July/August - KofC Kent Council 8150

Kent Council 8150
310 3rd Avenue, S.
Kent, WA 98032-5863
July/Aug 2008
Brother Knights
Welcome to a new fraternal year and thank you for re-electing me as your Grand Knight. Because of your hard work and
dedication to our council, Holy Spirit Parish, and the Kent Community we have once again attained the coveted Star
Council Award for the 6th consecutive year. Mike Stergios, our insurance agent, informed me that only a little over 10% of
the councils throughout the United States achieve this prestigious award. Congratulations to all of you for a job well done.
Congratulations also to Buzz and Lavon Arndt and Rod Cosgriff. Buzz and Lavon were our council nomination to the state
for the Family of the Year; and Rod was our submission for Knight of the Year. All of them were recognized at the state
convention in May for their hard work and dedication to our council, parish and community. If you see them at Mass, please
congratulate and thank them for all that they do for us.
This past May the calendar for the year was put together by the officers, trustees and myself. Please try to attend our first
meeting of the year scheduled for Tuesday July 8th; we will be discussing the events for the months of August and
September. Our first function will be our 2 nd annual All Parish Luau on Saturday August 2 nd after the 5:00pm Mass.
Because of the occupancy restrictions of our parish hall, only a limited amount of tickets will be sold. For tickets, contact
me as soon as possible as I expect them to be sold out quickly. I can be reached at 253-833-3538. If I am unavailable please
leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. We expect this event to be a sellout.
The summer meeting for this year will be held in Pasco, WA on July 11-13. Darrel Ehlers and I will be representing our
council. Also attending will be our newly appointed District Deputy Paul Feider of St. Stephen the Martyr Council and the
rest of the Grand Knights of District #27. At this time I would like to thank our outgoing District Deputy John Feuerborn for
his hard work and constant support to our council for the past 3 years. John will still be active with us as our Financial
Secretary. Thank you John!!!
I have once again asked Rod Cosgriff to put together our monthly charitable donations for the year while he is recovering
from his surgery. We have taken on a few more obligations this year so please help out whenever you can. Lloyd Qually,
our Bulletin Editor, will be posting our event calendar for the year including our meeting schedule. Please contact Lloyd if
you have an e-mail address as this saves a lot of money for postage. His web address is lcqually@msn.com.
We added a few more functions this year and I think you will enjoy what we have planned. And so my brothers, the table is
set for the challenges that lay before us. I know in my heart if we work together as one mind, one body and one spirit, we
can accomplish everything we have planned and fulfill Father Michael J McGivney’s dream to be an apostle of Christian
family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbors and that we continue his work of caring for the
needy and the outcast. I pray for blessings upon all of us as we begin our 2008-2009 fraternal year.
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Peace and the love of God are with you and your families.
Vivat Jesus
Rodney Kapule Sr. GK
Schedule for the year 2008-2009
The last page of this newsletter is the Schedule of Events for upcoming year. This listing is on the last page so that you can
use it next to your calendar for reference during the year.
Please note: the Luau is on Saturday, Aug 2; the Hamburger/Corn Feed is on Saturday September 6; and the Mexican
Dinner is on Saturday, September 20.
New officers for 2008-2009 fraternal year
Congratulations to the 2008-2009 Officers.
Grand Knight
Rodney Kapule Sr.
Deputy Grand Knight
Rob Ugarte
Chester Johnson
John Werner
Clyde Schendzielos
Al Fettig
Francis Mudd
Inside Guard
Phillip Rudolph
Outside Guard
John Woomer
Trustee 1 year
Lloyd Qually
Trustee 2 year
Darrell Ehlers
Trustee 3 year
Melvin Haus
Summer Meetings
Meetings for July and August will take place on 2nd Tuesday of each month only. Rosary will be at 7:00PM and the meeting
will be at 7:30PM. We will return to 2 meetings each month in September.
Hawaiian Luau – August 2
The Luau will be on Saturday August 2 at 6PM (after 5 o’clock Mass). In addition to the great Hawaiian food, the Hula
dancers will be back for our entertainment. Tickets will go on sale at $20 per person this Saturday, July 5 before and after
5:00PM Mass. The tickets will be sold by the Knights at Masses though August 2 or until they are all sold. The Luau was a
grand event and we had full house last year. It should be even be better this year so get your tickets soon.
