REGULATIONS FOR LITERATURE STUDY CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH MASTER 2013-2014 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 4 2.1 LENGTH OF THE LITERATURE STUDY AND CREDITS..................................................................................... 4 2.2 CONTENTS OF THE LITERATURE STUDY ................................................................................................... 4 2.3 SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE ............................................................................................................... 4 2.4 FINAL QUALIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 3 COURSE OF EVENTS .................................................................................................... 6 3.1 THE FOLLOWING STEPS NEED TO BE TAKEN BEFORE AND DURING THE LITERATURE STUDY ............................... 6 3.2 BEFORE START OF THE LITERATURE STUDY .............................................................................................. 6 3.2 DURING THE LITERATURE STUDY ........................................................................................................... 7 3.4 ASSESSMENT OF LITERATURE STUDY ...................................................................................................... 7 3.4.2. ORAL PRESENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.4.3. REPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.5 AFTER THE LITERATURE STUDY .............................................................................................................. 7 FORMS FOR LITERATURE STUDY LI APPROVAL FORM...................................................................................................8 LII ASSESMENT FORM.................................................................................................9 2 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc Contact information Dr. E.Kanters Institute for Education and Training VU University Medical Center Van der Boechorststraat 7, room D-239 1007 MB AMSTERDAM +31 20 44 45895 + 31 20 44 48427 Postal address: VU University Medical Center Institute for Education and Training, MF / A-114 P.O. Box 7057 1007 MB AMSTERDAM The Netherlands 3 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The student literature study is an important part of the Master’s programme and involves many different aspects, such as, theoretical preparation, literature survey, report writing, oral presentation, and participation in the scientific activities of a research department. The regulations outlined below describe, in chronological order, the process of completing the student literature study from the beginning (the admission) through the actual execution with its supervision to the final stage (assessment and grading). The various stages of the process will be supported by forms provided at the end of these regulations or can be downloaded from CHAPTER 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2.1 LENGTH OF THE LITERATURE STUDY AND CREDITS The Master’s programme in cardiovascular research contains one literature study. It is the student’s own responsibility to find a suitable supervisor. The literature study is rewarded with 9 ECTS and has to be a survey on a subject directly related to cardiovascular research. Preferably, a study of literature is written in the format of a scientific review article, and at the discretion of the supervisor may be submitted as such to a scientific journal. The study of literature has to be written in English and includes an oral presentation. The literature study has to be performed after the first year of the programme and takes, in general, 6 weeks to complete. The report and presentation has to be completed within 6 months after approval of the literature study. If this requirement is not met, the whole literature study needs to be redone. The literature study can be performed at any renowned institutenational or international, provided that it is approved by the examination board of the Cardiovascular research master. In case of an external literature study a VUmc/VU assessor has to be appointed and a letter or e-mail of commitment from the external supervisor is also required. 2.2 CONTENTS OF THE LITERATURE STUDY The aimof the literature study is to teach the student to extract the main message out of a large number of publications and acquire an overview of the current knowledge of a certain research topic. A student is expected to learn to define a study question, read relevant literature and make a timely survey of the literature including critical discussion of the publications. The research topic of the literature study should be Cardiovascular. In addition, the student has to present and discuss his/her findings in an oral presentation. Duo literature studies are not allowed. 2.3 SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE Several forms of guidance during the literature study can be distinguished: assessor, VUmc/VU assessor, independent assessor and examiner. Assessor The responsible assessorof the literature study, should be a PhD at the level of assistant professor appointed by the examination board. The topic of the literature study has to be discussed with the 4 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc student and within 2 weeks after approval the student needs to hand in a survey outline to the supervisor. This will facilitate the writing in a good structured way. Vumc/VU assessor Only for external literature studies a VUmc/VU assessor is asked to be “stand by” for questions from the student and the supervisor/assessor. This VUmc/VU assessor can be invited by the student but has to be assigned by the examination board and has to work at least at the level of assistant professor (UD). The VUmc/VU assessor will check the validity of the assessment done at the host institute and determines the grade after consultation with the assessor. Independent assessor The written report needs to be assessed by an independent assessor. This person is assigned by the examination board and has to work at least at the level of assistant professor (UD). He/she will critically review the report and give a mark based on the report. When the mark is less than 1.0 different between the independent assessor and the assessor, the mark for the report will be the average of the two assessors. However, when this difference is larger than 1.0 the report will be presented to the examination board, who will decide which steps should be taken. Examiner The examiner is responsible for following the correct procedures with regard to the grading process and quality of the literature study. 