Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.1 Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) Starting point for this exercise is the test of an oscillation damper with an eigenfrequency of 35 Hz. Therefore a design should be found which has one or two natural modes in this region, so that the relationship of the system with and without a dynamic vibration damper (also with the effects of a second eigenmode) can be observed. In the present example the system has an eigenfrequency mode (A) at 35Hz, where beam 2 acts as a rigid body in the y-direction on the beam 1 which is oscillating up and down and bends in the shape of a half sine wave . By the next eigenfrequency mode (B), beam 2 executes a bending oscillation and twists beam 1 about its centre. Also found on the vertical beam is a freely moveable mass m4, which can shift the frequency of (B) in the region of 20 to 45 Hz. In order to make this into an FEM model, the vertical beam is made up of 50 very fine discrete elements. The mass element can be freely positioned in small steps, over the variable nodes. The eigenmodes for the system without a DVA can be calculated, after which the transient build up of vibrations with and without the DVA should be considered. In each case the magnification functions are to be determined, where the DVA is intentionally arranged with the shown starting parameters and position, which are not optimal. In the course of the practical sessions Den Hartog’s theory should be reviewed [2]. At the optimal arrangement of the DVA, the available ANSYS option to generate a unity modal T transformed mass matrix (see chapter 6), M I should be used. The reduced mass mnjred on connection node j of the DVA used to calm the nth natural frequency mode can be calculated from mnjred nj2 . For the case where the eigenfrequencies lie far enough apart, a optimisation of the DVA can be performed according to Den Hartog’s theory. 1 Beam 2 / ANSYS 5.0 A FEB 9 1996 13:37:50 PLOT NO. 1 DISPLACEMENT STEP= 1 SUB = 1 FREQ= 35.244 RSYS= 0 DMX = 0.268805 *DSCA= 0 99 ZV = 1 DIST= 0.65428 XF = 0.5948 YF = 0.183988 CENT OID HIDDEN * DSCA= 0.99 ZV = 1 DIST= 0.783696 XF = 0.476482 YF = 0.42721 CENTROID HIDDEN Eigenmodes Beam 1 \ Y Z ANSYS 5.0 A FEB 9 1996 13:38:22 PLOT NO. 2 DISPLACEMENT STEP= 1 SUB = 2 FREQ= 45.643 RSYS= 0 DMX = 0.83916 1 X A and B Y Z HARMONIC RESPONSE HARMONIC RESPONSE Fig. 4.1: Eigenmodes A and B X Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.2 4.1 Profile Data: Horizontal Beam 1 (20 elements) A1 [10 -6 m2] Iz1 [10 -12 m 4] Iy2 [10 -12 m 4] Hz Hy [m] [m] [m] E1 [10 11 N/m 2] 1 [kg/m3] [%] 1.1896 664 115.624 1 409.845 0.14 0.03 2.06 7 850 1 L1 Vertical Beam 2 (50 elements) with mass m2 A2 [10 -6 m2] Iz1 [10 -12 m 4] Iy2 [10 -12 m 4] Hz Hy [m] [m] [m] E2 [10 11 N/m 2] 2 [kg/m3] [%] 0.9 704 217.717 1 600.298 0.14 0.04 2.06 7 850 1 L2 Hz, Hy : distance from neutral axis to outer edge of beam for stress calculations Dynamic vibration absorber and mobile mass k c m3 m4 m2 + m4 [N/m] [kg/s] [kg] [kg] [kg] calculate calculate calculate calculate 10.821 Fig. 4.2: Geometric layout of structure Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.3 4.2 Theoretical Calculation of the Fundamental Oscillation The eigenfrequency is calculated from: e k red . mred With the reduced spring constant: k red 48 E I Z 1 L1 ³ And the reduced mass: mred M red1 ( M 2 M 4 ) 12 A1 L1 10.821kg Resulting in: e 48 E I Z 1 220.87 1s L1 6.2 kg 10.821 kg 3 f e 35.15Hz . 4.3 Results with ANSYS On the following page you will find a comparison of the natural frequency modes with frequency specification for the undamped system, with mass m4 set high and low on beam 2 (see fig. 4.3). Next presented are the magnification curves (see fig. 4.4, 4.5) in the x-, y- and z- directions for node 71, (top of beam 2) for the system without and with DVA. The structural damping of the beam structure is always 1%. Lastly follows two diagrams showing the transient build up effects in the case of resonance (fe = 35 Hz). Shown are the different movements of the top end of beam 2 over time without and with DVA. In both cases the structural damping is 1%. Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.4 4.4 Modal analysis script: DVA with finite beam, mass and combin elements Intro finish finish actual processing mode /clear,nostart clear database Pre-Processing /filname,p4modal,0 open file ‘p4modal.db’ /prep7 enter pre-processor /title,dynamic vibration absorber (modal analysis) define title L1=1.1896 A1=664e-6 Iz1=115624e-12 Iy1=1409845e-12 Hz1=0.14 Hy1=0.03 EMOD1=2.06e11 DICHTE1=7850 L2=0.9 A2=704e-6 Iz2=217717e-12 Iy2=1600298e-12 Hz2=0.14 Hy2=0.04 EMOD2= 2.06e11 DICHTE2=7850 m4=10.821-A2*DICHTE2*L2 et,1,beam4 r,1,A1,Iz1,Iy1,Hz1,Hy1 mp,ex,1,EMOD1 mp,dens,1,DICHTE1 et,2,beam4 r,2,A2,Iz2,Iy2,Hz2,Hy2 mp,ex,2,EMOD2 mp,dens,2,DICHTE2 n,1 n,21,L1 fill n,22,(L1/2),(L2/45) n,71,(L1/2),L2 fill,22,71 type,1 real,1 mat,1 e,1,2 egen,20,1,1 type,2 real,2 mat,2 e,11,22 e,22,23 egen,49,1,22 KNOTEN=0 flag=1 *dowhile,flag *ask,ou,'node for single mass on beam (22-71)?',1 *if,ou,ge,22,then *if,ou,le,71,then flag=0 *endif *endif *enddo KNOTEN=ou initialize all necessary input data for the first, horizontal beam initialize all necessary input data for the first, vertical beam calculate mass m4 (movable mass) define all finite element data for horizontal beam define all finite element data for vertical beam create all nodes first activate first finite element data set and generate all horizontal beam elements activate second finite element data set and generate all vertical beam elements input position of m4 due to an appropriate node number between 22 and 71 Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) et,4,mass21,,,2 r,4,m4,m4,m4 type,4 real,4 e,KNOTEN K3=0 D3=0 m3=0 *ask,yn,'with damper? [y/n]','n' A 4.5 create finite mass element m4 at selected position initialize damper data with ‘0’ user input: model with/without damper *if,yn,eq,'y',then *ask,K3,'damper stiffness [N/m]?',56257.96 *ask,D3,'damping coefficient [Ns/m]?',103.01 *ask,m3,'absorber mass [kg]?',1.386 *ask,dir,'direction of discrete damper [x,y,z]','x' *if,dir,eq,'x',then dir=1 *elseif,dir,eq,'y',then dir=2 *else dir=3 *endif et,3,combin40,,,dir,,,2 r,3,K3,D3,m3,,, TYPE,3 REAL,3 KNOTEN=0 flag=1 *dowhile,flag *ask,ou,'node for damper on beam (1-71)?',0 *if,ou,ge,1,then *if,ou,le,71,then flag=0 *endif *endif *enddo KNOTEN=ou n,100,nx(KNOTEN),ny(KNOTEN) e,KNOTEN,100 *endif d,1,ux d,1,uy d,1,uz d,1,rotx d,1,roty d,21,uy d,21,uz d,21,rotx d,21,roty if the model includes a damper the following steps are done here: input the stiffness, damping coefficient, absorber mass and select the direction of action of the damper define finite element data set for damper activate damper data set select node of model the damper is acting on create finite damper element define the boundary conditions for the model /view,1,1,1,1 display is setting to isometric view eplot plot all finite elements finish leave pre-processor save,p4modal,db,,all save model data to ‘p4model.db’ Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.6 Solution-Processing /solu enter the solution-processor antype,modal specify the analysis type and restart status *ask,numModes,'number eigen -forms/-frequencies ?',3 modopt,subsp,numModes user input: number of frequencies to calculate specify the number of modes to expand/write for a modal analysis specify modal analysis options solve start a solution finish leave solution-processor mxpand,anzModes Post-Processing /post1 enter post1-processor flag=1 set flag parameter to 1 *dowhile,flag *ask,varMode,'show eigenform [0=exit]',1 *if,varMode,eq,0,then flag=0 *elseif,varMode,le,numModes,then set,,,,,,,varMode pldisp,1 *endif *enddo do-loop showing the modes (leave do-loop with ‘0’) finish leave post1-processor Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) 4.5 Modal analysis results: vibrating beams with finite beam and mass elements A 4.7 frequency is shifting to approx. 45Hz if m4 moves down frequency is untouched by moving m4 frequency is shifting to approx. 75Hz when m4 moves down frequency is untouched by moving m4 frequency is shifting to approx. 35Hz if m4 moves up frequency is shifting to approx. 