July 2007 - Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism

Town Center
Fayetteville, Arkansas
July 19-20, 2007
Commissioners Present
(Regional Association Subcommittee meeting, Wednesday, July 18)
Jay Bunyard, Chairman, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Steve Arrison, Vice Chairman, Wednesday & Thursday
Darin Gray, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Wade Williams, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Montine McNulty, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Mike Mills, Wednesday & Thursday
Jim Shamburger, Wednesday & Thursday
Debbie Haak, Thursday
Danny Ford, Thursday
Bob Knight, Thursday
Bill Barnes, Thursday
Ness Sechrest, Thursday
Billy Lindsey, Thursday
Commissioners Absent
Jim Gaston, Business Conflict
Department Staff Present
Richard W. Davies, Executive Director
Greg Butts, State Parks Director
Joe David Rice, Tourism Director
Nancy Clark, Assistant Tourism Director
Cynthia Dunlap, Acting Director of Administration
Joe Jacobs, Marketing & Revenue Manager
Mac Balkman, Manager, Operations
Stan Graves, Manager, Planning & Development
Jana Greenbaum, Communications Manager
Melinda Hawes, Group Travel Manager
Donna Perrin, Tourism Development Manager
Joanne Hinson, Research & Information Services Manager
Jon Brown, Region I Supervisor
Tony Perrin, Region II Supervisor
Marcel Hanzlik, Region III Supervisor
Jim Cannon, Region IV Supervisor
Kathy Ritter, DeGray Lake Resort State Park
Jill Rohrbach, Travel Writer
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Phyllis Spradlin, Bentonville Welcome Center
Monte Fuller, Superintendent, Devil’s Den State Park
Earl Minton, Superintendent, Withrow Spring State Park
Ron Gossage, Superintendent, Lake Fort Smith State Park
Jessee Cox, Superintendent, Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park
Ruth Anne Richard, Siloam Springs Welcome Center
Gloria Robins, Executive Assistant
Tammy Bronov, Administrative Assistant
Nancy McKinney, Executive Secretary
Agency Staff Present
Shelby Woods
Carrie Orahood
Karen Mullikin
Wayne Woods
Jonathan Eudy
Mark Wilson
Marla Johnson-Norris
Meredith Melody
Guests Present
Kathy Holt, Governor’s Office Liaison
Sandra Bennett, Fayetteville Town Center
Julie Pennington, Fayetteville CVB
Jimmy Wallace, Municipal League
Lenny Francoeur, LPGA NW Arkansas Championship
Raymond Burns, Rogers Chamber of Commerce
Beth Stephens, Rogers Chamber Of Commerce
Kelley Linck, Ozark Mountain Region
Ross Moore, Little Red River Association
David Haak, Texarkana
David Irvin, Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Cathy Drew, Ozark Gateway Region
Billy Dooly, Fort Smith
Terry Cook, Harrison CVB
Kerry Nelson, Northwest AR AHA
Scott Beal, Embassy Suites in Rogers
Call to Order
Jay Bunyard, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and Gloria Robins
called the roll.
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Approval of the Agenda
Billy Lindsey moved to approve the agenda. Montine McNulty
seconded and the motion carried.
Presentation of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Ness Sechrest mentioned he was not in attendance at the June Commission meeting
and therefore would not have been able to second a motion for a Certificate of Appreciation
for Larry Cargile.
Jim Shamburger moved to approve the Minutes as corrected. Steve
Arrison seconded and the motion carried.
Recognition of Guests
Chairman Jay Bunyard recognized and welcomed guests in attendance.
Financial Report
Cynthia Dunlap presented the financial report for FY2007 period ended June 30, 2007.
The expenditures were: Parks Division, $74,390,125, including construction and grants;
Tourism Division, $14,195,844; Keep Arkansas Beautiful, $466,264; Administration
Division, $2,555,483; and History Commission, $2,295,973. Expenditures for the
Department totaled $93,903,689. FY2007 operating revenue for the Parks Division totaled
$22,067,688, an increase of 36% over FY2006. Parks Division FY2007 operating revenue
adjusted for Mt. Magazine lodge showed a 15% increase over FY2006.
Ness Sechrest moved to approve the Financial Report as presented.
Debbie Haak seconded and the motion carried.
Richard W. Davies reminded Commissioners the date of the Annual Staff
Appreciation Dinner and Service Awards would be Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at Petit Jean
State Park; and traditionally Commission members have personally funded the event in the
Jim Shamburger moved to approve the Commissioners personally
funding the Annual Staff Appreciation Dinner and Service Awards on
August 15, 2007 at Petit Jean State Park. Ness Sechrest seconded and the
motion carried.
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Richard W. Davies stated the Commissioners’ packets contained copies of the letter
from Little Rock Sanitary Sewer Committee expressing their appreciation to the State Parks,
Recreation and Travel Commission for its support in obtaining an easement along the
southern edge of Pinnacle Mountain State Park (parallel to the Little Rock Western Railroad
Bill Barnes inquired if Mr. Davies had received a response from anyone regarding the
letter drafted by Mr. Davies to Norman Wagoner, Supervisor of the Ouachita National Forest,
concerning the proposed new rules of ATV usage. Mr. Davies responded he had an excellent
conversation with the forest supervisor before he wrote the letter; however he had not heard
anything from anyone since. Mr. Barnes said the public comment time period had been
extended by a month but he felt the forest supervisor might be allowing the debate to run its
course without reacting more than they had to. Mr. Barnes stated he would like Mr. Davies to
initiate contact with a follow-up letter. Jim Shamburger inquired as to what the next step
might be. Mr. Davies stated he thought the Commission would have to wait and see what the
Ouachita National Forest came out with; adding from earlier conversations regarding federal
regulations, there was probably no way to extend the time to do something regarding the
proposed changes to the ATV usage guidelines.
