COURSE SYLLABUS Fall 2013 Lecture: TR, 1:30-2:45, MEIGS 124 ENG 21403: Business & Technical Writing English Department Professor: Phone: E-mail: Office: Office Hours: Office Fax: Secretary: Dr. April Julier 740.245.7280 Allen Hall 204D M 11:30-12:20 T/Th 10:00-11:20 740.245.7432 740.245.7254 (only use if absolutely necessary) Course Description A study of the kinds of writing required in the business and technical worlds such as memos, letters, proposals, feasibility studies, progress reports, recommendations, and technical descriptions and instructions with emphasis on letters and short reports. Prerequisites ENG 11103 with a grade of C or better. Credit Hours 3 credit hours Required Textbook Munger, Roger. Document-Based Cases for Technical Communication. Bedford. ISBN-10: 978-1-4576-1502-3 Wolfe, Joanna. Team Writing: A Guide to Working in Groups. Bedford. ISBN-10: 0312565828 General Education Outcomes: The following outcomes have been adopted for the General Education Program: 1. Demonstrate effective communications skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 2. Demonstrate and value individual thinking, self-awareness, and ethical behavior in civic and community responsibility. 3. Demonstrate appropriate technological literacy and skills for personal and professional use. 4. Use appropriate critical thinking skills to solve problems. Course Outcomes: The following outcomes have been adopted for this course. All outcomes listed below have direct relevance to course material. Upon completion of this course students will be able to: 1 1. Recognize the difference between academic and technical writing. 2. Assess the writing and communicative needs of a variety of audiences/purposes/contexts. 3. Develop documents that communicate successfully (documents that are usable to specific audiences/purposes/contexts). 4. Compose useable documents that incorporate graphic elements. 5. Determine the form of expression most effective for various audiences/purposes/contexts. 6. Write collaboratively with (at least) one writing team/group. 7. Organize and communicate effectively in writing teams/groups in order to achieve communicative goals and meet deadlines. 8. Evaluate and revise their work. 9. Critically and thoughtfully respond to the work of others. 10. Follow work limits and professional standards of clarity and proofreading. Course Assignments Grading Scale Team Charter (schedules, minutes, agendas) Case 1- Graphics & Usability Case 3 – Memos, Letters, Emails Case 6 – Instructions Case 7 – Lego Case In-Class Work Workspace Upkeep Reflection Memos & Letters Final Reflection Letter 5% 93-100 A 90-92 A87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B- 10% 15% 10% 15% 10% 5% 20% 10% 100% 77-79 C+ 73-76 C 70-72 C67-69 D+ 63-66 D 60-62 D59-below F WHAT WE ARE DOING THIS SEMESTER Team Charter (5%) After meeting with your writing team, your first formal assignment will be to compose a Team Charter. The purpose of this Charter will be to determine the Project Manager rotation for the semester as well as establish your rules and policies for collaboration in the course. You can read more about the Team Charter in Chapter 4 of Team Writing. This Charter will be handed in to April and posted on your Team Blog Space. Workspace Upkeep (5%) Each writing team will create a page on our online class space (hosted by PBWorks). You will be responsible to maintaining and posting to this space (1) task schedules, (2) meeting agendas, and (3) meeting minutes. You can also use this space to exchange work with your writing team. To earn the 5% associated with Workspace Upkeep, you must customize and organize your workspace so that all team members, April, and other teams can access your work easily. You should have clear headings for each case and each task. You can see samples of what past pages looked like in class, and you can read more about what you might want to post on your Team Blog in Chapter 3 of Team Writing. 2 Case 3 – Memos, Letters, Emails (15%) This case will offer you practice writing in the forms of memos, letters, and emails. More importantly, you will continue to experiment with analyzing the needs of a specific audience within a specific context. You will complete Task 1, Task 2, and the Moving Beyond activity for Case 3. The purpose of the documents you create in this case will be determined by the needs of your audience. At the conclusion of Case 3, you will also compose the Reflection assignment as part of your Reflection Memo & Letter grade (20%). Case 6 – Instructions (10%) This case will offer you more complicated practice with creating documents for outside readers/audiences. You will continue to analyze the needs of specific audience members, as you compose emails and interview questions to solicit information to complete information guides for a medical machine. You will complete Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3 in Case 6. At the conclusion of Case 6, you will also compose the Reflection assignment as part