Blood Drive – August 11
Remember your gift of blood is needed especially during summer when others are away from home. There will be Blood
Drive at Holy Spirit Parish in Kent in the Activity Hall on August 11. There will be sign-up sheets in the Gathering Space
at all Masses. If you can’t sign up please come and we will slip you into the process with minimal waiting.
Installation of Officers – August 21
The Installation of Officers for the year 2008-2009 will take place at St. Stephen the Martyr Parish Hall on August 21. A
no-host Social will begin at 6:30 PM. Dinner will be served at 7:00 PM and installation will take place after dinner. All
Knights and their families are invited to the Installation. The menu will be Beef Fajitas and the cost will be $10 a plate.
More details will be forthcoming.
Hamburger/Corn Feed – September 6
The return of the KofC Hamburger/Corn Feed will be on September 6 at 6:00PM (After 5PM Mass)
Mexican Dinner Raffle Prizes
We are being asked to support the Mexican dinner with a raffle prize. This is your chance to get involved with making a
contribution to charity though the KofC. Leon Gutierrez has asked for raffle prizes for the Mexican Dinner, these could be
from birdhouses to quilts to dinner for four. Please contact Leon at (253) 854-4554 to commit your family’s prize for this
charitable gift for the Knights.
Mexican Dinner – September 20
September 20 is our date for a fabulous Mexican dinner with Mariachis and multiple raffles. Tickets will go of sale about
September 1. As Knights of Council 8150 we should ask why we celebrate September 16 and not Chino de Mayo? I looked
up the following information on Google that was very informative.
16 of September 1810
The 16th of September of 1810, marks the beginning of Mexico's struggle for independence from Spain. Hence, this day is
similar in many ways to the American "4th of July," which commemorates American Independence from Britain.
"El Grito de Dolores," (The cry in the village named Dolores-Sorrows-.) "Long live Independence! Long live America!
Death to Bad Government!" This Proclamation for Independence was made on this day by Miguel Hidalgo, from the
Balcony of the Parish of Nuestra Senora de Los Dolores.(Our Lady of Sorrows.) A heroic parish priest, who is widely
regarded as the Father of Mexican Independence and a symbol of patriotism, Miguel Hidalgo De Costilla was responsible
for leading the first large revolutionary forces against the Spaniards. Tragically, however, shortly thereafter, he was
captured and executed by a firing squad.
Father Hidalgo's martyrdom, however, galvanized the Mexican people to struggle and fight for independence. After Father
Hidalgo's demise, Jose Maria Morelos, a small village priest, and a farseeing political and military genius, rallied the
revolutionary forces until his capture and execution on December 22, 1815.
Historians sum up his service to the cause of Mexican independence by stating that "with him ended the heroic days of the
Mexican Revolution." As he read of the guerilla leader's brilliant campaigns, the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte
said," With three such men as Jose Morelos, I could conquer the world." Vicente Guerrero, a liberal rebel and the inheritor
of the Hidalgo/Morelos tradition, continued the revolutionary struggle against the Spaniards until 1824, when the Spanish
were overthrown and Guadalupe Victoria, a liberal became the first elected president of the Republic of Mexico.
At that time, the Mexican Empire encompassed all of Central America and the Southwestern United States including part of
California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Utah and parts of what now is the State of Kansas. There is,
even today, great controversy and debate as to the questionable, and perhaps unethical political means, the United States
used to acquire this vast territory from Mexico. A few Spanish land grants still survive today, and Hispanic land grant heirs
still argue the United States should be forced to honor land rights they were promised in the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War.
To commemorate these revolutionary heroes, Mexico named three states after them. Hidalgo is a state just north of Mexico
City, whereas Guerrero and Morelos are two adjacent states on Mexico's west coast. In addition, many hospitals, schools
and colleges, state and federal parks, universities and government buildings have been named to honor these three Mexican
Revolutionary Heroes - Hidalgo, Morelos, and Guerrero.
(Continued on Next Page)
Cinco de Mayo 1862
Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "5th of May") is a regional holiday in Mexico, primarily celebrated in the state of Puebla. It is
not an obligatory federal holiday. The holiday commemorates an initial victory of Mexican forces led by General Ignacio
Zaragoza over French forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The date is observed in the United States and other
locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.