Report from Regional Tourism Association Committee
Wade Williams reported the meeting of the Regional Association Committee was
basically an information gathering type of meeting. Montine McNulty stated one of the
discussions held was to find out from the regions what they thought was working for them
and possibly conduct a “best practices” session.
Mr. Williams requested Joe David Rice report the three main areas of discussion for
the next meeting. Mr. Rice reported the agenda for the next Regional Association Committee
included 1) Deciding what the region’s mission is today; while the Committee is aware of
what the mission was when created, the Committee felt the need to be able to decide what the
mission of the regional associations are today; 2) a survey (pre-questionnaire) of what the
regions feel to be the primary issues; and 3) brainstorming ways to help regions figure out
how to show the value of membership with the regional association.
Clarification on Partnership: Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Event
Joe David Rice stated at the June Commission meeting, Beth Stephens (Rogers
Chamber of Commerce) and Lenny Francoeur (Tournament Director for the LPGA NW
Arkansas Championship event) gave a presentation to the Commission including added value
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items that would be made available for $50,000 in advertising support for the LPGA event.
However, when CJRW presented the partnership program within the budget that the
Commission approved, it was listed as $25,000 in advertising support.
Mr. Rice reminded the Commissioners in the past few years, negotiations were being
made to purchase a large exhibition booth for tradeshows at the request of the cities. Nancy
Clark budgeted approximately $150,000 in the budget for the purchase of the tradeshow booth
in fiscal year 2008 with approximately another $125,000 budgeted in fiscal year 2009 (covers
the cost of storage, shipping, set-up, etc.). Melinda Hawes has recently talked with the people
involved in the request and was told the booth was no longer a priority. The decision not to
purchase the booth has freed up funds within the budget. Therefore, the staff suggests going
back to Rogers and funding the original $50,000 advertising support as requested for the
LPGA NW Arkansas Championship.
Steve Arrison moved to approve the increase in advertising support from $25,000
to $50,000 for the LPGA NW Arkansas Championship tournament. Ness Sechrest
seconded and the motion carried.
Mr. Rice stated the remaining funds would also allow participation in another event,
the PGA: Nationwide Tournament held in Fort Smith. While the City of Fort Smith has
hosted the event many times in the past, the City is looking for additional help. Richard W.
Davies explained a meeting was held with Frank Thomas of Stephens Inc. regarding the PGA:
Tournament in Fort Smith. Although the tournament has been held under many different
names, the Stephens family has heavily underwritten the event in the past two years. The
commitment required of the local communities include raising a half million dollars, several
hundred volunteers to help with the event, and donation of approximately $100,000 to
$125,000 to various charities. Mr. Davies summarized the conversation by stating, the
Stephens have requested the Tourism Division help with the funding of the event with
approximately $100,000. In return, the naming rights would be shifted to the Tourism
Division for a promotional name (to be determined at a later date). The tournament will
support local and statewide charities. In Mr. Davies’ opinion, considering all the work by the
local communities to keep this tournament alive and contributions the Stephens have made
over the years (rarely asking for help from the state), he felt the Commission should agree to
the support of the PGA: National Tournament for approximately $100,000 in advertising
support; albeit the Stephens requested a three year commitment, the staff does not feel the
Tourism Division can guarantee that level of participation for that length of time and has
requested the option of reevaluating the event each year. Mr. Davies added Warren Stephens
is looking for another “big” time corporate sponsor to take over the funding of the event in the
future, so the Tourism Division may only be looking at a one year commitment.
Debbie Haak moved to approve a one year commitment and
$100,000 in advertising support for the Ft. Smith’s Professional Golf
Association Nationwide Tournament. The event will take place in the
spring of 2008. Danny Ford seconded and the motion carried.
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Communications Section
Jana Greenbaum reported Sheila O’Conner had articles published regarding Arkansas
(2 placements in the US and one on an international Web site); Rita Cook had a Eureka
Springs story placed three times; and Renee Gordon had articles published regarding Little
Rock (2 placements) and an article on the Delta region placed as well.
Jana Greenbaum informed Commissioners of upcoming FAM tours scheduled for
Renee Gordon to the Delta in August (on behalf of the Philadelphia Sun); and Rita Cook
(travel editor for Premier Bride magazine) to Hot Springs and Mountain Harbor as romantic
NATJA Placements
Jana Greenbaum updated the Commissioners on the publications resulting from the
North America Travel Journalists Association FAM tours. Approximately 45 travel writers
attended and were divided into various groups, four to Crowley’s Ridge, four to Fayetteville
and Rogers, nine to the Delta, and 23 to Eureka Springs and Mountain View, and five to
southern Arkansas (Murfreesboro and DeGray). There have been three article placements by
San Francisco writer, Janice Redsie; two article placements from a writer about Eureka
Springs and a thank you note from Eureka Springs.
Discover America Program
Jana Greenbaum reported TIA has entered into a two-year, $3.9 million cooperative
agreement with the Department of Commerce to research, design, develop, implement and
market multi-language destination marketing Web sites for the United States in five chosen
markets, the UK, Japan, Canada, Germany and Mexico. These five countries were selected
because they are the top inbound markets and can account for more than 75% of the total
inbound visits to the United States.
