1 MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE SCHOOL OF NURSING NUR 426 - Clinical Practice IV Course: Clinical Practice IV Credit: 6 Semester hours (270 contact hours) Placement in Curriculum: Semester IV Prerequisite: Faculty: NUR 412, NUR 413, NUR 414, NUR 416 CO-OR PREREQUISITE WITH NUR 424 Jill Mayo, MSN, RN (course coordinator) Deborah Bolian, MS, RN Mary Ann Henriques, PhD, RN Course Description: In this course students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to synthesize nursing knowledge in complex health care settings. The focus is upon the application of knowledge, skills and critical thinking in caring for clients across the life span. Students in this course are expected to demonstrate personal and professional accountability by moving into increasing independent nursing roles. (Successful completion of NUR 426 indicates the student has content mastery related to nutrition and wellbeing across the life-span, and signifies fulfillment of core requirements for one physical education course with emphasis in nutrition.) Course Objectives: 1. Practice professional nursing within legal and ethical framework of a diverse global society. 2. Utilize critical thinking skills to integrate knowledge drawn from nursing, humanities, natural and behavioral sciences in the provision of professional nursing care. 3. Utilize the nursing process in the provision of nursing care to attain, maintain, or regain an optimal level of health. 4. Accept responsibility for self direction related to professional growth. 5. Demonstrate therapeutic communication in the provision of nursing care with diverse populations. 6. Employ various nursing roles in collaboration with other health professionals and consumers for the provision of health care. 7. Utilize the evidence based practice to enhance the quality of professional nursing practice. Course Outline: I. Introduction to course A. Course expectations ...........................................................................5 B. Policies/procedures specific to NUR 426 ..........................................5 C. Evaluation methodologies.............(M)................................................6 II. Lab Activities/Seminars A. Protective functions: 1. Math: Calculation of body surface area ......(M).................... 9 2. Math: Drugs and calculations in critical situations...(M).......10 3. Independent Study: Diagnostic tests....(M)..............................12 4. Managing violent clients..........................................................13 5. TB Workshop ..........................................................................15 Adopted by faculty 11/97 Revised 11/98, 6/2000, 6/2001,5/2003, 6/2004, 5/2005, 3/2006, 5/2007 D:\106754602.doc 2 B. III. Fluid/Gas Transport 1. Hemodynamics monitoring..........(M) .................................................16 2. EKG Interpretation ....................... (M)................................................18 3. Blood gas analysis...................... (M)...................................................20 4. Management of Mechanical Ventilation ... (M)...................................22 5. Management of chest tubes ...................... (M)....................................24 6. Intravenous therapy ..............................................................................26 C. Nutrition: self study ................. (M) ................................................................27 D. Growth and Development/Family Planning ....................................................29 E Pharmacological management across the life span 1. Pharmacological management in the elderly .... (M)............................30 2. Pharmacological management of the client during childbearing (M).. 31 3. Pharmacological management during emergency and/or intensive situations ....... (M).................................................................32 4. Pharmacological Management Using Alternative Therapies…(M)…..34 F. Sensory/Perceptual 1. Management of Persons experiencing sensory perceptual alternation related to Intensive care environment. ............................................................…..35 G. Management activities 1. Quality management and improvement ........................................…....36 2. Clinical decision-making ............................................................…......39 3. Management analysis. ............................. (M).......................…............40 Clinical application of the nursing process.....................................................................41 A. Critical behaviors Semester IV 1. Example of critical behavior .............................................................…..42 2. Self Evaluation forms ........................................................................Moodle B. Clinical application of the nursing process and management of nursing care in intensive care settings. ...............................................................................................................44 1. Adult health/intensive care ........... (M) ..................................................45 2. Restorative care .............................. (M)..................................................50 3. Maternal/child health -neonatal intensive care ..... (M)............................51 a. Neonatal intensive care .................. (M)..............................................52 b. Labor & delivery .............................. (M)..................................…......55 c. Fetal Heart Monitoring ………………………………………………58 C. Clinical application of the nursing process and management of nursing care in communitybased settings. ......................................................................................................59 1. Emergency care .......................................................................….............60 2. Health Department .......... (M).......................................................….......61 3. Hospice................................ (M)...............…............................................63 4. Detention Center ................... (M)......................................................