桃園縣內定國小 97 年度英語演講比賽實施辦法 一、目的: 提升本校學生之外語能力,培養世界觀與全球視野,擴展知識領域,增進人際 互動關係,俾能與國際接軌。 二、比賽分組及參加資格: 分為A組(四至六年級)B組(一至三年級)競賽,每班推薦 1 名學生參加。 A 組(四至六年級)學生進行演講比賽。 B 組(一至三年級)學生參加朗讀比賽。 三、比賽時間: 97 年 3 月 12 日(星期三)上午 8:00~9:30。 四、比賽地點: 前棟三樓會議室 五、比賽題目(參賽學生由以下題目自行擇一比賽): A 組(演說): 1. My Favorite TV Program 2. My Best Friend 3. I Want to be a/an….. B 組(朗讀)(詳如附件): 1. The Story of an Old Tiger and a Greedy Traveler 2. The Story of an Elephant and a Sly, Old Jackal 3. The Story of Two Swans and a Tortoise 六、演講、朗讀時間: A 組:以二分鐘為準(時間在一分三十一秒至二分三十秒之間不扣分,餘同前) 。 B 組:二分鐘,聽到鈴聲後請下台。 ★各組將分別於限時前三十秒、限時後三十秒響鈴提醒。 七、報名時間:即日起至 3 月 10 日(星期一)止,請將報名表填妥擲回教學組。 八、評判: (一)評審委員:聘請專業教師擔任評審委員評定之。 (二)評分標準: 演講:1.語音(聲、韻、調、語調)佔 45%。 2.內容(見解、結構、詞彙)佔 45%。 3.儀態(儀容、態度、動作表情)佔 10%。 4.時間:不足或超過三十秒扣一分,未足 30 秒以 30 秒計。 (三)朗讀:1.語音(發音及聲調)佔 50%。 1 2.氣勢(句讀、語調、文氣)佔 40%。 3.儀態(儀容、態度、表情)佔 10%。 備註:各組學生均不得攜帶道具,違者不予計分。 九、獎勵: A組:第一名獎品兌換券 30 點 第二名獎品兌換券 20 點 第三名獎品兌換券 10 點 參加講獎品兌換券 1 點 B組:第一名獎品兌換券 30 點 第二名獎品兌換券 20 點 第三名獎品兌換券 10 點 參加講獎品兌換券 1 點 十、本計畫呈校長核可後實施,修正時亦同。 承辦人: 教務主任: 校長: 2 國小 B 組朗讀篇目 1 The Story of An Old Tiger and A Greedy Traveler Once upon a time, there was a tiger who grew so old that he could hardly go about hunting. So he thought of a plan. One fine morning, he stood in a lake holding a blade of holy Kusha grass in one paw and a gold bracelet in the other, shouted out, "Here you are, Ladies and Gentlemen! A gold bracelet! Yours for the asking." A traveler passing by liked the look of the gold bracelet. He stopped and said to himself, "This looks like a piece of good luck. However, when there is a risk involved, one must play it safe. So I'll be wary." Then the man said to the tiger, "Where is this gold bracelet?" The tiger opened his paw and showed it to him. "But how can I trust you," asked the man, "Knowing that you are a killer?" "Listen traveler, "said the tiger, "I admit, in my youth, I was wicked and killed many cows and human beings. My wife and children died because of my evil deeds. Then I consulted a holy man who advised me to give alms. So now I take a bath and give things for the sake of charity. Besides, I've gone old. My teeth and claws have fallen off. So what have you to fear from me?" The traveler was taken in by this clever talk and went into the lake, but got struck in the deep mud. When the tiger saw this, he comforted him. "Oh! Don't worry. I'll help you," he said, and slowly waded towards the traveler and seized him. As he was being dragged out, onto the bank, the poor man gasped, "Ah! This Villain's talk of holiness completely took me in. A rascal is always a rascal. Like a fool I believed him and now I must pay for it." Soon after that, the tiger killed the traveler and ate him up. The traveler should have known that one's nature never changes. 3 國小 B 組朗讀篇目 2 The Story of An Elephant and A Sly, Old Jackal Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there lived an elephant. A pack of jackals, passing by in search of food, noticed the elephant. "Now if this elephant were to die one way or another," they said to themselves, "We would have enough food for several months." An old jackal said, "I shall cleverly bring about his death." The sly, old jackal went over to the elephant, bowed before him and said, "My Lord! Grant me the honor of your royal glance for a moment." "Who are you and why have you come to me?" asked the elephant. "I am only a humble jackal," he replied. "Recently all the animals in this forest got together and came to the conclusion that it's difficult to stay alive without the protection of a king. And you, who are gifted with all the qualities of a monarch, have been chosen by us to be our king. Our astrologers have informed us that today is an auspicious day for your crowning. The day is fast slipping by. So please follow me without delay, for the ceremony." Then the jackal moved on. The elephant was flattered by the jackal's talk and greedy for a kingdom, he followed the jackal. The jackal walked across a lake full of mud. The elephant being heavy got stuck in the mud. He tried very hard to get out, but all in vain. "Friend!" called the elephant in panic. "What shall I do? I'm sinking deep into mud. I am going to die." "My Lord! Catch hold of my tail and I'll help you out," said the jackal with a cunning smile. "You put faith in a person like me. Well, now - pay for it." And he let the elephant sink into the mud. Quite soon the elephant was dead and he was eaten up by the jackals. 4 A truly smart elephant would never have been taken in by the sweet words of a rogue. 國小 B 組朗讀篇目 3 The Story of Two Swans and A Tortoise Long ago, in a lake in the country of Magdha, there lived a tortoise. Two swans also lived nearby. The three were very good friends. One day, some fishermen arrived there and said, "We'll come here tomorrow morning and catch fish and tortoises." When the tortoise heard this, she said to the swans, "Listen to what the fishermen are saying. What can we do? What in the world am I going to do?" The swans replied, "We'll see what's the best thing to do." "I've been through some dreadful times here in the past," said the tortoise, "so can you help me get to another lake today?" "But it won't be safe for you to crawl to another lake," replied the swans. "Well, you can carry me there between yourselves," replied the tortoise quite pleased with herself. "How can we do that?" asked the swans. "Each of you could hold one end of the stick in your beaks while I catch hold of it in the middle with my mouth. Then, when you fly, I can go with you," said the tortoise. "What a good idea!" said the swans. "But it is very dangerous because if you open your mouth to speak, you'll fall down." "Do you think I'll be so stupid?" asked the tortoise. Later, when the swans flew up, carrying their friend, the tortoise on a stick, they were spotted by some cow-herds below. 5 Surprised, they began to shout, "What a strange sight! Look at that! The swans are carrying a tortoise off somewhere." "Well, if the tortoise falls down, we'll roast it," said one of the cow-herds. "I'll cut it into small bits and eat it," said another. Hearing these unkind remarks, the tortoise forgot where she was and shouted in anger, "You'll eat ashes." The moment she opened her mouth, she lost her grip and came hurtling down. She was pounced upon and killed by the cow-herds. The swans sorrowfully saw the end of their friend the tortoise and wished she had listened to them because a good advice is beyond any price. 6 報名表 組別:□A 組(四~六年級) □B 組(一~三年級) 桃園縣內定國小 97 年度英語演講、朗讀比賽報名表 班級 年 性別 學生姓名 班 ★每班務必推薦一名學生參加 7 備註