Ms. Greenbaum explained as the official travel and tourism Web sites for the United
States of America, www.DiscoverAmerica.com will sell the United States at a national level
to encourage international travelers to choose the United States as their vacation destination.
The new Web sites will reinforce the positive brand image of America by conveying primary
messages of the “Official Travel and Tourism Web site of the United States;” diversity of
places, attractions, people and culture; and a warm and welcoming place to visit. The
secondary messages will consist of exceptional value; a freedom to explore; “Best in class”
product offering; and the breathtaking beauty of landscapes and unspoiled places of nature.
Ms. Greenbaum informed Commissioners all fifty states and 6 US territories will be
included on the site. Each state and territory will have its own page including an in-depth
overview, photos, videos, travel articles, state brochure and a list of top 10 things to do and
see. Links will also be provided to destinations and attractions located within the
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state/territory. Destinations will be featured as well, the base content for destinations will
come from Fodor’s, and will be supplemented from other sources such as the Convention and
Visitor’s Bureau. Content for the sites will be translated in the five chosen markets.
Ms. Greenbaum described the guidelines established for the content request of Web
site translations. If possible, the content to be placed should be shown in German, Spanish,
Japanese and French (the content will be translated if only available in English). Ms.
Greenbaum cautioned the Web site content will only be updated every six months at the most
(with the exception of travel articles). The State Overview page should be written for an
international audience (250-300 words describing your state); any and all Travel Articles (up
to five) should feature the state/territory destination (250-300 words per article); the Top 10
Things to Do & See list should include the top 10 attractions and activities in the state (a short
description of each attraction or activity is requested); the Contact Information should include
the address for US office and any remote locations located within the five markets; and Links
will be provided free of charge, however a reciprocal link is required.
Ms. Greenbaum summarized the guideline for State Brochures, video and photos.
State brochures should be in PDF format if possible; if a PDF is not available, provide a link
to request a paper brochure. Videos should consist of promotional footage for the state, if
available, in MPEG2 file format, preferably not larger than 400x300 pixels in display size,
and preferably 15 -60 seconds in length; photos should consist of royalty free photos, the top
10 images that showcase and apply towards the state (50k max size per file, JPEG file
format). Additional photos of beaches and coasts, hiking, boating, camping, gambling,
cruises, diving, fishing, food & wine, gardens, golf, hiking, sailing, scenic drives, skiing,
snorkeling and diving, zoos and aquariums (when possible, send photos that include people of
diverse backgrounds so as to convey the diversity of the people in our country).
Ms. Greenbaum stated Arkansas submitted these listings for Arkansas’s top 10: Hot
Springs National Park; in Eureka Springs, the Downtown Historic District; Crater of
Diamonds State Park; in Little Rock, the Clinton Presidential Center & River Market District;
the Buffalo National River; the Big Woods/White River National Wildlife Refuge; the Little
Rock Central High School National Historic Site; the Arkansas Post National Memorial; the
Pea Ridge National Military Park; and the Old State House.
Jana Greenbaum stated when using the Google search engine for “geocache and
tourism” the results come back with Arkansas ranking number nine on the first page of results
and two listings on the second page of results. On the Geocaching.com national site, there is
direct, first-person testimonials regarding sites, pictures and experiences locating the various
caches located around the state. Ms. Greenbaum listed the remaining geocache sites (Old
Davidsonville State Park, June; Mount Magazine and Cane Creek State Parks, July; Petit Jean
State Park, August; North Little Rock, September; White Oak Lake and Devil’s Den State
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Parks, October; Cossatot State Park, November; and Logoly State Park, December) for the
year. Ms. Greenbaum reported The Arkansas Democrat Gazette will be doing another article
on Geocaching in the Natural State.
Tourism Development
Calendar of Events
Donna Perrin reported the 2007-2008 Fall/Winter Calendar of Events was delivered to
the printer by Max Gilbert on July 12, with an expected delivery date of mid-August. Felisha
Rice is preparing forms, envelopes, labels and reminder cards. The 2008 Spring/Summer
Calendar of Events is open to online submissions, the deadline is August 27.
Report from Dyess Days
Donna Perrin stated Kristine Puckett and she attended the Dyess Days festival and
community reunion in Dyess on July 6-7. They met with Representative J. R. Rogers, Mayor
Larry Simms, the City Council, and the Cash Committee (whose purpose is to promote Dyess
as the hometown of Johnny Cash) to discuss any assistance Arkansas Department of Parks
and Tourism can offer the community.
Living in Arkansas: Latest Edition
Donna Perrin reported a shipment of 69,000 copies of Living in Arkansas (the eighth
edition) was delivered to the Parks and Tourism warehouse early July.
Joe David Rice reminded Commissioners that Arkansas Business pays the Tourism
Division $500 for rights to publish the book.
Research & Information Services
Inquiries Reports
Joanne Hinson reported the Research & Information Services Section processed
33,214 requests for information during June 2007, a decrease of 22.5% from June 2006. The
year-to-date total is 23.8% above the same period last year at 310,538. There were 2,705
requests for retirement/relocation information, down 26.1% from June 2006.
