MTLL 6143 - Arkansas Tech University

Arkansas Tech University
Master of Education
Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Organizational Change and the Role of the Master Teacher
MTLL 6143Syllabus
Unit Vision
Students are “Professionals of the 21st Century” who will internalize, initiate, and sustain a lifelong commitment to impact learners in diverse and evolving learning communities.
The Center for Leadership and Learning Vision and Mission Statements
The vision of the Center for Leadership and Learning is to
prepare leaders and to build leadership capacity for a future, which constantly redefines itself.
The Center for Leadership and Learning mission
prepares and develops school leadership teams to work collaboratively for learner success.
The CLL Mission will be accomplished through professional learning communities,
advanced degrees and twenty-first century partnerships.
Revisited 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012
Course Number
MTLL 6143
Course Title
Organizational Change and the Role of the Master Teacher
Instructor Contact Information
Office Hours:
Due to the nature of the graduate students’ work schedule, office hours also will
incorporate telephone conversations, e-mail correspondence, and when appropriate twoway video conferencing.
CLL Secretary Voice: (479) 498-6022
CLL Fax: (479) 498-6075
CLL Web Site:
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Revised Fall 2009, 2011
Catalogue Description
This course will examine theories of change looking at research and case studies of first
and second order change. Students will gain strategies as leaders of change as schools
work to move closer to higher performance. Students will study a current change taking
place in a school.
Statement of Prerequisites
Students must be admitted to graduate school and must satisfy the entrance requirements to
the Master of Education, Teaching, Learning and Leadership (MTLL) degree program or
by approval of the Center for Leadership and Learning (CLL) Director. MTLL 6143 is a
sequenced course within the MTLL program of study.
Required Text(s)
American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American
psychological association. (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Fullan, M. (2006). The new meaning of educational change (4th ed.). New York, NY:
Teachers College Press.
Johnson, Spencer. (1998). Who moved my cheese? New York, NY: J. P. Putnam's Sons.
Required Materials
USB flash drive – 1 gigabyte minimum storage, Laptop
Optional Text(s)
Lundin, S., Paul, H., & Christensen, J. (2000). Fish! New York: NY: Hyperion
Lundin, S., Paul, H., & Christensen, J. (2003). Fish! Sticks. New York: NY: Hyperion
Paul, K., & Thomas, V. (1987). Winnie The Witch. Brooklyn, NY: Kane/Miller Book
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). (2008). ISLLC (Interstate school leaders
licensure consortium) 2008: Educational policy standards as adopted by the national
policy board for educational administration, Washington, DC: Author.
American Institutes of Research. (1999). An educator’s guide to school-wide reform.
Washington, DC: Author.
Berliner, D. (2005). Our impoverished view of education reform. Teachers College
Record, 107(3), 1-36.
Carnegie Foundation of New York. (2001). Teachers of a new era. New York: Author.
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Revised Fall 2009, 2011
Chen, M., & Rybak, C. (2004). Group Leadership Skills. Brooks/Cole Publishing,
Belmont: CA.
Corey, M., & Corey, G. (2006). Groups: Process and Practice (7th ed.). Brooks/Cole
Publishing, Belmont: CA.
Darling-Hammond, L. & Bransford, J. (eds.) (2005). Preparing teachers for a changing
world. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Hargreaves, A. (2003). Changing teachers: changing times. New York: Teachers College
ASCD Educational Leadership Journal
National Staff Development Council Journal
Phi Delta Kappa Journal
Internet Links
Arkansas Department of Education:
Nets for administrators:
Justification/Rationale for the Course
The purpose of this course is to give students an understanding of the change process and
its effects on organizations. This course will provide graduate students with a study of the
role of the key stakeholders in educational organization. Students will become familiar
with principles of effective decision-making.
Enduring Understanding:
Change is a process not an event: initiation, implementation, and institutionalization
Essential Questions:
What is the meaning of change?
How does change affect organizations?
How do the three phases of change: initiation, implementation, and institutionalization of
change, interact?
Who are the stakeholders in the change process?
How are the roles of key stakeholders/shareholders impacted in educational organizations?
What are the major principles of effective decision-making throughout a change process?
How is the value of change assessed and addressed with all stakeholders?
How will a change process become a dynamic journey for student achievement?
