Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification (See guidance notes for completion) 1. Programme Title: BA (Hons) /BA International Business Management 2. Clearing House or other relevant code NBB01BG/BE/BN/BL/BP/BD 3. QAA Benchmarking Group: General Business and Management 4. Final Award(s): BA (Honours)/BA 4a. Modes of attendance (ft/pt) Full Time 4b. Modes of Delivery (distance delivery/distance learning) 5. Teaching Location: City Campus 6. Type of Collaborative Provision (if applicable) 6a.Partner Institution and Country(if applicable) London School of Commerce – See Addendum 1 ABW Akademie – See Addendum 2 7. Programme Accredited By: 8. Date of approval/revision: 9. EDUCATIONAL AIMS OF THE PROGRAMME Specified in terms of the general intentions of the programme and its relation to the subject The aims of this programme are aligned to those of Newcastle Business School. As such the programme aims to: 1. provide a programme of study that enables students to develop their knowledge, understanding and transferable skills through exposure to the theory and practice of business and management with particular emphasis on international business from a European perspective; 2. develop students’ independent learning skills; 3. develop students’ employability; 4. provide high quality teaching and learning; 5. utilise teaching and assessment methods which provide learning opportunities appropriate to the learning outcomes and levels of study; 6. provide an appropriate learning environment by incorporating effective support and guidance; 7. provide appropriate learning resources; 8. provide a physical environment that is conducive for effective learning; 9. support the mission of the University by providing access to students from a range of backgrounds 10. introduce students to the cultural and institutional features of global business operations 11. develop (optionally) students’ competence in a modern European language to a level which permits its use in a business context By the end of their undergraduate programmes of study students will be able to: 1. demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge, understanding of theory and practice related to business and management and their specialist subject area; D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -1- Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 2. utilise their knowledge, understanding and transferable skills, through the application of appropriate methods, to evaluate theory and practice; 3. demonstrate the enhancement of transferable skills of literacy, numeracy, communication, use of information technologies (ICT’s) and working with others; 4. demonstrate an ability to undertake independent study and management of their own learning. In addition to the relevant overarching aims and generic objectives the BA International Business Management degree aims to provide students with: a comprehensive business education; an understanding of the international context in which business now operates; and, (optionally) study of a major European language. Underlying the aims and objectives stated above is a philosophy and approach which is outlined below: The programme attracts students from a wide variety of backgrounds and nationalities, which through the interactions that are built up and the learning that is developed significantly add to the international experience for students. This programme has evolved from a well-established and successful suite of programmes. Specifically this flexible programme is designed for the following types of applicants: UK students who want to gain knowledge and experience of business management in the international environment; Overseas/European applicants for whom English is their second language; and, Overseas/European students who have studied Business Management at another institution and can enter the second or final year of the course with advanced standing A key feature of the programme is its flexibility. The programme is flexible in a number of respects: Languages – Students can choose the extent to which they want to include languages (including English) as part of their studies. Year Abroad – Students can opt to spend a year abroad as part of their programme in either a foreign language or English-speaking environment Options – A range of ‘option’ modules are available, which allow students to design their own programme of learning to match their own strengths and future aspirations The first year of the programme concentrates on providing a solid grounding in business, while the second year introduces more of the international business D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -2- Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification context. The third (optional) year is spent abroad. The final year of the programme looks at more strategic aspects of international business, and students complete a dissertation on a related topic of their choice. At levels four, and five students who are not studying languages as a third of their programme (see below) choose from a variety of options modules to suit their interests. At level 6 students are expected to specialise in a field of their choice by choosing ‘pathways’ comprising one third of the programme. 10. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES specified in terms of performance capabilities to be shown on completion of the programme 11. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT METHODS Specified to enable learners to achieve and demonstrate learning outcomes a. Knowledge and understanding NB: the methods referred to below apply to each of the learning outcomes sections 10 a) – d). Where more specific Learning, Teaching and Assessment methods apply, these will be referred to opposite the relevant sections 10 b) –d). By the end of their undergraduate programmes of study students will be able to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice related to international business and management. The relevant QAA benchmarks are covered in the core modules. The programme is designed to provide a learning experience that offers breadth and depth of subject knowledge and encourage students’ personal development of skills and management competencies. The curriculum offers breadth in the sense that a wide range of business subjects are studied together with modules focusing on detailed aspects of international business. Opportunities are also provided for students to develop competence in a modern European language. Depth is provided by the further development of student knowledge and understanding as they study these subjects and progress between levels. The programme is designed to allow students to develop their intellectual and analytical skills to an appropriate level and to become informed, reflective, self-critical and independent learners within their chosen specialisation. In addition to developing subject knowledge and understanding, students will develop personally through the modules that address management skills and competencies. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -3- Teaching 1 Programme subject content is delivered via modules. The module descriptor describes the content of the module and its teaching, learning and assessment approaches, together with the notional student workload divided between lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials, directed and independent learning and assessment. 2 At the start of a module teaching and learning plans are routinely distributed. The teaching and learning plans will include the aims and learning outcomes of the module being studied. Additionally, the plans will provide further details of the objectives, the material to be covered, additional reading and suggested independent learning activities for the contact sessions. Such information aims to help students to use independent study time more effectively and to monitor their own progress against objectives. To ensure consistency across module delivery, Module Tutors are responsible for coordinating the production and distribution of all module material to the teaching team. Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 3 For taught modules, lectures are the primary medium utilised to deliver the basic knowledge input required to meet the module learning outcomes. The teaching and learning plans discussed above will identify additional reading required to supplement the materials covered in lectures. 4 Lectures are supported where appropriate by seminars and workshops that allow a range of teaching and learning approaches to be used, in line with aim 5. Seminars are used to develop understanding and application of the knowledge delivered in lectures. As such students may expect to undertake a range of activities within seminar sessions. Such activities may include case study analysis, group discussions, individual or group presentations, problem solving and exercises related to the subject. The teaching and learning plans will provide guidance on the activities to be undertaken both within and prior to the seminar. Specific seminar briefs may also be used to provide further details of activities. The smaller size of group in seminars enables students to benefit from formative feedback given during the seminar sessions. Greater independence of learning, and responsibility for learning, is another feature of the programme structure. This process culminates in a dissertation, supported by a taught research methods component and one-to-one tutorial guidance. Level 4 modules provide a foundation to the programme. This is achieved by developing basic quantitative and IT skills, an understanding of business organisations and their external environment, business management, finance and accounting. Students also have a module designed to help them with the development of skills and competencies. In addition the students have the opportunity to develop their linguistic skills at a basic or advanced level, depending on their achievements before joining the programme. Level 5 modules broaden and deepen students’ knowledge and understanding across a number of business areas while introducing concepts of international business. This is achieved by study of the principles of Marketing, HRM, Operations Management, Logistics and deepening the understanding of accounting. The International Business module is designed to give a broad introduction to the International Environment and development of international business. At Level 6, students’ knowledge and understanding is enhanced by studying international business finance, strategic management modules and the undergraduate dissertation. This process culminates in a dissertation, supported by a taught research methods component and one-to-one tutorial guidance. Students are required to complete the dissertation as part of the compulsory core. The dissertation gives the student the opportunity to research an area of their choice (but related to the aims and objectives of the degree) in greater depth than might have been covered elsewhere. The dissertation draws upon the students' full range of personal and intellectual skills. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -4- Workshops are utilised, where appropriate, to develop understanding and application of Information Technology in relation to the module being studied. As with seminars, workshops involve smaller group sizes and will utilise a range of activities to develop the skills required. 5 Tutorials are used to give one-to-one support for projects and dissertations. 6 Increasingly, modules make use of ICTs in their teaching and learning approaches. A number of modules provide students with electronic resources made available via internal networks or the Internet. E-mail contact between staff and students is common. 7 Independent and directed learning is incorporated within each module and supports aim 2. This increases as students progress and culminates in a final project or dissertation at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification Assessment The dissertation allows students to make an individual contribution in an area, which interests them. Typically, students will be expected to define the selected problem/issue/hypothesis in an appropriate manner, and then will be required to make decisions about assembling relevant data, which will provide a theoretical, and practical, base to address the problem/issue/hypothesis. From the collection and analysis of the data students will be expected to evaluate the material so that conclusions can be drawn and recommendations made concerning the problem/issue/hypothesis. The dissertation document is normally approximately 10,000 words long. Students are provided with an individual supervisor for their work, but emphasis is placed on the student to work independently and using their own initiative. Programme Options 8 In support of aim 5, a range of assessment methods, linked to the module learning outcomes, is used to support, inform and motivate students’ practical and intellectual development. This includes, where appropriate, the development of personal and interpersonal skills. Examples of assessment methods include work-based assignments for part-time students, group assignments and presentations, the use of logbooks and traditional examinations. 9 Criteria are provided to enable students to understand what is expected of them and how they will be judged on their performance. Informal feedback on progress takes place, particularly in seminars and workshops and through non-assessed tests, essays and assignment preparation discussions. The use of teaching and learning plans provides opportunities for students to monitor their own progress as modules are delivered. Students are provided with feedback on summative assignment work. Programme options are offered, where students elect to study modules in those areas of most personal interest and in line with future career aspirations. 10 Assessments are moderated at both the setting and marking stage. This takes place internally at Level 4, and internally and externally at higher levels. Feedback is obtained from staff, students and external examiners and is used in both programme and module reviews. At levels 4 and 5 students who are not studying languages as a third of their programme (see below) choose from a variety of options: foreign language, English language related options or options related to International Business. In their final year students are expected to specialise in a field of their choice by choosing ‘pathways’ comprising one third of the programme. Option pathways are offered in International Marketing, International Human Resource Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Modern Language or English. 11 Assessment of the exchange year is through two reports completed by the student; the first reviews the academic placement and the second is a research report on an international business. Each module will identify, within their teaching and learning plan and assessment brief, the opportunities for gathering evidence of transferable skill development. Students will be able to record such development within their progress file, reviewed on a regular basis with their Guidance Tutor. A matrix attached to this programme specification (Appendix 4) shows the range of transferable skills opportunities across the programme. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -5- Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification Year Abroad - Study and/or Placement (Optional) As part of their programme students have a wide variety of opportunities available to them in their third year. Whilst this is an optional part of the programme it proves highly beneficial for many students in that it often provides them with: knowledge and experience of business in an international context; practical skills and competences of operating in an unfamiliar environment; opportunities to apply prior learning; and, in some cases provides opportunities to utilise and enhance foreign language skills. In many cases the year also importantly adds to the students’ confidence and allows for contacts to be made that, are often useful upon graduation. There are three alternatives for this year: Students can study business at an overseas university; Students can work on placement at an overseas location (or exceptionally for an internationally oriented employer based in the UK); Students can study business at an overseas university for approximately half the year and work on a work-based project for the remainder of the year in the host country. For students who do not study any languages as part of their programme, the year abroad will normally be spent in an English-speaking environment, which may be in North America, Europe or elsewhere in the world. For students studying languages as part of their programme, the year abroad will normally be spent in a country where the language they are studying is used. Newcastle Business School has well-developed exchange links with a number of highly respected universities and Business Schools in France, Spain, Germany, America, Russia, Mexico, Poland and Holland. Some of our partner institutions provide the opportunity for students to obtain a nationally recognised qualification during their exchange year by D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -6- Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification successfully completing a prescribed course of study. This can assist students who are looking for employment with businesses that are based, or have subsidiaries, in that country. Additionally through Newcastle Business School’s Placement Office assistance can be given in finding suitable overseas placement opportunities. Language Alternatives Knowledge of foreign languages is obviously highly valuable in an international business context and consequently students have an opportunity to study various languages (including English) as part of their programme. However, it is also recognised that in many parts of the world English is the predominant business language and consequently students can opt to exclude foreign languages from their programme and study additional business modules instead. There are three alternatives for International Business Management students: Students do not study any language during their programme. The third (optional) year is spent in a university and/or employer where English is the predominant language; One third of the time during the programme is devoted to the study of a modern European language; Students choose to study a language as option modules at levels 4 and 5. b. Intellectual Skills By the end of their undergraduate programmes of study students will be able to: 1. demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice related to business and management in an international context; D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -7- Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 2. utilise their knowledge, understanding and transferable skills, through the application of appropriate methods, to evaluate theory and practice; 3. demonstrate an ability to undertake independent study and management of their own learning; 4. demonstrate an ability to undertake critical analysis. In terms of progression through the programme, the above are reflected in the curriculum design philosophy utilised throughout NBS, namely 1. At Level 4 emphasis is placed on knowledge, understanding and application. 2. At Level 5 greater emphasis is given to analysis and evaluation. 3. At Level 6 the ability to undertake critical analysis is developed. c. Practical Skills In the third year of this programme, students (optionally) undertake a work placement for all or part of the year. This involves gaining work experience at a level appropriate for an undergraduate degree student. The aims of the placement unit are to: 1. Link students’ academic work with ‘real world’ practices 2. Develop transferable skills and personal effectiveness within a real work environment 3. Enable students to view their course as a holistic experience 4. Improve the students chance of gaining full time employment Students undertaking a placement element in their studies will, upon completion, be able to demonstrate a practical understanding of organisations and an appropriate use of transferable skills within a work environment. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -8- Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification d. Transferable/Key Skills Upon completion of the programme of study, students will be able to: demonstrate the enhancement of transferable skills of literacy, numeracy, communication, use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and working with others, managing own learning and problem solving. The above are interpreted as follows: Transferable Skill Elements Literacy L1 read and synthesise information; L2 write different types of documents. Numeracy N1 carry out basic mental arithmetic calculations involving: estimation, fractions, rounding, ratios, percentages and simple algebraic formulae; N2 plan and interpret information from different sources; N3 carry out multi-stage calculations by making effective and appropriate use of a calculator N4 present findings, explain results and justify choice of methods. Communication C1 contribute to discussions; D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 -9- Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification C2 make a presentation; Use of ICTs I1 plan and use different sources to search for and select information; I2 explore, develop and exchange information, and derive new information; I3 present information, including text, numbers and images Working with others W1 plan work, agreeing objectives, responsibilities and working arrangements; W2 seek to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships; W3 view work and agree ways of improving future collaborative work. Managing own Learning M1 Set and agree targets, plan how these will be met over an extended period of time. If necessary using support from appropriate people. M2 Take responsibility for learning and seeking feedback and support from relevant sources, to help meet targets. M3 Improve performance by: studying a complex subject; learning through a complex practical activity; D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 10 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification M4 further study or practical activity that involves independent learning. Review progress on at least two occasions and establish evidence of achievements, including how learning has been used from other tasks to meet new demands. Problem Solving Problem Solving P1 explore a complex problem, come up with a number of options for solving it and justify the option selected for taking forward. P2 plan and implement at least one option for solving a problem, review progress and revise your approach as necessary. P3 apply agreed methods to check if the problem has been solved, describe the results and review your approach to problem solving. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 11 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 12. METHODS USED TO DEVELOP EMPLOYABILITY OF GRADUATE (curriculum design, placements, fieldwork, practical projects, assessment etc) The philosophy underpinning the programme design is to respond to the demand for managers who have an in depth understanding of contemporary business and management subjects but who also have a contextual knowledge and understanding of the specific distinguishing features of the international business context in which modern business operates. Such a combination is attractive to a wide range of potential employers. Refer to section 10 c) of this specification to view details of the opportunities available to students on placement. The employability of graduates is enhanced by their placement experiences. The placement provides an opportunity to earn a realistic salary, and many students have returned to work for their placement employer upon graduation company. As part of the preparation for the year students are required to develop a CV in the language of the country in which they will be based during the exchange year. This, together with the practical experience gained during the year, contributes to employability. Curricula are periodically reviewed and updated as a result of regular evaluation processes involving students, staff and external examiners. An important element of the programme is acquisition of key skills for students. As students progress through the degrees their cognitive skills are developed. At level 4 emphasis is placed on knowledge, understanding and application. MO0122 is a level 4-core subject that develops a range of transferable personal skills: `learning to learn`; self-management; decision-making; group work; and communication. BM0122 develops numeracy, quantitative manipulation whilst IS161 develops a range of ICT skills. At levels 5 and 6 greater emphasis is given to analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. As students progress, skills are used and developed further by the assessment strategies of specific units and the level 3 honours project develops: time management, research, self motivation, critical thinking, and communication skills. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 12 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 13.PROGRAMME STRUCTURES AND FEATURES (Levels, Modules. Credits, Curriculum Map, Option Pathways. Moduleised Structure. Responsibility for Delivery (if applicable) Use separate sheets if necessary. 14. Awards, Credits & Progression of Learning Outcomes (as previously shown in field 9) Reference points to show outcomes have currency at other institutions Levels 5 and 6 of the programme will run with two entry points (September and January) per year in order to accommodate identified overseas and European demand. Honours Degree (requires 360 credits including a minimum of 90 credits and a maximum 120 credits at level 4; 120 at Level 5 and 120 at Level 6). Outcomes developed/assessed at this level include subject knowledge as indicated by module titles shown in Appendix 1. Those students entering year two of the programme with advanced standing equivalent to one and half years of prior learning should choose 2 of the 4 core modules so as to fit in with prior learning at their home institution. Ordinary degree (Ab anitio, transfer at end of year 1, transfer at end of year 2 requires 300 points including a minimum of 90 credits & maximum of 120 credits at Level 4; 120 credits at Level 5 and a 60 credits at Level 6). Outcomes developed/assessed at this level include subject knowledge as indicated by module titles shown in Appendix 3. See Appendix 1. Exit Points Credit Levels 3 Entry, Progression and Exit Points 2 Entry and Progression Points (entry requirements) 1 See Field 14 See Fields 14 and 19 Progression and awards are determined according to the Northumbria University Assessment Regulations (August 2002) Diploma in Higher Education (requires 240 credits including a minimum of 90 and maximum of 120 credits at Level 4 and 120 at Level 5). Only as a fallback award. The credits may be drawn from any of the modules shown in Appendix 1. Certificate in Higher Education (requires a minimum of 120 credits at Level 4). Only as a fallback award. The credits may be drawn from any of the modules shown in Appendix 1. Diploma (requires 60 credits at Level 5). Only as a fallback award. The credits may be drawn from any of the modules shown in Appendix 1. Advanced Diploma (requires 60 credits at Level 6). Only as a fallback award. The credits may be drawn from any of the modules shown in Appendix 1. See Fields 14 and 19 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 13 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 15.REGULATIONS OF ASSESSMENT/DEVIATION FROM STANDARD REGULATIONS e.g. Standard Assessment Regulations/Professional Body Requirement/Indication and justification of non-compliance with Standard Assessment Regulations Standard assessment regulations. 16. SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS AND THEIR LEARNING Induction, study skills packs, guidance and tutorial systems, learning resources, Professional body requirements Induction takes place before teaching begins and is organised on a programme basis. Its aim is to make students aware of the content and structure of the academic programme, assessment regulations, formal and informal systems of support and guidance, University learning resources and, where appropriate, project or dissertation processes. Students are advised of their Guidance Tutor and receive a copy of their Programme Handbook. International students are also offered a specialist induction from the University’s Student Services Department The Programme Handbook provides details of the academic programme to be followed. Students are then provided with module information at the beginning of each module. Students are offered academic guidance and support at the module level by subject tutors, and across modules by their Guidance Tutor. Programme Leaders act as Guidance Tutor to some students on their programme; on small programmes this may involve all students. Programme Leaders are also available to discuss generic issues. Where appropriate, group meetings for Guidance Tutors and their tutees are arranged during induction week or shortly afterwards. Thereafter, students and their Guidance Tutors meet at least twice per year to discuss their progress on the programme. Students are encouraged to contact their Guidance Tutor at any time by use of e-mail, telephone or in person. Students make use a Personal Progress File to record achievements throughout their time on a programme. Guidance Tutors are supported in their role by Tutorial Advisors who also provide a link to services provided by the University. Where appropriate, Guidance Tutors refer students to specialist services within the University for