A common misconception in the United States is that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day; Mexico's
Independence Day is actually September 16, which is the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico. It may be
noted the Cinco de Mayo was 52 years after the start of the war for Independence.
Appreciation Dinner
The dinner was held in the Holy Spirit Activity Hall on May24. Food was catered by “The Cave Man” and it was excellent.
We owe a vote of thanks to Clyde Schendzielos for arranging this family event.
The following awards were given to the Knights for their achievements:
Charles Braunschweig received a 50 Year Award for his longevity and service to the Knights. He received a 50-Year Pin
and an inscribed gold watch.
The seven Past Grand Knights that were in attendance were awarded Certificates for their continuing service to the council.
They were Bill Wilson, John Feuerborn, Al Fettig, Leon Gutierrez, Darrell Ehlers, Jim Sheffield, and Lloyd Qually.
Darrell Ehlers was presented with a certificate for his outstanding support for the breakfasts and dinners throughout the
Leon and Ruth Gutierrez were presented with a certificate for their family’s contribution to our annual Mexican dinner that
commemorates Mexico’s Freedom.
Roderick Cosgriff was selected as the Knight of the Year for his outstanding service as our prayer leader, coffee maker
“supreme”, and committee chairman for charity contributions. His wife accepted the award while Rod is recuperating from
Dennis “Buzz” and Lavon Arndt were presented the Family of the Year Award for their work for the parish especially their
work on the parish history.
Grand Knight Rodney Kapule described the awards that the council received at the Washington State Convention
that was held in Spokane on May16 -19.
The council made the 1000 Point Club for council programs that achieved and surpassed the goals of the Knights to have at
least four activities for Council, Church, Youth, Pro-Life, and Charity.
The council also made the 365Club for giving one penny a day for each member on our roster to the “Pennies for Heaven”
The council received a certificate for participating in the Youth Essay contest.
The council was noted as participating for the Harry Tucker Award. Rodney said that “This is an award that we need to win
because Harry belonged to this council and was a Past Grand Knight of this council.”
We received certificates for our Community Service and Pro-Life programs.
Knight of the Month and Family of the Month
Congratulations to the honorees for May and June!
Knight of the Month:
Family of the Month:
Paul McCarthy
Al and Margret Fettig
Mel Haus
John and Norma Feuerborn
Star Award for 2007-2008
As we go to press we have achieved all of the required elements for the Star award for this year. We have met or exceeded
the Membership, Insurance, and Program Accomplishments. This will be the sixth year in a row that we have achieved this
award. Big thanks go to all the knights that have participated in the events of the council.
Pro Life – Say No to Washington State Initiative 1000
This message was taken from Father Thomas Lane Council 3645 – Renton. Their Past Grand Knight, John Peyton, who
has contracted ALS, lives in Kent and often goes to Holy Spirit Parish, is speaking out about saying, “Vote No to
Washington State Initiative 1000”. The links are for a FOX NEWS video of John and information about ALS.
“Past Grand Knight John Peyton steps up to say no to Washington State's initiative 1000.
John learned that he had ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) in December 2007. Since that time we have been witness to
his courage and grace as he faces the trying times that come with ALS.
As time progressed from December to June when this video was created, we watched as John lost his mobility.
Throughout this process his wife, Patricia and their six daughters have been by his side.
The link on our Council website that goes directly to the video is:
(To see the video: Put curser on the link, then Ctrl+Z and then open the picture)
John served as the Washington State Pro-life Director, and continues to lead by example. He publishes our
council's monthly newsletter and serves our council as a Trustee.
Initiative 1000, Physician Assisted Suicide, is wrong and targets innocent lives.”
Windows for St Anthony’s Chapel
The Council passed a motion that we will sponsor one of the windows that are being rebuilt to preserve St. Anthony’s
Chapel. The Small Chapel window was selected and $2000.00 that we have already given will be applied to this window.
Rod Cosgriff is the chairman of the committee for the window program and he will keep us up to date on status this item.
. Insurance Agents
It seems like just yesterday…
Any parent reading this will quickly come up with countless ways to complete that last sentence. The point is – time flies,
and tomorrow will (has!) arrive quicker than expected. Will you be ready?
