Subject: Adobe photoshop and illustrator workshop Contents

Subject: Adobe photoshop and illustrator workshop
- Getting knowledge connected with Adobe Photoshop and
Adobe Illustrator programmes . ( tools , effects , filtrs )
-Students make some exercises using this programmes( Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator ).
- Making the poster for a sport event in Photoshop or in
Illustrator .
- Making the poster for a cultural event in Photoshop or in
Illustrator .
- Making the postcard for Christmas using chosen programm .
- Adobe Photoshop CS6 Digital Classroom ,
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom ,
- Adobe Illustrator ,
Subject: Animated film
-Showing the different techniques of animation and explaining
how it was made.
- The different methods of making classical animated film like puppet animation , cutting out , drawing animation ,
- Animation made thanks to different materials like sand , water .
-Animation 2 D and 3 D .
- The history of animated film .
- The examples of Polish the best animation .
-Leonardo Maltin - A History of American Animated
-Od ołówka do pixela - historia animacji – wyd. zbiorowe
Subject: Audiovisual Communications ( multimedia)
- Making different short movies using digital technicks.
- Learning After Effects program ( tools , effects ,titles )
- Making short animation using Adobe Effects program for the
optional topic .
-Postproduction in the films .
- Making different effects in computere program
- Animation student' s name .
- After Effects
- Adobe Creative Team
Subject: Digital montage – Digital audio and video montage
-Showing Adobe Premiere programm in which students can
edit different films.
-Students edit their own movies for the optional topic .
- Getting knowledge connected with Adobe Premiere programm
( tools , effects , titles ) .
- Showing different ways of editting of film movies .
- Making short movie using ready film shots .
- Editting different sountracks - audio montage .
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Classroom
Subject: Photography - Anatomy of the image - Photo editing
In the beginning students learn how tu manage and comunicate
with visual resources. Next step is to recognize and describe
elements of the image. Learning basics of composition, colour
systems, perspective and points of view helps students to capture
pictures with more control and understanding.
All group or individually, participants chose subject (s) to be
photographed. After several corrections in the end of semester,
group is able to edit, pre-design and produce portfolio book in
form of PDf ready to be published in electronic and traditional
Subject: Photoshop Illustrator indesign flash basics
Learning outcomes:
The main target is to instruct students how to work with the
computer and electronic devices
and to develop their skills in the field of most common
application for animation, multimedia
projects and websites such as Adobe Flash. The course will
include some elements of IT.
During this year of study students will be developping their
knowledge and skills of the
application used to create animation and multimedia projects.
The course will cover mainly
more complex tasks that will develop the students'
knowledge of the tools for a graphic
The course will include designing an animation and
interaction for multimedia projects and
User's interface in Flash
Drawing in Flash
Library – symbols, clones, symbol instances
Color, typography, working with bitmaps
Different kinds of animation – frame by frame, motion
tween and shape tween
Programming in ActionScript - basics
Interaction and navigation
Working with tutorials.
„Adobe Flash CS3/CS3 PL. Classroom in a Book” Adobe
Creative Team
„Photoshop CS3/CS3 PL Bible” Deke McClelland, Laurie
Ulrich Fuller, Robert C. Fuller
„Adobe Illustrator CS3/CS3 PL. Classroom in a Book” Adobe
Creative Team
Magazines: PSD, Computer Arts.
Subject: Computer graphic design basics
Learning outcomes:
The goal: Achieving basic skills of designing visual
communicate, creating logo and logotype,
developing student's individual creative skills, introducing
strategies of visual communication
through basic visual elements - focusing on form, rhythm,
orientation, color, texture.
Introduction to the history of graphic design. Students will
explore the expressive potential of
typography in a variety of exercises.
After finishing Graphic Design Basics course student
Will be able to: create logo, logotype and stationary, design
basic advertisement prints
– flyer, poster, leaflet, billboard, create design in vector and
bitmap programme, adjust
text to different formats and purposes, recognize basic fonts
and text arrangements,
create print file in appropriate format
Will understand: the idea of visual communication, the
difference between logo and
logotype, using color modes - CMYK and RGB
Personal skills: student will be able to work in team,
recognize and express his
emotions through art.
Logo and logotype
Principles and Elements of Design – hierarchy, order of the
Grid, text and image
Graphic design – context and purpose
Interaction of text and image - Introduction to typography
and page layout rendered
traditionally and manipulated by computer
The fundamental components of graphic communication
(point and line to plane, form,
rhythm, orientation, color, value, texture)
Influence of aesthetic design choices on understanding and
Antiqua – font (history, construction, influence on modern
fonts) lecture
A brief history of graphic design – lecture
Novum Gebrauchs Graphic
Novum Gebrauchs Graphic
The Fundamentals of Typography / Ambrose Gavin, Harris
A History of Graphic Design / Philip B. Meggs
Illustrator – Bible
Photoshop- Bible
Subject: Traditional graphic art workshop
Learning outcomes:
The main target of the subject is to acquaint students with:
- knowledge of:
workshop graphic (graphic techniques: convex, intaglio, flat
forming visual transfer with the use of graphic techniques
- abilities of:
using selected graphic techniques in creative work
selecting means of expression and graphic techniques for
intentional artistic transfer
connecting and mixing techniques with one another and
- creative awareness, artistic personality, artistic expression
of graphic work.
techniques of convex printing (woodblock printing, linoleum
techniques of intaglio printing (copperplate, drypoint,
etching, aquatint)
techniques of flat printing (lithography, offset)
characteristic features of visual language related to graphic
techniques; connecting and
mixing techniques to obtain specific visual affects
artistic realizations in selected graphic techniques.
