CAPACITY INITIATIVES Final Project Report September 30, 2009 Project Information First Nation Contact Person Business Address Phone E-Mail Date Metlakatla First Nation Cory Stephens PO Box 224, Prince Rupert, BC, V8J 3P6 250-628-3201 September 30, 2009 Project Summary Which report is this? Interim Report Final Report Did your First Nation/Organization have a partner for this project? No Please provide a brief summary of your project What did your project achieve? The project consisted of an assessment of the current Information Management practices within the Metlakatla Band Administration office and Metlakatla Development Corporation (Including corporate headquarters and all subsidiary companies) with particular emphasis on the information holdings, processes and technology. Yes, who were your project partners? The key elements of the project included: -Review of all elements of managing information, -Review of electronic situation and needs, -Investigation of information standards and policies, -Analysis of options for future information and technology initiatives, -Information preservation, security, privacy and reliability. How has your project help build capacity for your community/organization? The project has resulted in the following initiatives which are currently being implemented or are scheduled for implementation in both organizations MGC & MDC: -a centralized filing system for our “hard copy” documents, -formalized filing classification system -electronic payroll system, -centralized printing & scanning of documents (ie. Removal of printers from each office), -networked workstations (ie. Two distinct networks MGC & MDC), -electronic filing system for all incoming information including mail & faxes, -improvements to document flow between departments. How will the knowledge gained from this project be passed on / shared to benefit other BC First Nations? Many of the issues identified in our Information Management Assessment are common to other First Nations. For example, Metlakatla has released copies of the reports to Gitga’at (Hartley Bay) as our communities are concurrently conducting independent (Capacity Building) information systems upgrades including development of databases, connectivity technologies, website upgrades etc. The Information Management project is a perfect step towards development of a complementary information system. Project Deliverables According to your contribution agreement, what are your project’s core deliverables? Where you able to complete all of your scheduled deliverables? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review of all elements of managing information. Review of Electronic situation and needs. Investigate information standards and policies. Analyze options for future information and technology initiatives Understand the mixed media and their inherent special requirements for active use and long term preservation. 6. Prepare a final report with recommendations. Yes, what factors helped you achieve your success? YES MGC & MDC completed all of our scheduled deliverables. The project was positioned and communicated as an executive-driven initiative. The strong support of the MGC Executive Director and MDC Chief Executive Officer was reflected in significant staff buy-in and motivation to complete the assessment. Another key success factor to the project was the ability of a third-party consultant to review our information management technologies and practices objectively. For future reference, we recommend the project might be accompanied by a change-management component to the staff workshop. For many staff members, there are some significant changes to the methods in which they manage information and ultimately represent a change in performance of tasks related to their jobs. Implementation of recommendations outlined in the Information Management Assessment reports remains ongoing. No, what factors prevented you from achieving your goal? N/A What types of tangible deliverables are you able to provide the New Relationship Trust? Work samples N/A Project Templates N/A Copies of work completed (FINAL REPORTS ATTACHED) Process descriptions /Project Methodologies (PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED) Feedback (IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMNEDATIONS ARE ONGOING AND VALAUBLE TO ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING) Any other tangible deliverables? N/A First Nations need to provide electronic Yes, please email all electronic copies to: copies of all written deliverables, are you able to do this? Electronic copies of reports are submitted with the current document. No, please explain why they are not ready N/A Please provide an estimate when they will be ready if possible. N/A Funding Summary How were NRT funds used? Please provide a description of how New Relationship Trust funding leveraged other sources of funding. For this particular project, NRT funding was not used to leverage other sources of funding. Rather, Metlakatla Development Corporation and Metlakatla Governing Council paid all expenses related to completion of the Information Management Project. Please explain how many dollars went out to First Nation communities. The funding from NRT was used to conduct an assessment and evaluation of Metlakatla Development Corporation and Metlakatla First Nation (Metlakatla Governing Council – Administration Office). Can you briefly describe how did NRT support assisted your community/organization to build capacity? NRT support enabled our organizations to undertake the Information Management Assessment and resulted in measureable organization capacity building initiatives implemented and planned for future implementation. How will this initiative benefit you/your org/community in the future? The project resulted in immediate benefits through information management process and technology improvements. Also, the recommendations of this project have become the standard to how we manage information and have also become the guidelines to our current information system upgrade (capacity building) project. Expense Item Consulting Hours Consulting Hours-Onsite Review Training Day Information Assessment Reports(2) Airfare Hotel & Incidentals In Kind Other Sources 1500 2000 998.20 1105 NRT Total Costs 8000 1800 8000 1800 1500 9000 7000 998.20 1105 NOTE: Other Source Represents Metlakatla Development Contribution (See Attached MDC Account & Ledger for your reference). Total 22,403.20