of your Reflection Memo & Letter grade (20%). Case 7: Lego Case (15%) Case 7 asks you to blend technical writing with your imagination. For this case, you will work with your team to build a Lego structure. As you build, you will create How-to-Directions that another team will use to build your Lego creation. In order to evaluate the success of your directions, you will share two drafts with other writing teams. They will offer you feedback for revision than you can then use to revise and re-present your directions. In-Class Work (10%) Because you will have a writing team, I will make at least one class session a week open for team building and collaboration. If you aren’t in class, you will not only lose participation credit, but you will also fall behind in whatever project your team is working on. Occasionally, I will ask that you respond briefly to a reading we do in the semester (check the Course Schedule at the end of the syllabus and on PBWorks). The purpose of these responses will be to help you prepare for class discussion. Thus, your completion of them will factor into your In Class Work grade. Final Reflection Letter (10%) In a letter to April, discuss (a) what you learned from your writing and collaboration this semester, (b) how you could relate the writing and collaboration you did on specific cases to work situations you will face in your chosen career, and, if applicable, (c) the ways in which your writing and collaboration has begun to affect situations you face currently at work. You should, as much as possible, refer to and quote specific examples from your writing (cases & reflections) throughout the semester. You can paraphrase your experiences, but I would love to see you actually re-read and reflect on your earlier Case Reflections. What did you learn? How did your thinking progress? What would you still like to know? This response should take the form of a formal letter. The heading information, opening, closing, etc. should NOT be included in the word count. Only include the core/body of the letter in your word count. In order to get credit for the Final Exam, you must have this letter completed, typed, printed and in an addressed envelope by the start of the Final Exam period. My address on campus is: Dr. April Sikorski / Assistant Professor / University of Rio Grande / P.O. Box 500 / Wood Hall 251 / Rio Grande Ohio 45674. Include a Word Count at the bottom of the page! 3 PLEASE DO NOT MAIL THESE LETTERS OUT. BRING THEM TO YOUR FINAL EXAM PERIOD. POLICIES Attendance Policy Students are permitted two weeks of absences this semester total for both class days and workshop days; this two weeks is equivalent to eight classes for a four-day-a-week section. These are neither excused nor unexcused absences; students receive eight to use as they so choose. Notes of any kind are unnecessary as the absences are neither excused nor unexcused. For every absence beyond eight, a student’s final grade will be docked 2%. For example, if a student earns 90% in the class but misses ten classes, that student’s grade will drop to an 86%. Students are still responsible for a missed day’s work. Missed exams and/or quizzes may be made up at the discretion of the instructor. If a student has an extended medical emergency, an incomplete grade may be option with proper medical documentation. School-sponsored events (i.e. field trips and sporting events) are excused. However, it is the responsibility of the student to submit any work due on the day of the absence before leaving for the school-sponsored event. Work submitted after the absence will be held to the late work policy. Athletes should keep in mind that missing more than eight classes – whether excused or part of the standard eight absences – will make it very difficult to pass this class. NF Grade Policy A student who misses two weeks of consecutive classes will be given an “NF” (non-attending “F”) as the final course grade. Contacting the professor via email and/or phone is not enough to keep a student from receiving an “NF.” One’s presence in the class is the only thing that will keep a student from receiving an “NF.” If a student is going to miss two weeks of consecutive classes, it is his/her responsibility to request an incomplete from a faculty member (see the Incomplete Policy). Receiving an “NF” may affect the student’s financial aid. 4 DATE CLASSWORK Reading Due (completed by start of class) Workspace Upkeep Due Projects Due AUGUST Tuesday 8.27 Hello! Discuss the Syllabus. Diagnostic writing. Diagnostic DUE Present Diagnostics Thursday 8.29 SEPTEMBER Tuesday 9.3 Thursday 9.5 Tuesday 9.10 Thursday 9.12 Finish Diagnostic Presentations (if necessary) Discuss responses to Team Writing reading READ Team Writing CH 3 & CH 4 (p 27-48) Response (200 words MAX) What caught your attention? What did you learn? What do you disagree with? PBWorks Intro. Discuss Team Charter Create Writing Teams choose a group name chose a PM for Charter Assignment Begin work on Charter (establish task