MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN NEI «ALMATY MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY» DEPARTMENT: “GENERAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINES” Approved at the meeting of Academic and Methodic Council Chairman ___________ N. Duysengulova «____ »________ 2014. Academic program: Baccalaureate Specialty - 5B051100 «Marketing» Form of study: daytime SYLLABUS on the discipline: “BUSINESS ETHICS” Year of study: 1 Semester: 1 Number of credits: 3 Lecturer: Master of IR, Master of Translation and Interpretation, senior lecturer Batsueva D.I. Almaty, 2014 стр. 2 из 16 Completed by: Master of IR, Master of Translation and Interpretation, senior lecturer _______________ Batsueva D.I. The syllabus has been developed on the basis of the Working curriculum of the discipline for students of the Specialty 5B051100 «Marketing». The syllabus was reviewed at the meeting of the Department of “General Education Disciplines” Protocol № 1 from “ 28 ” August, 2014 Head of the Department Doctor of Chemistry, professor ________________________________ Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus A. Kolushpayeva стр. 3 из 16 Introduction The course of business ethics has got as its subject matter ethical problems and ethical decisions in business, for which the students must be provide with a framework that they can use to identify, analyze, and resolve ethical issues in business decision making. In addition to individual decision making, business ethics and social responsibility are important parts of a firm’s business strategy. Issues such as conflicts between personal values and organizational goals; the role of sustainability in business strategy; and the importance of stakeholder relationships, corporate governance, and the development of ethics programs and an ethical culture in an organization will be discussed. Methodology of teaching this discipline provides for: - Lecturing; - Practical classes conduction; - Laboratory classes (if there are in the curriculum); - IWST; - IWS. The purpose of this course is to strengthen the ability to anticipate, critically analyze, appropriately respond to, and provide leadership regarding, ethical issues you will confront as employees and eventually as managers of people, projects, and enterprises. This course will proceed from the recognition that human activity now exerts macrophase influence on all aspects of planetary function, and that we share a concomitant responsibility to discover and express decision-making wisdom commensurate with this power. The course will explore those characteristics of human nature that hinder realization of maximum individual and collective potential as well as those characteristics and practices that can, with cultivation, allow us to more fully realize our inherent integration, imagination, creative capacity, and fully-satisfying participation in the Earth adventure. Instruction will be based on lecture and case analysis, supplemented by topical and philosophical articles and essays. The objectives of teaching this discipline are: - to understand how ethics can be incorporated into key business decisions - to learn to identify common ethical issues in business; - to identify, analyze, and understand how businesspeople make ethical decisions and handle ethical issues; - to learn about specific measures companies can take to build effective ethics programs; - to understand major global ethics issues taking place in international business; - to become familiar with how firms evaluate social responsibility activities; - to learn the importance of fostering sustainability efforts and integrating a “green” mission into corporate strategy. Pre-requisites: World History, Philosophy, Management, Law, Social Science. Post-Requisites: Marketing, PR. Upon completion of this discipline students must: master the following competencies according to the competence model of the bachelor General competencies: - to demonstrate understanding of the definition of ethics and the importance and role ethical behavior serves in the business world today; - to demonstrate understanding of how business ethics relates to larger moral and philosophical frameworks; Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus стр. 4 из 16 - to identify various ethical issues that occur in the workplace; to evaluate an ethical situation by applying the steps involved in ethical decision-making; to evaluate the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, and explore its to relevance to ethical business activity; to identify the moral obligations of businesses to the environment and specifically; to global