Animals - DFW Indian Princess

Typical Verbs
Suggested Names
Arrow Head
Bear Claw
Big Bear
Big Brave Buffalo
Big Buffalo
Big Fish
Big Running Fox
Big Thunder
Big Trout
Blazing Crocodile
Blue Fox
Bow Hunter
Brave Fox
Brave Thunder
Brave Tomahawk
Bright Arrow
Bright Lightning
Burning Arrow
Burning Fire
Canoe Rider
Cloud Dancing
Coiled Snake
Crashing Wave
Crazy Squirrel
Dune Runner
Eagle Feather
Fire Starter
Fire Stick
Hungry Bear
Hunting Hawk
Little Shark
Mighty Oak
Moon Ray
Night Spirit
Radient Rainbow
Raging Buffalo
Raging Bull
Road Runner
Roaring Tiger
Rolling Rock
Rolling Thunder
Screaming Eagle
Sharp Horned Buffalo
Sharp Spear
Shining Dove
Shining Owl
Shooting Arrow
Hunting Wolf
Indian Feather
Jack Rabbit
Jumping Deer
Jumping Wolf
Jupiter Thunder
Laughing Squirrel
Leaping Fish
Leaping Lizard
Shooting Bull
Alligator-Stealth, Survival
Ant-Patience, Diligence and Work
Antelope-Taking Action
Armadillo-Boundaries, Self Protection
Bat-Death and Rebirth on Personal, Spiritual Level
Bee-Service, Gathering, Community
Bird-Unity, Freedom, Community
Butterfly-Self Transformation, Balance, Grace
Bumblebee-Honesty, Pure Thinking, Willingness and Drive
Caribou-Travel and Mobility
Cougar- Power, Swiftness, Balance
Crane-Water, End of Summer, Migration
Cricket-Singing, Spring, Fertility
Crow-Sacred Law, Gateway To Supernatural, Shape Shifting, Illusion
Deer-Gentleness, Compassion and Kindness
Dog-Protection and Loyalty
Dolphin-Joy, Harmony, Intelligence, Self Connection
Dove-Love, Gentleness and Kindness
Dragonfly-Dreamtime, Illusion, Spring, Water
Dolphin-Life Force, Rhythm and Breath
Eagle-Spirit Connection to Higher Realms, Courage
Elk-Stamina, Pride, Power, Majesty
Frog-Fluidity, Water and Rain, Cleansing and Tears
Goat-Tenacity, Diligence
Goose-Safe Return, Love of Home
Hawk-Strength, Foresight, Truth
Hedgehog-Self Preservation
Heron-Patience, Grace
Horse-Physical and Spiritual Power, Carrier Of Burdens
Hummingbird-Pure Love and Joy, Celebration of Life
Ladybug-Delight, Trust
Lion-Pride, Nobility, Cunning, Courage
Lizard-Dreaming, Foresight, Ancient Secrets
Loon-Peace, Tranquility, Generosity
Lynx-Keeper of Mystical Secrets
Moose-Self Esteem, Assertiveness
Mountain Lion-Wisdom and Balance in Leadership
Mouse-Scrutiny, Attention to Detail
Opossum -Strategy and Diversion
Otter-Earth and Water, Balanced Feminine Energy
Owl-Clairvoyance, Magic, Astral Projection
Parrot Feather-Bringer of Essential Rain and Seed
Peacock-Recognition, Self Assurance, Pride
Pelican-Abundance, Plenty
Pheasant-Warning, Concealment
Porcupine-Gentle Innocence and Trust
Rabbit-Fear, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Raccoon-Curiosity, Inquisitiveness
Raven-Bringer of Magic and Light, Creation and Knowledge
Roadrunner-Speed, Agility
Salmon-Dependability and Renewal
Sandpiper-Foraging, Scavenging, Quickness
Scorpion-Defense, Self Protection, Biting Truth
Seagull-Carefree Attitude, Versatility, Freedom
Seal-Inquisitiveness, Organization, Contentment
Snake-Transmutation, Life Cycles
Skunk-Reputation, Respect, Caution
Snail-Perseverance, Determination
Snake-Power, Life Force, Sexual Potency
Spider-Weaving, Symbolism
Swan-Grace, Surrender to the Universal Plan
Tadpole-Fertility and Renewal, Transformation
Turkey-Give Away, Sacrifice of Self and Others
Turtle-Mother Earth, Protection
Weasel-Stealth, Information Gathering
Whale-Historical Record Keeper, Traveler, Guardian
Wolf-Teacher of New Ideas and Wisdom, Intense Loyalty with Balance of Independence
Woodpecker-Change, Persistence
Badger-Aggressiveness, Passion and Drive
Beaver-Building, Accomplishing Goals
Buffalo-Abundance, Survival Needs Met, Good Fortune, Healing
Coyote- "The Trickster" , Humor, Charm, Folly of Self-Deception and Survival
Firefly-Communication, Illumination
Fish-Water, Current, Flow of Life From the Earth
Fox-Camouflage, Adaptability and Integration
Symbolic Meanings
Arrowhead-Represents Alertness.