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Revised Fall 2009, 2011
A. apply theories of organizational
change through a study of the history
of educational change
B. institute change models that will
support and articulate the components
of a vision necessary to implement a
change process
C. employ forms of change that
demonstrate their ability to engage
staff in conducting operations and
setting priorities using appropriate
and effective needs assessment,
researched-based data, and group
process skills to build consensus,
communicate, and resolve conflicts in
order to align resources with the
change process
D. delineate the role of the school leader
as a change agent
E. describe the role of teachers, students
and community in the change process
F. carry out strategies for dealing with
the resistors of change
G. value the characteristics of the
learning enriched schools and know
how they impact a change for student
H. incorporate Concerns Based Adoption
Model (CBAM) for organizational
I. recognize the impact of school and
community culture on organizational
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Standards for
1B, 1C
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course,
students will:
Revised Fall 2009, 2011
J. understand and use shared decisionmaking
Licensure Standards:
Objectives of this course meet the general educational requirements for the Master of
Education, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (MTLL and MTLL-NTL) as outlined in
the Arkansas Tech University Graduate On-line Catalogue. Course objectives also meet
the standards outlined in the Arkansas Standards for Beginning Teachers, the Pathwise
Domains, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), the
Educational Leadership Constituent Council Standards 2011 (ELCC), the Interstate
School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards (ISLLC) for School Leaders 2008, the
Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium 2011 (InTASC) as well as the
standards for Arkansas Teacher Licensure renewal.
Assessment Instruction and Methods
Instructional delivery in this course will include:
experiential learning, facilitative dialogue, seminar, case studies, and cooperative learning.
The following methods of assessment will be used:
Assessment is performance-based and is based on state and national performance
standards. Informal and formal authentic assessments are conducted in each course and the
following methods of assessment are used:
On-site Performance
Student participation, both in attendance and in-class contribution, is required.
In- route learning
Assessed throughout the course utilizing written responses, reflections and traditional
assessments - Students will complete written responses, written reflections and
assessments in regard to research, class discussions, readings, case studies, and
Assessment of Professional Potential
An assessment of professional dispositions based on the work of Art Combs will be
utilized to assess the professional dispositions critical to successful leadership.
Culminating Performance
Students must synthesize and apply the information learned in this course in order to solve
the presented problem(s). This assessment reflects the knowledge, skills and dispositions
purported throughout the course of study. This required culminating artifact provides
evidence of the student’s ability to synthesize research and theory, to implement the
research and theory into practice, and to report individual findings in a scholarly manner.
Each artifact must support the appropriate identified state and national propositions and
standards identified for the program of study.
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Revised Fall 2009, 2011
Course Grade
The final course grade will be assigned based on the weighted average of all assessment
categories. Multiple assessors may be used for any activity and/or assignment. If there is a
significant discrepancy between the two assessor scores, a third reader will be asked to
review the work in question to achieve assessment equity. This replicates licensure
assessment practices of Educational Testing Services (ETS).
Assignment Submission
Assignments are to be e-mailed to by the beginning of the class session
the assignment is due. Students are RESPONSIBLE for keeping a back-up copy. Feedback
will be given electronically for assignments submitted by e-mail.
Late or Missed Assignments
Requests for an assignment extension may be requested ONLY in situations when the
student has an illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. A request
MUST be submitted in writing (email) for consideration. It is the student’s responsibility to
pursue the request status and to obtain the assignment alternative due date, if granted.
Missed assignments, due to a class absence, ARE the responsibility of the student.
Levels of Proficiency
Each course requirement will be assess at the following level of proficiency:
Level Three - Exceeds expectations
Level Two - Meets expectations
Level One - Unacceptable
Please refer to the Level/Grade Correlation Chart for additional information regarding
Class attendance and participation is required.
Academic Dishonesty
Any student found to have committed academic misconduct including, but not limited to
cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty is subject to the disciplinary
sanction outlined in the Arkansas Tech University Student Handbook. Plagiarism is
defined as an idea, expression, plot, or the like taken from another and used as one’s own.
Food, Drink, Tobacco Products
Food, drink, or tobacco products are not allowed in some classrooms. Please check with
the professor for specific class room policies. The CLL operates under the, leave no trace
behind policy, if food and/or drink are acceptable use for a specific location. Also, all
drinks should be in bottles with screw-top lids. Thank you for assisting us in maintaining a
professional adult atmosphere.