2.4 FINAL QUALIFICATIONS During the literature study of the Master’s programme in cardiovascular research the student should have the opportunity to acquire several skills that are essential for the optimal preparation of the student for a position as PhD student in cardiovascular research, which is the aim of the Master programme in cardiovascular research. The following end terms are essential and for completion of the literature study. The student: Has insight in the position of cardiovascular research within medicine, biomedical and natural sciences and has insight in the (sub)disciplines, relevant to cardiovascular research. (3) Has insight in the scientific and social relevance of cardiovascular diseases. (4) Is proficient in the use of computer software relevant to cardiovascular research. (6) Can combine knowledge from multiple disciplines and apply it to translational medicine. (7) Can apply medical and scientific knowledge to questions of societal relevance. (10) Can integrate societal and ethical aspects of research, or the application thereof, in decision making. (13) Can collaborate and communicate with researchers from the same and other disciplines. (14) Can present research in English, both orally and in writing. (15) Can contribute conceptually to planning, discussion of scientific data and scientific debate. (16) Can acquire general medical information, as well as cardiovascular information, and is able to critically analyse and evaluate this information. (17) Can reflect on knowledge and skills acquired. (18) Can formulate personal study aims, independently and in collaboration with others. (19) Can independently acquire novel knowledge and skills, is aware of the benefits of life-long education and is able to put this in practice. (20) 5 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc CHAPTER 3 COURSE OF EVENTS 3.1 THE FOLLOWING STEPS NEED TO BE TAKEN BEFORE AND DURING THE LITERATURE STUDY 1. Month before start STUDENT ASSESSOR Apply for approval by sending the signed form for approval (LI) to the coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master. Fill out and sign the application form (LI) for approval. 2. 2 weeks Send in the survey outline to the coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master. 2. Before second half Adjust the literature study according to the supervisor’s comments. Evaluate the progression of the student and discuss possible adjustments of the study accordingly. This should be done at least once during the writing procedure. 3. End of the placement The report and presentation should be completed within 6 months after starting the literature study. Fill out the assessment form (LII) for both the report and the presentation. Send this and the signed credit registration to the coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master. 4. After completion of the placement Make a PDF-file and 4 hardcopy prints of the report. Send 2 printed copies and the PDF-file to the coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master. - 3.2 BEFORE START OF THE LITERATURE STUDY Before starting with the literature study, a student has to ask approval of the examination board of the Cardiovascular Research Master via a "form for approval of a literature study”. This form (LI) should be signed by the supervisor, who is also the assessor (PhD at assistant professor level). Hand in your forms well in advance of the monthly examination board meeting (for exact dates see faculty website) to obtain approval in time. Literature study can only be started after approval of the examination board. The starting date of the literature study is set by the approval form and needs to be completed within 6 months. 6 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc 3.2 DURING THE LITERATURE STUDY At least once during the writing procedure there has to be a progression consult of the supervisor with the student. When the supervisor has indications that the survey may be insufficient, the student in agreement with the supervisor should set learning goals for improvement. A report of this reflection report needs to be signed by both and hand in at the coordinator of the Master. 3.4 ASSESSMENT OF LITERATURE STUDY The detailed assessment form (LII) and the credits registration form have to be filled in including the final mark. These forms have to be signed and sent to the coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master. For each part a partial mark will be given. The final mark is calculated, using the norm 75 and 25% for the final report and oral presentation respectively. The final assessment will be executed in the presence of the examiner and the student. The final mark will be made official after the independent assessment of the report by examiner 2 is obtained. Oral presentation An oral presentation concerning the literature study will be given to the research group of the department. Emphasis has to be given on the capability of the student to answer questions and discuss the topic. The mark for this subject comprises 25% of the final mark. Report A report of literature study will have the