ANNUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT I. Department: Mechanical Engineering Technology II. Academic Year: 2004 - 2005 III. Program: CAD/CAM Technology IV. Assessment Activities Objective #1: Objective Measured: The ability to solve engineering problems using mathematical concepts including algebraic formulas and trigonometry. Methods of Assessment: Selected problems from MECH 1643 were evaluated for students ability to solve these algebra and trig based math based problems. One quiz on Cutting Speed and Taper calculations was assessed. Criteria Used to Measure Success: Correct solutions from 70% of the students Evaluated Results: 31 out of 44 (70%) rated at 80% or a B average while 36 out of 44 (82%) graded at 70%. Proposed Action: As the assessment process gains momentum and familiarity by the faculty increases more data and samples will be gathered. Objective #2: Objective Measured: The student will be able to demonstrate applications of Critical Thinking by solving problems or creating designs through selection of the appropriate solutions, methods or processes. Methods of Assessment: The students in MECH 3204 were given a project from a previous lab assignment from MECH 1643 and charged with re-designing the part for manufacturability. The problem with the original design was difficulty of manufacture using the new machine tool lab equipment. Several criteria for the re-design were established. This was done as a “team” project. Criteria Used to Measure Success: Improved manufacturability based on the re-design as evaluated by future production of the part in MECH 1641 Manufacturing Processes lab. Results: Neither of the 2 teams (4-5 members each) were able to effectively re-design the part to make it more readily manufacturable. This was obvious by the lack of any significant recommended changes and would be even more apparent if the part were to be made in future labs as originally intended. Failure of this project was likely due to a combination of factors including a lack of “prodding” by the instructor and perhaps too much knowledge of the previous methods “blocking” the students ability to “think out of the box” and come up with anything significantly different than the original design. Proposed Action: This project will be re-assigned again next year with more emphasis given to outlining the expectations and criteria. Also a little more forcefulness on by the instructor on enforcing deadlines will be exercised. Objective #3: Objective Measured: Active participation in design projects as a member of a team or group. Methods of Assessment: Objective #2 was also evaluated as a team project. To this end the “team participation” in that assignment was deemed ineffective and the lack there-of probably contributed to the overall failure of that project. Another team project was also presented in MECH 4333, Advanced CAM. The CAM project involved the successful completion of manufacturing drawings for parts with data collected using a Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) to reverse engineer the design information. Criteria Used to Measure Success: See Objective #2 for the team design success criteria. The reverse engineering project was assessed based on the successful re-creation of the part using a 3D solid modeler and rapid prototyping. Results: The objective #2 Team activity failed as noted above, however team participation and effectiveness was evidenced by partially successful completion of the development of several outstanding re-engineered products. This part of the assessment was 100% successful, however the failure to complete the engineering drawings, due to a lack of continuity with the faculty members illness left this assessment somewhat incomplete.. Proposed Action: No action deemed necessary at this point, however this project either be used for assessment in the future or it will be assigned in another class. Objective #4: Objective Measured: Produce manual sketches or drawings, CAD drawings and other effective communication documents using a variety of media. Methods of Assessment: Evaluation of multiple selected student lab projects in MECH 1504 Graphics/CAD (now known as MECH 1603) and MECH 2543 Advanced CAD. Criteria Used to Measure Success: 75% successful completion of projects using traditional grading criteria. Results: On two selected assignments in MECH 4523, Advanced CAD, 18 out of 19 students exceeded the success rate for the “Pipe Rack” project and 15 out of 19 (78%) were deemed successful per our criteria. MECH 1504 (now MECH 1603) was also used for assessment. This assessment used data collected for another program where 70% was the grading criteria with an expected 80% of the students achieving this grade. In two exercises evaluated, 100% of the students exceeded the 70% bench mark with the average being 92% on the first while 85% exceeded the minimum bench mark with an overall class average on the exercise tallied at 79.2% Proposed Action: This criteria will only be assessed in MECH 1603 during the next assessment cycle. Objective #5: Objective Measured: Have a basic understanding of manufacturing processes and procedures including Computer Numerical Control (CNC) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) methods. Methods of Assessment: Testing of overall comprehension of “manufacturing processes” was conducted based on results of a test in the first unit of MECH 5123 Manufacturing Processes 2 – Plastics and Composites since all of these students had progressed through the CAD/CAM Curriculum 362. A test in MECH 3204 CAM was evaluated for CNC comprehension. Criteria Used to Measure Success: 70% successful identification of the appropriate manufacturing processes in the MECH 5123 manufacturing review test demonstrated this criteria. CAM - CNC knowledge was tested in the 2nd test in MECH 3204 which has extensive CNC Programming coverage. The metric for this portion of this objective will be 80 % of the students tested achieving a score of 70% or better. Results: 90% (9 out of 10) students graded higher than 80% on this test. Proposed Action: Future evaluation of the manufacturing processes portion will likely occur in MECH 3204 with an overall review at the start of the semester. The high success rate of the assessment of the CAM test might be indicative that perhaps the level of difficulty of this test was not appropriate for this subject matter, although the relatively small class size may also be a contributing factor. This score was not representative of other areas of performance in this class. The test will be evaluated next year and likely will be modified to raise the level of difficulty. V. Changes Made To Program or Services As a Result of Findings: Overall the successful completion of most objectives indicates generally that objectives are being met. The re-design project used in Objective #2 will be evaluated to determine its suitability. Several of the students that participated in that evaluation are still available in the BT program and will be polled for suggestions for improvement or modification. Classes used for collecting assessment data need to be more carefully selected and the responsible faculty need to be aware of and on top of their obligation to provide this data. More teamwork and collaboration needs to occur through the academic year to assure a smoother and more meaningful collection of data and assimilation of the information.