Time Line of History and Criminology / 西方文明與犯罪學家的時間序列 年份 學者 時代背景 5000bc 文字的發明 3000bc 2000bc Sumerian Culture Egypt 的出現 Pyramids of Egypt 2500bc 早期的印度 2000bc 早期的中國 1700bc Ancient Greece 753bc Rome history began 600bc Athenian Law developed 547bc Persian Empire Established 470bc Socrates was born 428bc Plato was born 384bc Aristotle was born 336bc Alexander the Great comes to power 106bc Cicero was born 354 476 St. Augustine was born Rome fell in 476 AD. 最後一位帝王被一位德國將軍 推翻。 600 Trial by oath or ordeal 642 Medieval begins in 642,Dark and feudalism begins 800 黑暗時期與封建制度結束 Dark age and feudalism ended 1225 Thomas Aquas was born 1400 1441 English jury system established Renaissance began 文藝復興開始 1442 Medieval ends in 1442 1483 Martin Luther was born in Germany 1492 哥倫布發現美洲。 1500 Age of enlightenment 啟蒙時期開始 1500 French inquisitorial system 審判與偵察合一的系統 1509 1517 Calvin was born in France Martin Luther 宗教改革。 1534 英國教會脫離羅馬獨立 1543 哥白尼發表「日心說」 1561 Bacon was born(啟蒙時期學者) 1568 Hobbes was born(古典犯罪學者) 1 1596 1600 Descarte was born 古典學派開始 classical school begins Renaissance ended(1600) 文藝復興結束 1632 John Locke was born(啟蒙時期學者) 1642 Newton was born 1649 Voltaire was born 1689 Montesquieu was born (啟蒙時期學者) 1694 1712 Voltaire was born Rousseau was born(啟蒙時期學者) 1738 Beccaria was born(古典犯罪學者) 1748 Bentham was born(古典犯罪學者) 1748 Montesquieu (MON-tes-cue)發表 The Spirit of Laws,強 調政府的權力應該分成三個分立的團體。 1784 Industrialization Revolution began in England 英國工業革命 1766 Beccaria 出版 On Crime and Punishment 1770 Hegel was born 1776 American Revolution began Declaration of Independence was written 1780 Walnut Street Jail 1787 U.S. Constitution 啟蒙時期結束 1789 1789 French Revolution 法國大革命開始 1789 Bentham’s Moral Criticism 法國路易 16 上了斷頭臺 法國大革命結束 1793 1798 1798 Comte(實證哲學派)出生於法國 馬爾薩斯出版其「人口論」(英 Thomas Malthus, 1766-1834, "Essay on the Principle of Population") 1804 拿破侖稱帝。 1806 John Mill was born Darwin 生於英格蘭 1809 1818 Karl Marx was born (社會學古典三大家) 2 1820 1820 1825 Engels was born Spencer 生於英格蘭(實證哲學派) 英國第一條鐵路通車 1829 1833 London’s Police force formed 賴爾出版「地質原理」 (英,Charles Lyell,1797-1875,"The Principle of Geology") 1835 1840 Lombroso was born in Italy 中英鴉片戰爭 1842 中英鴉片戰爭結束 1848 Marx 出版共產黨宣言 Communist Manifesto 強調 “Workers of the world, unite!” 1850 古典學派終止,實證學派(positivism)開始 1850 Irish Ticket of leave system Spencer 出版了 Social Statics 1851 1854 1856 New York Police department formed 心理分析大師 Freud was born 1858 Durkheim 生於法國 (社會學古典三大家) 1858 Simmel was born Charles Darwin:「物種原始」英 Charles Darwin, 1859 1809-82, "The Oringin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection" 1861 美國南北內戰 1861 年 意大利建國。 1863 George Mead was born 1863 George Herbert Mead Was born at South Hadley, Massachusetts. 1863 Lombroso’s Pathology of the Criminal Mind 1863 W.I. Thomas was born was born in Virginia. 1864 Cooley was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1864 Park was born in Pennsylvania 1864 Weber was born (社會學古典三大家) 1865 日本門戶開放。 1867 清廷設同文館。 1868 1868 Karl Marx: Capital 日本明治維新。 3 1873 馬克斯「資本論」(德,Karl Marx,1818-1883, "Capital") 第一卷出版。 1879 愛迪生發明電燈。 1884 Ferri’s Criminal Society 1886 Burgess was born in Canada 1889 Mead went to Berlin for further studies in psychology and philosophy 1890 Gabriel Tarde: Gabriel Tarde’s Laws of Imitation 1891 Mead had been appointed instructor in the University of Michigan Department of Philosophy and Psychology. 1892 Department of Sociology founded at U. of Chicago Albion Small as the chair 1893 W. I. Thomas joined in sociology department at Chicago 1893 Mead accepted John Dewey's invitation to join him at the new University of Chicago 1894 Cooley received his Ph.D. from University of Michigan. 1895 Piaget was born 1896 Thomas received his Ph.D. from University of Chicago 1897 Durkheim and anomie 1897 Thomas was with Sociology at University of Chicago. 1899 Cooley was with Ann Arbor. 1900 Quetelet and the Cartographic school 1900 1904 Blumer was born Formative sociology begins, including Chicago school, differential association, strain theory 行為主義學者 B. F. Skinner was born 1905 Weber on: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 1907 1910 Bureau of Investigation founded 結構論學者 Robert Merton 生於美國費城 1910 Dugdale’s The Jukes 1911 1912 China Revolution broke out 標籤論學者 Lemert was born 1912 Tarde’s Penal Philosophy 1914 第一次世界大戰 began 1914 Ellsworth Faris received his Ph.D. in psychology from University of Chicago (Mead was a committee member). 4 1915 Park joined in sociology department at Chicago. 1915 1916 Tarde’s theory of imitation Burgess joined in sociology department at Chicago. 1918 第一次世界大戰 ended 1918 Faris was with sociology department at Chicago; Thomas retired from Sociology at University of Chicago. 