CBE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE TECHNICIANS MEETING Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Central Memorial High School – Staff Room CHAIRPERSON: RECORDER: Nasreen Muhammad Karen Williams CALL TO ORDER at 1:00 PM. Roundtable introductions were made. ATTENDANCE: Present: Rebecca Michaels Leigh Edmonds Cheryl Waye Shraddha Dholabhai Sandeep Gill Scott Jubinville Kathy Lepard Zia Awan Dawn Martin Nasreen Muhammad Maureen Simon Tai Leung Karen Williams Sir Winston Churchill James Fowler Crescent Heights J. G. Diefenbaker Chinook Learning Services / Juno Beach Academy Lord Beaverbrook Centennial Lester B. Pearson Henry Wise Wood Central Memorial E. P. Scarlett Ernest Manning Bowness Guests: Lois Robb Dan Boram Chairperson, CBE Staff Association Westlab Managing Director, North America Regrets: Marilyn McLachlan Theresa Michiel Colleen Brent Marzena Curyk Sabnom Yesmin Lynda Roberts William Aberhart Forest Lawn Robert Thirsk Western Canada Queen Elizabeth Adult Academic – Chinook College CONSIDERATION OF THE AGENDA: The agenda was accepted with the following additions: Rebecca – Use of body fluids in high school labs (Policies/Regulations/Safety) Rebecca – TC/TD glassware (Supplies/Equipment/Chemicals) Karen – disposal of broken contaminated glassware (Policies/Regulations/Safety) Maureen – electrical/electronic repairs UofC Engineering students (Supplies/Equipment/Chemicals) Karen – change agenda order to discuss Position Description with Lois Robb first (Communication) MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING held on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 were accepted Sc Tech Meeting Minutes November 4, 2014 PAGE -2- 6) COMMUNICATIONS: a) Lois Robb : Staff Association i. Lab Techs position description Revision Our “champion” Principal, Kim Hackman (Western Canada), is now an ATA Consultant to the Chief Superintendant’s Office. Kim was asked to attend a CBE Total Compensation Job Evaluation Committee (JEC) meeting to clarify several of the factors (as noted in BOLD below) in order to qualify the Sc Tech Position to a Grade F using the Ten Point Factor Job Evaluation Method” under the following compensable factors: o Scope of duties o Education requirements o Previous related experience o Knowledge & skills acquired specifically on the job o Problem solving, creativity, freedom to act & decision making o Consequence of errors o Contacts required o Attention required o Physical working conditions o Responsibility for directing & instructing others (Direct Reports) Each of these factors is assigned points. The position in question is evaluated and assigned a point value under each factor. The total points qualify for a certain Pay Grade. Grade E = 204 – 234 points and Grade F = 235 – 265 points. Lois reported that the FEC is now chaired by Sonja La Pointe, Manager – HR Partner Services, who is working with Supervisors & Managers to develop Position Descriptions. There are 245 Support Staff PD’s to be reviewed on a 3 year cycle. The JEC is scheduled to meet every 2 weeks – Staff Association is represented on the JEC. There have been no meetings in September or October 2014. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov 6, 2014. Lois noted that the CBE is now using another job evaluation tool called The Hay Method to determine pay grade. The Hay Method is used for SA-PSS members and has been in use since March 2014. Question? Do Sc Techs now require a new “champion” Principal in the process of PD revision… ii. Lois then briefly gave an overview of the current status of negotiations (four meetings so far) of a new CBE Staff Association contract. Last contract expired August 31, 2014 iii. Other items of discussion included: overtime, (regular time>7 hours then x1.5), even when working two locations time-in-lieu (straight time) unsafe condition reporting in PublicSchoolWorks purchasing tasks & P-cards impact of age 21 students in schools in 2016 Rebecca will forward the current CBE Sc Tech Service Factor doc to Lois Lois Robb left the meeting at 2 PM Sc Tech Meeting Minutes November 4, 2014 PAGE -3- 1) POLICIES / REGULATIONS / SAFETY: a) City Wastewater & Solid Waste Bylaws – Rebecca reported on newest revisions: i. Solid Waste & Recycling Bylaw (2001) http://www.calgary.ca/CA/cityclerks/Documents/Legislative-services/Bylaws/20M2001-WasteAndRecycling.pdf ii. Sewer & Wastewater Bylaw (2012) http://www.calgary.ca/CA/cityclerks/Documents/Legislative-services/Bylaws/14M2012-Wastewater.pdf “hazardous waste” means waste that is generated from any premises and has one or more hazardous properties as described in the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. E-12, as amended and Waste Control Regulation (Alta. Reg. 192/1996), Schedule 1, as amended; Note: prohibited amounts in wastewater: o Nitrate i.e.TKN = Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen over 50 mg/L o Phosphate i.e. TP = Total Phosphorous over 10 mg/L o sulfate ion over 1500 mg/L o chloride ion over 1500 mg/L o TSS – Total Suspended Solids over 300 mg/L o Any fat, oil or grease o Flammable liquids with a flash point over 61oC o Zn, Sn, Ni, Cu ions over 2 mg/L o Al, Fe ions over 50 mg/L o Co, Mn ions over 5 mg/L o Ag ions over 0.5 mg/L o Pb ions over 0.7 mg/L iii. Perhaps a SWP on Lab Waste Disposal was in order – referred to Fred Fuchs TDG session in January 2015. iv. Suggestion that the topics of (a) Hazard Assessment (job & worksite), (b) clarification of the status of RiskAssess and (c) standardized format & protocol for SDS binders, be discussed with new Safety Advisory Services Manager Russ DiGiacomo – perhaps invite to December meeting. b) Building Code 2006 & Fire Code 2006 – Rebecca reported no new STANDATA noted. Complete code documents available for $245 / $180 respectively – What is the accessibility as a reference to CBE departments? Question to discuss with Fred & Russ. c) Use of Human Fluids & Tissues in School Science Experiments – Rebecca noted that the “policy” was introduced in 1987 at the time of HIV concerns. A pdf of the original Sept 1987 AB Ed Curriculum Support document “Clarification of Statements Prohibiting The Use of Human Body Substances In The Alberta Science Curriculum” can be found in the Sc Tech D2L under CBE Memos, Directives, Notices, Letters, Emails > Curriculum Support – human fluids and tissues (a,b,c,d = 10 pages with 23 pages of Appendices) – worth a read; speaks to use of blood, urine, saliva, tissue and possible substitutions; also mouth & skin swabs, use of PTC paper, spirometry, use of balloons & straws, cheek cell scrapings, use of fresh/frozen beef & sheep tissues etc. Is the material stated in this document properly revised to reflect up to date standards in the 2006 AB Ed Safety in the Science Classroom & 2012 CBE Secondary Sciences & Laboratory Safety Guidelines documents?? d) Broken Contaminated Glassware – Karen noted that in June 2013 she had discussed the disposal of chemically contaminated glassware with Fred Fuchs. Note: glass commonly gets Sc Tech Meeting Minutes November 4, 2014 PAGE -4- broken in use in the classroom and is discarded into “broken glass” containers. This glass should not be going into recycling systems but should be considered hazardous waste. At the time Fred recommended that the broken contaminated glass be sent out as non-routine waste through Envirosort. This past June 2014, Envirosort was questioning this practice. Karen will follow up with Fred for clarification / opinion on the issue. 3) SUPPLIES / EQUIPMENT / CHEMICALS: a) PURCHASING Dan Boram, Westlab, provided brochures & business cards to those present. A discussion and information sharing was held. Items of interest include: The new website is now live The 2015 catalogue will be available by Dec 31, 2014 with stocked items listed. Other products required, please phone or email to inquire. Orders – sales@westlab.com MSDS’s are on the website and on PublicSchoolWorks. Note: Westlab is supplying ALDON & ACP chemicals (except restricted chemicals) which have are a good quality & longer shelf life. ACP chemicals had been arriving without SDS attached. Techs would prefer if the SDS was attached (Dan will look in to this.) New lab equipment product line ISG (Canada) Edulab (UK) On the issue of Pcards & invoicing school directly VS Board PO – will work with Nasreen to set up best method of billing Backorders: goal is 90% fulfilment rate by year end moving to 98% in 2015 70 – 75% of orders are shipped the same day for delivery in 3 days. They are increasing product levels & the size of their Vancouver warehouse. Please communicate any “issues” to Dan Boram directly. Westlab/New Horizons offers 20% off catalogue prices with $250 order receiving free shipping (except on dissection specimens) Preserved specimens: o Hearts from US supplier were being incorrectly flagged at the border and thus the “hold up”. o Are supplied in pails not VacPac o 5% formaldehyde in tissues but none in holding fluid o Formaldehyde free specimens are only “guaranteed” to be mold free for 6 months Westlab would like to sponsor support for a Western Canadian Science Educators Conference. It was noted that there are also Sc Ed support Technicians in Manitoba: Winnipeg; BC: Kelowna, Kamloops, Richmond, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge. Specific “issues” for Dan to follow up on: o Goggles for the Asian face o Shipping & packaging – glass items broken on receipt o Method of order confirmation o Sales on fetal pigs o Repairs to equipment service b) Maureen reported that repairs to electric/electronic equipment is available from UofC engineering students. c) TC/TD glassware – Rebecca noted that an explanation on the differences between “to contain” & “to deliver” glassware will be placed in Sc Tech D2L. 2) KEEPING CURRENT / TRAINING: a) ATA Science Council Conference will be held Nov 13 – 14, 2014 at the Banff Centre Note: Sc Techs are eligible for Associate membership in ATASC Registration online: https://event-wizard.com/ATASCC2014/0/welcome/ Sc Tech Meeting Minutes November 4, 2014 PAGE -5- b) PD (non-instructional days) – set topics/locations Nov 21: Stacey Metz has been in contact with a number of schools regarding PASCO DataStudio to Capstone upgrade - Cheryl & Kathy will coordinate a possible online training webinar (at Crescent Heights HS) as announced by AYVA Educational Solutions (Canadian PASCO vendor) Dec 5: TBD Apr 21: TBD May 29: TBD c) Karen noted that several probeware-like iPad/iPhone Apps were available, mostly useful for Physics applications. See apps at this link: http://appsineducation.blogspot.com.au/ This multimeasure one is particularly useful: http://www.skypaw.com/apps/multimeasures/ d) CBE Staff Association Convention – Feb 12 & 17 at Central Memorial HS (new location) The majority of those present preferred that our Tech Day be on Thursday, Feb 12th. Maureen noted that a UofC Electrical Engineering Professor is seeking liaison to high schools for a university level educators project – perhaps this would be a good opportunity to interface. 4) EXPERIMENT / PREPARATION: 5) ADDITIONAL ITEMS: 7) ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM Next regular meeting December 16, 2014 (Christmas Potluck) Chair – Karen Williams Recorder – Kathy Lepard Future meeting dates: Jan 20 – Highfield (TDG, respirator fit test) Feb 12 – Tech Day Mar 17 May 12 June - STAS