Joanne Hinson stated Welcome Center visitation was 109,863 in June, down 0.7%
from June 2006; year-to-date visitation is 402,941, down 2.9%. The staff prepared responses
to two letters during the month dealing with the Brochure Misrepresentation Complaint
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Policy. Ms. Hinson stated Diane James (Blytheville Welcome Center Manager) and she
attended the Preconstruction Conference for the new Blytheville Welcome Center in
Paragould. Work is expected to begin within the next two weeks.
Joanne Hinson said Eddie Fugatt has begun planning the Fall Arkansas State Welcome
Center Familiarization Tour (September 24-28) that will cover the Ozark Gateway and Ozark
Mountain Regions; plans are underway for the Fall Welcome Center Managers’ Meeting to be
held September 10 and 11 at DeGray Lake Resort.
Group Travel
Melinda Hawes reminded Commissioners July and August are traditionally months of
down time regarding travel/trade shows; therefore most of the time spent within the office has
been assessing results from last year and what will be done in the upcoming year. Group
Travel has been working with CJRW on the next steps for the hard copy and/or online
publication of the next Group Travel Planner; worked with Aristotle on many projects,
including Web site developments, leads system improvements, Grand Central USA (GCUSA)
Web site needs/bids; developing tradeshow follow-up and sample itineraries for TAP and
other uses; talked with representatives from Delta Byways about tourism developments in the
area as Group Travel works to develop regional and multi-state sample itineraries for the
group and international markets.
GCUSA Marketing Meeting
Melinda Hawes summarized the Grand Central USA (GCUSA) Marketing Meeting
she recently attended, stating she met with her colleagues from GCUSA states to discuss
FY08 plans, dues, marketing activities, sponsorship opportunities, sales missions, collateral
material, partner/DMO sponsorship opportunities, itineraries, public relations opportunities,
Web site development, and other business.
Destination: Arkansas
Melinda Hawes reported Group Travel has been working on plans for Jerry Bean to
represent Arkansas fishing at the CLA Game Fair in Leeds, UK; purchasing a replica world
record trout for use in the UK; on the itinerary for the next paying customers of Martin
Founds (planning to visit in September); updating the posters made from stunning AR
photographs for use at tradeshows. The Saltmarsh Partnership’s quarterly report was included
in the Commissioner’s packets; in the report, The Saltmarsh Partnership passed along this
quote from the UK’s Travel Trade Gazette (one of the UK’s two key trade publications),
regarding the growing strength of the UK market to the US, ‘British visitor numbers to the US
grew 4.6% year-on-year in the first quarter with a strong March making up for slight dips in
January and February. A 9.8% increase in March to 392,000 visitors reflected the
destination’s current appeal, with a very good exchange rate and increased airline
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competition, tourist bosses believe. British arrivals between January and March totaled
916,200, maintaining the UK’s position as the US’s strongest source market. The next largest
market was Japan with 824,400 visitors. The positive figures follow several tough years,
during which key states (such as Florida) have had to contend with hurricanes, strict
immigration procedures and the rise of rivals such as Dubai.’
FY 2008 Tradeshow Planning
Melinda Hawes stated the proposed working FY08 tradeshow and event schedule was
included in the Commissioners’ packets. The schedule was recently sent to the tourism
partners within the state for feedback; at this time there have been no replies. Ms. Hawes
admits the schedule is aggressive and is sure to change; she invited feedback from the
Commissioners, adding Group Travel is assessing and making plans for all areas of marketing
for FY08.
Wade Williams inquired about the numbers the Commission requested regarding the
Destination: Arkansas partnership. Melinda Hawes responded the numbers requested are
included in the operator report that was included in the Commissioners’ packets.
Internet-related Items
Marla Johnson-Norris distributed copies of optimized press releases to the
Commissioners, defining optimized press releases as those that have been written by travel
writers and optimized with keyword-rich content before the press releases are sent over the
“wire.” If properly optimized, press releases add the potential for increased traffic to a Web
site from clients searching for a certain product and business, provide improved rankings
overall, and increases your chances of additional national and local press.
Jonathan Eudy reported in June, Web site visitors decreased 3.2% from May, but
increased 15.8% from June 2006. The Arkansas.com Web site received 54.36% of its traffic
from Search Engines for the month of June, 2007. This was 22.75% above the industry
average. The ‘Motorcycle Adventure-Let’s Ride’ PDF was the top download in June with
Web Statistics
Jonathan Eudy updated the Commission on the Web statistics for visitor’s sessions in
the month of June. Total impressions 1,901,214 resulting in 39,606 click-throughs at a cost of
$30,639.05 (cost-per-click $.77) causing 638 inquiries (vacation kit requests); the overall
remaining budget for keyword buys $1,076.25.
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Jonathan Eudy reported according to Hitwise, Arkansas ranked 4th of the 50 State
Tourism Sites (Michigan, Virginia, and Colorado ranked higher); All categories, Arkansas
ranked 7,621 of 823,095; Contiguous State Tourism Sites, Arkansas ranked 1st of 7; and in the
Travel category, Arkansas ranked 298 of 11,321 (a decrease of 3 positions since May); in the
Travel-Destinations & Accommodation, Arkansas ranked 130th of 7,317.
Web Production Update
Jonathan Eudy reported Aristotle has begun working on production of the .NET
programming; and Aristotle staff has had several meetings with the Tourism Division staff.
Mr. Eudy reported the redesign of the Arkansas.com Web site was launched June 27, 2007.
Richard W. Davies inquired if Aristotle and CJRW had updated the Web site to reflect the
special edition of the Heritage and Civil Rights Pathways in Arkansas brochure in celebration
of the 50th Anniversary of the Central High Crisis. Mr. Eudy replied the update has not been
done; however staff is currently working on it.