1920 1920 Freud’s general introduction to psychoanalysis 實證學派終止 1920 Weber died 1921 American recession 1921 Park and Burgess: Introduction to the Science of Sociology 1922 Goffman was born Thomas Kuhn was born 1924 Wolfgang was born 1925 Park, Burgess and McKenzie: The City 1927 Thrasher: The Gang 1927 Blumer received his Ph.D. in sociology from University of Chicago 1929 Cooley died. 1931 Mead died on April 26, 1931. 1934 Mead: Mind, Self, and Society, ed. C.W. Morris (University of Chicago 1934) 1937 Tannenbaum’s Dramatization of Evil 1938 Anthony Giddens was born 1939 Hooten’s American Criminal 1939 Faris retired from University of Chicago 1939 1939 Sutherland on Differential Association 第二次世界大戰 began 1941 Roosevelt ordered banning discrimination against workers in government and defense industry. 1942 Shaw and McKay: Juvenile Delinquency in Urban Areas 1944 GI Bill of Right passed 1945 第二次世界大戰 ended 1946 冷戰(Cold War)Began 5 1947 Truman Doctrine: US would aid of any country threatened by communism. 1947 Thomas died. 1948 Truman ordered ending discrimination in the armed forces. 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea and Korean war began 1950 Formative sociology ended, sociological development begins, including opportunity, control, labeling and conflict theories. 1950 McCarthy “I have here in my hand a list of 205 who were known to the secretary of state as being members of the Communist Party.” 1951 Cohen’s Delinquent Boys 1952 Eisenhower elected as the President and declared the McCarthyism over. 1952 Blumer retired from University of Chicago 1953 B.F. Skinner on: Science and Human Behavior. 1953 Korean War ended and a truce was signed 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 1950s Age of segregation and civil rights 1954 I was born 1954 Vietnam left France to be an independent country. 1955 Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955 Albert Cohen on Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gangs 1956 Congress voted to build a vast system of interstate highway. The growth of the suburbs began. The US Supreme Court: Montgomery’s segregating buses was against constitution. 1957 Robert Merton on Social Theory and Social Structure 1959 Castro revolution in Cuba 1960 John F. Kennedy (age 43) elected Entering turbulent 60s and youth rebellion 60s Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin 提出 Differential Opportunity Theory,延續 anomie 論傳統,包含了差別 接觸與社會解組的觀點 1960 6 1961 Soviet leader Khrushchev met with Kennedy and demanded US and its allies pull out of West Berlin. Kennedy refused. 1962 Kuhn on: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 1962 John Glen first American to orbit the earth 1962 Cuba Missile Crisis: US blockade around Cuba 1963 March on Washington (highlight of civil right movement) King’s ‘I have a dream’ 1963 Assassination of Kennedy in Dallas 1960s Turbulent sixties 1964 President Johnson on the Great Society The Civil Rights act of 1964 passed (illegal to discriminate against any person because of race, religion, or the country a person’s family came from) 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed (an end to the many tricks used to keep most southern blacks from voting) 1965 Malcolm X was shot dead “For the freedom of my 22 million black brothers and sisters here in America, I do believe that I have fought the best that I knew how, and the best that I could, with the shortcomings that I have had.” 1965 Johnson ordered 20,000 American troops into Vietnam Vietnam war began and it divided Americans against each other. 1966 Feminists founded NOW (national organization for women) 1966 Miranda decision 1966 Burgess and Akers on “A Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory of Criminal Behavior,”社會學習理論 1966 警察學校成立犯罪預防學系 1967 Reckless’s Containment Theory 1967 President Johnson’s commission on law enforcement and administration of justice 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated 1969 Hirschi’s Causes of Delinquency 1969 Armstrong landed the moon 7 1969 40,000 hippies gathered on a farm near Woodstock, New York 1970 Glueck’s Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency 1970 Violent demonstrations at Kent State University 1972 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed 1973 Vietnam war ended 1974 Bandura’s Aggression 1974 Richard Nixon resigned because of Watergate Scandal (It caused people to lose faith in American government) 1975 J.W. Wilson’s Thinking about Crime 1975 Law enforcement assistance adminsitration 1976 Yochelson and Samenow’s The criminal Personality 1978 I studied at TCU 1980 I studied at BGSU 1984 I had a doctorial degree from BGSU 1985 Ronald Clarke’s Rational Choice 1986 1987 Blumer died. 台灣解嚴 1988 George Bush’s war on crime 1989 Berlin Wall torn down 1991 Cold war ended 1992 Agnew on general theory of strain 1993 1996 Laub and Sampson on Turning Points in the Life Course 台灣首次總統公民直選 1996 中正大學成立犯罪預防研究所 2000 台北大學犯罪學研究所成立 周愫嫻,許春金加入台北大學 2003 Bush Strike on Iraq History moves on 8