format of a scientific review, common in the field of research. The report will be written in English and should be at least 5000 words. Agreements have to be made concerning criticism and the time line regarding the judging of the report. The supervisor/assessor will receive a concept report, and he/she should give it back to the student complete with written critics within one week, which will be discussed with the student. The concept report can only be corrected twice, before the final report is handed in. After approval of the assessor, the student sends two final copies of the report to the coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master and gives one copy to the supervisor/assessor. The report has to be finished within 6 months after the official starting date of the literature study. Since the report is the most important facet of the end terms that need to be acquired during this part of the Cardiovascular Research Master programme, the mark will comprise 75% of the final mark. The final mark for the placement will not be registered when the student fails to submit two copies of the written report to the coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master. The coordinator of the Cardiovascular Research Master will send the report to an independent assessor, appointed by the examination board. When the mark is less than 1.0 different between the two assessors, the average of the two marks will be registered. However, when this difference is larger than 1.0 the report will be presented to the examination board, who will decide how to proceed. When the mark is insufficient (<5.5) in any of the two components (report, presentation) of the literature study, this specific component that has failed should be redone. Pending that the component has been passed, this mark will be listed as the final mark. The first repeat has to be finished within 3 months and a maximum of 2 repeats is allowed, else the whole literature study needs to be redone. 3.5 AFTER THE LITERATURE STUDY For the files of the Cardiovascular Research Master that are used to evaluate the quality of the supervisors of literature studies and internships, the student has to fill in an internship and literature study assessment form. 7 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc LI FORM FOR APPROVAL OF A LITERATURE STUDY Student information Name Address Code / City Telephone Email address Student registration number Year of enrollment in Master’s Programme in cardiovascular research Information about the literature study Title and/ or short description Institution Department Start date Planned end date Information aboutsupervision Name assessor Function Telephone Email address Signature supervisor Date: STUDENTS AGREEMENT Within 2 weeks after the approval of the literature study I will send a survey outline to the study coordinator of the Master Cardiovascular Research. The literature study will need to be completed (including final report and presentation) within 6 months after the approval of the board of examination. Date: Signature student APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF EXAMINATION Date of presentation Date of approval Signature on behalf of the chairman board of exby student aminers DO NOT FILL IN BY HAND AS WE WILL NOT PROCESS HANDWRITTEN FORMS! Please return the form, completed and signed to postal address: Cardiovascular research master p/a SSC, MF-A114 or via email 8 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc LII ASSESSMENT FORM FOR LITERATURE STUDY Name student: ................................................. ........................................ year of introd. ......................... Address ........................................................... place ............................................ phone. .................................... Department: ..........................................Supervisor ............................................. phone. .................................... Assessor ................................................. phone ................................... Assessment of the report Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent (<5.5) (5.5 – 6.5) (7.0 – 8.0) (8.5 – 10) not applicable Processing of literature Is the current literature on the topic well represented and does the student place his/her own results in the light of the recent findings of others? Processing of results How well are the findings/overview of the field summarized. Overall concept of the report Are the headlines and the details separated well. Is the report balanced in structure. Does the lay-out appear well taken care of. Does it reflect the placement? Abstract/summary Is the abstract concise including the aim of the project, the relevant findings and important conclusions? Introduction Does it reflect the background of the project including the aim. Is it not too long with too many details? Conclusions Do the conclusions reflect the content of the report. Discussion Are the essentials and inessentials correctly separated and are the findings discussed in the context of the current literature. Are the future perspectives discussed. Partial (75%) mark*: 9 Regulations for literature study Cardiovascular Research Master VUmc Assessment of presentation Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent (<5.5) (5.5 – 6.5) (7.0 – 8.0) (8.5 – 10) not applicable Clear slides Not too much text per slide, nice figures and good structure/order of the slides. Use of other media Is the appropriate media used for explanation? Planning / duration Is the presentation balanced and finished within the agreed time period? Overall story The overall story is clear and well presented. Conclusions Conclusions reflect the project. Discussion Student is capable to answer questions and discuss the results. Partial (25%) mark: .................. Signature assessor Date: Final mark: 10