Marla Johnson-Norris showed the Commission examples of the use of convergence
via live Web sites from other states. Many states and cities are using convergence to help
“liven” up their home page. Many of these other sites (Colorado, Florida, California, etc.)
have done an excellent job telling stories of interest and tying the stories in with other types of
media. At least 25 – 30 city and state Web sites have a huge contest on the home page.
Richard W. Davies stated it would be interesting to see what percentage of Colorado’s budget
is spent on the ski market versus other markets; adding due to fall and winter being the
smaller advertising months for Arkansas, it would be interesting to see if a state’s whose
primary tourism peak time is in the fall is reflected in their budget. Wade Williams inquired if
there was any way to tell what percentage of other state’s travel comes from in-state and
compare it to Arkansas. Joe David Rice stated he would see what he could find.
Marla Johnson-Norris performed a live presentation example of convergence on the
internet (mostly through the use of video on various Web sites); the presentation also serves
as a reality check on the competitor’s creative advertising techniques. Although there have
been many discussions and reports on statistics, Aristotle wanted to remind commissioners the
need to up the “game” in terms of the creative presentation of what Arkansas has to offer.
Using several live Web sites as examples (California, Tennessee, Albuquerque, etc.), Ms.
Johnson-Norris wanted to show how other states and CVBs Web sites are utilizing video on
the internet because one of the items included in this year’s budget is the re-design of the Web
site (that was just launched) and the creative incorporation of video (creatively) into the main
page. The purpose of the presentation is to show that the competitors are using their Web sites
to “pull” consumers in by telling “stories” and then direct the consumer to packages and
deals. Approximately 15 states are doing a very good job of having people tell the consumer
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stories (of what they were interested in and what the consumer might be interested in) while
tying the “story” concept in with other types of media (video, audio, photo galleries, etc.).
However, the most enticing item is that about 25 – 30 of the state tourism sites have a major
contest of some sort on their main page; the Web sites are designed to get your E-mail address
and contact information for the chance to win a really good deal (i.e. a year’s worth of free
gasoline). Ms. Johnson-Norris ended the presentation with a quick comment regarding the
latest trend amongst Web sites, food. The number of people interested in food is astronomical,
and many ideas could be used with culinary tourism. Ms. Johnson-Norris used Travel South
USA’s upcoming promotion in Canada as an example. The emphasis on the promotion is the
many different types of food that can be found in the twelve southern states represented by
Travel South USA.
Advertising / Marketing Items
Carrie Orahood reported the in-state campaign “See Arkansas First” is underway in
the marketplace. At the June commission meeting the Commission requested two changes be
made to the “See Arkansas First” campaign. Those changes have been made and are “See a
full size replica of the Oval Office in Arkansas First” and “See the only US Post office located
in two states in Arkansas First.” Ms. Orahood passed the copies around for inspection and
stated the campaign has received positive feedback. Richard W. Davies inquired if the “filler
ads” were going to be done in different sizes. Ms. Orahood replied the filler places will be in
one inch columns and three inch columns.
Karen Mullikin updated the Commission regarding the “Amazed by Arkansas”
campaign. The campaign is going very well and is exactly halfway through the schedule.
TodaysTHV takes road trips to cover destinations in Arkansas. Currently they are in
Mountain View at the Ozark Folk Center. CJRW felt it would be a good time to host a
breakfast “update” meeting in the week with the THV staff; as a side note, Mark Raines
(Today’s THV news director) has accepted a position with Chesapeake, and no
announcements have been made regarding his replacement.
Karen Mullikin reported the reprint of the Heritage and Civil Rights Pathways in
Arkansas brochure has been completed. The brochure was originally done as part of
Destination Arkansas and the opening of the Clinton Center back in 2004; the brochure has
been updated twice since then. In anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the desegregation of
Arkansas’s Central High School; the brochure was updated and “refreshed” with additional
information about the Presidential Center; additional photography and a commemorative
“wrap” has been added across the front. Approximately 75,000 copies were printed and
25,000 of those have the commemorative “wrap” on them.
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Debbie Haak requested if there was a way to communicate the appreciation of the
Tourism Division to Channel 7 for its continuing efforts to promote Arkansas. Karen Mullikin
replied contact with Channel 7 is maintained and in fact, Joe David Rice recently did an
interview with them.
Tourism Miscellaneous
Joe David Rice stated Beth Stephens and Lenny Francoeur left a supply of table cards
for distribution to any resorts, businesses, welcome centers, etc to help promote the LPGA
Joe David Rice brought the Commissioner’s attention to an article regarding the
condition and number of rest areas across the state. Jay Bunyard inquired as to the long range
plan on the Welcome Centers. Richard W. Davies stated on the Welcome Centers, four have
been completed; three on the eastern border (Blytheville, West Memphis, and Lake Village)
are in planning or construction phases; Helena, Bella Vista, and Harrison Welcome Centers
will probably be started after the new road goes to Branson. In regards to the rest areas, Mr.