…...66 D Clinical application of the nursing process and management of nursing care on health promotion and risk reduction...............................................................................68 1. Teaching / topical project .......................................................................69 2. Health fair ...............................................................................................69 3. Community assessment ........ (M)....................................................…...70 E Christian caring ................................................................................…………..72 F. Evaluation forms ........................ (M)..................................................................74 D:\106754602.doc 3 Teaching Strategies: Lecture, discussion (in class and on-line), case study, audio visual, demonstration, clinical practice Evaluation Methods: (See Grade Sheet) Required Textbooks: (* new texts) (latest ed. refers to the edition you have already purchased in previous semesters) (? Books that are in use during fall semester but change for spring semester) Fall 2009 Abrams, A.C. (2001). (6th ed.) Clinical Drug Therapy. Philadelphia: Lippincott ANA Standards of Clinical Practice (2ed) (1998). Washington, D.C. American Nurses Publishing. (On reserve at Library) * Baird, Keen & Swearingen. (2005). Manual of critical care nursing: nursing interventions and Collaborative management. (5th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Cohn, E.G. & Ailroy-Doohan, M. (2nd ed.). Flip and see EKG. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. Corbett, J. (latest ed.). Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures with nursing diagnoses. Sanford, CT: Appleton & Lange. Curren, A. & Mundy, L (latest ed.). Math for Meds. San Diego: W.I. Publications. Gahart, B. & Nazareno, A. (latest edition). Intravenous medications. St. Louis: Mosby. Harkreader, H. (latest ed.). Fundamentals of nursing: care and clinical judgment. Philadelphia: Saunders. Hockenberry, M.J. & Wong, D. L. (2007). Wong’s Nursing care of Infants and Children. (8th edition). St. Louis: Mosby. ?Ignatavicius, D. & Workman, M. (2006). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN# 0-7216-0446-3. ?Ignatavicius, D. & Workman, M. (2006). Critical Thinking Study Guide to accompany Medical Surgical Nursing. ISBN# 0-7216-0614-8. (shrink wrap together). Marquis & Huston. (latest edition) Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing; Theory & Application (4th or current ed) Philadelphia: Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and dictionary of medicine, nursing , and allied health 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. O’Brien, M.E. (2003) Spirituality in Nursing: Standing on Holy Ground. Boston: Jones & Bartlett. Olds, S.B., London, M.L., & Ladewig, P.W. (2000). Or current edition Maternal newborn nursing. (7th ed.) Redwood City, CA: Addison Wesley Olds, S.B., London, M.L., & Ladewig, P.W. (2000). Or current edition Maternal newborn nursing clinical handbook. (7th ed.) Redwood City, CA: Addison Wesley. Pediatric Quick Reference by Donna Wong (2003). Rentfro, A. & McCampbell, L. (2007). Study guide to Wong’s nursing care of infants and children. (8th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. Stanhope, M & Lancaster, J. (2008). Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community, (7th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. Stanhope, M. & Knollmeuller, R. (2002). Handbook of community based and home health nursing practice: Tools for assessment, interventions, and education. (3rd ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. Townsend, M. C. (2003). Psychiatric mental health nursing concepts of care. (4th ed.) Philadelphia: F.A.Davis. Weber, J. & Kelley, J. (latest ed). Health assessment in nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Wong, D. L. & Hockenberry, M.J. (2003) Wong’s Nursing care of infants and children. (7th edition). St. Louis: Mosby. D:\106754602.doc 4 Spring 2010 (all of the above books except those marked with “?” plus the following) Boyer, M.J.(2008). Study guide to accompany Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. (11th ed) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Smeltzer, S.C., Bare, B.G., Hinkle, J.L. & Cheever, K.H.(2008) Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of medical-surgical nursing, (11th ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Optional Textbooks: Baldwin, K. (latest ed). Virtual clinical excursions for McCance and Huether’s Pathophysiology. St. Louis: Mosby. Packaged with McCance. Essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. (1998). Washington, D. C.:American Association of Colleges of Nursing. *Sheehy, S. (2005). Manual of Emergency Care. (6th ed) St. Louis: Mosby McCance, K., & Huether, S. (latest ed). Pathophysiology: The biological basis for disease in adults and children. (4th ed). St. Louise: Mosby Adopted by faculty 11/97 Revised 11/98, 6/2000, 6/2001,5/2003, 6/2004, 5/2005, 3/06,7/07, 7/08,7/09 Academic Honesty Mississippi College students are expected to be scrupulously honest. Dishonesty, such as cheating or plagiarism, or furnishing false information, including forgery, alteration or misuse of University documents, records or identification, will be regarded as a serious offense subject to severe penalty, including, but not limited to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. See the Mississippi College student handbook or University Policy 2.19 for specific information regarding penalties associated with dishonest behavior at Mississippi College. Copies of the Mississippi College Student handbook and University policies are available on the Mississippi College web site. (Source: Mississippi College Undergraduate Catalog) Disabilities Act of 1990 In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Mississippi College does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. If students need special accommodations due to learning, physical, psychological, or other disabilities, they should direct their inquiries to Director of the Counseling and Testing Center, Mississippi College, Lowery, Room 101, Telephone: 601.925.3353. For more information including student appeals, see the Mississippi College Student Handbook, Students with Disabilities section. (Source: Mississippi College Undergraduate Catalog.) D:\106754602.doc