Report No 2 - cloudcomputing

Report No.2: Software Project Management Plan (SPMP)
2.1. Problem Definition
2.1.1. Name of this CapStone Project
School Resource Planning
2.1.2. Problem Abstract
Education in Vietnam is improving. Many schools are applying information technology
in teaching and managing. The need of an education management system in schools is
increasing. Applications for school are created from that needs. Some popular existing products
are MySchool from, S-Mart Edu from Vitech, iSMS from KMS. However, these
applications still have many disadvantages.
2.1.3. Project Overview The Current System
- High cost: software cost, hardware and network cost, training and maintenance
cost, IT human resource cost.
- Discrete task: These applications only serve for the specific task such as making
schedule (TKB from NamVietIDC), managing question bank (iQB Cat from
School Net) , managing library ( from CMC soft ) , multimedia classroom
system (XClass Pro from Vitech), composing lectures online (Violet) …
- Static System: school cannot request to change requirement for more suitable
with school business process.
- Regular troubles: slow local network when serving high traffic, software runtime
error, hardware crashed. The Proposed System
- We have a website to introduce our service and product. This website also serves
for customer registration and customer management.
- We setup for a registered school to use Google apps for education. The school
only needs to provide us information like Name of your school, Mailing address,
Phone number, Domain administrator's name.
- The school can choose one in some software packages we offered. Then we will
integrate selected school management system package wrote on Google App
Engine to their Google Apps for Education.
- The school can request downgrade or upgrade or customization depend on their
- We provide training, supporting, managing and maintaining service for our
customers. We act as IT department for schools.
- Low cost: no need a private network or IT department. Pay-per-use, there is no
up-front investment that goes to waste when traffic is low. As our customer base
grows, the costs grow proportionally
- Complete unified system: we provide solution for almost core business process in
Vietnamese school. We can call it an ERP solution for School.
- Flexible, Scalability System: a school can upgrade, downgrade or customize
system depends on their need.
- Stable System: no worries about security, crash, or network speed. With Google
infrastructure, we minimize risk to lowest level. Boundaries of the System Development Environment
Google Apps for Education
Google App Engine 1.3.6
JDK 1.6
Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
2.2. Project organization
2.2.1. Software Process Model
Agile Development
2.2.2. Roles and Responsibilities
Trần Lâm Sơn
Team leader
0946 026 290
Trần Hoàng Dương
Technical Leader
0904 931 387
Nguyễn Thế Hoàng
0123 918 7225
Vũ Minh Đức
Tester, Developer
0942 063 554
Đặng Phương Thùy
Designer, Developer
0168 968 4859
2.2.3. Tools and Techniques
Eclipse Helios 3.6
Google App Engine Eclipse plugin
SVN - Google Code Hosting
Enterprise Architect UML
Struts 2 / Spring / JDO / Tiles / Jquery framework
2.3. Project management plan
2.3.1. Tasks: Task-1:
 Description
Project kickoff
 Deliverables
Introduction slideshow about initial ideas
Group organizations
 Resources Needed
SonTL create slideshow.
 Dependencies and Constraints
Must be discussed about group ideas and then take the best idea to do project
 Risks
Everyone have themselves ideas so that it is difficult to take the best idea
Team member have to take his/her responsibility in the project, identify what their
strong to do well on what process of project. Task-2:
 Description
Create some guideline documents about technology will be use
 Deliverables
Google App Engine e-book
Cloud computing articles
Struts2 getting start tutorial
jQuery API browser
Group organizations
Resources Needed
SonTL collect the documents.
Dependencies and Constraints
Team already agrees to use the technology.
It’s hard for member who beginning working with the new technology, therefore they
have difficult understand the technology. Task-3:
 Description
Training Google App Engine, Google Apps, Struts2, Spring, JDO, jQuery to all team
 Deliverables
Hello world application using trained technologies.
Resources Needed
SonTL and DuongTH, who have experiences working on that technology, will help
Dependencies and Constraints
Training in quiet and private location, some member’s home
Create demo, tutorial, example
It’s hard for member who beginning working with the new technology, therefore they
have difficult understand the technology.
May be this take for long time Task-4:
 Description
Prepare demo Google App Engine, Struts2, Spring, JDO , jQuery example
 Deliverables
Hello world application using these technologies.
 Resources Needed
SonTL and DuongTH, who have experiences working on that technology, will create
 Dependencies and Constraints
Demo will be used as core framework that can be easily apply to project development
 Risks
Some framework like Spring Security with role and authorization function is difficult
to integrate with Google App Engine. Task-5:
 Description
Create report 1 - Introduction
 Deliverables
Report 1 Printed Paper with defined format.
