following equation by ion electron method . 1)MnO4- +I- MnO2 +I2( In basic medium) 2)Cr2O72- +SO2 Cr3+ +SO4 2-(In acidic medium) Level -2 1.The Mn2+ ion is unstable in solution and undergoes disproportionation to give Mn2+ ,MnO2 and H+ ion . Write a balanced ionic equation for the reaction. 2.Chlorine is used to purify drinking water . Exess of chlorine is harmful .The excess of chlorine is removed by treating with sulphur dioxide . Give a balanced equation for this type of redox change . Level -3 1. Permanganate (vii) ion , MnO4- in basic solution oxidizes iodide ion , Ito produce molecular iodine and manganese (iv) oxide . Write a balanced ionic equation to represent this redox reaction. 2.In Oswald process for the manufacturing of nitric acid the first step involves the oxidation of ammonia gas by oxygen gas to give nitric acid and steam . What is maximum weight of nitric oxide that can be obtained starting with 10.0gm of ammonia and 20.0gm of oxygen. PROJECT-1.Prepare a chart representing galvanic cell . 2.Identify the different oxidation process in your daily life and write the advantages and disadvantages of these processes . 3.Calculate the concentration of oxalate ion in guava extract by titrating with standard KMnO4 solution . REFERENCES1. N.C.E.R.T. Text book 2. Modern A B C of chemistry