Davies spoke with Dan Flowers after the article. The greatest frustration for the Arkansas
Highway Transportation Department (AHTD) is there are more rest areas than can be
properly maintained; a parallel issue is that truck drivers need a place to sleep. The
Legislature passed a law this past session that forbids truckers to park on entrance or exit
ramps to the interstates. Mr. Flowers pointed out when the rest areas were built, there were no
Citgo or Shell stations for truckers every five miles; and sometimes the truckers fill up the rest
areas to the detriment of the average vehicle occupant. One idea proposed, includes closing
some of the rest areas as rest areas and making them “sleeping” truck parking places (for
example the station between Mayflower and Conway); this would help with truckers having a
place to spend the night and get them off the highway; thereby effectively allowing the AHTD
to concentrate their maintenance and security on fewer rest areas. AHTD recognizes the
problem, and due to the murder at the Morrilton rest area (that was subsequently closed),
AHTD may have to look at having “manned” security personnel in the future. Mr. Davies
added if there were not as many employees in all the State Parks at night, the parks would be
in a state of disarray as well; for that reason, he offered his help and guidance to Mr. Flowers.
Scott Beal, Director of Sales at Embassy Suites Hotel in Rogers, updated the
Commission on the progress of the hotel. The John Q. Hammons center opened a 152-allsuites tower on July 16. The expanded property now offers 400 suites as well as the Spa
Botanical. The hotel has been opened for two weeks and has been “sold out.”
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Land Acquisitions – Historic Washington, Hobbs, Jacksonport, Lake Poinsett, Ozark
Folk Center
Greg Butts reminded Commissioners that they had tentatively approved land
acquisitions at previous meetings. The legal process requires that formal approval must be
given by the Department of Finance and Administration, the Arkansas Legislative Council,
and the Governor. This has been done and formal approval has been given.
Mike Mills moved to approve that the following land acquisitions:
Historic Washington – 1.06 acres A part of the Northeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (NE ¼, NE ¼) of Section 28, Township 11 south, Range
25 West, Hempstead County, Arkansas being within the corporate limits
of Washington, Arkansas, more particularly described in metes and
bounds as follows: From a state monument at the Northeast corner of
Section 28, Township 11 South, Range 25 West, run West for 767.25 feet
(deed 737.88) to South right-of-way of Arkansas State Highway #4
(Franklin Street); thence run South 52° 30’ West along said right-of-way
for 80.52’ to Point of Beginning (P.O.B.); thence run South 37° 30’ East
for 198.00’; thence run South 52° 30’ West for 233.88’; thence run North
37° 30’ West for 198.00’ to South right-of-way of said Arkansas State
Highway; thence run along said right-of-way North 52° 30’ East for
233.88’ to Point of Beginning (P.O.B.) containing 1.060 acres and subject
to apparent easements or easements of record that may exist.
Jacksonport – .331 acres Lot 7, Block 6, Range 3 East of Jefferson Street
and Lot 10, Block 6, Range 3 East of Jefferson Street, both in the City of
Jacksonport, Jackson County, Arkansas containing .331 acres total.
Hobbs – 21.68 acres A part of the SW ¼, Fractional NW ¼, Section 4,
Township 18 North, Range 28 West, Benton County, Arkansas being
described as follows: commencing at an iron pin found for the NW
Corner of the SW ¼, of the Fractional NW ¼, Section 4, Township 18
North, Range 28 West; thence North 88° 22’ 01” East 626.00 feet to the
True Point of Beginning, said point being in the centerline of Ingram
Place Road; thence leaving the centerline of Ingram Place Road, North
88° 22’01” East 662.07 feet to a set iron pin; thence South 00° 24’00” East
1321.94 feet to a found limestone for the SE Corner of the SW ¼ of the
Fractional NW ¼; thence South 88° 22’01” West 832.22 feet to a point on
the centerline of Ingram Place Road; thence along the said centerline,
North 28° 34’25” West 64.05 feet; thence along the said centerline North
18° 52’25” West 95.71 feet; thence along the said centerline North 07°
33’20” West 77.33 feet; thence along the said centerline, North 03°49’’11”
East 92.75 feet; thence along the said centerline, North 11°34’26” East
134.366 feet; thence along the said centerline, North 23° 15’19” East 91.12
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feet; thence along the said centerline, North 40° 04’14” East 59.79 feet;
thence along the said centerline, North 45° 17’09” East 323.29 feet; thence
along the said centerline, North 38° 52’59” East 79.45 feet; thence along
the said centerline, North 04° 53’18” East 75.73 feet; thence along the said
centerline, North 11° 23’35” West 111.45 feet; thence along the said
centerline, North 16° 19’22” West 64.20 feet; thence along the said
centerline, North 22° 49’47” West 32.37 feet; thence along the said
centerline, North 30°59’38” West 91.18 feet; thence along the said
centerline, North 34°34’03” West 70.49 feet; thence along the said
centerline, North 22°04’25” West 52.47 feet to the TRUE POINT OF
BEGINNING, containing 21.68 acres and being subject to the right of way
of Ingram Place Road, also known as Benton County Road 750 along the
West side thereof. Historic Washington - A part of the NE ¼, NE ¼,
Section 28, Township 11 South, Range 25 West, Hempstead County,
Arkansas, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the
Northeast Corner of Section 28, Township 11 South, Range 25 West;
thence south 37° 30’ east for 267.3 feet (deed 4.05 chains); thence south 52
