Electric Field Hockey: Interactive Lab Activity http://www.colorado.edu/physics/phet or click the PhET folder in Math/Science Computer Lab (rm 3104) Name:______________________________________ Learning Goals: Students will be able to Determine the variables that affect how charged bodies interact Predict how charged bodies will interact Use free-body diagrams and vector addition to help explain the interactions. 1. You rub balloons in your hair and then hang them like in the picture below. Explain why you think they move apart and what might effect how far apart they get. 2. Test your ideas using Electric Field Hockey. Make a table to record your observations about what affects whether or not you make a goal and also how fast the puck moves. Your table should demonstrate that you have run controlled tests with all the variables. 3. Reflect on your explanation from question #1 and your data from question #2. How do your observations support, dispute or add to your ideas about what affects how charged bodies interact? Complete sentences = Compete Credit. 4. What do you think the arrows on the puck are illustrating? Investigate how you can use the arrows to predict the motion of the puck. 5. Demonstrate that you can predict the motion of the puck using free body diagrams and vector addition. Give several examples to demonstrate that you understand both of the following: what if there is more than one charged ball acting on the puck how negative and positive charges compare and contrast. ***Extra Credit: Change the difficulty level from Practice and have a witness sign off that you scored a goal.*** Level 1 Complete (2 pts) Level 2 Complete (3 pts) Level 3 Complete (4 pts) 3/8/2016 Adapted from Trish Loeblein (PhET site)