Buffalo Horns-Symbol of Success.
Cactus Flower-Means courtship and romance.
Corn-Symbol of Life. It is the mainstay for many tribes. Corn pollen and cornmeal is offered in blessing for
protection, understanding, and forgiveness.
Corn Maiden-Gave the corn of her own body to feed her family so they would not have to hunt the beloved
animals. After she passed on she was reborn in the corn stalks and provided the seeds which continued to provide
food for all.
Feather-Sacred universal symbol of flight within the spirit world and serving as messenger to Great Spirit.
Feathers Fanned into a Circle-Related to the Sun and The Creator.
Fetish-Object containing spirit and power which benefits the beholder.
Flowers-Symbolize a relationship to the sun.
Handprint-Symbol of a human's life, achievements and legacy, the creative spirit, channeled energy.
Kachina-A Kachina can be a force of nature such as life, death, fire, flood, or the spirit of a revered ancestor,
and the dancer at a ceremony.
Lasso-Symbol of Captivity.
Man in the Maze-Tohono O'odham symbol of life cycles and choice, and eternal motion with the goal of
achieving harmony. The man is named "U'ki'ut'l".
Mask-Symbol of a human's animal spirit and prayer to sacred deities.
Medicine Bag-Vessel containing herbs, remedies, and or stones necessary for healing and protection.
Moon-Earth Protector and Guardian in Night
Morning Star-Honored as Kachina by most Pueblo tribes, sign of courage and purity of spirit.
Music-Ritual of communication with Great Spirit with the singer's Life Breath. A method of settling disputes
between tribes.
Name-Given, taken away, and changed at life defining events in one's life. Holds power of the individual thus
given and spoken with respect and caution.
Peyote-Psychedelic button of the peyote cactus used in religious ceremony to induce spiritual vision and
connectedness with higher realms.
Pipe-Used in negotiations of peace and war, to offer sacred tobacco smoke to the four directions, and in religious
Plants and Herbs-Represent essentials for survival including food, tools, basketry, and healing.
Prayer Stick-Carved and painted cottonwood or cedar sticks decorated with feathers and images for a specific
prayer, planted at sacred sites to send prayers to The Creator or to The Kachinas.
Rain Cloud-Symbol of change, renewal, and fertility.
Rattle-Ceremonial songs are accompanied with rattles which are often used to represent the characteristic sounds
of animals and nature.
Sacrifice-("To Make Sacred") Offerings of food, tobacco, cornmeal, pollen, feathers, shells, beads, herbs, and
such given to Spirit and Deities in blessing and prayer.
Saddle Bag-Represents a journey.
Shell-Served as Wampum (money) in trade. Used in decoration of traditional dress and jewelry, as essential
utensils of cooking, gathering water, and digging.
Shield-Warrior's most sacred possession from time of first battle until death. The design would be received in a
dream by an elder who would then make the shield for the new warrior.
Spiral Pattern-Whirlwinds, cycles of life, eternal renewal and water essential for life.
Squash Blossom-Symbol of plenty, abundance.
Steps Pattern-Represent Kiva steps or clouds, direction and change.
Sun-Earth Guardian in Day, Healing Energy
Sun Face-Giver of life, warmth, growth, goodness.
Tobacco-Sacred Herb used to make offerings, treat disease, seal agreements, and smoked for enjoyment.
Tomahawk-Hatchet-like object used in ceremony and war. Often showed carvings of owners life events. As
recognized in trade as the 'Indian blanket'.
Totem-Representing guardian spirits of an individual, family or tribe.
Totem Pole-Northwest tribal tradition, could be exterior and interior pole. Exterior often a memorial for
deceased family member or a monument to the bearer's wealth and status, that of his family, and the deities
connected with his family. Interior totem poles often recorded family legends and history serving as a family tree.
Wave Pattern-Water and cycles of life, renewal and water element essential for life.
Zia-Symbol of the Zia Pueblo, also represents the sun, the four directions, and the circle of of life.
Yeii Spirit-Navajo irit considered to be a communicator between Man and The Creator. Yeiis control the
natural elements.