Student Responsibilities in the Exam Process

Student Responsibilities
Exam Process
The following highlights student responsibilities during the exam process. Should you
have any questions please contact your Consultant or the Accessible Learning Office.
1. Ensure exam booking deadlines are followed. These are posted in the main
office, on the ALC web site and the back of your ALC Identification card.
Failure to meet these deadlines will result in loss of access to accommodations.
2. Check the final exam schedule generated by the Examinations Department, it is
posted on the Laurier web site. If you have any exam conflicts communicate
them to your Consultant before the final exam booking deadline.
3. Ensure exam booking forms are completed accurately, with all requested
information. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Booking forms for finals
can be accepted anytime (before the booking deadline) as the date is not needed
to process your request.
4. If you are booking exams on line, ensure you keep your confirmation email. This
may be needed to verify your booking if there are any technical issues/ errors. If
you cannot produce the confirmation email, we will not be able to process or
address your request. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours, call
the main office at x 3086.
5. If you book an exam with the ALC and choose not to write with the Centre,
ensure you cancel the exam booking, failure to do so will result in a $50.00
processing fine. Exams can be canceled on line, or by contacting the main office
in person or via telephone (x 3086).
6. If you are using an approved memory aid (as recommended on a psych-ed or
neuro-psych assessment), ensure it has been approved and signed by your
professor and submitted to your Consultant 24 hours prior to the exam. Use of
memory aids that have not been vetted through the office will not be permitted.
7. Ensure scantron cards are completed in their entirety (this means the back and
front with your ID). Incomplete cards may be treated as zeros (as determined by
the faculty).
8. If you are using a computer (as an approved accommodation) do the following:
 Save your work regularly and often.
 Print your exam and sign it (the proctors will not do this for you).
 Your exam end time includes time to print, so plan accordingly. Do not
attempt to negotiate additional time with the proctors, as they are not
permitted to approve this. Obtaining additional time must be reviewed
and discussed with your Consultant (for consideration with future exams).
 Report any technical issues and their impact to the proctor immediately.
Do not wait until the end of the exam or after the exam has been evaluated
These must be communicated immediately so we may address them as
soon as possible.
9. The Accessible Learning Centre follows the same examination guidelines
(through the Registrar’s Office) that are outlined in the student calendar.
10. To ensure exam integrity you must remain in the exam room until the designated
time indicated on your exam envelope. If your start time is 5:00 pm, you may not
leave the exam room prior to 7:00 pm. Leaving early (if you have completed
your exam) will not be negotiated with the proctors.
11. It is your responsibility to ensure you are familiar with any assistive software
(e.g., Dragon, Kurzweil, Jaws or Zoomtext) ahead of time. Proctors will not train
you during the exam. Dragon voice profiles must be trained and installed on the
computer you will be using for the exam. For Dragon, you must make an
appointment with the Assistive Technologist or Exam coordinators, and test the
profile with the headset and computer that you will be using for dictation, at least
one week prior to the exam. If you have any technical or training issues,
please contact Jane Fridrich , Assistive Technologist at X3212 or by e-mail at least one week prior to your exam.
12. Integrity violations will be reported to Examinations and the respective faculty.
Student Expectations for ALC Exams. Created January 5, 2009