Krejca A.: Techniki sztuk graficznych. WAiF. Warszawa
Jurkiewicz A.: Podrecznik metod grafiki artystycznej.
Arkady. Warszawa 1975.
Jerzy Werner- Podstawy technologii malarstwa i grafiki ,
Warszawa-Kraków 1985
Wydział Grafiki, Akademia Sztuk Pieknych w Poznaniu –
Grafika Artystyczna podrecznik
Poznan, 2007.
Jakimowicz: Piec wieków grafiki polskiej, Muzeum Narodowe
w Warszawie, 1997
Jakimowicz: Współczesna grafika polska, Arkady, Warszawa
Wróblewska D., Polska grafika współczesna, Warszawa 1983
Szwajkowska K., Litografia – Tradycja i współczesnosc,
Czestochowa 2007
Subject: Visual anthropology - lecture
Learning outcomes:
The main target of the subject is to acquaint students with socialcultural phenomenon of art.
Subjects for reflection: human body and city – two examples of
narration in visual arts,
context in which we watch and interpret effects related to them.
selected terms: visual anthropology, anthropology of image,
anthropology of art,
sociology of art.
body and city in art history.
body arts.
films about art.
architecture – function/ideology.
etno design art and Aboriginal art.
art/ politics.
feministic art.
DIY – counterculture/art
art for children: childlike illustration, toy, design, periodical press.
photography – between family memento and art form.
Performance; experimental art’ multimedia.
city as an art space – utopia and realizations.
toy art.
ecology and cyborgs.
Payne Hatcher E., Art as Culture. An Introduction to the Anthropology
of Art, Westport,
Connecticut, London 1999
Berger J., O patrzeniu, Warszawa 1999
MacClancy J., The museum as a site of contest. The Bilbao
Plattner S., Anthropology of art:,descCdgoogle_
M. Porebski, Ikonosfera, Warszawa 1972.
R. Barthes, Retoryka obrazu, "Pamietnik Literacki", z. 3/1985.
M. Bijak, A. Garlicka, Fotografia chłopów polskich , Warszawa 1983
M. Przylipiak, Poetyka filmu dokumentalnego, Wydawnictwo
Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego
RóHycki, Nieskonczonosc dalekich dróg (scieHka dzwiekowa),
"Konteksty. Polska Sztuka
Ludowa" 3-4, 1997
K. Olechnicki, Antropologia obrazu. Fotografia jako metoda, przedmiot i
medium nauk
społecznych, Oficyna Naukowa, Warszawa 2003.
S. Sikora, O problematycznosci wizualnosci w antropologii, (w:) Kultura
etnologów w Polsce, M. Brocki, K. Górny, W. Kuligowski (red.), Wrocław
2006, s. 181200.
R. Sulima, Album "cieni". Słowo i fotografia w kulturze ludowej, [w:] w
tegoH, Słowo i
etos. Szkice o kulturze, Zakład Wydawniczy FA ZMW "Galicja", Kraków
1992 .
M. Banks i H. Morphy (red.), Rethinking Visual Anthropology, Yale
University Press, New
Haven i London 1997
W. Benjamin, Twórca jako wytwórca, Poznan 1975
J. DeBouzek, Etnograficzny surrealizm Jeana Roucha, "Konteksty
Polska Sztuka Ludowa" 3-4/1992
Ferenc T. (2004) "Miedzy koncepcja swiadectwa a ideologicznym
uwikłaniem fotografii",
Kultura i Społeczenstwo nr 1
Ferenc T., Fotografia. Dyletanci, amatorzy i artysci (Galeria f5 &
fotograficzna, Kraków 2004)
Ferenc T. (2005) "Sztuka fotografowania biedy - komu słuHa zdjecia
nedzy?", w:
Warszawa: Kultura i Społeczenstwo nr 4/XLIX, s. 165-184
S. Sontag, O fotografii, WAiF, Warszawa 1986,
M. Banks & H. Morphy, Rethinking Visual Anthropology, Yale Univ.
Press 1999,
Ch. Wright, The third subject: perspectives on visual anthropology,
Today” 1998, vol. 14, nr 4.
M. Przylipiak, Poetyka filmu dokumentalnego, Gdansk 2004.
T. Asch, J. Marshall, P. Spier, Ethnographic Film: Structure and
Function, „Annual Review
of Anthropology” 1973.
Przestrzenie wizualne i akustyczne człowieka. Antropologia
audiowizualna jako
przedmiot i metoda badan. (Janiak A., Krzeminska W., Wojtasik –
Tokarz A., red.)
Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnoslaskiej Szkoły WyHszej Edukacji
TWP we
M. Łukowski, Polski film etnograficzny, Warszawa 1987.
Coote, J. and Shelton A., Anthropology Art and Aesthetics, 1992
Kubilay A., Thirty Three Principles for a New Sociology of Art, EuroArt
and Beyond,
Issue 01.Winter 2006:
Internet sources:
Straszna Sztuka – blog Izabeli Kowalczyk:
Niewidzialne Miasto:
„Kwartalnik Filmowy” 2004, nr 47-48 (Antropologia i film)
„Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa”
„Kultura i Społeczenstwo” 2004 nr 1, 4, 2005 nr 1, 4.