competitors and global stakeholders. Subject-specialized: - to describe what ethics means in the workplace; to define corporate responsibility; to define corporate compliance; to describe social responsibility. to define ethics in business and why it is important; to describe the impact of ethics in the business; to compare differences in ethics in the international communities; to describe consumer rights. CALENDER AND THEMATIC PLAN № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Theme Distribution of classes by weeks Practical Lectures IWS IWST classes 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Introduction into Business Ethics Institutionalization of Business Ethics Business Ethics and Social 3 Responsibility The Role of Ethics in Business 4 Recognizing Ethical Issues in 5 Business Making Decisions about Ethical 6 Problems The Nature of Social 7 Responsibility Midterm control 1 Relations with Owners and 8 Shareholders. Community Relations. Employee Relations/ Consumer 9 Relations Environmental Issues 10 Business Ethics in a Global 11 Economy Sustainable Marketing Strategies 12 Energy Consumption and 13 Sustainability Reporting Green Marketing 14 The Role of Character in Business 15 Ethics Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 10 11 10 11 12 13 12 13 12 13 14 15 14 15 14 15 стр. 5 из 16 Midterm control 2 Exam Content of practical, form of control and grading Theme № 1 Questions for practical classes Introduction into Business Ethics Defining morality, ethics, and ethical theory. The role of Ethics in Business. Exploration of conceptualizations of business ethics from an organizational perspective. Business ethics and the law. Globalization as a key context for business ethics. 2 3 4 Institutionalization of Business Ethics The examination of the historical foundations and evolution of business ethics. Development of Business Ethics: Before 1960: Ethics in Business. The 1960s: The Rise of Social Issues in Business. The 1970s: Business Ethics as an Emerging Field The 1980s: Consolidation. The 1990s: Institutionalization of Business Ethics The Twenty-First Century: A New Focus on Business Ethics. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility The evidence that ethical value systems support business performance. Developing an Organizational and Global Ethical Culture. The Role of Ethics in Business The insight into the extent of ethical misconduct in the workplace and the pressures for unethical behaviour. The Benefits of Business Ethics. Ethics Contribution to Employee Commitment. Ethics Contributes to Investor Loyalty. Ethics Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus Literature Compulsory Literature, 1, p. 3-15, Additional Literature, 2, 4, 7. Compulsory Literature, 1, p. 15-17; 2, p. 20-25; Form of Max. control score Presentations, 100 Glossaries & Self Quizzes, Introductions & Debate Forum 1: “Does Being Ethical Result in Better Business Performance?” 100 Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz Additional Literature, 2, 3, 4. Compulsory Debates, PPT Literature, 1, Presentations, p. 18-24, Glossaries & Additional Self Quiz Literature, 2, 5, 6. 100 Compulsory Literature, 1, p. 24-32; 7, p. 17-19, Additional Literature, 2, 3. 100 PPT Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz стр. 6 из 16 5 6 7 8 9 Contributes to Customer Satisfaction Ethics Contributes to Profits. Recognizing Ethical Issues in Business Conflict of interest. Fairness and Honesty. Communications. Business Relationships. Plagiarism. Abusing and/or underpay the work forces. Whistleblowing. Making Decisions about Ethical Problems A variety of ethical issues that may arise in business. The role of open discussion of ethical issues. Five-step framework of ethical decision-making, according to Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Improving of ethical behaviour in business. Professional codes of ethics. The Nature of Social Responsibility The Pyramid of Social Responsibility. Voluntary Responsibilities. Ethical Responsibilities. Legal Responsibilities. Economic Responsibilities. Social Responsibility Issues. Relations with Owners and Shareholders. Community Relations. Compulsory Literature, 2, p. 3-21; 1, p. 172-185; Additional Literature, 2, 11. “Debate: 100 Code of Conduct”, Essay Assignment Compulsory PPT Literature, 2, Presentations, p. 21-33; 3, p. and Glossaries 15-21; Additional Literature, 3, 4. 100 Compulsory essay, Literature, 2, discussion p. 33-41; Additional Literature, 2, 4. 100 Compulsory Business Literature, 2, Ethical p. 18-20; Challenges Additional Literature, 2, 5. 