support related to both learning and pastoral issues such as the study skills centre or services such as the Chaplaincy, accommodation, counselling, or health. The Careers Service, Placements Office and Guidance Tutors work in partnership to provide support to students with the specialist business knowledge of Tutors complemented by the guidance skills and comprehensive information resources of the Careers Service. The Careers Service delivers an introductory session to final year undergraduate students on all programmes in the Autumn term. There is a careers adviser based at Carlisle and regular visits are made to Longhirst. The learning resources strategy is set within the context of the University’s learning resources strategy and aims to provide appropriate resources to support students’ learning (aim 7). D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 14 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification Library service Information specialists actively support teaching and learning. They attend formal programme committee meetings where issues of learning support are routinely sought as part of the normal annual review process. Students are offered a variety of library information skills training including induction talks, selfguided tours, resource packs, demonstration of electronic databases or hands-on workshops. In addition information specialists provide a subject enquiry service. Indicative reading lists are provided as part of each module descriptor. These are used to inform the provision of library stock to support teaching and to control its availability. The Learning Resources Department is actively developing services, for example postal loans, to meet the demands of non-traditional students. The University’s electronic information resources are accessible off-campus using passwords. Internet-based Hy-LiFe subject gateways have been developed to guide users to appropriate electronic and printed information resources. Equipment and information technology IT teaching laboratories are located at all sites. Technical support for the laboratories is also available at each site. The laboratories are appropriately equipped and are booked through the central timetabling system. To support independent learning IT laboratories for ‘casual users’ are available and all students are provided with e-mail addresses and access to the internet. 17. METHODS FOR EVALUATING AND IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND STANDARDS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING 18. INDICATORS FOR QUALITY AND STANDARDS Quality procedures operate in accordance with the University’s quality assurance principles, policies and practices. At the University level, responsibility for Quality Management and Enhancement (QME) is delegated to the University Learning and Teaching Committee (ULT). School Learning and Teaching Committees (SLTs) are responsible to ULT for approvals and modifications of school-based programmes and modules and consider and implement QME issues arising via QIAS or from their own review processes. As with all other Higher Education providers, the Newcastle Business School (NBS) provision is subject to external audit by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). At both of the audits undertaken by the QAA, NBS has been designated as 'excellent' in relation to its teaching and learning. The first of these audits occurred in 1994, the second in October 2001. Annual Academic Evaluation draws together the various review processes that support the design and delivery of the learning process. Within this annual process, module review feeds into subject and programme review; programme review feeds into programme review. Module Tutors are responsible for the co-ordination of module review; Programme Leaders for programme review; Programme Directors for programme review and Heads of D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 15 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification Division for subject review. Feedback mechanisms that are utilised include: student feedback from module and programme questionnaires and programme committee meetings each semester; staff feedback from Divisional, module and programme review meetings. External Examiners’ comments are gained from Examination Boards, external moderation and through their annual reports. Employer feedback is gained through practitioner External Examiners, professional bodies, placement employers and part-time student feedback. Changes arising from the review process are incorporated in module and programme design on an on-going basis, and overall programme design is subject to an in depth review every 3-5 years. 19. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Standard Offer (Year 1, Semester 1) Post 16 qualifications GCE/VCE Advanced Level Edexcel/BTEC National Scottish Highers Irish Highers HEFCE Access APEL/AWBL Other Access Programmes: Art & Design Foundation Programmes: Other (e.g. mature students): Overseas (please enter): GCSE C in Mathematics and English Language (or equivalent) and GCSE B in a modern European language if the student intends to study language plus one of the groups below. In the region of CCC-BCC Four distinctions plus remainder merits in final year BBBCC BBBCC Three credits, normally including quantitative methods See below Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning will be considered. EB – 68%, IB – 26 points Applications from non-UK students will be considered if they possess qualifications equivalent to those above and IELTS 6.0 or above Admission with Advanced Standing: (indicate as appropriate for all potential entry points after Year 1, Semester 1). Academic qualifications: D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 16 - In addition to the full three/four year programme outlined, it is also possible for overseas and European students to study for a Diploma, a BA or a BA (Hons.) International BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Business Management through a flexible one, two or three semester programme. For many reasons some overseas and European students find it difficult to make the transition to a full honours programme in 1 year or in some cases require a shorter programme of study in the UK. Thus a one-semester diploma or advanced diploma, a two semester BA or a three-semester BA (Hons.) programme is offered for students who have successfully completed at least one and a half years of appropriate approved prior learning of business at undergraduate level. Students apply for the BA (Honours) International Business Management programme (with advanced standing) and graduate with a diploma, advanced diploma, ordinary degree or honours degree depending on their exit point. The Diploma in International Business Management is awarded to those who successfully complete 60 credit points on the second year of the full programme. The Advanced Diploma in International Business Management is awarded to those who successfully complete 60 credit points drawn from the final year of the full programme. The BA International Business is a programme of study that requires a student to complete 60 credit points drawn from the second year of the full programme and 60 credit points drawn from the final year of the full programme. Those students who hold the Diploma in International Business can gain entry to the advanced element of the BA programme. Students who have successfully completed the ‘ordinary’ programme outlined above may continue for another semester to convert their degree to an honours qualification – BA (Hons.) International Business Management. Note: 1. Students enrolling at Level 5 with advanced standing may choose any two (from 4) of the core modules to take into account prior learning and subject areas not previously studied. 2. Students enrolling at Level 6 with advanced standing, will study the non standard version D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 17 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification of the programme shown in Appendix 1a 3. Students who transfer from an honours to an ordinary programme will study the programme structure shown in Appendix 1b Experience/APEL/AWBL: Other: 20. The programme leader will consider applications for entry to Years 2 and 3 on an individual basis. Not applicable APPLICATIONS PROCEDURE Through UCAS. Decisions based on the entry qualifications shown above are normally made by the NBS Admissions Office. Decisions on non-standard qualifications are made by the Programme Leader. 21. KEY INFORMATION SOURCES (prospectus, benchmarking statements, UCAS Profiles, LTA strategy, student handbooks, operations manual, web pages on www…) The primary source of information is the University Undergraduate prospectus. More detailed information can be found in programme specific publicity material and the University’s web-site. The latter has links to module descriptors. Students are provided with a Programme Handbook, which is updated each year. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 18 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I A PROGRAMME CODES 21FIBU-N IBM1 BN - 3 year programme 21SIBU-N IBM1 BN - 4 year programme PROGRAMME TITLE BA (Hons) International Business Management (without 20 point language option) Year 1 Semester 1 BM0122 NX0113 BM0125 SM0139 FN0141 Data Analysis Techniques Academic Practice Introductory IT Skills for Business Business Organisations and Environment 20 Credits The Legal Environment HR0143 Semester 2 10 Credits FN0133 Introduction to Management Introduction to Financial Information 20 Credits 10 Credits Option 1 ML0XXX/ML0XXX German/French/ Spanish (10 credits per semester) OR Option 2 SM0141 International Business Environment 20 Credits 20 Credits 10 Credits D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 19 - 10 Credits Plus: EF0110 English Language Skills (non credit bearing; optional for UK students; compulsory for non-UK students) BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 MK0261 FN0254 HR0270 Marketing Dynamics – Principles and Practice* Corporate Reporting UK & International Perspectives* Preparing for Graduate Employment 20 Credits HR0257 20 Credits SM0258 10 Credits BM0227 Human Resource Management* International Business Context* Logistics and Distribution Management 20 Credits 20 Credits Non-honours modules 80 credits indicated above by asterisk plus: MO0117 Principles of Managing Operations FN0117 Managing Personal Finances Optional Year 3 Semester 1 Semester 2 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 20 - Option 1 ML0XXX/ML0XXX German/French/ Spanish (10 Credits per semester) 10 Credits Semester 1; 10 Credits Semester 2; 10 Credits Academic or Industrial Placement Academic or Industrial Placement Option 2 SM0208 International Entrepreneurship 10 Credits and SM0259 Issues in International Business 10 Credits Plus: EF0111 English Language Skills (non credit bearing; optional for UK students; compulsory for non-UK students) BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Year 3 or 4 MK0346 Semester 1 Undergraduate Dissertation (International Based) [Dissertation Tuition SM356] Option Either MN0307 Option Either MK0313 International Business Finance International Marketing Management 10 Credits or FN0355 10 Credits or HR0310 Intellectual Skills & Career Management International Human Resource Management 10 Credits 10 Credits SM0301 SM0352 Strategy* International Strategic Management Semester 2 30 Credits Non-honours modules 60 credits indicated above by asterisk plus: MN0204 Personal Investment MN0215 Control for Non-Accounting Specialists D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 21 - 10 Credits 20 Credits Semester 1; 10 Credits Semester 2; 10 Credits Pathway Options: Either International Marketing (MK0377 International Marketing Management and Market Research (20 Credits)* HR0310 see Semester 1 option MK0364 Marketing Communications and International Advertising (20 Credits)*) or International HRM (HR0364 Management of International Human Resources (20 Credits)* MK0313 see Semester 1 option HR0365 Managing in a Global Context – Comparative Perspectives (20 Credits)*) or Tourism (TM0321International Travel and Tourism Management (20 Credits)* TM0310 International Hospitality Management (20 Credits)*) Plus: EF0112 English Language Skills (non credit bearing; optional for UK students; compulsory for non-UK students) BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I B PROGRAMME CODES 21FIBU-N IBM1 BN - 3 year programme 21SIBU-N IBM1 BN - 4 year programme PROGRAMME TITLE BA (Hons) International Business Management with Language Year 1 Semester 1 BM0122 NX0113 BM0125 SM0139 Data Analysis Techniques Academic Practice Introductory IT Skills for Business Business Organisations and Environment 20 Credits HR0143 Introduction to Management Semester 2 20 Credits 10 Credits D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 22 - 10 Credits 20 Credits Option Unilang Plus: French ML0708/0709 (A) German ML0711/0714 or ML0710/0715 Spanish ML0712/0713 or ML0716/0717 40 Credits BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Year 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 MK0261 MN0267 HR0270 Marketing Dynamics – Principles and Practice Introduction to International Finance Preparing for Graduate Employment 20 Credits HR0257 10 Credits SM0258 Human Resource Management International Business Context 20 Credits 20 Credits Year 3 Semester 1 Semester 2 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 23 - Option Unilang Plus: French ML0733/0734 German ML0735/0736 Spanish 10 Credits ML0731/0732 ML0737/0738 40 Credits or Academic or Industrial Placement Academic or Industrial Placement BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Year 4 Semester 1 MK0346 MN0307 Undergraduate Dissertation (International Based) [Dissertation Tuition SM356] International Business Finance Option Either MK0313 SM0352 Option Strategy Unilang Plus: French ML0758/0754 International Marketing Management German ML0759/0755 Spanish ML0760/0756 40 Credits 10 Credits or HR0310 International Human Resource Management 10 Credits 10 Credits SM0301 International Strategic Management Semester 2 30 Credits D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 24 - 10 Credits 20 Credits BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I C PROGRAMME CODES 21FIBU-N IBM1 FN - 1 year programme PROGRAMME TITLE BA (Hons) International Business Management (January start) (Completion award) MK0346 Semester 1 Undergraduate Dissertation (International Based) [Dissertation Tuition SM356] FN0355 Intellectual Skills & Career Management 10 Credits EF0112 SM0352 English Language Skills Strategy OR MN0307 No Credits International Business Finance 10 Credits SM0301 International Strategic Management Semester 2 30 Credits 10 Credits D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 25 - 20 Credits Pathway Options: Either International Marketing (MK0377 International Marketing Management and Market Research (Sem 1; 20 Credits) HR0310 International Human Resources Management (Sem 1; 10 Credits) MK0364 Marketing Communications and International Advertising (Sem 2; 20 Credits)) or International HRM (HR0364 Management of International Human Resources (Sem 1; 20 Credits) MK0313 International Marketing Management (Sem 1; 10 Credits) HR0365 Managing in a Global Context – Comparative Perspectives (Sem 2; 20 Credits)) BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I D PROGRAMME CODE 27FIBU-N IBU8 BN One semester (NBA24IB) PROGRAMME TITLE UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (September) L e v e l MO0250 Operations Management Programme Option Programme Option Programme Option Credit Value 10 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 20 Credit Value 20 5 Semester 1 Year 1 Programme Options FN0254 HR0257 MK0261 ML0996 SM0208 SM0258 Corporate Reporting: UK and International perspectives 20pts Human Resource Management 20pts Marketing Dynamics – Principles and Practice 20pts Unilang Option (DUMMY) 10pts International Entrepreneurship 10pts International Business Context 20pts D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 26 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I E PROGRAMME CODE 27FIBU-N IBU8 FN One semester (NBA24ID) PROGRAMME TITLE UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (FEB START) L e v e l BM0227 Logistics and Distribution Management Programme Option Programme Option Programme Option Credit Value 10 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 20 Credit Value 20 5 Semester 2 Year 1 Programme Options FN0254 HR0257 MK0261 ML0997 SM0258 SM0259 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 27 - Corporate Reporting: UK and International Perspectives 20pts Human Resource Management 20pts Marketing Dynamics – Principles and Practice 20pts Unilang Option (DUMMY) 10pts International Business Context 20pts Issues in International Business 10pts BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I F PROGRAMME CODE 21FIBU-N IBUA1 BN One semester (NBA02IR) PROGRAMME TITLE BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (ADVANCED STANDING/SEPT)) L e v e l HR0364 Management of International Human Resources MN0307 SM0338 International Business Strategic Analysis Finance MK0377 International marketing Management & Marketing Research Credit Value 20 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 20 6 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 28 - Credit Value 10 BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I G PROGRAMME CODE 21FIBU-N IBUA1 FN One semester (NBA02IP) PROGRAMME TITLE BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (ADVANCED STANDING/FEB) L e v e l 6 HR0364 Management of International Human Resources MN0307 SM0338 International Business Strategic Analysis Finance MK0377 International Marketing Management & Market Research Credit Value 20 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 20 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 29 - Credit Value 10 BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I H PROGRAMME CODE 21FIBU-N IBUC1 BN One semester (NBA01IS) PROGRAMME TITLE BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (COMPLETION AWARD) L e v e l SM0301 SM0302 International Strategic Strategic Management Management Programme Option 6 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 10 MK0346 Undergraduate Dissertation Credit Value 30 Credit Value 10 Semester 1 Year 1 Programme Options HR0310 International Human Resources Management 10pts MK0314 International Advertising 10pts TM0312 International Tourism Management 10pts D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 30 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I I PROGRAMME CODE 21FIBU-N IBUC1 FN One semester (NBA01IG) PROGRAMME TITLE BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (COMPLETION AWARD/FEB) L e v e l SM0301 International Strategic Management SM0302 Strategic Management Programme Option MK0346 Undergraduate Dissertation Credit Value 10 6 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 30 Semester 2 Year 1 Programme Options HR0310 MK0314 TM0312 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 31 - International Human Resources Management 10pts International Advertising 10pts International Tourism Management 10pts BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX I J PROGRAMME CODE 21FIBU-N IBU1 BN One Year PROGRAMME TITLE BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION L e v e l 5 & 6 MO0250 Operations Management Programme Option Programme Option Programme Option Credit Value 10 HR0364 Management of International Human Resources Credit Value 10 Credit Value 20 MK0377 International Marketing Management & Market Research Credit Value 20 MN0307 International Business Finance SM0338 Strategic Analysis Credit Value 20 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 10 Credit Value 20 Semester 1 Year 1 Course Options FN0254 Corporate Reporting: UK and International Perspectives 20pts HR0257 Human