IB Psychology Course Description

AP/IB Psychology 2011-2012
Course Description and Procedures
Welcome to AP/IB Psychology!
Mr. Kirchner
(412) 833-1600 -- Ext. 2649
The times/places I am available are the following:
Before/After school – Social Studies planning area OR Rm. 235
Mods 1-2, 7-8, or 9-10 – Social Studies planning area OR Rm. 235
NOTE: It’s best to make an appointment to guarantee that I can meet with you.
AP Psychology Course Description
The goal of this course is to increase the student’s understanding of psychology, including its research methods,
body of knowledge and perspectives with the objective of having each student pass the Advanced Placement
Examination. The course will explore the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each
of the major subdivisions within the discipline.
This course is taught at the collegiate level and the students’ study habits and participation should reflect this
fact. It is hoped that knowledge of psychological inquiry will provide students with a way of perceiving aspects
of the world, insights into their own behavior and the behavior of others, and an appreciation of the complexity
and diversity of human behavior.
IB Psychology Course Description
The course of study for IB Psychology focuses on the systematic study of human behavior and the mental and
experiential factors that influence behavior. Students will develop an understanding of the historical roots of
psychology as well as an appreciation for the diversity of the human experience. Through the study of three
levels of analysis—biological, cognitive, and sociocultural – students will focus on the skills of critical thinking
and the methods of empirical investigation that are the hallmarks of psychology.
Attention will be given to ethical procedures and issues throughout the course. The exploration of human
behavior will also consider the opportunity for psychology to improve the human condition. The Standard
Level IB curriculum will provide students the opportunity to understand optional subject areas in depth and
perform an experimental replication, as per the requirements of the Internal Assessment. Students will
complete the IB Examination at the end of the year.
My Expectations of You
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
Academic Responsibility
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting work that will be used to
demonstrate their level of knowledge and determine their grades. These standards are founded on the basic
concepts of honesty and integrity.
Positive Class Participation
Success in this course requires consistent attendance, preparation, and involvement in class activities. Students
are expected to:
1. Be on time for class.
2. Bring all necessary materials everyday (text, homework, pens/pencils, and binder).
3. Be attentive and actively involved in all class activities.
4. Show respect continuously.
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
Completion of Coursework
 A requirement of all projects, homework, and make-up tests is that they be completed within the specified
time parameters. Only “long-term” assignments will be considered for partial credit. Daily homework that
is not completed on time is NOT eligible for partial credit.
 Long-term assignments that are submitted late lose 1 letter grade (11%) for each day that they are late.
(Highest possible grade for 1 day late is a B (89%), etc.) Any assignment that is submitted after the time it
is collected (even if submitted later in the class or later in the day) is considered late. In other words, the
assignment is due at the beginning of class (or when collected by the teacher) on the due date.
 ALL ASSIGNMENTS are due on their respective DUE DATE. Tardiness to school is no excuse for late
work. If you are tardy to school, you must still turn in your work upon arrival to school. If you have an
early dismissal on a day that an assignment is due, you must turn in your work prior to leaving.
 If you miss a review prior to an exam, you still must take the exam with the rest of the class the following
day during your free mods. If you do not have free mods on the day you are to take the exam, you must
take the exam during class time.
 If you miss tests/quizzes because of tardiness to school or because of early dismissals, you are expected to
take the test/quiz during your FREE MODS of the SAME DAY. If you do not have free mods on this day,
other arrangements must be made with the teacher.
Grading and Evaluations
Although you will ultimately demonstrate your understanding of course material through the AP Psychology
Exam and/or the Standard Level IB Psychology Exam in May, multiple methods will be used to assess your
learning throughout the year. Four categories exist for AP students; five for IB students. See below:
Unit Exams
Unit Projects
Class Preparation (daily homework, quizzes, journal)
Class Participation (Psych. Seminars (formal debates), class discussions, individual class work, in-class
group work)
5. Internal Assessment – Experiment Replication [IB Psychology students only]
Unit exams will consist of both objective (multiple choice) and essay questions. Unit projects will either be
developed individually or in small groups, depending on their requirements.
Regularly completing the assigned readings from the textbook is vital to your full understanding of course
material. Therefore, occasional 5-15 point pop reading quizzes will be given to check for completion and/or
comprehension. Notebook quizzes may also be used to check for thoroughness and organization of your binder.
(Students MUST maintain a neat and organized binder. Date all entries!) Rubrics/checklists will be provided
(when applicable) and a point system will be used to evaluate student work. The nine weeks and semester
grades will be determined by the percentage of total points that the student has earned.
Grading Scale:
90% - 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
59% & below
Required Textbooks
Rathus, Spencer A. Psychology: Concepts & Connections. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2005.
Glassman, William. Approaches to Psychology, 2nd Edition. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1995.
[IB Psychology students only]
Supplemental Textbook
Myers, David G. Psychology, 6th Edition. New York: Worth, 2000. [IB Psychology students only]
Course Outline
1st Semester
1. History and Approaches of Psychology [10]
2nd Semester
10. Personality [cont.], Intelligence & Intelligence
Testing [10-11]
2. Research Methods used in Psychology [10]
11. Development [15]
3. Learning [12]
12. Abnormal Behavior/Treatments [15]
4. Cognition [12]
13. Social Psychology [11]
5. Biological Bases of Behavior [18]
14. AP/IB Exam Review [10]
6. Motivation & Emotion [9]
15. End of Year Projects & Final Exam Prep.
7. Sensation, Perception, & Consciousness [13]
8. Personality [7-8]
9. 1st Semester Final Exam Prep.
Note: The # inside the brackets indicates the # of planned days of study for that unit. The # of
days and the order of units listed above is subject to change.
AP Psych. Exam is Monday, 5/7/12
IB Psych. Exam is
Wednesday, 5/2/12 & Thursday, 5/3/12
Name: _______________________________________
Mods: ____ / ____
AP/IB Psychology – Mr. Kirchner – 2011-2012
A signature (below) indicates that you have reviewed the course description (syllabus)
and understand the procedures governing the class.
 Student Signature ______________________________________________ Date___________
(please PRINT name) ___________________________________________________________
 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
____________________________________________ Date __________
(please PRINT name) ___________________________________________________________
 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
____________________________________________ Date __________
(please PRINT name) ___________________________________________________________
If you have any concerns or questions about the syllabus, please write them here and I will contact
you with a response. Please record your question or comment here, as well as a way to get in touch
with you. Use the back, if necessary. Thank you!! -- Mr. Doug Kirchner
HAND IN BY Thursday, September 1, 2011