100 The task of business to maximize the owners’ investment in the firm. The unethical behaviour of senior management. Maintaining proper accounting procedures. Providing all relevant information to investors. Compulsory Business Employee Relations/ Consumer Literature, 3, Ethical Relations p. 3-12. Challenges Responsibilities to employees. Additional Provision of a safe workplace. Literature, 2, 6. Adequate salary for the work. Information about what is Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus 100 стр. 7 из 16 10 11 12 13 happening in their company. Type of misconduct of co-workers. Attention to employees’ grievances. Fair treatment. Consumerism. John F. Kennedy’s 1962 Consumer Bill of Rights. Environmental Issues Animal Rights. Business practices that harm endangered wildlife and their habitats. Pollution. The type of management, which improves conservation efforts, economic viability, and health and safety records. Water pollution results from dumping toxic chemicals and raw sewage into rivers and oceans, oil spills and the burial of industrial waste in the ground. Air pollution as the result of smoke and other pollutants. Greenhouse effect. Land pollution. The case of Nova Scotia. The problem of disposal of waste in an environmentally responsible manner. Response to Environmental Issues. Business Ethics in a Global Economy International Business Ethics. Cross cultural ethical issues. The components of emerging global consensus. “New world order”. Sustainable Marketing Strategies The Topic of Sustainable Consumption. The Constitution of Markets by Different Action Fields. An integrated analysis of sustainable market(s). Market Dynamics – How to Leave the Eco-niche. Sustainability Challenge. From niche markets to mass markets – How to deal with different developing factors? Energy Consumption and Sustainability Reporting Population and energy consumption. Possible Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus Compulsory Case Studies, 100 Literature, 3, discussion p. 13-22. Additional Literature, 3, 5, 6. Compulsory Literature, 3, p. 345-378; 10. Additional Literature, 2, 11. Compulsory Literature, 5, 347. Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz 100 Debates, PPT 100 Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz Additional Literature, 2, 6. Compulsory Literature, 6, p. 11-35. Additional Literature, 5, 6. PPT Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz 100 стр. 8 из 16 14 15 Explanations for the EnergyEfficiency Gap. Liquidity Constraints in Capital Markets. Innovation Market Failures. Behavioral Failures. Behavioural Failures. Issues in Measuring Energy Efficiency Policy Effectiveness and Cost. Green Marketing An Overview of Green Marketing. The definition of green marketing management. Energy needs. The development of land-based sites for turbines and offshore wind farms. Energy Star label for environmentally friendly products. The Contribution of the United Nations to the recognition of the multiple interdependencies among nature, economy, and society. Environmental Benefits. Developing Economies. Consumer Benefits. Strategic Benefits. Product Benefits. Production Process Benefits. Supply-chain Benefits. Groups That Need to Understand Green Marketing. The Role of Character in Business Ethics A virtue-based approach to business ethics. Virtue rather than Principles. Character rather than Virtue. Character, Autonomy, Commitment, and Self-interest. Character and the Good Life. Can we teach character? Compulsory PPT Literature, 3, Presentations, p. 36-45. discussion Additional Literature, 5, 6. 100 Compulsory Essay, Literature, 4, discussion p. 1-15. Additional Literature, 5, 6. 100 IWST SCHEDULE* Theme № 1 Assignments for IWS Introduction into Business Ethics Define business ethics and examine its importance. Why is business ethics important? Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus Literature Form of control Compulsory Literature, 1, p. 3-15, Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quizzes, Introductions & Debate Forum 1: Additional Literature, 2,4,7. Deadline (week) 1 Points 100 стр. 9 из 16 “Does Being Ethical Result in Better Business Performance?” A Crisis in Business Ethics? Define specific Issues of Business Ethics. 2 Name the Reasons for Studying Business Ethics. Globalization: a key context for business ethics? Institutionalization of Business Ethics Cover the Development of Business Ethics: Before 1960: Ethics in Business; The 1960s: The Rise of Social Issues in Business; The 1970s: Business Ethics as an Emerging Field; The 1980s: Consolidation; The 1990s: Institutionalization of Business Ethics; 3 4 The Twenty-First Century: A New Focus on Business Ethics. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Detect some of the ethical issues that may arise in business. Tell about developing an Organizational and Global Ethical Culture. The Role of Ethics in Business Define the Benefits of Business Ethics. Say how Ethics Contributes to Employee Commitment. Say how Ethics Contributes to Investor Loyalty. Say how Ethics Contributes to Customer Satisfaction. 5 Say how Ethics Contributes to Profits. Recognizing Ethical Issues in Business Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus Compulsory Literature, 1, p. 15-17; 2, p. 20-25; Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz 2 100 Compulsory Literature, 1, p. 18-24, Additional Literature, 2,5,6. Debates, PPT Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz 3 1000 Compulsory Literature, 1, p. 24-32; 7, p. 17-19, Additional Literature, 2, 3. PPT Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz 4 100 5 100 Additional Literature, 2, 3, 4. Compulsory “Debate: Literature, 2, Code p. 3-21; Conduct”, of стр. 10 из 16 6 7 What is the conflict of interest? Prove the necessity of Fairness and Honesty. What are right communications? What are right Business Relationships. What is Plagiarism? Tell about abusing and/or underpay the work forces. What is whistleblowing? 1, p. 172- Essay 185; Assignment Additional Literature, 2, 11. Making Decisions about Ethical Problems Compulsory Literature, 2, p. 21-33; 3, p. 15-21; Additional Literature, 3, 4. Compulsory Literature, 2, p. 33-41; Additional Literature, 2, 4. Define social responsibility and explain its relevance to business. Evaluate the ethics of a business’s decision. The Nature of Social Responsibility What is the Pyramid of Social Responsibility? What are Voluntary Responsibilities? What are Ethical Responsibilities? What are Legal Responsibilities? 8 9 What are Economic Responsibilities? What are Social Responsibility Issues? Relations with Owners and Shareholders. Community Relations. What is the task of business to maximize the owners’ investment in the firm? What types of unethical behaviour of senior management do you know? How to maintain proper accounting procedures? Why is it important to provide all relevant information to the investors? Employee Relations/ Consumer Relations Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus PPT Presentations, and Glossaries 6 100 Essay, discussion 7 100 Compulsory Business Literature, 2, Ethical p. 18-20; Challenges Additional Literature, 2, 5. 8 100 Compulsory Business Literature, 3, Ethical 9 100 стр. 11 из 16 10 Specify how businesses can promote ethical behaviour by employees. What are the responsibilities to employees? What is a safe workplace? Why is it necessary to inform the staff about what is happening in their company? What is consumerism? Tell about John F. Kennedy’s 1962 Consumer Bill of Rights. Environmental Issues Tell about Animal Rights. Business practices do you know that harm endangered wildlife and their habitats? Define types of pollution. What type of management do you know, which improves conservation efforts, economic viability, and health and safety records? Tell about water pollution results from dumping toxic chemicals and raw sewage into rivers and oceans, oil spills and the burial of industrial waste in the ground. 11 Define greenhouse effect. Define types of land pollution. Describe the case of Nova Scotia. Cover the problem of disposal of waste in an environmentally responsible manner. Who is responsible for environmental issues? Business Ethics in a Global Economy What are cross cultural ethical issues? Do we need a global ethics for global economy? Is global ethics possible and how it might be constructed? Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus p. 3-12. Challenges Additional Literature, 2, 6. Compulsory Case Studies, Literature, 3, discussion p. 13-22. Additional Literature, 3, 5, 6. 10 100 Compulsory Literature, 3, p. 345-378; 10. 11 100 Additional Literature, 2, 11. Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz стр. 12 из 16 12 13 14 What prospects are for actual practice by global corporations? Sustainable Marketing Strategies What is sustainability? What are the driving forces for successfully introducing green products and services on to the market? What can be learned about those different framing factors and their interaction for sustainable policymaking? Energy Consumption and Sustainability Reporting Why do we need to be concerned about global energy problems? Reveal the problem of population and energy consumption. What are possible explanations for the EnergyEfficiency Gap? Explain liquidity constraints in Capital Markets. Green Marketing Think about a local grocery store operating in your community. To what extent does it consume, produce, distribute, promote, package, and reclaim products in a manner that is sensitive or responsive to ecological concerns? An entrepreneur claims not to focus on sustainability because attention to such matters results in poorer financial performance. How might one address such a statement? Provide some examples of how consumers might act in a sustainable manner that meets the needs of the Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus Compulsory Literature, 5, 3-47. Debates, PPT Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz 12 100 PPT Presentations, Glossaries & Self Quiz 13 100 Compulsory PPT Literature, 3, Presentations, p. 36-45. discussion Additional Literature, 5, 6. 14 100 Additional Literature, 2, 6. Compulsory Literature, 6, p. 11-35. Additional Literature, 5, 6. стр. 13 из 16 15 present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. How does this perspective influence how people shop, consume, and dispose of the things they buy? The Role of Character in Business Ethics What managers should know? What is a virtue-based approach to business ethics? Define character, autonomy, commitment, and selfinterest Can we teach character? Compulsory essay, Literature, 4, discussion p. 1-15. Additional Literature, 5, 6. 15 100 * Note: Control and grading of IWS assignments is done during IWST classes in accordance with the approved schedule. List of main and additional literature Main literature 1. Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 9e., Chapter 1 (Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning), ISBN-13: 978-1-11182516-5; 2. Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 9e., Chapter 2 (Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning),; 3. Dahlstrom, Green Marketing Management, (Mason Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning) ISBN-13: 978-0-324-78914-0. 4. Edwin M.Hartman, The Role of Character in Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Volume 8, Issue 3, July 1998, pages 547-559; 5. Sylvia Lorek, Rainer Lucas, Towards Sustainable Market Strategies, Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen, No. 130 · June 2003, ISSN 0949-5266; 6. Kenneth Gillingham, Richard G. Newell, and Karen Palmer, Energy Efficiency Economics and Policy, Washington DC, 20036, April, 2009. Additional literature 1. Business Ethics, U.S. Department Of Commerce, International Trade Administration, A Publication Of The Good Governance Program, A Manual For Managing A Responsible Business Enterprise In Emerging Market Economies, U.S. D Epartment Of Commerce International Trade Administration, Washington D. C., 2004; 2. The Importance of Ethical Culture: Increasing Trust and Driving Down Risks, Ethics Resource Center, Arlington, 2010, VA 22202 USA. Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus стр. 14 из 16 3. John Hooker, Why Business Ethics? Carnegie Mellon University. April, 2003. 4. Introducing Business Ethics, 5. Train K. 2005. Discount Rates in Consumers' Energy-Related Decisions: A Review of the Literature. Energy 10: 243–53; 6. Shogren J, Taylor L. 2008. On Behavioral-Environmental Economics. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 2: 26–44; 7. Reiss P, White M. 2008. What Changes Energy Consumption? Prices and Public Pressures. RAND Journal of Economics 39: 636–63 Course Policy Scores on the discipline are assessed on a 100-point scale. The method of calculation of the final grade. The level of academic achievement of the student in the discipline “Business Ethics” is determined by the final rating grade resulting from the exam admission rating (average total score of current and midterm controls) and grade for final control. Method of calculating the final grade. The level of academic achievements of students in each discipline is determined by the final grade formed from the admission exam rating (average grade of the sum of scores on the current and midterm control) and grade of the final control (examination). Admission exam rating (as a total score of midterm 1 and midterm 2) is at least 60 points. Rating admission (RA) to exam is determined as follows: grades (rating 1 + rating 2): 2 ( average arithmetic mean). Rating 1 (also rating 2) is determined from the sum of all grades of the control divided by the number of ratings A + rating of midterm control divided by 2 (average arithmetic mean). Below is an example of grading for a conditional discipline. During the first 7 weeks of the semester there are 7 assignments in the discipline for which the student got the following grades on the maximum