Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes November 8, 2010 3:35

Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2010
3:35-4:30 pm, Reed 2B
In attendance: Larry Hartsfield (chair), Pam Arbeeny, John Baranski, Sherry Barnes, Olivia
Burkhart, Nathan Guss, Paul McGurr, Delilah Orr, Stephanie Vie, Scott White, Suzanne
Absent: Gerald Crawford, Chad Colby, Kristine Greer
 Minutes from Nov. 1 were approved. All in favor; zero abstentions; zero opposed.
 See minutes from Nov. 1 re: Pre-law minor. Kenyon Bunch will call a meeting of the prelaw minor committee to discuss the issue of upper-division courses.
 We will need to discuss the issue of Physical Education classes having never gone
through the Curriculum Committee process before. There is nothing in writing that
indicates these classes are exempt from the process.
 The changes in ML courses (French) are in part to increase rigor and content in those
courses but partly in possible preparation for a French major. Paul McGurr pointed out
that a new major would involve additional paperwork as it passed through CDHE.
Currently, the official major is Spanish with a Dual Major option (students can take
French or German for their option).
1. ANTH 316: Internship in Anthropology, credit hour change (making it clear that the
course ranges from 1-6 credits and is repeatable up to 8 credits) and catalog description
change. All approved; zero abstentions; zero opposed.
a. Discussion: Pass/Fail versus grade. As the decision whether to receive a pass/fail
grade or an A-F grade is between the student and the instructor/department, the
catalog description was changed from “students receive pass-fail or regular course
credit” to “students receive credit.”
b. Discussion: Topics. As internships don’t deal with topics (for courses that are
repeatable up to X credits as long as the topic is different) the language of
“provided the topic is different” was removed from the catalog description.
c. Discussion: Internship credit. Is there an institutional or CCHE requirement for a
particular number of hours equaling a particular number of credits for internships?
No; they range at FLC from 30 hours = 1 credit of internship to 100 hours = 1
credit of internship. Most tend to be 50 hours = 1 credit of internship.
2. ANTH 320: Archaeological Lab Techniques, change from 4 to 3 credits. All approved;
zero abstentions; zero opposed.
3. ANTH 3XX: New Course, “Topics: Indigenous Latin America.” This course will replace
ANTH 350 and ANTH 351 which will be deleted (however, the latter is not ready for
approval yet). All approved; zero abstentions; zero opposed.
4. ANTH 4XX: New course, “Topics: Advanced Archaeological Methods.” This course
will replace ANTH 402 (a proposal for deletion of this course is not in the database but if
it is not taught within three years, it will automatically be deleted). All approved; zero
abstentions; zero oppositions.
a. Discussion: Does the language of “cutting edge methods” accurately reflect the
approach to this course?
b. Discussion: ANTH 402 (which this course replaces) had prerequisites of ANTH
201 (Introduction to Archaeology) and ANTH 320 (Archaeological Lab
Techniques). ANTH 4XX has a prerequisite of ANTH 201 only. The committee
has put a comment in the “Curriculum Committee request for clarification”
5. ANTH 350: Deletion, “Ethnology of Mesoamerica.” All approved; zero abstentions;
zero oppositions.
6. Program Proposal: Anthropology—Anthropology Major. ANTH 316 (internship) no
longer a major requirement; as such, can be taken pass/fail and repeated up to eight
credits. Major requirements reduced from a range of 48-61 to 42-57. Several core
requirements are given options (e.g. ANTH 210 OR ANTH 212 required (instead of just
ANTH 210)). Several other changes as well; please see the database for specifics of the
proposed changes. All approved; zero abstentions; zero oppositions.
7. ML 301: French Composition and Syntax. Credit change from 3 to 4 credits. The
department would like to have more time to add additional rigor and content and allow
students more context for literary works as well as language practice. Majority
approved; one abstention; zero oppositions.
a. Discussion: Why was the typical meeting time listed as 70 minutes 2x/week or
105 minutes 3x/week? The assumption is that a 2x/week class will have a 15
minute break, so the 105 minutes listing had taken that into account. Changed to
120 minutes 3x/week for consistency.
8. ML 303: French Conversation. Credit change from 3 to 4 credits. Majority approved;
one abstention; zero opposed.
a. Discussion: Repeatable up to 8 credits if the topic is different, therefore the
Registrar’s office will need the topic each semester to ensure the validity of
repeated credits.
b. Discussion: Catalog description discussed “the 20th century”; changed to “the
9. ML 308: Topics in French Literature. Credit change from 3 to 4 credits. Majority
approved; one abstention; zero opposed.
a. Discussion: Changed description so it is clear that students can repeat the course
once if the topic is different.
10. ML 405: Seminar in French. Majority approved; one abstention; zero opposed.
a. Discussion: Is this the senior seminar for French? Yes. Revised catalog
description so it is clear that this counts as one senior seminar in the
Spanish/French dual major and a senior seminar for a student constructed major
incorporating French.