1/2° west 283.8’ feet (deed 4.30 chains); thence south 21° west for 159.06’
(deed 2.41 chains); thence south 35° west for 357.72’ (deed 5.42 chains);
thence north 4° east for 201.96’ (deed 3.06 chains); thence north 37 ½°
west for 202.62’; thence south 52 ½ ° west for 218.0’; thence north 37 ½ °
west for 170’ to Carroll Street; thence north 52 ½° east along south
boundary of Carroll Street for 800.0’ more or less to a point; thence run
south to section line for 107.0’; thence east along section line to point of
beginning for 210.0’, contains 7 acres more or less. Lake Poinsett – 18.87
acres - Lots 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6 of Andrew Lynn Crawford Subdivision (16.5
acres) and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 of Hunts Woodland Subdivision (2.0
acres) and two parcels described as follows: (A) Part of the Southwest
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (PT. SW1/4 SE1/4) of Section 32, T-11N, R-4-E, Poinsett County, Arkansas, being more particularly described
as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner (SW Cor.) of the SW1/4
SE1/4 of said Section 32 and run thence N 01°56’03” E for 14.69’ to a
point; Thence run S 88°50’04” E for 1423.29’ to a point on the East Line
of the said SW1/4 SE1/4; Thence run S 00°53’20” W along said East Line
for 14.69’ to the Southeast Corner (SE Cor.) of the said SW1/4 SE1/4;
Thence run N 88°50’04” W along the South Line thereof for 1423.56’ to
the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.), Containing 0.48 Acres and is Subject to
All Easements, Public or Private which may exist thereon and (B) Part of
the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (PT. SE1/4 SE1/4) of
Section 32, T-11-N, R-4-E, Poinsett County, Arkansas, being more
particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Corner
(SW Cor.) of the SE1/4 SE1/4 of said Section 32 and run thence S
88°50’04” E along the South Line thereof for 422.63’ to the Point of
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Beginning (P.O.B.); Thence continue running S 88°50’04” E along said
South Line for 246.79’ to a point; Thence run N 50°53’22” W for 42.18’ to
a point; Thence run N 88°50’04” W for 213.52’ to the a point; Thence run
S 01°09’56” W for 25.93’ to the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.), Containing
0.14 Acres and is Subject to All Easements, Public or Private which may
exist thereon, all located in Poinsett County, Arkansas - A total of 18.87
acres. Ozark Folk Center – 3.46 acres
Part of the SE ¼, SE ¼, Section 35, Township 15 North, Range 11 West,
Stone County, Arkansas, being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a pipe at the reported SW corner of the SE ¼, thence N
88° 44’ 59” E, a distance of 239.98 feet to a set 3/8” rebar, thence N 02°
06’04” W, a distance of 209.71 feet to a set 3/8” rebar, thence N 88° 44’59”
E, a distance of 109.18 feet to a set 3/8” rebar and the point of beginning
thence N 01° 23’47” W, a distance of 125.94 feet to a set 3/8” rebar, thence
along a blazed and painted line N 89° 18’47” E, a distance of 382.19 feet to
a found mound of stones, thence along a blazed and painted line s 02°
06’10” E, a distance of 332.84 feet to a set 3/8” rebar, thence along a
blazed and painted line N 89° 54’48” W, a distance of 75.10 feet to a T
post; thence N 02° 06’10” E, a distance of 208.89 feet to a set 3/8” rebar;
thence S 88° 44’59” W, a distance of 308.60 feet to the point of beginning
AND Part of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼, Section 35, Township 15 North, Range
11 West, Stone County, Arkansas being more particularly described as
follows: Commencing at a pipe at the reported SW corner of the SE ¼,
thence N 88° 38’ 14” E, along a blazed and painted line, a distance of
239.98 feet to a set 3/8” rebar and the point of beginning, thence leave
marked line, N 02° 06’ 04” W, a distance of 209.71 feet to a set 3/8” rebar,
thence N 88° 44’ 59” E, a distance of 417.78 feet to a set 3/8” rebar, thence
S 02° 06’ 10” E, a distance of 208.89 feet to a T Post, thence along a blazed
and painted line S 88° 38’ 14” W, a distance of 417.77 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 3.46 acres total. Bob Knight seconded and the
motion carried.
Cane Creek State Park – Use Permit Request from the Arkansas Forestry Commission
Stan Graves stated that Arkansas State Parks has received a request from the Arkansas
Forestry Commission to use approximately 1.2 acres of property at Cane Creek State Park to
establish a work center for the Lincoln County Forestry crew. The employees currently
occupy an office located in the Federal Building in Star City and the equipment is stored at an
employee residence. Locating the employees and the equipment at the same site will allow
fire response time to be reduced and any needed equipment repairs can be made. The
Forestry Commission is asking to place a 14 x 70 foot mobile home at the park approximately
250 feet from Highway 293 on Gray Fox Road near the southwest boundary of the park.
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Mr. Graves stated that the staff recommended entering into a Use Permit Agreement
for a period of five years, with the option to renew for a second five year term with the
approval of the State Parks Director. The Arkansas Forestry Commission will be responsible
for removing stumps and installing a gravel drive, constructing a 20’ x 30’ metal maintenance
shop building, installing an approved septic system, installing a chain link fence around the
work center compound, paying for all utilities, establishing and maintaining fire breaks and
conducting prescribed burns in the park. Arkansas State Parks will remove merchantable
timber from the site.