Incomplete Grade Contract
An “I” at the end of any semester may be assigned only under the following conditions: A
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Revised Fall 2009, 2011
grade of incomplete is appropriate ONLY in situations where the student has an illness or
other circumstances beyond the student’s control, and has completed at least seventy-five
percent of the course requirements, provided work already completed is of passing quality.
If a grade of “I” is assigned, the student and instructor, together, will complete and sign
this contract. If a grade of “I” is assigned, the contract is valid only if both parties have
signed. If the remaining course requirements are not completed and final “I” grade
reported by the end of the next regular semester (fall or spring), the grade will be
automatically changed to a grade of “F” for grade and grade purposes (Arkansas Tech
University Graduate Catalogue).
Incompletion of Capstone Projects
Students enrolling in capstone projects such as the project in educational research, the
liberal arts project, or thesis research will be given a grade of “R” if requirements are not
completed by the end of the semester. The grade of “R” does not affect hours or grade
point. Students receiving the grade of “R” will be required to enroll in the course the
following semester(s) until the requirements are complete. (Current Arkansas Tech
University Graduate Catalogue).
Official E-Mail Address
The official email for communication is the student’s ATU email address. All electronic
correspondence will be sent through the student’s ATU email address. At the discretion of
each individual, the ATU email address may be forwarded to the email account you access
most often.
Inclement Weather
CLL classes meet unless the University has closed due to inclement weather. In the event
dangerous road conditions exist where you live or in the area you must travel, you must
exercise sound judgment in deciding whether to attend class. Please check Blackboard to
learn of the University’s closing. If the University is not closed and you decided it would
be unsafe to attend class, please notify the professor by e-mail concerning your decision.
Course Content
The content of this course will include the following:
A. an understanding of the change process
B. shared decision making
C. organizational structures for change
D. shareholder/stakeholder identification and involvement
E. the role of the school leader as facilitator of change
F. types and forms of change
G. the role of change in the school improvement process
H. reflective practice
I. Habits of Mind
Access, Accommodation, and Diversity
Arkansas Tech University is committed to providing equal opportunities for higher
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Revised Fall 2009, 2011
education to academically qualified individuals who are disabled pursuant to the
Americans with disabilities act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Any
student with a disability who needs accommodation should inform the professor at the
beginning of the course. “The Disabilities Coordinator’s Office is located in Bryan Hall,
Room 103, Arkansas Tech University and can be contacted at 968-0302 (Arkansas Tech
University Graduate Catalogue).
If you need a specific accommodation due to temporary or long-term injury, handicap, or
disability, please contact me as soon as possible. Please remember that this is a teaching
institution that focuses on its teaching mission. If you need clarification, or other
individual help with course material or objectives, please contact the instructor as soon as
possible. Please take advantage of all the resources available to you.
The Center for Leadership and Learning (CLL) maintains a strong and sustained
commitment to the diverse and unique nature and learning needs of all people. All CLL
faculty and staff are dedicated to the preparation of future school leaders who possess
sensitivity to diverse and unique people.
A copy of course work should be maintained for all courses. Culminating artifacts will be
available in the CLL office at the beginning of the semester following the course. It is the
responsibility of each student to pick-up the artifact during this semester. The CLL is not
responsible for artifacts remaining more than one semester following the course
Emergency Outreach Notifications
Arkansas Tech University has developed a new emergency text messaging system with a
goal of more efficiently communicating important information to the campus community.
The new Arkansas Tech Campus Emergency and Outreach Notification (CEON) system is
fully integrated with the Blackboard Course Management System that Arkansas Tech
faculty, staff and students use on a daily basis. Individuals who do not have a mobile
device registered under the Banner SIS system at Arkansas Tech and wish to opt in to the
Arkansas Tech CEON system should log in to the OneTech portal, select the appropriate
member tab (student, faculty or staff) and choose the personal information channel. There,
individuals will have the chance to register via the Campus Emergency and Outreach
Notification numbers link. More information concerning registration for CEON can be
obtained by calling (479) 968-0646 or by sending e-mail to This
e-mail address is being protected from spam bots.
Follow the link below to read more:
© Center for Leadership and Learning, Arkansas Tech University
Revised Fall 2009, 2011