Terms of Reference
Preparation of “Aqaba Ecotourism Development Plan”
Post Title:
Starting Date:
Company Consultancy
As soon as possible
About 45 working days
06 June, 2013
Aqaba , Jordan
Mainstreaming Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Coastal Zone
Management in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone
The most significant feature of Jordan’s marine environment is the coral reef ecosystems. The Jordanian
reefs lie within the Red Sea which is designated as a World Wide Fund for Nature global 200 ecoregion
on account of its unique marine biodiversity. The Gulf of Aqaba is a separate biogeographic zone within
the Red Sea, and is of global significance in having the northern-most latitude reefs in the Western IndoPacific.
Reefs in Jordan are among the most threatened in the Red Sea because they are shallow, easily
accessible, and adjacent to a major population and industrial centre. They are suffering from a
combination of factors common to reefs worldwide, that includes sedimentation caused by construction,
algal overgrowth due to nutrient enrichment from sewage, physical damage from divers, boats and other
recreational activities, and pollution from toxic industrial waste
The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) in cooperation with United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) is currently implementing a project titled “Mainstreaming Marine
Biodiversity Conservation into Coastal Zone Management in The Aqaba Special Economic Zone”. The
main goal of this project is to internalize biodiversity as an asset and value for economic development
and promoting more effective and integrated management of the coastal zone in Aqaba.
The project main components are:
Project Component 1: Knowledge management systems for planning and investment
Project Component 2: Promotion of biodiversity friendly investment and development
Project Component 3: Institutional capacity for Integrated Coastal Zone Management and
Biodiversity Conservation
Project Component 4: Coral reef protection.
The Jordanian coast is relatively small and represents the only marine access of this country. Thus,
coastal activities are concentrated in a limited area subjecting the coast to considerable and conflicting
resource pressure. Such activity includes tourist facilities (hotels, resorts, ecotourism activities), a variety
of port developments, an industrial complex, a marine park and a marine science station. This situation
puts the coral reefs under continuous direct and indirect pressure throughout the year because of the even
water temperature.
The Tourism Marketing Strategy for Aqaba aims at progressively re-positioning Aqaba as an
international holiday destination; broaden the awareness of Aqaba as a holiday base; as a quality diving
center; as a soft adventure destination; as a cruise liner port and a potential gateway to Jordan and the
region and to increase the length of stay of visitors in Aqaba.
Tourism projections for Aqaba are predicted to rise substantially, and therefore tourism investment is a
major component of the ASEZ Master Plans, with an increase in tourism activities envisaged in the
medium term future. This will directly increase the pressure on the coastline, particularly the beaches
(particularly along the south coast), the Marine Park and the dive sites and would give rise to an
additional load on local services and utilities.
As explained above, the project goal is to incorporate or mainstream the principles of marine biodiversity
conservation into the effective decision making and management of the ASEZ. This will be effected
through improved knowledge management, promotion of ecotourism (biodiversity-friendly investment)
and community awareness, institutional capacity building and a direct intervention for saving portions of
coral reef from destruction by removal and transplantation to an unaffected site.
Ecotourism has a huge potential for generating socio-economic benefits to local communities. Coral
reefs rival most every other natural resource as being among the most important and biologically
productive ecosystems on Earth. Their immense beauty not only attracts millions of visitors worldwide
but also provides mankind with an array of resources on which to survive. Coral reefs attract many
tourists to dive and snorkel in Aqaba. Also, coral reefs play an important role in protecting the coast form
wave action.
There is recognition among some stakeholders that ecotourism initiatives, including a focus on
environmental awareness and so-called ‘eco-labelling’ of facilities and locations, could be of economic as
well as biodiversity benefit.
An identified critical success pathway would therefore include updating the tourism policy to facilitate
promotion of activities and destinations with positive (or less damaging) effects upon the natural
environment i.e. further consideration to Ecotourism. Activities would need not focus solely upon the
seashore itself, but also include nearby areas and features (e.g., bird watching, mountain hiking, camping)
which would serve to alleviate tourist pressure on the marine environment, as well as create new
economic opportunities. The most appropriate and viable way of achieving this is through an ecotourism
approach. Therefore, the scope of the present consultancy is introducing “ecotourism planning” as an
efficient tool for conservation of natural resources and as an instrument for diversifying the tourism
products in Aqaba and contribute to reduce impacts on specific resources/destinations as well as
retaining a competitive position for the city as a unique tourist destination .
This assignment refers to Outcome 2.2: Tourism sector contributes to marine biodiversity conservation.
This outcome seeks to include the burgeoning tourism sector of Aqaba (and potentially the wider
Jordanian tourism industry) in the promotion and maintenance of marine biodiversity in the ASEZ.
Output 2.2.1 of the above Outcome “Mechanisms to promote marine-biodiversity friendly tourism
identified and implemented." suggests the preparation of “Aqaba Ecotourism Development Plan” that
focuses on Ecotourism options and the environmental image of Aqaba, as well as promoting and target
ecotourism and marine ecotourism markets. The proposed ecotourism plan is expected also to propose
options to assist taking pressure off the coastline. The preparation of this development plan for
ecotourism in Aqaba represents and reflects the scope of the present TOR.
Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and the project focal point at ASEZA, the
consultancy will undertake the following specific tasks and activities using consultative and participatory
approaches and methods:
Objective 1: Prepare “Aqaba Ecotourism Development Plan”
Review Aqaba marketing strategy (currently under revision) to focus on Ecotourism
options and the environmental image of Aqaba, and to promote and target ecotourism
and marine ecotourism niche markets;
Identify alternative eco-tourism activities (e.g., related to the mountain range of Aqaba,
hiking/trekking tours, bird watching, and camping/eco-lodging) that take pressure off
the coastline ;
Review and update the Interpretation Plans and fee collection system of the Marine
Park, to enhance visitor experience and appreciation of the natural environment;
Inclusion of incentive measures and/or financial mechanisms into regulatory policy
and monitoring of compliance;
Propose new appropriate off-shore tourism activities; and
Formulate the “Aqaba Ecotourism Development Plan”.
