BIOLOGY Subject title Exam board Exam board specification number Time allowance each week AS and A2 Biology AQA AS 7401 A2 7402 5 hours AS Course Types of Assessment All assessment by external exams AS Biology 1 7401/1 AS Biology 2 7401/2 Both of these examinations will test content from topics 1 -4 Both written examinations are taken in the summer series of Year 12. Nature of assessments BIOL1 7401/1 Examination paper (75 raw marks) 65 marks: short answer questions. 10 marks: 1 hour 30 minutes 50% of the total AS level marks This exam does not contribute to A2 biology! (topics 1-4 will be tested again) BIOL1 7401/2 Examination paper (75 raw marks) 65 marks: short answer questions. 10 marks: extended response question) testing any content from topics 1-4. 1 hours 30 minutes 50% of the total AS marks This exam does not contribute to A2 biology! (topics 1-4 will be tested again) Topics: 1. Biological molecules 2. Cells 3. Exchange with environment 4. Genetic information Skills developed during the course Communication, Application of Number, Information Technology, Working with Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance and Problem Solving Home study Expected time allocation for the subject 5 hours per week usually split equally between the subject teachers. Pupils are expected to read their notes and work from each lesson and the relevant sections of the text book to check their understanding. Students are also expected to read ahead to facilitate class discussions.. Help for home study All topics are covered on the VLE and contain PowerPoints, activity sheets, word documents and links to website to help consolidate the subject knowledge. Additional support for the course There is no specification specific textbook or revision guide as yet (September 2014) Old Specification Text book AS Biology by Nelson Thornes ISBN 978-0-7487-8275-8 Websites Other sources of help Staff organise after school revision sessions on the run up to the examinations. Staff are always available to offer help to individual students Additional information about the course Students undertake an optional residential field course in June after their examinations. Retakes of examinations The AS examinations do not contribute towards the A2 qualification. Students who wish to retake their AS exams can do so in June of y13 but this cannot affect their A2 result. It is therefore unlikely for anyone to retake if they continue to A2. A2 Course Types of Assessment All assessment by external exams A2 Biology 1 7402/1 (testing topics 1-4) A2 Biology 2 7402/2 (testing topics 5-8) A2 Biology 3 7402/3 (testing topics 1-8 Synoptic) All written examinations are taken in the summer series of Year 13. Nature of assessments BIOL1 7402/1 Examination paper (91 raw marks) 76 marks: a mixture of short and long answer questions. 15 marks: extended response questions. Testing any content from topics 1-4 and relevant practical skills. 2 hours 35% of the total A2 level marks BIOL2 7402/2 Examination paper (91 raw marks) 76 marks: a mixture of short and long answer questions. 15 marks: comprehension question. Testing any content from topics 58 and relevant practical skills. 1 hours 30 minutes 35% of the total AS marks Topics: 1. Biological molecules 2. Cells 3. Exchange with environment 4. Genetic information 5. Energy transfers 6. Response to changes in environment 7. The control of gene expression Topics 1-4 are taught in year 12, topics 5-8 are taught in year 13 All are tested in y13! Home study Expected time allocation for the subject 5 hours per week usually split equally between the subject teachers. Pupils are expected to read their notes and work from each lesson and the relevant sections of the text book to check their understanding. Students are also expected to read ahead to facilitate class discussions.. Help for home study All topics are covered on the VLE and contain PowerPoints, activity sheets, word documents and links to website to help consolidate the subject knowledge. Additional support for the course There is no specification specific textbook or revision guide as yet Websites Other sources of help Staff organise after school revision sessions on the run up to the examinations. Staff are always available to offer help to individual students