Version 1/FINAL: 12/09/12 HIPAA COW PRIVACY, SECURITY, & RISK MANAGEMENT NETWORKING GROUPS EXAMPLE POLICY AND PROCEDURE TEMPLATE Disclaimer This Example Policy and Procedure Template is Copyright by the HIPAA Collaborative of Wisconsin (“HIPAA COW”). It may be freely redistributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice is not removed. When information from this document is used, HIPAA COW shall be referenced as a resource. It may not be sold for profit or used in commercial documents without the written permission of the copyright holder. This Example Policy and Procedure Template is provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty. This Example Policy and Procedure Template is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you require legal advice, you should consult with an attorney. Unless otherwise noted, HIPAA COW has not addressed all state pre-emption issues related to this Example Policy and Procedure Template. Therefore, this document may need to be modified in order to comply with Wisconsin/State law. Important Notes: This example policy and procedure (P&P) template was developed to assist organizations to create a P&P template for their own organizations. It may be useful for organizations to utilize this document to create their own P&P template for all P&Ps they write. There are currently not any HIPAA or other known Federal or State regulations that require any particular sections or elements to be included in P&Ps. As the content of every P&P is inherently different, each different “section” included in this example P&P template may not be needed in every P&P. If a particular “section” is not needed for a P&P, remove it. Recommendations about how to write P&Ps which may be helpful to you were provided at two HIPAA COW Conferences (September 2007 and April 2005). [Remove the brackets and italicized tips within them]. Include simple and short sentences in P&Ps. Use common words that everyone understands. It is recommended that you maintain a list of P&Ps with effective dates, previous version dates, and end dates for P&Ps no longer in place. Consider writing a “policy on P&Ps”, describing the format to use, frequency to review and revise them, how to maintain them, etc. Current Version: 11/27/12 Prepared by: Reviewed by: Holly Schlenvogt, MSH, CPM Nancy Davis, MS, RHIA HRT Consulting, LLC Ministry Health Care Content Changed: N/A – this is the first version Chrisann Lemery, MS, RHIA, FAHIMA WEA Trust © Copyright HIPAA COW Page 1 of 5 Version 1/FINAL: 12/09/12 Organization Name Policy and Procedure Name Table of Contents [If a P&P is more than 4-5 pages long, consider including one] Policy .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Purpose............................................................................................................................................ 2 Applicable To.................................................................................................................................. 2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Responsible for Implementation ..................................................................................................... 3 Attachments .................................................................................................................................... 3 Related P&Ps, Position Statements, or Other Documents .............................................................. 3 Definitions....................................................................................................................................... 3 Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Applicable Standards/Regulations .................................................................................................. 4 Version History ............................................................................................................................... 4 Attachment 1 ................................................................................................................................... 5 Policy Number [if applicable]: Policy [What the organization wants done. The goal or position of the organization. Address legal and organizational requirements. ] 1. A. i. a. i. 2. Purpose [Why the organization wants it done. The reason for this P&P; why it is in place. Examples: “To establish guidelines for…” “To help ensure that adequate privacy and security safeguards are in place, [ORGANIZATION]…” “To comply with HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations” “To provide directions on…” ] 1. A. i. a. i. 2. Applicable To [List department(s) and/or roles required to follow this P&P] 1. 2. Violation of this policy and its procedures by workforce members may result in corrective disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Violation of this policy and © Copyright HIPAA COW Page 2 of 5 Version 1/FINAL: 12/09/12 procedures by others, including providers, providers' offices, business associates and partners may result in termination of the relationship and/or associated privileges. Violation may also result in civil and criminal penalties as determined by federal and state laws and regulations. Scope [Broad general statements outlining to whom or in which situations the procedure applies, such as applicable organizations, regions, departments, etc.] 1. A. 2. Procedure [How to do it; how to meet the Policy requirements and goals of the P&P.] 1. A. i. a. i. 2. Responsible for Implementation: [List position title(s) and/or department(s) responsible for implementing and overseeing this P&P. Examples may include the Privacy Officer, Security Officer, Risk Management Team, etc.] Attachments [Include the Title of each attachment. Attachments may include a checklist, training tool, examples, flowchart, etc. Reference attachments in the P&P. If there are multiple attachments, list as “Attachment A,” “Attachment B,” etc.] 1. 2. Related P&Ps, Position Statements, or Other Documents [Insert the Title and date (e.g. “Sanctions Policy”). If there are multiple attachments, list as “Attachment A,” “Attachment B,” etc.] 1. 2. Definitions [List alphabetically in the format noted below. Include definitions for important legal and technical terms. Consider “Capitalizing” definitions throughout the P&P] 1. Word. Definition of the word. 2. Resources [List resources used to write the P&P. Include the document name and date “published”, and author if known, similar to those listed below that were used to write this P&P Template document] 1. 2008 WHIMA Policy Template 2. 2010 Ministry Health Care Enterprise Policy Template 3. 2007 Writing Effective HIPAA Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures HIPAA COW presentation, Catherine Boerner © Copyright HIPAA COW Page 3 of 5 Version 1/FINAL: 12/09/12 4. 2005 Policy & Procedure Writing HIPAA COW presentation, Holly Schlenvogt Applicable Standards/Regulations [List those applicable to this P&P. May include HIPAA regulations, State laws, Joint Commission, etc.] 1. 2. Consulted With [list internal and external resources utilized to complete this policy] For More Information Contact [list title of position responsible for creation and maintenance of policy – resource for questions] Responsible Senior Leader [list title of leader responsible for oversight of operations covered by policy/sponsor of policy; can be responsible for approval of policy as well] Version History [Include each revision date. Reviewers are typically individuals with authority over the P&P. Consider including version numbers.] Effective Version # Date: 1 xx/xx/xx © Copyright HIPAA COW Author(s)/Editor(s): <Name> Reviewer(s)/ Approved By: <Name> Signature line [remove if signed electronically] Page 4 of 5 Version 1/FINAL: 12/09/12 Attachment 1 Title of Attachment © Copyright HIPAA COW Page 5 of 5