schedule) (1) EVERYONE-Complete & Print Team Prep Worksheet Create Team Page *PM delegate responsibiliities Writing Team Meeting & Working Group Meeting Suggestions: 1. Assess Team Skills (use Prep Worksheet) 2. Revise Task Schedule (if necessary) READ Team Writing CH 1 & CH 2 (p 3-26) PM: post task schedule for Charter assignment (9.109.19) TEAM PAGE post minutes from Tues PM--post meeting agenda for today *Writing Team Meeting & Working Group *Discuss Reflection Memo Assignment (reflect on Charter 5 Response (200 words MAX) What caught your attention? What did you learn? What do you disagree with? Tuesday 9.17 Thursday 9.19 Tuesday 9.24 project) Discuss reviewing writing (ch 6) Writing Team Meeting & Working Group (revision/feedback) READ Team Writing CH 6 (59-79) Discuss CASE 3 (Document-Based Cases book) --discuss memos & letters Working Groups-Assign PM Read Case 3 In Document-Based Cases book Working Groups (propose charter revisions, if necessary) Read & Respond to Axel’s letter. Write your criticism and comments in the margins of your book. Working Groups Thursday 9.26 TEAM PAGE POST minutes from PM--post meeting agenda POST Charter Draft 1) TEAM CHARTER DUE PRINT to hand in & POST to Team Page by start of class 2) Reflection memo DUE TEAM PAGE PM--Post task schedule for Case 1 (9.24-10.17) PM—Post agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM--post agenda for today OCTOBER Tuesday 10.1 Thursday 10.3 TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM--post agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM--post agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM--post agenda for today TASK 2 DUE Post to page & Print TEAM PAGE PM--post agenda for today Working Groups Discuss Case 3: Task 2 Working Groups Workshop Sample Letters from Task 1 Working Groups Tuesday 10.8 Thursday 10.10 Discuss Moving Beyond Project Working Groups Tuesday 10.15 6 TASK 1 DUE Post to page & Print MARCH Thursday 10.17 Tuesday 10.22 (Midterm Grades Due) Moving Beyond DUE (letter & stamped envelope) Post to page & Print 2 copies Working Groups Discuss Individual Reflection Emails Discuss CASE 7 Working Groups: Assign a new PM Begin work on Task 1 Read Case 7 in Document-Based Cases book. TEAM PAGE PM--post task schedule for CASE 7 & agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM-- agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM-- agenda for today Working Groups Thursday 10.24 Tuesday 10.29 INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION EMAIL Case 3 DUE (sent by/before start of class) 250 words max (Assignment p.28) Discuss & Begin work on Task 2 Working Groups Thursday 10.31 Case 7: Task 1 Print to hand in. Post to workspace. Email to April (by start of class). NOVEMBER Tuesday 11.5 TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM-- agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM-- agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM-- agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from Discuss & Begin work on Task 3 & 4 Working Groups Thursday 11.7 Working Groups Tuesday 11.12 Thursday Discuss Moving Beyond (p, 75) 7 Case 7: Task 2 Print slides to hand in. Post to workspace. Case 7: Task 3 & 4 Print slides & 11.14 Begin work on Moving Beyond Project last class PM-- agenda for today TEAM PAGE Post minutes from last class PM-- agenda for today Working Groups Tuesday 11.19 Thursday 11.21 Tuesday 11.26 Thursday11.28 Moving Beyond Presentations During Class LEGO CASE Working Group (assign PM if you want) --Build legos --begin writing How-to Draft 1 --create revision schedule NO CLASS ~ Thanksgiving Break handout to hand in. Post to workspace. Moving Beyond Due TEAM PAGE PM--post task/revision schedule for LEGO CASE TEAM PAGE PM--post task/revision schedule for LEGO CASE TEAM PAGE PM--post task/revision schedule for LEGO CASE How-to Draft 1 DUE Post to page & Print TEAM PAGE PM--post task/revision schedule for LEGO CASE How-to Draft 1 DUE Post to page & Print TEAM PAGE PM--post task/revision schedule for LEGO CASE How-to Draft 1 DUE Post to page & Print TEAM PAGE PM--post task/revision schedule for LEGO CASE How-to Draft 2 DUE Post to page & Print How-to Draft 2 DUE How-to Draft 2 DUE Post to page & Print Post to page & Print DECEMBER Tuesday 12.3 Thursday 12.5 Last Class Tuesday 12.10-12.13 Swap How-to Draft 1 & Legos with another team --Attempt to use other team's How-to Draft to build Legos --Critique How-to Draft (feedback for other team) Regroup with your team (with feedback) and begin to revise Swap How-to Draft 2 & Legos with another team --Attempt to use other team's How-to Draft to build Legos --Critique How-to Draft (feedback for other team) Regroup with your team (with notes) and begin to revise Swap How-to Final with another team --Attempt to use other 1) How-to FINAL DUE 2) Final 8 3) How-to FINAL DUE 4) Final 5) How-to FINAL DUE 6) Final Final Exams team's How-to Draft to build Legos --Critique How-to Draft (use rubric--to be provided) Reflection Due 9 Reflection Due Reflection Due