possible 100 for each assignment: 70, 86, 65, 59, 91, 76, 56. The average grade on the current control (CC) is determined by average arithmetic mean: (70 + 86 + 65 + 59 + 91 + 76 + 56): 7 (amount of grades) = 72 (71.85). (CC1) On midterm control 1, the student received 65 (MC1) of 100 maximum. Rating determined by R1 = 1 (CC1 + MC1): 2, i.e., (72 + 65) 2 = 69 (68.5). In the subsequent 8 weeks of the same term in the discipline there are 6 assignments for which the same student got 52, 35, 96, 63, 45, 87. The average grade on the current control is: (52 + 35 + 96 + 63 + 45 + 87): 6 (amount of grades) = 63 (CC2). On the midterm control 2 the student got 83 (MC2) of 100 maximum. Rating 2 will be R2 = (CC2 + MC2) 2, i.e., (63 + 83) 2 = 73. Rating admission will be: RA = (69 + 73) 2 = 71 points. For example, a student / graduate student in the exam (final control - FC) got - 65 points. In this case, the final grade (FG) will be: 71 (RA) * 0.6 + 65 (FC) * 0.4 = 68, which corresponds to a letter grade C, traditional grade of "satisfactory", digital equivalent of 2.08 (used to calculate the GPA). If a student in the exam got below 50 points, the final grade is not displayed and the student has an academic debt in the discipline. Missing lectures for invalid reasons reduces assessment on handed assignments at 5 points, the missing practical leads to a downgrade on handed assignments at 5 points. In case of valid reasons assignments on the missed classes the retake of the studied material can be provided. Evaluation the level of achievements is done in accordance with the letter system accepted in credit technology of education from А to F, corresponding to percentage content from 0 to 100%. Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus стр. 15 из 16 Grade in points (P) Digital equivalent (D) Grade in letters’ system (L) 95-100 90-94 4 3,76 А А- 85-89 3,33 В+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 3,0 2,67 2,33 2,0 1,67 1,33 В ВС+ С СD+ 50-54 0-49 1,0 0 D F Grade (according to traditional system) (Т) Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 8.2.7 Course policy includes a student code of conduct in the classroom and the requirements for the implementation of academic process. These rules and requirements should be stated in the syllabus. Implementation of the accepted rules promotes high efficiency of the academic process and is obligatory for students. Each teacher will have the choice of rules and requirements, but they must not contradict the policy of academic conduct and ethics of ALMU students. Recommended list of rules and requirements generally includes the following requirements: Mastering the discipline “Business Ethics” provides for mandatory attendance at lectures, practical and laboratory classes and independent work. Independent work includes theoretical study of questions related to those lectures that were not included in the theoretical course or were considered briefly, in-depth study on the recommended literature. Independent work of the student under the guidance of teacher includes a more in-depth study and consolidation of those lectures. For IWST the student gets prepared on themes and answers questions. In the case of absence for a good reason (duly certified) the student can be given additional time to pass missed material. The first and second midterm rating is carried as a review and evaluated on a 100-point scale. (Please indicate the form of control) The examination will be held in the form of the whiting work (Question Cards) Terms of mastering the course: - Compulsory attendance; - Activity during practice (seminar) sessions; - Preparation for the course, homework and IWS etc; - Meeting the deadlines; - To be tolerant, open and friendly; - Constructively provide feedback in all classes; - Be punctual and diligent; It is unacceptable: - to miss classes without a valid reason; - to be late or leaving classes (a student is not allowed to attend classes if he is late. For breaching the discipline a student leaves the audience and gets 0 points); - to use cell phones during classes; - to be late with homework; Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus стр. 16 из 16 - to cheat in exams. For cheating a student is removed from the audience and gets 10 points; If, for any valid reason you are absent during control work you have a chance to take it at the time appointed by the teacher (MT and FT shall be authorized by the Dean), otherwise you get a "10" points. Policy for academic conduct and ethics is based on the Code of corporate culture, the Code of Ethics of the student, the Rules of Procedure of ALMU. Ф-ПР-02.3.2-05-2014-03 Syllabus