Database Design: SDLC, DBLC, and Strategies

Database Design
Chapter 9: Database Design
I. Objectives
 Successful database design must reflect the information system of which
the database is a part.
 Successful information systems are developed within a framework
known as the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
 The most successful databases are subject to frequent evaluation and
revision within the Database Life Cycle (DBLC).
 How to conduct evaluation and revision within the SDLC and DBLC
 What database design strategies exist: top-down, bottom-up, centralized,
decentralized design.
II. Changing data into information
1. Data processed and presented in a meaningful form
2. Can be as simple as tabulating the data, thereby making certain
data patterns more obvious
1. Any process that changes data into information
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
A. data
Raw facts about a person, place or thing. The raw material that
information systems work with. Note, one users information could be
another persons data. Hence, the terms are relative.
B. information
Data that have been transformed into a form (or format) deemed more
useful to the recipient. The transformation could be relatively simple
(aggregation or format into a table) or complex (sophisticated
mathematics). The key point is that the recipient can more easily use the
information than they could use the original data.
C. transformation
The "process" part of the input-process-output cycle that information
systems perform. A simple transformation is shown below:
III. The information system
 Provides for data collection, storage, and retrieval
 Composed of people, hardware, software, database(s), application
programs, and procedures
 Systems analysis
 Process that establishes need for and extent of an information system
 Systems development
 Process of creating an information system
The performance of an information system depends on;
Database design and implementation
Application design and implementation
Administrative procedures
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
This course is primarily concerned with the database design component.
Failure to do this properly will, of course, result in a poor product. You
should also realize that the other two components are also extremely
A. people
B. hardware
C. software
D. database
E. application programs
F. procedures
Traces history (life cycle) of an information system
Provides “big picture” within which database design and application
development can be mapped out and evaluated
Divided into five phases
Detailed systems design
Iterative rather than sequential process
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Database Design
A. planning
Yields general overview of the company and its objectives.
Initial assessment made of information-flow-and-extent requirements.
 Must begin to study and evaluate alternate solutions
 Technical aspects of hardware and software requirements
 System cost
1. assessment
Asks important questions such as: Should the existing system be
continued? Should we modify it? Should we totally replace it?
This is basically setting the initial scope of the planned project.
2. feasibility study
Takes the answers to the initial assessment as further asks "Is it feasible
to proceed?"
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
This gets into the technical hardware and software requirements of the
It also gets into the cost and political components of the proposed project.
B. analysis
 Problems defined during the planning phase are examined in greater
detail during analysis
 A thorough audit of user requirements
 Existing hardware and software systems are studied
 Goal is better understanding of system’s functional areas, actual and
potential problems, and opportunities
1. user requirements
This normally begins by finding out what the end-users actually want.
Helps define the problem scope.
2. evaluate existing system
One potential solution is to modify all or parts of the existing system.
This step is intended to find out what is good and worth keeping in the
existing system. It may also help identify what the user wants since they
often want results that are similar to the existing system.
3. logical system design
 Must specify appropriate conceptual data model, inputs, processes,
and expected output requirements
 Might use tools such as data flow diagrams (DFD), hierarchical input
process output (HIPO) diagrams, or entity relationship (ER) diagrams
 Yields functional descriptions of system’s components (modules) for
each process within database environment
C. detailed design
 Designer completes design of system’s processes
 Includes all necessary technical specifications
 Steps are laid out for conversion from old to new system
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Database Design
 Training principles and methodologies are also planned
1. system specification
Generically speaking, system specifications are the documents that
describe to the programmer what the system does and how it does it.
These documents can be very precise and specific (including form,
report, and screen layouts, error codes, input standards, etc).
If created properly, a competent programmer should be able to build a
functional system that meets the end-users needs strictly from these
D. implementation
 Hardware, DBMS software, and application programs are installed,
and database design is implemented
Cycle of coding, testing, and debugging continues until database is
ready to be delivered
Database is created and system is customized by creation of tables and
views, and user authorizations
 Typically, implementation and testing of a new system can take 50%
to 60% of the total project time. Failure to adequately test merely means
that post-implementation problems will occur.
1. coding
Converting the detailed system specifications into code modules.
2. testing
Each module is tested individually and in groups. Finally, the full system
is tested for accurate results and for "stress" (see how many users it can
support before performance degrades).
3. debugging
Fix any problems uncovered in the testing phase.
4. installation
Install "live" on the production server. Likely also includes a data
loading phase to get historic data into the system.
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Database Design
E. maintenance
Three types:
 Corrective maintenance in response to systems errors
 Adaptive maintenance due to changes in the business
 Perfective maintenance to enhance the system
Computer-assisted systems engineering
 Make it possible to produce better systems within reasonable
amount of time and at a reasonable cost
1. evaluation
After the system "goes live" there is a time period when end users are
evaluating. This is an active bug-fix time so the original design and
coding team should be available for consultation.