Resource Management 20pts MK0261 Marketing Dynamics – Principles and Practice 20pts ML0996 Unilang Option (DUMMY) 10pts SM0208 International Entrepreneurship 10pts SM0258 International Business Context 20pts D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 32 - Semester 2 Year 1 Course Options Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX II A ASSESSMENT MATRIX BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (WITHOUT 20 POINT LANGUAGE OPTION) - 21FIBU-N IBM1 BN / 21SIBU-N IBM1 BN Module Module Title Assignment Group Exam Multi-Choice Class Presentation Portfolio Other Code Assignment Exam Test Level 4 FN0141 The Legal Environment 100% BM0122 Data Analysis Techniques 80% 20% BM0125 Introductory IT Skills for Business 100% Introduction to Financial FN0133 100% Information Business Organisations and 50% SM0139 Environment 50% HR0143 Introduction to Management 70% 30% NX0113 Academic Practice 100% Level 5 Corporate Reporting: UK and FN0254 100% International Perspectives Marketing Dynamics – Principles MK0261 50% 50% and Practice Preparing for Graduate HR0270 100% Employment Logistics and Distribution BM0227 100% Management HR0257 Human Resource Management 100% SM0258 International Business Context 60% 40% Level 6 MN0307 International Business Finance 100% International Strategic SM0301 100% Management SM0352 Strategy 60% 40% Dissertation 100% D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 33 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX II B ASSESSMENT MATRIX BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (UNILANG) – 21FIBU-N IBM1 BN / 21SIBU-N IBM1 BN Module Code Level 4 Module Title BM0122 BM0125 NX0113 Data Analysis Techniques Introductory IT Skills for Business Academic Practice Business Organisations and Environment Introduction to Management SM0139 HR0143 Assignment Group Assignment Exam Multi-Choice Exam 80% Class Test Presentation Portfolio 20% 100% 100% 50% 50% 70% 30% Level 5 HR0270 MN0267 MK0261 HR0257 SM0258 Preparing for Graduate Employment Introduction to International Finance Marketing Dynamics – Principles and Practice Human Resource Management International Business Context 100% 100% 50% 50% 100% 60% 40% Level 6 MN0307 SM0352 SM0301 International Business Finance Strategy International Strategic Management Dissertation D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 34 - 100% 100% 60% 100% 100% 40% Other BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX II C BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (Jan Completion) – 21FIBU-N IBM1 FN Module Code Module Title Assignment Group Assignment Exam Multi-Choice Exam Class Test Presentation Portfolio Other Level 6 MK0346 FN0355 EF0112 SM0301 SM0352 APPENDIX II D Undergrad Project-Hons Dissertation Intellectual Skills and Career Management English Language Skills International Strategic Management Strategy 100% 100% 100% 60% 40% Exam Multi-Choice Exam ASSESSMENT MATRIX UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS – 27FIBU-N IBU8 BN Module Code Level 5 MO0250 Module Title Operations Management D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 35 - Assignment 100% Group Assignment Class Test Presentation Portfolio Other BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX II E UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - 27FIBU-N IBU8 FN Module Code Module Title Assignment Group Assignment Exam Multi-Choice Exam Class Test Presentation Portfolio Level 5 BM0227 Logistics and Distribution Management D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 36 - 100% Other BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX II F BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (ADVANCED STANDING) – 21FIBU-N IBUA1 BN Module Code Module Title Assignment Group Assignment Exam Multi-Choice Exam Class Test Presentation Portfolio Other Portfolio Other Level 6 HR0364 MN0307 SM0338 MK0377 APPENDIX II G Management of International Human Resources International Business Finance Strategic Analysis International Marketing Management and Market Research 75% 25% 100% 100% 100% ASSESSMENT MATRIX BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (ADVANCED STANDING/FEB) - 21FIBU-N IBUA1 FN Module Code Module Title Assignment Group Assignment Exam Multi-Choice Exam Class Test Presentation Level 6 HR0364 MN0307 SM0338 MK0377 Management of International Human Resources International Business Finance Strategic Analysis International Marketing Management and Market Research D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 37 - 75% 25% 100% 100% 100% BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX II H BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (COMPLETION AWARD) – 21FIBU-N IBUC1 BN Module Code Module Title Assignment Group Assignment Exam Multi-Choice Exam Class Test Presentation Portfolio Other Portfolio Other Level 6 SM0301 SM00302 MK0346 International Strategic Management Strategic Management Dissertation 100% 100% 100% APPENDIX II I BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (COMPLETION AWARD/FEB) – 21FIBU-N IBUC1 FN Module Code Module Title Assignment Group Assignment Exam Level 6 SM0301 SM0302 MK0346 International Strategic Management Strategic Management Dissertation D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 38 - 100% 100% 100% Multi-Choice Exam Class Test Presentation BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX II J ASSESSMENT MATRIX BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS – 21FIBU-N IBU1 BN Module Code Level 6 MO0250 HR0364 MK0377 MN0307 SM0338 Module Title Operations Management Management of International Human Resources International Marketing Management and Market Research International Business Finance Strategic Analysis D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 39 - Assignment Group Assignment Exam Multi-Choice Exam Class Test Presentation 100% 75% 25% 100% 100% 100% Portfolio Other BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX III DELIVERY SUPPLEMENT The Delivery Supplement should be completed and attached to the approved Programme Specification when: The approved programme is offered by franchise An additional mode of delivery is proposed 1. Northumbria Programme Code(s) BA (Hons)/BA International Business Management Programme Code TBA 2. Mode(s) of Delivery Classroom-based 3. Mode(s) of Attendance Full Time Distance Learning Sandwich Blended Part Time Other please specify 4. Partner Institution Institute of Vocational Education Hong Kong 5. Location(s) of Delivery IVE Chai Wan, Hong Kong China SAR 6. Proportion of distance delivery in programme None 7. Date(s) of Approval/ Review June 2003 8. Professional Accreditation 9. Programme Structure Please indicate any differences from main delivery eg restricted options. A diagram should be attached to demonstrate the programme structure for this delivery. N/a Students follow a similar structure to those in UK except that no option pathways are offered. 10. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy related to this particular delivery of the programme. The Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy is the same as for UK based students. 11. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development eg aspects of curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects that are specific to this delivery. As for UK based students D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 40 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Mapping of Learning Outcomes Indicate below any programme learning outcomes that are not met in this delivery of the programme and complete the matrix to show how any additional modules contribute to programme learning outcomes. 12. MODULE CODE Core/ option a) Knowledge & Understanding C/O 1 2 3 b) Intellectual Skills 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 c) Practical Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 d) Transferable Key Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level 13. Admission Requirements Please indicate below any requirements that are specific to this delivery. Include detail on feeder programmes, language requirements etc. Higher Diploma in business related areas: 1. Specifically, IVE Higher Diplomas in International Business/Enterprise Management. 2. Other Higher Diplomas, subject to NBS co-ordinator approval. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to study in the English Language. Non-native English speakers are normally required to achieve a score of 575 in TOEFL or 6.5 in IELTS. In the case of IVE students, they will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language, which is deemed to be of acceptable/equivalent standard by Northumbria University. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 41 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 14. Application Procedure Please indicate below any variations that are specific to this delivery. Applications are made directly to IVE Chai Wan Appendix 1 BA (Honours) International Business Management, Part Time Chai Wan SM0352 Strategy MK0367 International Marketing & Marketing Research (10 Points) SM0352 Strategy (cont.) (10 Points) Undergraduate Dissertation (20 points) MK0364 International Communications & Advertising (20 points) HR0310 International HRM MN0307 International Business Finance 10 credit points 10 credit points (10 Points) Undergraduate Dissertation SM0301 International Strategy (10 Points) (20 Points) D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 42 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification The Delivery Supplement should be completed and attached to the approved Programme Specification when: The approved programme is offered by franchise An additional mode of delivery is proposed 1. Northumbria Programme Code(s) BA (Hons) /BA International Business Management Programme Code TBA 2. Mode(s) of Delivery Classroom-based 3. Mode(s) of Attendance Full Time Distance Learning Sandwich Blended Part Time Other please specify 4. Partner Institution Institute of Vocational Education Hong Kong 5. Location(s) of Delivery IVE Sha Tin, Hong Kong China SAR 6. Proportion of distance delivery in programme None 7. Date(s) of Approval/ Review June 2004 8. Professional Accreditation 9. Programme Structure Please indicate any differences from main delivery eg restricted options. A diagram should be attached to demonstrate the programme structure for this delivery. N/a Students follow a similar structure to those in UK accept that the options pathways offered are restricted to Marketing, Accounting or Logistics. In the case of Accounting & Finance & Logistics the pathways are not offered in the UK but all modules are taught to UK based students. 10. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy related to this particular delivery of the programme. The Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy is the same as for UK based students. 11. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development eg aspects of curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects that are specific to this delivery. As for UK based students D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 43 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Mapping of Learning Outcomes Indicate below any programme learning outcomes that are not met in this delivery of the programme and complete the matrix to show how any additional modules contribute to programme learning outcomes. 12. N/A MODULE CODE Core/ option a) Knowledge & Understanding C/O 1 2 3 b) Intellectual Skills 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 c) Practical Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 d) Transferable Key Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level 13. Admission Requirements Please indicate below any requirements that are specific to this delivery. Include detail on feeder programmes, language requirements etc. Direct entry to Year 3: 1. Higher Diplomas in Business Administration, Purchasing and Supply, and Accountancy and Information Systems: 2. Other Higher Diplomas in business related areas, subject to NBS co-ordinator approval. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to study in the English Language. Non-native English speakers are normally required to achieve a score of 575 in TOEFL or 6.5 in IELTS. In the case of IVE students, they will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language, which is deemed to be of acceptable/equivalent standard by Northumbria University. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 44 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 14. Application Procedure Please indicate below any variations that are specific to this delivery. Applications are made directly to IVE Sha Tin. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 45 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Appendix 1 BA (Honours) International Business Management, Full Time Sha Tin Standard Route SM0352 Strategy HR0310 International HRM MN0307 International Business Dissertation Finance MK0367 International Marketing & Marketing Research 10 credit points (20 points) MK0364 International Communications & Advertising 10 credit points SM0301 International Strategic Management 10 credit points (20 points) 30 Credit Points 20 credit points In addition to the standard route above, two further pathways are to be offered: Logistics and Accounting Logistics – BM0319, BM0311 AND BM0317 to replace MK0367 and MK0364 Accounting – MN0352, MN0355 and FN0307 to replace MK0367 and MK0364 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 46 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification The Delivery Supplement should be completed and attached to the approved Programme Specification when: The approved programme is offered by franchise An additional mode of delivery is proposed 1. Northumbria Programme Code(s) NBA01EC/NBA01ED/NBE01EC/NBF01NC 2. Mode(s) of Delivery Classroom-based X 3. Mode(s) of Attendance Full Time X Distance Learning Sandwich Blended Part Time X Other please specify 4. Partner Institution Stamford College 5. Location(s) of Delivery Malaysia 6. Proportion of distance delivery in programme Nil 7. Date(s) of Approval/ Review June 2004 8. Professional Accreditation 9. Programme Structure Please indicate any differences from main delivery eg restricted options. A diagram should be attached to demonstrate the programme structure for this delivery. Diagram at end of document 10. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy related to this particular delivery of the programme. As UK programme specification 11. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development eg aspects of curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects that are specific to this delivery. As UK programme specification D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 47 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Mapping of Learning Outcomes Indicate below any programme learning outcomes that are not met in this delivery of the programme and complete the matrix to show how any additional modules contribute to programme learning outcomes. 12. MODULE CODE Core/ option a) Knowledge & Understanding C/O 1 2 3 b) Intellectual Skills 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 c) Practical Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 d) Transferable Key Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 Level 13. Admission Requirements Please indicate below any requirements that are specific to this delivery. Include detail on feeder programmes, language requirements etc. The programme is a one year top up programme. Students entering the programme are required to possess the following: Stamford Diploma in International Business Administration/Corporate Administration ABE Advanced Diploma in Business Administration plus Stamford bridging programme Students will, on entry, have an IELTS score of 6.5/TOEFL 575 or a level of English Language competence deemed equivalent to this by NU Coordinator. Minimum entry age of 20 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 48 - 6 Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification 14. Application Procedure Please indicate below any variations that are specific to this delivery. Direct to Stamford College Structure Diagram Full Time Structure SM0352 Strategy HR0310 International HRM MN0307 Undergraduate International Business Dissertation Finance (10 Points) (10 Points) (10 Points) SM0301 Undergraduate Dissertation International Strategy (20 Points) (10 Points) MK0377 International Marketing & Marketing Research (20 points) MK0364 Marketing Communications & International Advertising (20 Points) (20 points) D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 49 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification Part Time Structure HR0310 International HRM MN0307 International Business Finance MK0377 International Marketing & Marketing Research (20 points) (10 Points) SM0352 Strategy (10 Points) Undergraduate Dissertation (10 Points) Undergraduate Dissertation (20 Points) MK0364 International Communications & Advertising (20 points) (20 Points) HR310 is the 10 credit core module for students on non HRM pathway MK377/MK364 are the 20 credit option modules for students on the Marketing pathway This represents a consistent marketing pathway from the UK pathway options offered D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 50 - SM0301 International Strategy (10 Points) BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification UK Full Time Structure L e v e l SM0352 Strategy MK0313/HR0310 International Marketing Mgt./ International HRM (10 Points) SM0301 International Strategy 6 (20 Points) MN0307 Project International Business Finance Pathway (10 Points) Project Pathway (10 Points) Semester 1 Year 3 Programme Pathway - Options Choose 1 from: MK0367 International Marketing & Marketing Research HR0364 Management of International Human Resources TM0320 International Tourism Management Language – Unilang Plus English – Language & Communication (Adapted from MA) & Intercultural Communication (ML0672) Semester 2 Year 3 Programme Pathway - Options Choose 1 from: MK0364 International Advertising and Communications HR0365 Management in an International Context TM0310 International Hospitality Management Language – Unilang Plus English – Aspects of Business (New Module) & Intercultural Communication (ML0673) Note: 1. In Sem. 1 Choose HRM 10 point Module if studying non HRM pathway, Choose MK0313 if studying non Marketing Pathway. If not studying either Marketing or HRM pathway choose either Marketing or HRM 2. Students normally expected to choose a consistent pathway throughout the year from: Marketing, HRM, Tourism, Modern Language, English D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 51 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification The Delivery Supplement should be completed and attached to the approved Programme Specification when: The approved programme is offered by franchise An additional mode of delivery is proposed 1. Northumbria Programme Code(s) NBA01ET/NBE01ET/ NBA01EV/NBE01EV 2. Mode(s) of Delivery Classroom-based X 3. Mode(s) of Attendance Full Time X Distance Learning Sandwich Blended Part Time X Other please specify 4. Partner Institution STANSFIELD COLLEGE 5. Location(s) of Delivery SINGAPORE 6. Proportion of distance delivery in programme 7. Date(s) of Approval/ Review 8. Professional Accreditation 9. Programme Structure Please indicate any differences from main delivery eg restricted options. A diagram should be attached to demonstrate the programme structure for this delivery. JUNE 2004 Diagram at end of document 10. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy related to this particular delivery of the programme. As UK programme specification D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 52 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification 11. