Mid Term Review

GEOS 109
Midterm Review
What is Exponential growth?
What are the goals of environmental science?
What scientific disciplines (areas of study) are important in the study of environmental science and why?
What is natural capital?
What is an Environmentally Sustainable Society?
What is gross domestic product?
What are developed countries?
What are developing countries?
What are renewable resources, how are they classified?
What is a nation’s ecological footprint?
What is point source and non-point source pollution?
What is re-use and recycling?
What is Ecology?
What is Conservation?
What is Environmentalism?
Who were some important names in the environmental movement?
What are carnivores, herbivores, decomposers, autotrophs, heterotrophs?
What is the scientific method?
What is matter?
What is the structure of an atom?
What is the atomic number and mass of an element?
What are isotopes and ions?
What is an acid?
What are organic compounds?
Be able to name some elements, compounds, ions, organic molecules and simple carbohydrates.
What is the Law of Conservation of Matter?
What is energy? What types of energy are there?
What is the 1st Law of Thermodynamics?
What is a species?
What is a population?
What is a community?
What is a biome?
What is an ecosystem?
What is greenhouse effect, what gases are involved?
What are autotrophs, producers, primary consumers, tertiary consumers and decomposers ?
What is photosynthesis?
What are herbivores, omnivores, carnivores and detritus feeders?
What is soil? What is the structure of soil?
What are trophic levels? How much energy is transferred between levels?
What is evolution? What is natural selection?
What is the hydrologic cycle
What are the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycle
What are fossils?
What is weather and climate? How does climate vary?
How do convection cells operate on Earth?
What is a rain shadow?
Why are wetlands, estuaries and coral reefs important?
What are keystone species?
What is carrying capacity?