2. bug fixes
Initial requirements that are not met are called "bugs". These should be
fixed as quickly as possible since they represent a failure to implement
the plan.
3. enhancement
These are changes that go outside of the original specification request.
These should be handled within the normal backlog. If they are given
"extra special" attention, then the system development continues well
after the project is officially over.
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
A. database development
B. initial study
Overall purpose:
 Analyze the company situation
 Define problems and constraints
 Define objectives
 Define scope and boundaries
 Interactive and iterative processes required to complete the first phase
of the DBLC successfully
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Database Design
1. analyze the environment
 “To break up any whole into its parts so as to find out their
nature, function, and so on”
Company situation
 General conditions in which a company operates, its
organizational structure, and its mission
Analyze the company situation
 Discover what the company’s operational components are, how
they function, and how they interact
2. define problem and constraints
 Managerial view of company’s operation is often different from that
of end users
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Database Design
 Designer must continue to carefully probe to generate additional
information that will help define problems within larger framework
of company operations
 Finding precise answers is important
 Defining problems does not always lead to the perfect solution
3. define objective
 Designer must ensure that database system objectives correspond to
those envisioned by end user(s)
 Designer must begin to address the following questions:
 What is the proposed system’s initial objective?
 Will the system interface with other existing or future systems in the
 Will the system share data with other systems or users?
4. define scope
 Defines extent of design according to operational requirements
 Helps define required data structures, type and number of entities,
and physical size of the database
 Limits external to the system
 Often imposed by existing hardware and software
C. database design
 Necessary to concentrate on the data
 Characteristics required to build database model
 Two views of data within system:
Business view of data as information source
Designer’s view of data structure, its access, and the activities
required to transform the data into information
 Loosely related to analysis and design of larger system
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
 Systems analysts or systems programmers are in charge of designing
other system components
 Their activities create procedures that will help transform data within the
database into useful information
 Does not constitute a sequential process
 Iterative process that provides continuous feedback designed to trace
previous steps
1. conceptual design
 Data modeling used to create an abstract database structure that
represents real-world objects in the most realistic way possible
 Must embody a clear understanding of the business and its functional
 Ensure that all data needed are in the model, and that all data in the
model are needed
 Requires four steps
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Database Design
analysis & requirements
E/R model & normalization
data model verification
distributed DB design
2. DBMS selection
 Critical to the information system’s smooth operation
 Advantages and disadvantages should be carefully studied
3. logical design
 Used to translate conceptual design into internal model for a selected
database management system
 Logical design is software-dependent
 Requires that all objects in the model be mapped to specific constructs
used by selected database software
4. physical design
 Process of selecting data storage and data access characteristics of the
 Storage characteristics are a function of device types supported by the
hardware, type of data access methods supported by system, and
 Particularly important in the older hierarchical and network models
 Becomes more complex when data are distributed at different
D. implementation & loading
New database implementation requires the creation of special storagerelated constructs to house the end-user tables
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
1. install DBMS
2. create database
backup & recovery
concurrency control
3. load data
E. testing & evaluation
 Occurs in parallel with applications programming
 Database tools used to prototype applications
 If implementation fails to meet some of the system’s evaluation criteria
 Fine-tune specific system and DBMS configuration parameters
 Modify the physical design
 Modify the logical design
 Upgrade or change the DBMS software and/or the hardware
1. test database
2. tune database
3. evaluate database
F. operation
 Once the database has passed the evaluation stage, it is considered
 Beginning of the operational phase starts the process of system
G. maintenance & evaluation
 Required periodic maintenance:
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
1. Preventive maintenance
2. Corrective maintenance
3. Adaptive maintenance
 Assignment of access permissions and their maintenance for new and
old users
 Generation of database access statistics
 Periodic security audits
 Periodic system-usage summaries
1. bug fixed
2. enhancements
VI. Database design strategies
Two classical approaches to database design:
 Top-down design
 Identifies data sets
 Defines data elements for each of those sets
 Bottom-up design
 Identifies data elements (items)
 Groups them together in data sets
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
A. top-down design
B. bottom-up design
C. centralized design
 Database design may be based on two very different design
Centralized design
 Productive when the data component is composed of a
relatively small number of objects and procedures
Decentralized design
 Used when the data component of system has considerable
number of entities and complex relations on which very
complex operations are performed
BACS 485 - Chpt.9
Database Design
D. decentralized design
E. Aggregation
 Requires designer to create a single model in which various
aggregation problems must be addressed:
Synonyms and homonyms
Entity and entity subtypes
Conflicting object definitions
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