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development eg aspects of curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects that are specific to this delivery. Induction, study skills packs, guidance and tutorial systems, learning resources, Professional body requirements Stansfield Group will provide for students of the programme comparable induction, study skills support, guidance and tutorial systems and learning resources to those provided in support of students and their learning at UK main site. 12. Mapping of Learning Outcomes Indicate below any programme learning outcomes that are not met in this delivery of the programme and complete the matrix to show how any additional modules contribute to programme learning outcomes. MODULE CODE Core/ option a) Knowledge & Understanding C/O 1 2 3 b) Intellectual Skills 4 5 Level D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 53 - 6 1 2 3 4 c) Practical Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 d) Transferable Key Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification Admission Requirements Please indicate below any requirements that are specific to this delivery. Include detail on feeder programmes, language requirements etc. Entry with Advanced Standing at Level 6 1. Stansfield Higher Diploma in Business Studies 2. Stansfield Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship 3. Singapore Polytechnic – 3 year Diplomas in business related field 4. Ngee Ann Polytechnic – 3 year Diplomas in business related field 5. Nanyang Polytechnic – 3 year Diplomas in business related field 6. Temasek Polytechnic – 3 year Diplomas in business related field 13. Overseas applicants must have attained an IELTS score of 6.5 or demonstrate an equivalent level of English Language competence. 14. Application Procedure Please indicate below any variations that are specific to this delivery. Direct to Stansfield Group D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 54 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification Structure diagram STANSFIELD GROUP – PROGRAMME CODES TBA BA (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (Full Time and Part Time Structures at Level 6 based upon UK generic programme structure) Full-time - Marketing Semester SM0352 1 Strategy Semester 2 HR0310 International HRM SM0301 International Strategy MN0307 Dissertation International Business Finance MK0364 International Advertising & Communications 60 credit points per semester Part-time - Marketing Semester SM0352 1 Strategy Semester 2 MN0307 International Business Finance MK0367 International Marketing & Marketing Research SM0301 Int'l Strategy HR0310 International HRM Dissertation Semester 3 MK0364 International Advertising & Communications 40 credit points per semester D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 55 - Dissertation MK0367 International Marketing & Market Research Dissertation BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Full-time - HRM Semester SM0352 1 Strategy Semester 2 MK0313 Int'l Marketing Management SM0301 International Strategy MN0307 Dissertation International Business Finance HR0365 Management in a Global Context - Comparative Perspectives 60 credit points per semester Part-time - HRM Semester SM0352 1 Strategy Semester 2 Semester 3 MN0307 Internation al Business Finance HR0364 Management of International Human Resources SM0301 Int'l Strategy MK0313 Int'l Marketing Mgmt Dissertation HR0365 Management in a Global Context Comparative Perspectives 40 credit points per semester D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 56 - Dissertation HR0364 Management of International Human Resources Dissertation BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Full-time - TOURISM Semester SM0352 1 Strategy MK0313 Int'l Marketing Management Semester SM0301 2 International Strategy 60 credit points per semester Part-time - TOURISM Semester SM0352 1 Strategy Semester 2 Semester 3 MN0307 Internation al Business Finance SM0301 Int'l Strategy TM0310 International Hospitality Management 40 credit points per semester MN0307 Dissertation International Business Finance TM0310 International Hospitality Management TM0321 International Travel & Tourism Management Dissertation TM0321 International Travel & Tourism Management MK0313 Int'l Marketing Mgmt Dissertation D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 57 - Dissertation BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification The Delivery Supplement should be completed and attached to the approved Programme Specification when: The approved programme is offered by franchise An additional mode of delivery is proposed 1. Northumbria Programme Code(s) 21FIBU-E IBM1 1BA (Mannheim campus) 21FIBT-E IBM1 1BE (Stuttgart campus) 2. Mode(s) of Delivery Classroom-based X Distance Learning Blended 3. Mode(s) of Attendance Full Time X Sandwich Part Time Other please specify 4. Partner Institution ABW (Akademie fur Betriebswirtschaft und Welthandelssprachen) 5. Location(s) of Delivery Mannheim and Stuttgart 6. Proportion of distance delivery in programme Nil 7. Date(s) of Approval/ Review June 2004 8. Professional Accreditation 9. Programme Structure Please indicate any differences from main delivery eg restricted options. A diagram should be attached to demonstrate the programme structure for this delivery. Diagram at end of document 10. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy related to this particular delivery of the programme. As UK programme specification 11. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development eg aspects of curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects that are specific to this delivery. As UK programme specification D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 58 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification Mapping of Learning Outcomes Indicate below any programme learning outcomes that are not met in this delivery of the programme and complete the matrix to show how any additional modules contribute to programme learning outcomes. 12. As UK programme specification MODULE CODE Core/ option a) Knowledge & Understanding C/O 1 2 3 b) Intellectual Skills 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 c) Practical Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 d) Transferable Key Skills 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level 13. Admission Requirements Please indicate below any requirements that are specific to this delivery. Include detail on feeder programmes, language requirements etc. Students who have successfully attained the ABW Advanced Diploma in International Business Management will be eligible for entry to Level 6 of the BA (Hons) International Business Management programme. Students presenting other qualifications, deemed equivalent to Levels 4 and 5 of the BA (Hons) International Business Management programme by the European Partner Coordinator, will also be eligible for entry to Level 6 of the programme. D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 59 - BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Created for 2007/8 academic year University of Northumbria Programme Specification 14. Application Procedure Please indicate below any variations that are specific to this delivery. Direct to ABW ABW Stuttgart and Mannheim Full-time – BA (Hons) International Business Management SEPTEMBER INTAKE ONLY Semester 1 (SeptJan) SM 352 Strategy (20 credits) HR310 International HRM (10 credits) MN307 International Business Finance (10 credits) MK377 International Marketing Management & Market Research (20 credits) Or TM312 International Tourism Management (20 credits) Semester 2 (FebMay) SM 301 International Strategic Management (10 credits) MK 364 Marketing Communications & International Advertising (20 credits) Or TM310 International Hospitality Management (20 credits) D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 60 - Dissertation (30 credits) Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 61 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification APPENDIX III LOG OF CHANGES Any changes made to an approved Programme Specification (other than typographical corrections) should be logged below and the sheet appended to the Programme Specification. Subsequent changes can then be added. Where it is not practicable to change an existing Programme Specification, a new version is required. Programme Code: 21FIBU-N…; 21SIBU-N…; 27FIBU-N… Programme Title: UG International Business Programmes 3. 4. Semester/ academic year eg S2;05/06 2. Stage/yea r of program me eg Year 3 1. Change takes effect Date of approval / amendment Brief summary of change to Programme Specification (including section number) Delete EF0081 World Englishes and EF0080 Plurilingualism as final year option from 21FIBU-N IBM1 11FN BA (Hons) International Business Management 1 Year Completion January Start 21FIBU-N IBM1 3BN BA (Hons) International Business Management 3 Year September Start 21SIBU-N IBM1 4BN BA (Hons) International Business Management 4 Year with Placement September Start EF0073 Studying Culture 1 / EF0017 Intercultural Communication 2 as option from: 27FIBU-N IBU8 BN University Diploma in International Business (One Semester, September Start) –EF0073 27FIBU-N IBU8 FN University Diploma in International Business (One Semester, January Start) – EF0017 21FIBU-N IBU1 BN BA International Business Administration (One Year September Start, Levels 5 and 6) - EF0073 16-May-07 Final year S1 2007/8 4-jul-07 Year 1 S1 2007/8 21FIBU-N IBM1 11/FN – January start IBM completion. Change FN0355 from core to option. Add MN0307 as option in Semester 2. MK0261 assessment weighting changed from A50/E50 to A100 on the following programmes: 21FIBU-N IBM1 BN, 21SIBU-N IBM1 BN (without 20 point language option AND unilang. 1 November 2007 11 June 2008 Year 1 S1 2007/8 Year 2 2008/9 D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 62 - Created for 2007/8 academic year BA (HONS)/BA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University of Northumbria Programme Specification D:\106755224.docDate of Last Amendment: 08/03/2016 - 63 -