75 Hz when m4 moves up Fig. 4.3 : By moving m4, you can shift the frequencies of the non-relevant modes and leave the frequency untouched near 35Hz Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.8 4.6 Harmonic analysis script: DVA with finite beam, mass and combin elements Intro see intro chap. 4.4 Pre-Processing see pre-processing chap. 4.4 Solution-Processing /solu enter solution-processor antype,harmic define a harmonic simulation hropt,full define a calculation with full system matrices user input: start frequency. default=0 end frequency. default=100 number of substeps, default=100 structural damping coefficient, default=0,01 *ask,f1,'frequency range: start [Hz]?',0 *ask,f2,'frequency range: end [Hz]?',100 *ask,parSteps,'substeps [-]?',100 *ask,dmprat,'structural damping [-]?',0.01 *ask,parKraft,'amplitude of force [N]?',1 kbc,1 KNOTEN=0 flag=1 *dowhile,flag *ask,ou,'node on beam the force is acting on (1-71)?',16 *if,ou,ge,1,then *if,ou,le,71,then flag=0 *endif *endif *enddo KNOTEN=ou *ask,dir,'direction of force acting on beam [x,y,z]','x' *if,dir,eq,'x',then dir='fx' *elseif,dir,eq,'y',then dir='fy' *else dir='fz' *endif f,KNOTEN,dir,parKraft user input: select node number of structure on which the force is acting. (default=16) user input: select the direction the force is acting in. default=x harfrq,f1,f2 set the frequency range for the calculation nsubst,parSteps set the sampling of the frequency range above solve start the calculation finish leave solution-processor Post-Processing /post26 enter time-history-post-processor numvar,200, plvar,2,3,4 define number of possible graphs get data for x displacement for node 71 and map it on curve with number 2 get data for x displacement for node 71 and map it on curve with number 3 get data for x displacement for node 71 and map it on curve with number 4 plot the curve numbers 2,3 and 4 finish leave time-history-post-processor nsol,2,71,u,x,displ_in_x_@71 nsol,3,71,u,y,displ_in_y_@71 nsol,4,71,u,z,displ_in_z_@71 Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) 4.7 Harmonic analysis results: DVA with finite beam, mass and combin elements Fig. 4.4: Results of harmonic analysis without DVA Fig. 4.5: Results of harmonic analysis with DVA A 4.9 Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.10 4.8 Transient analysis script: DVA with finite beam, mass and combin elements Intro see intro chap. 4.4 Pre-Processing see pre-processing chap. 4.4 Solution-Processing /solu antype,trans *ask,DAMPRAT,'structural damping [-]?',0.01 *ask,parFreq,'frequency of excitation [Hz]?',35 *ask,parAbtast,'sampling rate [-]?',8 *ask,parZeitEnde,'simulation end time [s]?',0.5 dmprat=DAMPRAT fe=parFreq te=1/fe Set period duration PI=2*asin(1) define π timint,off set time integration effect off time,1e-20 set small time step size for the first step kbc,1 define stepping mode lswrite,1 write the previous definition to load step file 1 timint,on set time integration effect on time,te set simulation time to te *ask,parKraft,'amplitude of force [N]?',1 user input: amplitude of force. default=’1’ KNOTEN=0 flag=1 *dowhile,flag *ask,ou,'force at node (1-71)?',16 *if,ou,ge,1,then *if,ou,le,71,then flag=0 *endif *endif *enddo KNOTEN=ou *ask,dir,'direction of force [x,y,z]','x' *if,dir,eq,'x',then dir='fx' *elseif,dir,eq,'y',then dir='fy' *else dir='fz' *endif f,KNOTEN,dir,0 lswrite ANZ_SUB=parAbtast ANFANG=te+te/ANZ_SUB ENDE=parZeitEnde TIMESTEP=te/ANZ_SUB *do,T,ANFANG,ENDE,TIMESTEP Kraft=parKraft*sin(2*PI*fe*T) f,KNOTEN,dir,Kraft time,T outres,all,1 lswrite *enddo lssolve,1,(2+(ENDE*fe-1)*ANZ_SUB),1 finish user input: node on structure number the exciting force is acting on. default=’16’ user input: select the direction the force is acting in. default=’x’ write the first ‘real’ load step to the next load step file create the rest of the load step files start the calculation for all the load steps defined above leave solution-processor Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) A 4.11 Post-Processing /post26 enter time-history-post-processor numvar,200, plvar,2,3,4 define number of possible graphs get data for x displacement for node 71 and map it on curve with number 2 get data for x displacement for node 71 and map it on curve with number 3 get data for x displacement for node 71 and map it on curve with number 4 plot the curve numbers 2,3 and 4 finish leave time-history-post-processor nsol,2,71,u,x,displ_in_x_@71 nsol,3,71,u,y,displ_in_y_@71 nsol,4,71,u,z,displ_in_z_@71 Example 4: Dynamic Vibration Absorber (DVA) 4.9 Transient analysis results: DVA with finite beam, mass and combin elements Fig. 4.6: Results for the transient simulation without DVA Fig. 4.7: Results for the transient simulation with DVA A 4.12