Wade Williams moved to authorize Arkansas State Parks to enter
into a Use Permit Agreement with the Arkansas Forestry Commission to
use the following described lands and improvements at Cane Creek State
Park, located in Lincoln County: A part of the SE ¼, SW ¼, Section 24,
Township 9 South, Range 7 West, Lincoln County, Arkansas, more
specifically located on Gray Fox Road in Cane Creek State Park,
approximately 1.2 acres, more or less, for the purpose of establishing a
Lincoln County Work Center. Debbie Haak seconded and the motion
CY2008 Fees and Rates – Proposed Preliminary Recommendations
Greg Butts called attention to the proposed CY2008 Fees and Rates for Arkansas State
Parks. Also included were various attachments regarding facility occupancy rates, historical
rates, information from Arkansas’s “touch” states, etc. He asked that the Commissioners
bring the information back for the August and September meetings. During the August
meeting the proposed fees will be discussed in detail. Documents will be available to review
by the public and the public meeting will take place at the September meeting. The final
process will be review by the Legislative Subcommittee on Administration Rules and
Regulations at their meeting the first Thursday of October. Mr. Butts gave notebooks to
Chairman Bunyard, Vice- Chairman Arrison, and Chairman of the Parks Committee, Billy
Lindsey, which contained comparisons of rates with other campgrounds and lodging facilities
in locations near each park.
Debbie Haak asked about the use of the swimming area at Crater of Diamonds State
Park after 6:00 p.m. Mr. Butts stated that this would be discussed at the next meeting. He
said that staff was concerned about handling private parties, while at the same time having the
pool open for public use. The park has implemented Family Nights for the pool use, as a pilot
program. Ms. Haak noted that other places do have private parties and at the same time open
the pool for the public. Mr. Butts also discussed the requirement of closing pools in midAugust during weekdays because of schools starting early and the loss of lifeguards. The
pools do re-open for the Labor Day weekend. Wade Williams asked if the pools could remain
open without lifeguards after school starts. Mr. Butts stated that the department’s liability
would increase dramatically at the system’s larger, deeper public pools.
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Capital Improvement Quarterly Report
Stan Graves presented the Capital Improvement Quarterly Report. He noted that on
the last page that $66.3 million in projects are in progress. He also noted that the Mt.
Magazine Bond Construction had been closed out. He also called attention to the Capital
Improvement Projects from Amendment 75 that have been completed since July 17, 2007.
Delta Heritage Trail Issues Update
Richard Davies stated that the Summary of Actions and Issues for Rail Disposal at the
Delta Heritage Trail was compiled for the Governor so he would understand where the project
stood. Senator Pryor requested the U. S. Department of Transportation to send their Chief
Counsel to Arkansas to evaluate Southeast Arkansas communities’ requests to reuse the rail.
The Commission wanted to dispose of the rail three years ago. The Federal government
required State Parks to use the AHTD rules that required appraisals and sale to the highest
bidder. The appraised value, as approved by the AHTD in 2005 was between $2,250,000 and
When it became apparent that State Parks was going to dispose of the rail, local
interests in Southeast Arkansas approached the Department of Parks and Tourism about
keeping the rail in Southeast Arkansas. For the past three years, there have been continuing
conversations with Southeast Arkansas legislators, our Congressional delegation, and the
Arkansas State Highway Department and the Federal Highway Administration. Initially, the
idea of a trade-out for the value of the rail for trail work was explored, but the U. S.
Department of Transportation stated that the rail must be put up for bid.
On March 13, 2007, Sandra Otto, Division Administrator of the Federal Highway
Administration indicated, for the first time, that there may be a possible exception to the rules,
stating that “The Secretary may grant an exception to the requirement . . . . for a social,
environmental, or economic purpose.”
The Arkansas General Assembly passed Acts 562 and 679 authorizing the Arkansas
Highway and Transportation Department and the Department of Parks and Tourism to dispose
of the rail through gift or contract to regional inter-modal facilities, a metropolitan port
authority, or a planning and development district.
On Tuesday, July 17, Jim Ray, Chief Counsel and Acting Deputy Director of the U.S.
Department of Transportation, visited Southeast Arkansas to look into the situation. He
toured the Yellow Bend Port, Arkansas City, Rohwer, and the Potlatch Corporation plant.
Local legislators, our Department, and the ADEC made presentations at this meeting.
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After touring the areas, Mr. Ray made it very clear that the rail could not be
transferred to a private company. It would have to be to a public entity. It could not even
look like a private company was getting a windfall from public funds. He also stated that he
could not give any decision until he received a detailed proposal.
Wade Williams asked if area officials had selected final routes for connecting the
communities and ports. Mr. Davies said they were in the middle of a federally funded
feasibility study to pick the routes. Kathy Holt noted that the Governor really wants this to
happen. Mr. Davies stated that the next step is for the Governor to appoint someone to put
together a proposal to the U. S. Department of Transportation.
Greg Butts gave an update on work at the Village Creek Golf Course. He said that
Stan Graves had attended a meeting with Mike Oliphant and Village Creek Resort (VCR)
representatives. The schedule has been modified based on the growing season. Originally,
the plan was to complete the first 18 holes this year. VCR’s plan now is to complete the first
9 holes this year. Oliphant will come back in January and start clearing for the last 9 holes
and complete the 27 holes by August of 2008. Greg Butts noted there are conditions in the
lease agreement that we must respond in 45 days on plan reviews. As we could be between
commission meetings, Mr. Butts recommended that the Parks Committee be assigned to
review and approve resort component designs via a teleconference scheduled in advance.
Greg Butts invited the Commission to attend the ground breaking of the new Visitor
Center at Hobbs State Park – Conservation Area on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 11:00.
The State Parks, Recreation and Travel Commission adjourned at 8:30 a.m. on Friday,
July 20, 2007 at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Fayetteville, Arkansas.