Verify that the plan is coherent and integrated with the marine park management plan
and other relevant plans.
Objective 2: Review Existing Human Capacities for Ecotourism developments, marketing and
management within ASEZA
Conduct a capacity needs assessment for ASEZA including the Tourism Department,
the Environment Department and the Aqaba Marine Park staff in the fields of
ecotourism/sustainable tourism development and certification;
Identify gaps in skills, knowledge and attitudes with regard to ecotourism;
Identification of the critical knowledge areas for Ecotourism at local levels;
Detailed analysis of the experience of the professionals (in their respective areas);
Objective 3: Formulate Capacity Development Strategy and Action Plan
Develop a strategy and a plan of action for capacity development.
Suggest mechanisms for plan implementation.
Identify potential partner institutions at different levels.
Objective 4: Consultation on the Main Findings of the Ecotourism Development Plan and the
Capacity Development Strategy and Action Plan
Facilitate of a national workshop to present the findings of the assignment namely the
Ecotourism Development Plan and Capacity Development Strategy and Action Plan
The expected outputs of the Consultancy firm are as follows:
1. A plan for “Ecotourism Development” for Aqaba.
2. A capacity needs assessment for ASEZA tourism department and Marine Park staff in the
fields of ecotourism/sustainable tourism development and certification;
3. Capacity development strategy and Action plan for developing capacity.
4. A national workshop to present the findings of the Draft report and action plan and
obtain feedback.
5. Final report combining the above listed outputs.
The Consultancy firm will be required to deliver and present the following:
1. A summary inception report detailing activities and timelines of the assignment as well
as the approach/methodology to be applied and an indicative table of contents of
2. Report summarizing the findings of the capacity needs assessment conducted for
ASEZA in the fields of ecotourism/sustainable tourism development and certification;
3. Capacity Development Strategy and Action Plan.
4. First draft of the “Aqaba Ecotourism Development Plan” to be presented in a
consultation session with all relevant stakeholders in Aqaba;
5. A consultation workshop;
6. Final draft of the “Aqaba Ecotourism Development Plan” subject to approval of project
management as per dates approved in the inception report;
Time frame for the assignment: The estimated duration for the assignment is 45 working days
spread over 2 months during the period June to Early Aug.
Inception Report
2 days after signing the
Measurable Outputs of
the Work Assignment /
Quality Control
etailed work.
lear and oriented
methodology and
approach for carrying
out the assignment.
Findings of the capacity
needs assessment
8 days from signing the
ethodology proposed to
conduct the capacity
needs assessment
ell- identified findings
of the assessment
Capacity Development
Strategy and Action Plan
2 weeks from signing the
ethodology proposed to
conduct the Strategy
and Action Plan.
ell-established and
feasible Strategy and
Action Plan.
First draft of the “Aqaba
Ecotourism Development
4 weeks from signing the
A consultation workshop
5 weeks from signing the
6 weeks from signing the
Final draft of the “Aqaba
Ecotourism Development
raft of the “Aqaba
Development Plan that
considered all items
listed under this TOR.
onsultation process
with the relevant
stakeholders and the
quality of Facilitation
service to the
consultation sessions.
The integration of the
concerns, issues and
comments raised
during the consultation
Regular progress meetings will be held between the concerned partners (ASEZA, Project manager and
Aqaba Marine Park) throughout the duration of the work;
Work will commence within maximum 1 week of signing the contract;
Coordination shall be with the project manager.
Consultancy firms/NGOs who wish to participate in the bidding should propose a team
(maximum 3 people) with the following qualifications and expertise within the team:
a) Education
 An advanced degree (M.Sc or Ph.D) in a field of direct relevance to the present
(i.e. Ecotourism, ICZM, natural resources management, PA
management, Conservation, Environmental socio-economy, environmental
management, environmental, environmental projects management). A first
university degree with sufficient experience may be accepted.
b) Experience
 A well understanding of the concept and the approach of “mainstreaming
biodiversity into conservation management” .
 A good understanding of the challenges related to marine environment
conservation versus its utilization and uses.
 Expertise in the area of biodiversity conservation/management and ecotourism.
 Practical experience in eco-tourism development or planning/ tourism management
and development.
 Thorough understanding of minimizing impacts and good practice for tourism
 Demonstrated expertise in developing and marketing ecotourism projects/products.
 Excellent writing skills and Experience in producing high quality reports.
 Previous similar /relevant experience particularly in coastal areas is an added plus.
c) Language Requirements: Fluency in spoken and written English and Arabic.
The Consultancy firm will have overall reasonability and accountability for the completion of the
• The Consultancy firm will report to both the UNDP mainly Project Manager of Marine project
and Environment Program Analyst. Any delay in submitting the deliverables must be indicated
to both in good time with a coherent justification.
During the course of the assignment, the Consultancy firm will be dealing mainly with
ASEZA's Commission for Environment and its directorates/divisions including Directorate of
Environment and Aqaba Marine Park.
Deliverables will be presented by the Consultancy firm to UNDP.
The Final Deliverables need to be approved by ASEZA and ultimately by UNDP.
All payments are subject to deliverables approval by UNDP. Payments are transferred in the following
The First payment (20% of the total) is cleared upon delivery and approval of Deliverables 1.
The Second payment (40 % of total) after delivery and approval of Deliverable 2,3 and 4.
The Third payment (40% of total) after delivery and approval of Deliverable 5 and 6.