If you meet annually with your professional Knights of Columbus agent, and address the needs that his analysis uncovers,
the answer – at least financially – will be ‘Yes.’ During that annual visit, he’ll take the time to review your needs, goals
and budget. And he’ll recommend a program of life insurance, long term care insurance and guaranteed income annuities
that will help you rest easy at night.
Paying for college for your children may be one of your family’s current needs. Or you may be concerned about a
comfortable, worry-free retirement. Or about needing costly long-term care that could deplete your hard-earned assets; or
about having something to leave for your children or grandchildren.
Whatever your needs, whatever your concerns, I can help.
I’m at (206-356-2098 or michael.stergios@kofc.org. Call me – let’s talk.
Celebration of Birthday “Milestones”
July Birthdays
July 1
July 6
July 12
July 14
July 15
July 18
July 21
Thomas Weber
Donald Fenton
John Woomer
John McCormack
James Enright
Vincent O’Conner
Jeffery Babbitt
July 23
July 23
July 24
July 25
July 28
July 28
Tony Budinich
Jason Napier
John Kubeja
Fred May III
Charles Albert
Philip Rudolph
Aug 15
Aug 16
Aug 20
Aug 23
Aug 23
Ed Pawlowski
Michael Fettig
Nathan Kamina
Donald Green
Michael Bauer
August Birthdays
Aug 5
Aug 6
Aug 9
Aug 9
Aug 10
Aug 13
Roderick Cosgriff
Ray Mudd
Rendell Kapule
Lloyd Qually
John Feuerborn
Leslie Jack
Your Knights of Columbus Insurance Representative is Michael S. Stergios
Phone – 206-356-2098 Fax – 253-850-1080 E-Mail – michael.stergios@kofc.org
Contributions to this Newsletter
We welcome your comments and suggestions and especially would welcome articles ready for publication.
This newsletter is as good as the information you provide.
Editor - Lloyd Qually 253-631-8247
Web Knight - Norm Bailey 253-351-2959
KofC Council 8150 SCHEDULE FOR THE
2008-2009 YEAR
07/07 Tuesday
08/02 Saturday
08/07 Thursday
08/12 Tuesday
09/06 Saturday
09/09 Tuesday
09/14 Sunday
09/20 Saturday
09/23 Tuesday
10/01 Wednesday
10/04 Saturday
10/15 Wednesday
10/22 Wednesday
10/28 Tuesday
10/29 Wednesday
11/09 Sunday
11/11 Tuesday
11/15 Saturday
12/09 Tuesday
12/13 Saturday
12/14 Sunday
7:00PM Rosary
7:30 Meeting
6:00PM Luau
7:00PM Audit
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting/1st Deg?
6:00PM Officers Installation
At St Stephan’s
6:00PM Hamburger/Corn
7:00PM Rosary
7:30 Meeting
6:00PM Mexican Dinner
7:30 Meeting/1st Deg?
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
5:00PM Polka Mass
6:00PM Oktoberfest
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
7:30PM Meeting/1st Deg?
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting
6:00PM Pasta Feed
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting/1st Deg?
6:15PM Christmas Pizza
01/11 Sunday
01/13 Tuesday
01/27 Tuesday
02/05 Thursday
02/10 Tuesday
03/13 Friday
03/14 Saturday
05/13 Wednesday
05/20 Wednesday
05/26 Tuesday
05/27 Wednesday
05/30 Saturday
06/09 Tuesday
06/23 Tuesday
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting
7:30PM Meeting /1st Deg.
7:00PM Audit
7:00PM Rosary
7:30 Meeting
Valentines’ Breakfast
7:30PM Meeting/1st Deg?
5:00PM #1 Fish Fry
5:00PM #2 Fish Fry
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting
5:00PM #3 Fish Fry
6:00PM St. Patrick Day
5:00PM #4 Fish Fry
7:30PM Meeting/1st Deg?
5:00PM #5 Fish Fry
5:00PM #6 Fish Fry
Palm Sun Breakfast
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting
7:30 Meeting/1st Degree
Pre-Mothers Day Breakfast
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
7:30PM Meeting & 1st Deg?
Election of officers
7:00PM Rosary-St. Anthony
6:00PM Awards Banquet
7:00PM Rosary
7:30PM Meeting/1st Deg?
7:30PM Meeting
K of C
Kent Council 8150
13515 SE 280th St
Kent, WA 98042