 Resources Needed
SonTL create this report.
DucVM edit and print report.
 Dependencies and Constraints
Find information about existing product to do market analyzing
Submit on 10/09 for lecturer review before final version.
 Risks
English is not good, long document but not enough idea. Task-6:
 Description
Create report 2 – Software project management plan
Coding convention documents
All meeting minutes
Task sheet and online task management
 Deliverables
Report 2 Printed Paper with defined format.
 Resources Needed
SonTL create plan and all members create project scope
 Dependencies and Constraints
Submit on 10/09 for lecturer review before final version.
 Risks
English is not good
Long document but lack of ideas Task-7:
 Description
Get requirement from real customer
 Deliverables
Customer meeting minutes
Requirement documents
 Resources Needed
ThuyDP connect her Violet project leader to SRP team to organize some meeting
with them..
HoangNT discuss with his mother, a school teacher about ideas and get from her
suggestions and documents.
 Dependencies and Constraints
Meeting time depends on Violet project person organize his time.
All members need to attend the meetings
 Risks
May have differences view of ideas, technologies between Violet and SRP member Task-8:
 Description
Create report 3 – Software requirements specifications
All reference user’s requirements
 Deliverables
Report 3 Printed Paper with defined format.
 Resources Needed
All team members.
 Dependencies and Constraints
Must have requirements for both SRP’s official website and SRP’s core business
Submit on 20/09 for lecturer review before final version.
Must be clear requirement and suitable for reality. Product can adapt the needs of
requirement in school in Vietnam at this moment and near future. It’s is the core
business for future development and extension.
 Risks
May be wrong requirements that customer don’t need it. Task-9:
 Description
Create report 4 – Software design description
 Deliverables
Report 4 Printed Paper with defined format.
GUI mockup screen
UML design
 Resources Needed
All team members. Especially DuongTH- technical leader, have primary
responsibility in this task.
 Dependencies and Constraints
Submit on 27/09 for lecturer review before final version.
Focus on roles and user design.
 Risks
If design not good, it’s hard to get the objective of expected business and require to
change is very complex. Google Datastore is object database so that member may
have difficult to design with it.
Teachers are familiar with some existing GUI which they usually do in daily work.
We need to identify that to create friendly and easily using (include input and output
method) Task-10
 Description
Develop SRP core business
 Deliverables
SRP core’s source code
 Resources Needed
All members
 Dependencies and Constraints
Must following the requirement and design document for coding.
Finish all code on 06/11/2010
 Risks
Members are hard to apply new technology in coding. Team member need frequently
support from technical leader. Task-11
 Description
Create report 5 – Software Test Documentation (STD)
 Deliverables
Report 5 Printed Paper with defined format.
Complete test-case documents.
Resources Needed
Dependencies and Constraints
Must following the test-case document for testing.
Need to save all test-case as references.
Lack of test-case, need contain both client side and server side test-case.
Security Test Task-12
 Description
Create report 6 – Software User Manual
 Deliverables
Report 6 Printed Paper with defined format
Help documentations in group’s website.
 Resources Needed
DucVM, ThuyDP
 Dependencies and Constraints
Must following the test-case document for testing.
Need to save all test-case as references.
 Risks
Lack of test-case, need contain both client side and server side test-case. Task-13
 Description
Create official website introduce SRP product, services. Website also has register
function for customer. Website’s backend is used for managing customer.
 Deliverables
A complete website introduce SRP product, service
Website contains:
Introduction section (benefits, getting started, product package_
Register form (customer register to use SRP, need provide some school
information such as domain name, school name, mailing address, and school
Customer support section: Customer login to create request or question and
All source code
 Resources Needed
All members group
 Dependencies and Constraints
- Have a domain name for official website
- Getting start section only filled after finish user manual report.
 Risks
Time to create this website will lead to decrease time making core SRP product. Task-14:
 Description
Setup working environment for all members
 Deliverables
Member’s computers can run hello world and deploy to Google App Engine
Setup environment documentation
Resources Needed
All team members, especially DuongTH- technical leader, have primary
responsibility in this task.
Dependencies and Constraints
All member need to bring their laptop to class to setup environment and DuongTH
introduction how to work with it.
All member need to follow the setup environment documentation that require all
member use the same software environment.
Member’s computer have difference hardware and software configuration
(64bit/32bit OS)
2.3.2. Task Sheet: Assignments and Timetable
2.3.3. All Meeting Minutes
<Put all your-team’s meeting minutes here as an appendix >
2.4. Coding Convention
2.5. Other material (if any)